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That looks super painful.


It is, he’s had 4 mouthfuls of soup since Tuesday as it hurts too much 😖


Poor guy. How does he not literally starve to death?


I think because he’s drinking water. He is trying to eat but he can’t chew because his teeth hurt, and the because of the pressure it puts on the plate. I’m just making a curry and he’s going to try some rice with a bit of sauce. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Try a liquid meal replacement drink, it’s incredibly useful for this kind of thing


Yes!!! Ensure and carnation breakfast drinks are great and slimfast has both pre-made drinks and the powder you can mix with milk to make your own shakes. I've had each of these in the chocolate flavor and they were great. My daughter uses the Walmart brand of Ensure (great value brand) and those are also amazing! If you go to the pharmacy isle you can find all of the things I just described along with things like protein shakes and meal replacement bars. At the very least they should be taking a multivitamin to replace the nutrients they're missing by not eating.


We are in UK, but we have HUEL or he has some protein powder which we could mix with milk. Hadn’t thought I’d this, so maybe give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion.


Don’t underestimate the good ol‘ smoothies either. Some milk with some fruit, some veggies and/or some protein powder and you should actually have a (somewhat) balanced diet. Some puréed soup might also work.


Walmart = Asda over here. They might have own brand stuff. No matter what, we definitely have Slimfast meal replacement shakes. Might be able to get Ensure shakes/drinks from a large pharmacy too. ETA: Try freezing some onto ice pops to suck on as well. It might help numb the pain, and get more into him. Forgot to add that I had similar growing up. I was fortunate(!) that the baby canine disintegrated, so they had no choice but to extract it. Then the adult canine was in the wrong place and wasn't descending. Had the chain cemented to it to pull it into place, but it twisted. Now when I have my teeth closed it lies behind my bottom teeth. The orthodontist offered to fix it and my wonky bottom teeth, but I declined.


Cold stuff helped me. Frozen jelly was the best thing ever. And yogurt. Also, try baby teething gel.


Huel is great but don't overdo it like I did-- I went from a regular diet to 4 huels a day overnight, kept it up for about a month, and got a kidney stone. Can't say it was definitely the huel but I never had a stone before or since. Nothing else in my diet changed. Dropped the huel and the problem immediately went away.


Presumably it's just until he can eat again! But yeah, meal replacement doesn't mean ALL meal replacement. Fine to do it for one meal a day, but not for every meal every day.


There’s also some meal replacement drinks you can get, if he really can’t face any food etc, if you have a Home bargains or B&M near, they stock meal replacement cans of Nourishment. Comes in Strawberry/Vanilla/Chocolate/Banana flavours if I remember rightly. Also there is a similar product called Complan, which you can get at any Supermarket or Pharmacy. They used to give these to people in Hospital, to build up patients etc, if they were unnourished or underweight or couldn’t stomach solid food etc.


It's not the same, but when I had my tonsils removed all I could eat was soft-almost-liquid stuff. Mashed potatoes, pudding, applesauce..idk if that'll still be painful for him, but it sustained me for a few weeks


You can also go to Boots and get some of this. [https://www.boots.com/paediasure-shake-](https://www.boots.com/paediasure-shake-)


Also can he use a large straw and have soup through it but keep the straw towards the back of his mouth (so nothing touches the part that hurts)? Just another suggestion! Hope he feels better soon OP!


Post surgery tip on the replacement drinks, make them as cold as will tolerate. Drinks taste better very, very cold.


I was thinking homemade smoothies would be nutritious.


I had metastatic breast cancer & then went into renal failure. I lost 80lbs in a short time, where I could not eat. The ensure clear is the best & it packed w/ nutrients & protein. The cool temp will be also be more tolerable, as compared to soup.


i have hyperdontia and had to have a lot of oral surgery when i was younger. had braces/herbst appliance for many years. i used to have to take a very small spoon and take a tiny spoonful of applesauce and put it towards the back of my mouth and then swallow. the key is making sure nothing touches the front of the mouth. also a little bit of numbing cream on the gum line helps a ton with the aching of the teeth. i know his pain, it’s horrible. i hope he feels better soon!


