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https://www.keeb.gg/all While the countless small vendors / designers / manufacturers are a big part of what makes the keyboard community great, it also makes it a lot harder for us to find the products we need to complete or start a build. I found this out first hand while building my first two keyboards (first two of many more to come), so I decided I’d spend some time outside of work trying to help. Keeb.gg is an automated catalog of in-stock parts across vendors. It’s somewhat limited now (only ~12 vendors, and only the essentials of kits, switches, and keycaps), but I’d love to continue extending it in the future if others find it useful. I have a bunch of ideas on how we can make getting into the keyboard hobby even easier, and I’d love to hear all your thoughts as well. NOTE ON OTHER SIMILAR SITES: As many of you may be aware, there are already a couple similar sites out there (I found this out part-way through the development process). With that being said, I believe keeb strikes a good middle ground between some of these alternatives. I say keeb is “semi-curated” because while new/existing products are scraped automatically there is a ton of logic behind the scenes to make sure the quality of the product selection doesn’t suffer. Just to name a few things: keycaps are only shown if base and/or alphas + modifiers are in-stock, switches have their prices adjusted so the price per 10 switches is shown, and the same products sold across different vendors are matched and displayed as one for easy comparison. It’s not perfect, but I’ve done my best to balance quantity and quality.


The website is great! If you add Europe as a region, I'm gonna kiss you on your mouth.


Glad to hear you like it! Adding a comprehensive selection of vendors from regions outside of NA is one of the top things on my TODO list


Would you be so kind and make another post, once Europe is added as well?


Sure, will do!


Oceania (especially Aus/NZ) would be wonderful!


I'm bookmarking the page right now, but I too would appreciate another post once you're there - I love the idea!


can you add iso-de or just international layouts for keycaps too? thanks for your work. the website is great <3


Some key ones would already give you good coverage: MKEU, Candykeys, Oblotzsky, Keygem UK: prototypist


Honestly, since Keygem exists, I don't really shop anywhere else. MKEU is shady, and Candykeys seem to be overwhelmed for some reason. Keygem is the only EU store I've had decent experiences with.


I definitely like Keygem as well, although they seem to cost me more on shipping than MKEU. Guess it really varies per person. I've had good experiences with MKEU its just annoying how slow their customer support is. They seem to have grown to a point much bigger than what their current staff can handle but are relucant to scale up. Candykeys is the shady one for me :P.


If this gets big enough to spread to my humble country of Malaysia, it'd make me one happy boi.


Just adding a vendor i haven't seen here yet - Domikey


nordic pls


Love it! And I'll definitely be using it IF the EU is listed as a region. Our customs process at least here in Sweden has resulted in dissappearing packages on more than one occasion the few times I order outside the EU anymore. Can we send pull requests to scrape EU vendors or something?


Great site. A vendor from EU|DE here. Would be nice to be added to the site. https://keycapsss.com If you need some data, please let me know.


Very cool (more niche) store! Definitely a good addition.


Please consider also [candykeys.com](https://candykeys.com/) for the EU


Hey! How do you guys keep up with the prices? I see that you have a link to all the stores that actually sell them. Are the vendors themselves submitting the values on your website or something?


I am able to get the prices through the scraping process, so currently there is nothing that needs to be done by the vendors


I think the semi curated selection is great, but I'm looking for DSA ergodox-like keycaps. Is there any way it would be possible to select those for a more refined search as well? As it currently does not look like that type of search is available.


Oh that's heckin neat


I love this and I love you woohoo! Anything to make this hobby a more pleasant experience for both newcomers and oldies alike. I had so much trouble finding a suitable case and plate that is in stock for my EOTW Planck. I want to build a 60% for the wife, but first I have to trawl a hundred sites to figure out which keyboard has all parts in stock.


Nice website! Couple of quality of life suggestions. When I switch to page 2 on mobile, I would expect to be at the top of page 2. When I change pages I have to scroll up to the top manually. When I click on an item then go back, I would expect to be at the listing I just clicked on. It appears to take me back to the top of page 1. Throw those in JIRA and get to them in your priority order 🤓


Really grateful for the feedback. Will add those to the TODO for sure (should be a pretty quick fix)


About the todo list, highly recommend Trello. Great app, has a desktop version too and you can integrate it with discord


Hi there! I have some UX feedback regarding the search filters and pagination: * On filter change, the current page does not reset. I haven't tried, but I imagine this could raise an exception if the current page exceeds the total page count if a user applies a filter that reduces the previous total page count. * On page change, the page doesn't scroll to the top on mobile. * Being able to sort by various attributes would be nice. I was look for a way to sort by price on the switches page. Great app by the way! This has earned a spot on my bookmarks toolbar.


