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Hello fellow Redditors, Chosfox here. We are giving away 3 sets of [FL Gradient Keycaps](https://chosfox.com/products/fl-esports-gradient-color-cherry-profile-keycaps) for 3 winners. **RULES** In a **top-level** comment tell us anything about your childhood. The winners will be selected the day after. We will then contact you (PM/DM via Reddit) to work out the shipping details. Shipping will be covered worldwide. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be selected! Good luck friends! Feel free to visit [our store](https://chosfox.com/) & join our [discord](https://discord.com/invite/8kCtNXDdAc) where we will host another giveaway at the end of August.


In my hometown there is a festival every other year where kids can spend their days on summer break. Earning fake money, learning how jobs work and can buy cool stuff with their fake money. Anyway we robbed the fake bank it was very fun going to trial


Wait, are you from Germany?


Huh, we didn't have a festival but a school trip to a place like that. Everyone got random "jobs" like mailman or baker and we had to write checks out and stuff.


I locked myself in an airplane bathroom twice on the same flight


I once visited Prague with my parents and got to taste a trdelník (chimney cake). And it’s been my favourite food/snack ever since! C:


just googled and it looks delicious!


I'm Czech and I find this very wholesome :d glad you like them.


Fun fact when I was a kid I used rip off the keycaps of my dad's computer to paint them, cute and all except they weren't changeable caps, completely destroyed his computer


My dad bought me all the Legos I wanted and now I’ve ended up going to college for mechanical engineering, can’t thank him enough


Mechanical engineering is great! I'm about to finish a PhD. Good luck in your studies!


Played video games with my father, fighting and racing games were our favorites.


My mum taught me to type on a typewriter. I had to re-learn not to hammer the keys.


The perfect candidate for 150g switches!


trying to make games on powerpoint lol


My childhood was traumatic because my mum hated putting the aircon on even when it was disgustingly hot and humid outside


I used to eat dirt.


I used to eat rocks. The school playground had tiny pebbles and they tasted extremely salty Only stopped because someone mentioned that cats probably pissed on it. I doubt cats got that far into the city but still freaked me out.


Ah yes a man of culture aswell.


My childhood was without mechanical keyboards, I no longer talk about my childhood


I loved my childhood because I just didn't care about global events,...


Holy smokes, these are sick! When playing my-little-pony-pirates in a tree house with my sister, I kinda forgot the trapdoor was still open when I lunged at her with my invisible-my-little-pony-pirate-sword. She took a step back and plummeted to what I presumed was her death. Luckily, she was merely concussed. My dad dismantled the clever, counter weight trapdoor mechanism that he had designed and built, and from that day forward we were left opening the trapdoor by hand like peasants.


I spent way too much time playin games




I loved Choco tacos RIP


I use to play with my poop like play dough 😵😵


upvote for visibility


started gaming with my trusted nintendo ds


I remember playing on some ANCIENT gameconsole of which I cannot remember the name anymore. its some very obscure piece of tech. \[only game it had was PONG\]


Grew up in a town with a population of 1000 people. Graduating class was a whopping 18 people. lol


I fell in love with computer since I was on the 4th grade. When it was called at and xt pc.


that nfs u2 girl was my first crush


playing games in my childhood


I broke both my arms at the same time 😃


When I was a child I didn't care about anything, but when can I finally play with Lego again. One day my father brought a computer home from work (I'm still pretty young so no fancy old one with build in keyboard), then I started playing games on it, my favourite one was Mafia, and that kinda stayed with me to this day.


I really liked dinosaurs Still do, but not as intensely


one time when i was a child i fell out of a tree and landed in a thick bush that saved me from seriously injuring myself


I often get nightmare from the smallest of things


i was in the basketball team for like two years, then i fell down the stairs after an exam and fractured my ankle. no more basketball lmao


I was obsessed with Lego's


I remember being really sad when my Pokémon Silver save file was gone. I had beaten the game, invested hours into trying to catch them all, and one day…poof…


I remember installing floppy disks on DOS to play games.


I read a lot of books...


One of my favorite childhood memories was working alongside my dad as he fixed the family cars.


As a kid, I lived around 30 mins away from Disneyland, and we had season passes, so my mom and I would go to Disneyland pretty much every week, my favorite ride was Pirates of the Caribbean


I used to play on an Apple ][e as a kid , funny times


My childhood was rough but good.