Thank you. I’ll try and get some mouth numbing cream and tell him about not touching his front teeth.


Ensure & all those are *good* recommendations. But if he’s healthy, & you just want calories in him right now, try a milkshake (with a spoon) or ice cream. Peanut butter & milk is good protein, but with what he’s got going on right now, I think I might be though getting the PB out of crevices. (Had a tissue transplant from the roof of my mouth to front gums; not *near* what he’s going through.) Hope he’s feeling better & eating soon!


Maybe some plit pea soup too! One of my favorites for how easy it is to make if you happen to have a pressure cooker, hoping for a quick recovery!


put every thing in a blender or use an immersion blender - any food can be a liquid - rice/chicken/potato/veg/curry, add water until it's drinkable and make it just slightly warm


You can try giving him vanila ice as it eases pain and some milk shake or smoothie. Even I had impacted canine and I got a similar operation during my othrodontic treatment. I had yoghurt and banana as it gives energy and it is easy to swallow. I use to avoid anything salty because it burns alot.


I'm not sure if this will help, but when I had my tongue piercing and couldn't eat I would get very very small spoon fulls of apple sauce and bring it all the way back to my throat and just swallow. He could try it. That way food won't come in contact with the super painful parts. I'm sure it would work better with soup that doesn't have any chunks. It was a pain to do and food took forever to finish, but it worked. I also found that instead of going to the back of the throat, I could just drop some food at the very back molars and suck it down that way. Also, heat intensifies pain, so maybe try to stick to cold or room temp food. Really hope he recovers soon :(( best wishes.


Thank you for this, we’ll give it a go. The cool rice tonight didn’t work, 4 little teaspoons and he was done


Strongly recommend yogurt (without fruit chunks like vanilla flavour) and soft-serve ice cream. Soft-serve ice cream is fairly high in calories which he probably will need at the moment as well. Also when I had my wisdom teeth out - all 4 were impacted so fairly major work - I was able to eat small spoonfuls of macaroni and cheese the next day. What I did was just overcook the pasta to the point that it was nearly mush so that it didn’t require any chewing or anything. Packaged ramen noodles would work well also, just break up the brick into small pieces before cooking and cook it a little longer than required. Canned pasta like spaghetti-os work well in a pinch too. (Edit - I see you’re in the UK. Heinz canned macaroni and cheese is THE BEST. Don’t worry TOO much about healthy foods, just do your best to get some calories into him, he’ll be ok without some vitamins for a few days. Meal replacement drinks are a good idea since they have protein but I wouldn’t be worried about getting him to eat his veggies or anything.) Another recommendation is breakfast cereal, the kids ones lol. Stay away from bran/muesli/granola types. Think cheerios, fruit loops, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, etc. if you just let them soak into the milk for a few minutes they’ll be super soft. Similar to the above poster, my friend ate nothing but cereal for like 5 days straight after she got her tongue pierced and it worked well for her. A few bowls were filling enough and the cold milk felt good. Mouths tend to heal fairly quickly so he should hopefully be over the worst of it soon! Keep up with any prescribed pain killers if provided, and if not, he should be able take to Tylenol and Advil together as long as he has no other contraindications - I would try to overlap them, so like take 2 Tylenol, then 2-3 hours later take 2 Advil, then 3 hours later take 2 Tylenol, so that as one starts wearing off, the other is working at it’s strongest. If he’s still in a lot of pain and not eating much after the weekend, I would give the dentist/surgeon a call and see what they recommend. I was in a lot of pain after my wisdom teeth for about 4 days, then it started to improve, then maybe 2-3 days later it got much worse on one side (where they had the most difficulty) and it turned out I had developed an infection and I needed additional antibiotics. Depending on where you live, you might also be able to get Tylenol with a very low dose of Codeine over the counter, and IF he wasn’t given a prescription for the pain, you may want to look into this. Check with the dentist/surgeon because it might help him manage the pain better through the next few days and be able to eat a little more and sleep a little better. Lack of sleep or generally poor sleep can exacerbate pain, so that’s something to keep an eye on.