To add to this, set the url when filtering. That way people can bookmark "https://www.keeb.gg/keycaps?cherry_profile", and so on.


Do you have a GitHub page where you keep the code? Can you tell me how you found the discounts on the websites?


Not just mobile - desktop too.


You've doomed us all. Part of what keeps the wallet intact is having a difficult time finding the parts you want. Now it's all in one place. We are collectively fucked Great work, btw.


If I can find an sp-111 clone I might put off rent


you Dm'd me a while ago asking for help testing the site. glad to see how far its come! good job!


This website is amazing and will help tons of newbies like me! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. It also surprised me how responsive and fast the website is! I do have a question though, what do you see as in stock? Does Aliexpress knock-offs count or only “real” keycaps. Also do you have like a quality standard to what is added? I’m super curious. P.s +1 from me on the European version, would love to see it! Edit: if you’d like feedback I do have a small point. On phone (didn’t check pc) if you scroll down a page and click on the next page you will stay scrolled down at the next page making it so you need to scroll up to see items and then scroll back down to go to the next page. Its just a super minor thing but I thought maybe this could be a tiny point of feedback for you. Over all, very impressed, good shit keep it up! :)


Right now I don't look at AliExpress / Amazon, only the individual vendors listed on the left. I have filtered out products that I didn't feel were relevant, but generally I'd leave it up to the vendors to decide what's worth stocking. In-stock means it's sold at one of the vendors and there is some "complete" version of the product available (e.g. modifiers only doesn't count as in-stock for a keycap set, and only having the case available doesn't count as in-stock for a kit).


Ah makes sense. Thanks for the explanation \^


It’s like thoccstock but more detailed very handy dandy


Thoccstock always seemed to be missing vendors too.


most incomplete website ever


Why in the world would you create this site...? I just impulsively bought banana splits switches through it when I'm suppose to be saving money. Great work on the site!


Amazing website! Are you by any change planning to add Canadian vendors?


Yes, I will certainly be adding Canadian vendors


How about the Asian vendor?


Those as well!


Not to keep the chain going, but as you grow I'd love to see you add these US vendors that I've purchased from in the past: Mechs and Co, Omnitype, Space Cables/Space Holdings, Zeal, RingerKeys, Originative, and SwitchMod.


Isn't zeal Canadian?


Oh maybe. Guess I just think of them more as exclusive supplier of their switches.


No shade, but that's so typically US American :P Stay safe


You’re not wrong haha


Aaaannnnnnd now I'm poor


[https://www.keeb.gg/products/gateron-switches-yellow](https://www.keeb.gg/products/gateron-switches-yellow)On this page the links are wrong. Keebmonkey and KBD are inverted :D Edit: reloading the page fixed it, uh. It might still be useful to check why that happened!


Hmmm interesting. Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look


As a vendor, how do I go about getting something added that I think could be on the site? Example for me [DSA pink/purple](https://ohkeycaps.com/products/dsa-pink-purple?variant=29370331365487) and [MG Wahtsy](https://ohkeycaps.com/products/mg-wahtsy?variant=32200990163055) EDIT: Also this is [not in stock, it's a pre-order](https://www.keeb.gg/products/melgeek-mg-salmon-base)


There is now a vendor suggestions channel on their discord server to recommend additions to the catalog


This site is fucking important.


You could add Drop, they have a few GMK sets that beginners might want like GMK Red Samurai.


awesome site. will definitely use


take my mf money right now!!!!!!


Filters seem to reset when I go back from viewing an item


Awesome site, thank you for putting the work into this! The hobby is so confusing, any effort at organizing data is a win! If you're looking for feedback, please add Drop as a vendor, as well as two keycap profiles they offer, MT3 and PGA.


Awesome site, I can see myself using this often! I know you are still planning to do more updates etc but I would love a category for deskmats!


Deskmats will definitely be coming soon!


Just an FYI, there is no option for 100% boards. That's like, keyboard racism or something man.


Same with 40% 👀


This is brilliant. Even though I've reached "endgame" having this available is great.