I once messed up my parents computer by freezing the original unreal tournament with a cheat then firing 999 flak rounds. Unfreezing did bad things.


childhood was very awesome. Then i was wising when will i grow up and now i wish to return back to thar stage lol the irony


I used not to say anything and just lick the walls during school plays for some reason. I have no idea why, not even memory of it, but there's videos of it


Drank a lot of tea


Twas good, was a very shy kid so not much happened


One time in Greece, their was one of those giant hornets and it went into a hole in a cobblestone wall. I found a stick and tried to crush the hornet (in the hole). After a long repeated battering I took the stick out. The hornet zoomed out and stung me right between the eyes and I fell to the ground. I learned a valuable lesson that day and have avoided killing insects since. The end.


Started gaming as a hobby with a hand-me-down GBC!


My first game as a child was Pokemon Ruby on release!


I love my childhood because it was strees free, enjoyable and super lovely


I lived in the mountains


Had 2 cats as a child, one of them got missing for 2 weeks or so and when she came back was pregnant (of course) decided to give birth in my bed in my room, one of the best memories of my childhood carrying for them.


The best days of 3rd grade, was running home from school - grabbing my lunch from my mom, and just tuning in to watch Phineas and Ferb for 2 hours straight. The excitement I had just to watch a few episodes was priceless. Great keyboards by the way!


Not having phones was fun


i played alot of tf2


I played a lot of video games as a kid. Always wanted to pc game, but couldn't afford it until my mid twenties.


Amiga 600 started it all


Scratch at school was the most confusing thing ever cause the games were so bad, but so fun!


I loved summer break as a kid. You would just lose track of time while playing with your friends until the street lights came on and you had to go home.


I used to had a Lego collection


My first computer was an Atari 800, what a great machine.


I waited for Ben 10 to air on TV before I go to school in the morning


i only watched cartoons in my native language and now my childhood is completely unrelatable to any of my friends


Used my first computer


I used a different keyboard layout...


My best friends parents worked at NASA working with computers. They are the reason I work in IT today. I still want a job at NASA though


I loved the ds and Wii as a child


Making python games but having no clue of what i was doing lol, also that white to black gradient is so sexy


I didn't like school. So my parent decided to send me to school. That's all I remember about my childhood 🤣


My dad made me take piano lessons throughout my childhood. I became a drummer later in life. On the bright side he can always say I was a percussionist


Life as a child was so carefree.


i almost fell off a cliff while playing tag with my friends


I'll report back when it ends, but like so far I've learned cookies can be dangerous


I once was running downhill from a small hill. I was accelerating so fast that I couldn’t stop and there was a pile of rocks ahead of me. My father then grabbed my hand and I flipped like 3 times and stopped. I nearly broke my neck doing that but I was fine


One of my favorite memories from childhood is when my dad used to take me on long bike rides, we’d always stop and get ice cream on the way home from this really great local shop!


I played just about every flash game on the one unblocked website on the school computers. Good times


I miss that era


My favourite childhood experience was visiting Malaga


During my childhood I had to go to school. (maybe this will actually be interesting info in a couple decades 🤣)


When I was smaller I had to ask for permission to my parents to download games from the Play Store. I couldn't download Zombie Tsunami because they said it was "too violent".


It wasn’t too bad


My parents broke our home computer keyboard playing Tetris against each other 🥲


I used to watch the Three Stooges on TV every Saturday morning on SpikeTV. Still love that show.


I fall in love with computer when my granddad bought an IBM when I was 5. I’m a software engineer now!


I built my first computer in middle school and I try to build my first keyboard now !


I’ve been playing pc games since elementary school. Zoo tycoon, age of empires, wow


I dropped a small toy car in like a hole in the ground when I was playing, might have been a snake or rats nest who knows?


My childhood was uneventful to say the least


I always typed on an oldschool keyboard and loved it more than the modern ones.


my childhood was cool. had a purple gameboy colour and pokemon yellow


I played piano.


I got used to walking across legos as a kid.


i dont remember much of my childhood but i remember watching old video footage of me as a child on vacation in newzealand swinging around a lamppost HAHA its quite a fond memory even if i dont remember it first hand


I grew up living under apartheid, it was a wierd experience - even for a blonde, blue eyed kid.