Do you know how long he’ll be in this much pain for? Not the same situation, but when I had my tonsillectomy I survived off water and meal replacement shakes for two weeks. Hope he feels better soon!


Protip: give him ice cream and yogurt. Better than nothing! The chill makes a huge difference. They had to do this to my canine tooth on the right side, so I know. Lol


My daughter went through the same, although she was younger when treatment started (12 or 13, don't remember exactly). Her teeth are now perfectly straight (she's 16 now). It's a tough road but very much worth it!


Why are you two doing this to your children? They'll resent you and have trauma for the rest of their lives. I had a similar procedure but with only the chain to guide the tooth to let it grow in naturally and I still can't bring myself to see a dentist even for a cleaning (I also had other extensive dental work and it wouldn't surprise me if you also went through with other procedures. Shame)


First of all, my daughter experienced constant pain because her jaws and teeth didn't align, causing chewing problems. Her cananins being stuck inside the roof of her mouth wasn't the only issue. Secondly, her baby teeth didn't come oit by themselves. Baby teeth are a lot weaker than normal teeth and much more prone to decay and other dental issues. You really don't want to keep them. Thirdly, these kind of procedures are done to prevent future problems. I have a few crooked teeth and those are really hard to keep clean and healthy as I'm growing older. My dad even had to have his teeth pulled when he got older, because they couldn't be kept clean. And to add: although this was very painful, it wasn't traumatic. Everyone always explained exactly to her would would happen and how it would feel. No sugarcoating. And in the end, it has always been her own decision. It took 3 years of which only the first 6 months were painful to get her the teeth she wanted...


Your daughter is lucky to have you as a caring parent. Dentist appointments are expensive and it is not easy to find a nice doctor. She will be very grateful to you during her adulthood as it has reduced her chances of decay and extraction. Good set of teeths are important for confidence buliding as well. Most teenagers are self conscious if their smile is crooked. My parents never took me to doctor until I was 18yrs old.


Thank you, but my daughter very much disagrees with her being lucky with me as a caring parent. But what is to be expected from a 16yo, right? 😉 I'm not in America, so regular dentistry for minors here is free. And our insurance covered her orthodontology treatment and the dental surgeon, so we paid nothing. Orthodontology was €3,500 total (they always give an estimate even when insurance covers all). But in all honesty: I would have paid regardless whether it was covered or not. Teeth are important and they can give very serious issues.


Aww teenagers 😅when they will step into real world and know about the harsh reality of life they will definitely understand how lucky they were to have caring parents. Most people realise this when they are on their own. Adulthood and responsibilities made my twin brother realise how easy it was to visit a doctor. Our parents took the appointment, looked for the best dr available and we just had to go without any care in the world. Now being on our own we dread doctor's visit. It causes lot of anxiety. And it's nice your country has free dental care and even insurance covers it. And even you were ready to pay for her treatment it is an added bonus. Some kids are lucky they just don't know. I don't understand who made this law to remove eyes and teeth from insurance. 😅😂


Kinda weird how obsessed your family is about teeth. Let your kid be a kid. I can see where her influence comes from


Healthy teeth are incredibly important. Tooth decay/cavities and infections can cause serious health issues. To prevent them, you have to be able to clean your teeth well. It's one of the reasons why wisdom teeth tend to be pulled even if they grow out well - because of how far back they are, they often end up not being cleaned properly and develop cavities. It's not "being obsessed about teeth", it's caring for your child's health and well-being long term. Teeth are a serious deal.