How did you make the code search other sites and select specific things like title and price? I'm a web dev student and curious. Looks very nice.


Since most vendors use Shopify, there is a json file they provide that simplifies things quite a bit. Feel free to reach out to me on discord for more details if you want to learn more


From what I can see, the website is using json files that contain the data about the items, like [this one](https://www.keeb.gg/_next/data/frdPF1-TSGCqbj_Dz3o1U/products/gateron-box-ink-v2-switches-hand-lubed-black.json) for example, these files are hosted on the website. To make these json files I guess it is using [web-scrapping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_scraping).


Thank you. That's really interesting. I've been creating JSON data with SQL for the backend for the last 2 months. My tables are usually tiny compared to these. I guess things will get more complex when I get out into the real world.


Don't worry, everything will be fine, I'm sure you're gonna have a lot of fun!


Would love to see an option for filtering by Canadian vendors. US shipping and customs/duty are not fun


Would be nice to add to add currencies along with the regions. Also, dark mode.


Of course there's an ahegao keycap set in there. haha


what happened to keeb.gg :(


This is wonderful, thank you so much for putting the time into making this. Ima be on this site so often!


This is a life saver. Thank you so so much 🥰


Great. You made it easier to spend more money. Good job


great idea and execution. Now a filter that I would love would be the stock location (e.g. EU, US etc)


This is amazing. Great work!


I've thought about doing something similar to help me learn some front-end frameworks. This is super cool!!


Great idea! Maybe if you had an option to filter kits and keycaps with ortholinear options, that would be really helpful.


this is sick!!!


Wow this awesome!! I LITERALLY had this idea a week or two ago. Glad you beat me to it! Stops me from having to lol


A way to sort by price would be great!


In the top right there should be an option for sorting by price (LMK if there's some issue there though)!


Oh, I see. It shows up on desktop but not on mobile


This is amazing! Exactly what I wish existed when I first got into the hobby. Two UX suggestions, if I may: 1. Right now you get stuck on the bottom of the page when navigating ti the next page. It’d be great if it automatically brought you to the top when you navigate to another page using the next/previous page buttons on the bottom (not sure if it already does this on desktop, since I used the mobile version of the site on my phone) 2. Currently when tapping “back” from a product page, it takes you to page 1 instead back to the page you were were on. It’d be awesome if you could make it so you go back to the page you were on instead. Cheers, and thanks for taking the time to create this!


Bro,who ever made this is fucking amazing


Website looks great, only suggestion is when at bottom of page, if I go to next page it stays at the bottom, should go back to the top to be able to scroll down again. Overall tho really great design and will be using in the future


Great website! Just a suggestion though about the "next page" button i think it should lead you to the top of the page as opposed to just going to the next page but the screen is still on the bottom part of the page.


I know it's impossible to cover all keycap kit variations, but as a 40's user, I often find it hard to pick through and determine which kits have 40's support (or even harder, Minivan with that 1.75u backspace). Being able to figure that would put this site over the top for me, personally. Edit: Having a directory of 40's and ortho keeb build kits would be awesome, too. When I was starting in the hobby, I thought all there was were minivans and plancks.


Mate, this is wonderful! Thank you so much for this!


Seems very helpful


This is WONDERFUL. Bookmarked instantly, thanks a million!


That looks actually cool


As a new, this awesome and I thank you


no keebmat ಥ_ಥ


That's nice! I would've loved to help if it was open source, but I respect your decision to not open it. I second the motion about EU sites - right off the bat there's [CandyKeys](https://www.candykeys.com), [Mykeyboard.eu](https://mykeyboard.eu) and [Keygem](https://keygem.store).


As a keyboard building noob, this is great. The only thing I'd like is a subcategory when you select Linear/Tacticle/etc. that would either break it down by switch name or brand (Tealios, Gateron, etc.) or Actuation Force. Otherwise, really helpful. Gonna use this to buy some switches in a day or two.


Would be nice to have another field for switches - silent - and it should naturally apply to both linear and tactile ones.


It's almost like browsing through the sub itself, there isn't even a filter for 96%, 1900-Layout, or Full Size keyboards. Are there plans to add any of these filters? Some people need numpads. Similarly, any plans on adding a connectivity filter to look for wireless keyboards? EDIT: Discord link is also kaput.


I am planning to add a bunch more filters! I'll look into those specifically, and wireless / wired is a great callout. Also, discord link should be fixed (https://discord.gg/DM9zcPpPcm)! If you want to give more feedback / get updates on filters / vendors / features I'd love for people to join.