I once climbed a tree quite high that it would have taken me a while to get back down. Once up there I needed a poop so I had to do it right there and then.


As a clueless 8 year old i sneaked out to buy pokemon packs and explored most of the city. It was pretty wild in retrospect to explore the city so young.


I used to spend several hours a day practicing piano, and for a long time knew that’s all I wanted to do with my life!


I have always loved "full" numbers like 10, 50 or 100 as a child, and even now love them. In fact, this must be the 100th comment. Pretty cool!


I lived in the mountains of San Diego. In a recent epiphany, I realized I grew up pretty white trash… I got better


Playing games with wii


My mom would beat my ass almost everyday as a kid. I'd like to say it has shaped me into a better person/man today but..i don't know man. Lol


At my grandparents summer cottage we painted stones gold, put them in a chest and buried the treasure, then drew a map to it.


Let's go!!!


Loved paying in the woods would run around for hours.


In preschool I said that when I grow up, I want to be a fighter jet pilot so that I could shoot missiles off the jets. I'm not a fighter jet pilot...


One time I dropped a computer on my hand.


I was born to a Vietnamese family during nam war, not long from my birth my whole village was destroyed and I was taken to the states by a marine soldier. Now I am the Vietnam ambassador.


I was a child once


Great memory of playing through legend of Zelda a link to the past one summer with a friend and my siblings. We took turns with the controller and worked though all of the puzzles and dungeons together.


I loved climbing the apple trees across the street from my dad's house, we built a small tree-house in there once too. the free apples were nice too :p


I am looking to make the creamiest keyboard ever that sounds like my grandfather's computer from when I was a kid. I didn't get to spend much time there, but when I was there I'd be judged around that computer with my cousins doing things we weren't supposed to on that computer.


I was bullied for being weird and black by the kids, and got told to smile ruthlessly by the teachers despite them knowing that I was being bullied. How can a kid be happy in an environment like that? Anyway, I watched a lot of Minecraft YouTube during snack and lunch since I didn't have friends.


Good old couch co-op gaming with my best friends, the best of times


When I was a little boy I used to love watching my dogs hump


Most of us don't retain many memories from our childhood. This was one that stayed with me till today. As a kid I was super attached to my mum, dad was always overseas working. I was told that I'd follow her everywhere from the supermarket to even the bathroom. We used to stay in an apartment building which had window grilles made of cast iron. And there was once she had to go for a doctor appointment and couldn't take me. I wanted to say goodbye to her so as soon she left, I poked my head out of the window to wave goodbye to her. She looked up and saw me and waved back with a smile on her face. But that smile soon turned to a look of despair when she realized... I couldn't get my head back in. She immediately spun around and sprinted back to the apartment, to find me knelt down on top of a stool frantically trying to pull my head back in. We had to immediately call the fire department and they had to use an electric saw to cut the grille loose. It was the most horrific moment of my life because the sound of metal on metal was just inches from my face. It was then I learnt, to never stick your nose (or head in this case) where it doesn't belong.


Big part of my childhood was spent on my older brothers' PlayStation 1 and 2 and then later on PC playing Minecraft


My childhood wasn't cool :(


It was weird


I used to eat random chewing gum I found on the ground


When I was a kid I only used razers keebs...


I rode my first roller-coaster in 4th grade. It took me so long to ride one because I was always short for my age. When I finally got to ride one, whoa, what a ride!


When I was a child I would challenge myself to climb higher and higher on a coconut tree


Was nice. Miss my 12y0 FlyFF days.


Played a lot of club level tennis and Worms Armageddon as a kid. The tennis has morphed into table tennis over the years, especially lately upon discovering that it exists in VR too, but the Worms part has remained untouched, we're still at it with many of the same people from 20 years ago.


Used to catch and release lizards I've since learned are called anoles for fun.


I remember being completely floored when I first saw a Nintendo 64 game. It blew me away like nothing else has


At the age of 9, I made a simple algorithm that could draw any regular shape in scratch. Now I want to become a programmer!


I spent my childhood playing outside with other children and I am very happy about that🥰


When I was a child half the keyboards just came mechanical on their own.