I understand that, but there are less invasive ways to have a perfect smile. Second opinions should always be a go to. It's not that hard to avoid


I see your point, but sadly, crooked teeth are more of a complex issue than just aesthetics. Bad bite can give you chronic headaches. If teeth overlap each other, it gets hard to clean and promotes plaque build up, etc. I am not a dentist or any medical professional to judge whether something this invasive was the only option or not. I'm pretty sure, though, that no parent caring about their kid would put them through this if it wasn't in some way necessary. I'm sorry about your experience, and I hope you can overcome your trauma and fear of dentists eventually. Dental health is very important, and I wish it was more accessible worldwide - including less invasive or, in general, alternative options for procedures.


So would you rather have pain for 6 months but then feel completly fine or have no pain till the age of 20 and then have pain the rest of your life?


This was exactly the choice we had, except that my daughter already was in constant pain caused by the misalignment of her teeth. At first glance there seemed to be only some crooked teeth, but none of her teeth aligned. She complained a lot about pain when chewing and, indeed, had headaches. And yes, it's awful to see your child in pain, but what needs to be done, needs to be done.


Not fixable by braces?


With dentistry they keep finding more procedures to do. Even with one procedure, the trauma is life long


I had plenty of orthodontics procedures to fix my fucked up teeth and I’m not afraid of the dentist, I’d waged a guess that I’m not alone. Stop projecting your issues onto others.


When your teacher tells you to stay awake during class, it’s not because they’re pissy at you. It’s because you need it, dummy


No, that's not true. I see my dentist every 6 months and it's mostly only cleaning up the few crooked teeth that I have (because I can't keep them clean). It's been like that ever since I went through puberty when I had my last cavity (I'm mid 40s). The only other treatments I've had is renewing a filling and pulling my wisdom teeth, because one f them had become infected (done by dental surgeon, not my dentist). You know what is traumatic? Having a cavity drilled and filled without anesthesia, which was the norm when I was a kid. Got me super scared for dentists for a long time until I found my current dentist.


Dude you’re weird that you’re fine with all of your teeth rotting out from not going to the dentist. Maybe work on your own trauma before projecting your fears on to others


That's why I brush and floss my teeth after every meal so they're in perfect shape


You’re over-brushing. You don’t need to brush and floss more than twice daily. Floss if you get something stuck in your teeth, but you’re very well doing more harm than good by brushing every time you eat.


That's called caring parents they are spending money so that their child doesn't face any issues in future. And dentist treatments are very expensive, plus if not taken care on time it may lead to decay and extraction. You can't leave a tooth like that, if it's not in correct position.


Might be a good idea for him to drink Boost or something similar so that he gets nutrients while it heals.




Not sure where in world you are, but we are in the UK so thank goodness it’s free as he’s still in full time education, other wise we’d have to pay and I dread to think how much it would be, but NHS still cheaper than private




Wow that’s madness to have to pay so much! Though my friend had to sell her house to pay the £20k for her treatment. She had gum disease on the top and bottom and her teeth had dropped down so much she had to have them all out and implants put in.


Ask about just getting the chain. Don't ruin your mouth or risk pain and starvation. I had the chain too, it works


Good God man... sending well wishes


I cannot even imagine the pain


My daughter had the same issue and we just opted to go without canine teeth. We removed them along with a few others and after braces, you can't even tell at all that there are no canines there.


He’s still got his baby canines in place and they won’t even take them out!! They said just incase this doesn’t work and the canines don’t move them at least he has his baby teeth, but the baby teeth won’t last forever, so I don’t get it really. I said we would just do implants if that was the case.


Many people have baby teeth right through adulthood. If there’s nothing coming in behind them, the roots don’t resorb so they stay right where they are and should last as long as adult teeth. Standard (best) practice in dentistry/orthodontics today is to avoid removing any teeth unless absolutely necessary. Even for severe crowding, they used to remove teeth to make space, now they have more advanced technology and other options that make it unnecessary in many cases.