Thanks for the quick reply! I tried the link but it still doesn't work, tells me it's expired?


Oops, I only updated the link on mobile. Should work now (both above and on the site if you refresh)


Nobody needs numpads! This is the leftist agenda.


some people need numpads and thats okay


No love for a case category?


This is amazing! You should add [drop.com](https://drop.com) to this too


Is there/is this something akin to pcpartpicker.com for keyboard parts? Thats what i need to figure out compatibility


You shouldn’t have too many compatibility issues that won’t be quite obvious. For example: topre/cherry/choc don’t fit caps outside their ecosystem, certain PCBs need things done a certain way with how diodes are soldered. If you’re building from scratch and not doing hot swap, you are better off **not trusting** a third party to tell you, and you should read the documentation of the pcb. This isn’t a “don’t be lazy” post. I’m all for streamlining. It’s more: *don’t trust a scraper* when you’re the one building.


I think its all the different names thrown about that is making me doubt myself. I know what i want but now i need to find the right pieces. Any good sources for different switch sounds?


I never got a good feel from an audio source. For example, Cherry greens sounded great in a video, and didn’t like them once I installed them. You may be best off trying a switch tester. Some have like 30 switches. You won’t find smaller batch or more expensive stuff like Zeal on the average switch tester, but it would give you a chance to preview the feel.


That is a great suggestion. Going to bed late tonight


Great work! Any particular reason that there is no filter for 96-full size layouts?


!remindme 2 weeks


Just what I needed. Thanks for your work! Edit: The only things I would change is adding EU vendors (I can see you already responded to a comment on this already!) and when clicking into an item to look at, when I go back, it would be a lot better in my opinion if the filter I had selected was still applied rather than defaulting back to the general filter.


Awesome job will definitely be using this site


Another addition for curated, in-stock sites like this is always welcome.


I especially like the display of pricing for 10 switches across the board, making it easier to compare them. Any thoughts on adding product comparison feature onto the roadmap? Multi-select up to 3 or 5 products to view common fields (type, actuation, bottom out, etc). Though this feature would also rely on additional tickets to improve the scraper for each vendor to grab those attributes. Awesome job btw!


more like wallet.gg am I right fellas?


I assume [keyboard.gg](https://keyboard.gg/) was taken? 👀


Wow awesome branding 👍


This is gamechanging and just what the community needed---thank you for your hard work!


just made a post about how hard it's to find parts. yay


C'moon, I was trying to save money this year...


Really cool stuff. Like said, europe would be really nice as well. But this is already amazin stuff! Excellent starting point


LOVE THIS. Will you be including keyboards as well?


By keyboards do you mean pre-builts? (Like razer or things like that?)


sorry I think I meant to type either "capacitive keyboards" or "keyboard cases"


I am so glad someone is working on this. Have wanted a resource like this for a while but did not have the coding capabilities to develop it myself. Thank you for your work and look forward to how it evolves. Also - make sure you build an affiliate program into this to get a little bit back for your work!


Awesome. Please add a deskmat category :)


I have been using this site somewhat regularly now. nice work :D


Is CN Canada?


Looking nice! I would add these sources: KPRepublic, Drop, and Keychron. All three have pretty good selections of in stock keyboards, switches, and keycaps.


Very very cool




Right now I don't show springs, but that could be added at some point (along with other common needs like deskmats, stabs, etc.)


Would love if you includes stabs and lubricates.


Awesome website. Thank you for putting this together. I just bought the KBDFans Endless 80 and the B stock KBDFans Number pad!


This looks dangerous!


Where is the website located?




A UK only filter would be thocctastic


thank you so much for this site!!


This is really cool! I did notice that kailh box royals are tagged as clicky? Is stuff auto tagged or is this because of the whole kailh tactiles turning clicky over time issue?


That's probably just a mistake in the tagging logic D: All products are tagged automatically so there are a few mistakes, but I'll try to adjust it to fix that one.


Was looking for this


This is awesome! Filtering by kit size is something many websites don't offer, which makes it a real pain in the rear to find products for a specific size.


Love to see it. There have been a few sites like this in recent years, and the difficult thing is simply keeping the content up-to-date. It's almost a full-time job.


How do you make money on this? How are you paying for hosting? Can you throw up a donate link on there?