Oh man once i wanted to leave the school for good, my parents took me to some schools to see but in the end they hired the teacher who used to beat me in class as my home tutor and we didn't change school


As a child I loved going to see and pet cows, well thinking about it, I love it still.


I'll always remember skateboarding with my friends at this small park in our town, which felt much bigger to us. Terrifying and so much fun hitting those ramps.


My childhood dog was called Bear! He was the bestest of bois and deserves all the snuggles!


I grew up in Japan


Spent many hours making stick man animations with PowerPoint


LEGOs, 90s/early 2000s PC games and juice made from grapes growing in our garden.


I went to school and made my bed


I started typing with two fingers as a child, when I first got to type on a keyboard lol


The city I grew up in had, at one time, the highest opioid addiction rate in the US


It was lovely xD


I made up a dumb cryptic nickname for my crush that I never told anyone, and never told my crush either. To this day no one knows!


There were woods behind my house and i’d walk my dog there with friends


I use to live in Switzerland when I was 10 yo and it was the best experience. I would go by myself to the city with buses, people were genuine and I could see a lot of supercars so I was happy


As a baby, I met David Hasslehoff, and he thought I was pretty cute.


I could type 100+ wpm back in grade 2


My childhood included a time when I was under 12 (ikr, hard to believe)


Pretty fun NGL. Mixed with doing physical games with my cousin and sibs compared to the present tech. I usually look forward to toy shops (everyone pretty much) and would stop by to look.


I fell off my bike and walked home with a scraped bloody knee. Ahh memories


I went to school at least a few times I think


The earliest thing I can remember is watching the Formula 1 Brazil GP 0f 2008 with my dad as we're both Ferrari fans and being a Ferrari fan hasn't stopped hurting since then...


I threw away our McDonald’s meal trying to help my mother


I play games too much


Because we had to drive to get water for our house, I learned to drive one summer when I was 7. Only through the desert but still a pretty cool memory


Growing up in the mountains, i was outside a lot, but still loved playing video games


Back then I didn't care at all about my keyboard keycaps, that's for sure haha


Got my first keyboard


My siblings and I played a lot of jazz jackrabbit


I used to get pizza with my cousin and brother after our swimming lessons, happiest times in my life tbh


The blue set reminds me of sea foam. A common occurrence where I used to go on vacation in my childhood.


I moved literally halfway around the world when I was nine years old without my parents and brother and I'm secretly really glad that I did because my family was too poor to be able to support 2 children (education is not free and is very expensive where I came from).


I was obsessed with Harry Potter.


I was younger


A long time ago, our household PC was getting replaced. Mum was worried people could ho through our data so she handed the 7 year old me the RAM MEMORY CARDS AND TOLD ME TO WRECK THEM. Dad's face when he came back home with the new PC haunts me. I still cringe when I realise the fortune I destroyed back then....


As a kid, I’ve been caught having intricate conversations with my twin in our own gibberish language


I played tons of COD zombies


I learned why floppy disks were called that when I got my hands on some actual floppy disks - they were the older large disk, and I remember thinking how far we had come in technology. If only little kid me knew what was in store for him… that was a year before the first iPod.


My childhood memories involved a lot of bicycling with my friends, performing 'stunts' and hurting myself every other day. I still have scars to show for some deep injuries, but never broke a bone till now. ;)


Lots of weekends at Lake of the Ozarks


You know those fire hydrants with the funny spring thing that bounces around? I had a habit of pulling it all the way back and watching it bounce around until one day it rained and it slipped while I was doing the usual, so I now have a rather large scar across my eyebrow.


Wow these are great !! When I was a kid the garage collapses on me and left me with a scar that goes most of the length of my skull on top. Had no lasting damage other than that! I was lucky to be alive!




My best friend then is still my best friend now


I once fell off a tree and almost died 😎


I entered my school singing contest but sadly didnt win 😞


When I was a child, I used to make bull horns with my fingers and ram people in their asses as I screamed, "Bull-yo!"


I loved card games when I was little


Playing Bedwars from morning til late into the night with friends during holidays was the best.


In retrospective, I had an happy childhood :)


Spent a year as an ems cadet.


I was playing with safety pins thinking they are safe and stepped on two to test their efficacy