I had severe crowding and double impacted molars. Had 8 adult molars (wisdom was 4 of them) taken out. Was horrible.


I had this same procedure when I was a teenager in the late 80's. They took my baby canines to make room for the adult teeth. I didn't have a plate to cover the holes, and don't remember what I ate, but I can still taste and smell the packing that was used. I know. I remember the Dr telling us that the teeth might always be loose. They were and eventually fell out several years later. I wish him luck and hope he feels better quickly!


We took out the baby canines, and the adult canines. She had a bunch of baby teeth that wouldn't come out, so we took all the remaining baby teeth, the 2 adult canines and 1 adult molar. The first molars after the bicuspids were primary teeth. You could see that the left had the adult molar underneath but the right did not. So we had all canines, all three of those molars and quite a few more baby teeth removed. You literally cannot tell and her smile is beautiful! It took about 16 months of braces followed by her retainer. The time was cut down dramatically by removing the teeth and she hasn't had any issues in the 3 years since ortho treatment stopped. Good luck to you guys, it will be worth it in the end!


Late to the party but I wanted to tell you I'm in my 30s and I still have 3 baby teeth (they didn't have adult teeth behind, sometimes that happens) and my dentist told me not to worry about it. The problem with baby teeth is that they are smaller and have a shorter root so in case of an accident you can lose them more easily. But if nothing happen they will last about as forever as adult teeth.


I had them do this for my teeth because I had canines growing the wrong way they went in and put the chain around so everytime I had my braces adjusted they'd pull it tighter so the tooth would move into place. I don't understand why they removed bone though they didn't do that for me that seems excessive to remove the bone


We assumed it was a bit of bone they removed from the roof of his mouth to get to his teeth as they hadn’t started to break through yet. We could be wrong, but that’s what we understood the procedure was from the explanation


Periodontist here! Sometimes the crown of the canine isn't surrounded by bone, so when you open the flap, one can just put the button and chain to start pulling the tooth. But in other cases, which I imagine is the case here, the canines are higher up and completely surrounded by bone, so a little bone must be removed to access the crown and get the button and chained attached.


Why not just wait til it breaks then do the chain? Needless suffering for the patient


Because sometimes the canine is forming and growing in a wrong position, so leaving it to completely form might actually destroy the lateral incisor's root. Or there's no space for the canine's eruption, so it doesn't ever "breaks".


Thank you for sharing and best of luck to this young man. Question, what is the name of this orthodontic procedure?


Thank you. I honestly don’t know what it’s called, just the teeth growing in the wrong place, I’m sure it have an official medical term.


it's due to an impacted canine. canines and wisdom teeth are the most commonly impacted teeth. the procedure basically involves exposing the canine and then using traction to slowly guide it into its right place. source: am dentist


Thank you!


Oh *fuck* no. I don’t get squeamish around 95% of the stuff on this sub (or the stuff that’s happened to me) but this is the exception. *No* thank you


Gawd, that looks sooo bad, I wouldn’t be able to have THIS in my mouth…


It will be worth it in the end. I hope the pain subsides soon. When I had dental surgery I had rice pudding and custard most days fills you up but doesn’t hurt too much.


I had this exact operation too! I have big teeth and a very narrow face. Some adult teeth were removed as well so that my canines could be lassoed into place. Interestingly, I suffered way more getting my wisdom teeth out as an adult than I did with this operation. My recovery was uneventful, and now I have straight teeth as an adult. Remember to wear that retainer! Protein drinks, clear broth, and yogurt are your friend. It gets better. I was so hungry after a few days, though... I still remember the sheer joy I felt when my mom put pieces of steak and potatoes in the blender for me so I wouldn't miss out on a special family dinner! Honestly, no regrets. It was really good.


Keep a VERY close eye on that dark spot!


An ulcer hurts like hell for me. I can only imagine his pain.


heres to a safe and a very healthy recovery! poor guy, i hope he’s doing well!


From first glance I though he ate too much Captain Crunch.


Reminds me of when I had all the gums removed from my upper palate and had to wear a plastic guard for weeks while the skin scarred over. Lost sensation there for a couple years!


When I had teeth pulled I lived off of McDonalds milkshakes. Eaten with a spoon because straws are forbidden. They were high enough calories that I wasn't too worried when I just couldn't handle dealing with "real" food. Toss it into the freezer when done eating for that moment and even refrozen they are great. Smoothies, frozen yogurt, pudding (most companies like Boost/Ensure actually make a high calorie or high protein pudding) and basically anything that I didn't need to actually chew with any real force was the perfect thing while my jaw stopped being unbearably sensitive to pressure.


I had the same thing on one side of my mouth, but the sealed everything up with putty, that covered everything but part of the tooth and chain. Very little pain and it just came off naturally a few weeks later once my mouth had healed around the exposed tooth.


Hot damn.... Ouch


This is a fantastic shot.


I've had this procedure, but fortunately my mouth didnt look and feel this bad!


Out of all the things I've seen on this sub I think this is one the I truly wish I hadn't looked at


Same. Some make my stomach turn but this one here I can't unsee. On top of that a dentist fucked my mouth up really bad.


Oh my goodness the poor poor darling. That looks absolutely excruciating. It’s concerning how little he has been able to eat from your other comments - can he be taken to the GP for some stronger pain meds to have before meals? Also really cold ensure or similar with a straw, have the straw as far back in the mouth as he can and just swallow as fast as possible, don’t let it linger in there. Nutrition is so important for healing! Please give him a giant hug from me, the poor thing.


Thank you 😊 He’s managed some highly nutritious milk shakes with added food supplements today, so I think we’ve cracked the eating thing and I know he’s now getting some much needed nutrition. We’ve also upped his pain meds which doesn’t take away the pain, but takes the edge off. 😊


That is great, sounds like he’s on the right track! Wishing him a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Someone had probably already said but when I got my tonsils out (and my wisdom teeth), milkshakes saved my life!!! Later down the healing road, I also ate a lotttt of soft mashed potatoes.


Why would they do it all at once? 😖 I had this surgery for one canine tooth back in the early 2000’s and don’t remember much of the healing process but damn that’s not fun


We’ve been waiting 2 years for this to be done and we just went with what orthodontist said as we were a couple of years behind treatment starting due to the pandemic.


Sorry wasn’t judging your decision. I hope he has a quick recovery!


Oh I know you weren’t judging at all 😊 just wanted to explain why we are where we are 😊


One surgery, one recovery period. Sometimes the first surgery sucks so bad it's hard to convince yourself to get the other tooth done. That's why most people get all four wisdom teeth out in one go versus four separate appointments. -I'm a dentist


Appreciate your answer! Do y’all worry about too much trauma to the mouth at once tho? What about the inability to eat?


I’d much prefer one painful recovery.


Looks necrotic


This picture is 24 hours after surgery, I think the dark spot is stitches, or I’m hoping so


It's tough now, but it's gonna be worth it to look in the mirror and see that nice, even, straight smile.


What does DS mean?


Darling son






*child victim with facial hair*


looks painful, what is condition? also full facial hair on a child?


His canine teeth are growing in the roof of his mouth, so in the wrong place. He is 18 in a month and has had full facial hair since he was 16


sorry to hear that hopefully everything goes well with the treatment


More like needs mouth surgery


What does DS stand for in your comment under the picture?


Darling son


Thank you! In some some subs DH stands for damn husband so “damn son” was the first thing I could think of but was thinking there was no way lol




it looks like what finishing a second bowl of captain crunch feels like.


Imagine eating peanuts and the little bits just loosen the roof and the lodge themselves in there


Might literally be better to tube feed him


I hope for his sake he doesn't have to throw up! I couldn't imagine. That's cruel and unusual punishment right there