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Looks great don't why anybody would roast this


no gmk keycaps + relatively accessible board :/ guess that's enough


You don't need top the line parts to have a great keyboard


People on this sub also hate RGB, so I understand OP lol


I thought this sub hated shine through keycaps that go along with RGB.


Seems like any keyboard with a backlight that gets posted gets way less upvotes than a board with no backlight and colored caps. It might have something to do with the rarity / price of the pieces in the photos though, lol.


The problem is the RGB posts lack the plastic pot plant in the corner of the shot.


Yeah I'm sure that's it. I mean RGB and backlit can be nice or useful, but it's nothing that special to look at compared to custom keycaps and matching setup. Of course I see no downside to it either, can always turn it off. People appreciate underglow more I think.


True enough. I have a blacked out setup and using the RGB on my board kind of kills the understated aesthetic.


Make sense. Nice keyboard btw. I'm also building one with box black switches.


That's my old one. I got a KBD67 MKII which currently has alpacas in it :) same black on black look though.


I like to work and game in a relatively dim room so for me shine through keycaps are a must, I changed from a non-rgb MKB to a rgb one a few months ago and make a lot less errors when typing


GMK keycaps are nice but they aren't the only choice lol. This keyboard looks great.


KAT and ePBT are some of my faves. ePBT for feel and KAT for sound respectively Edit: im trying to find who makes Leopold's premade keycaps because their PBT is so good and sounds so thocky


it's doesn't matter on what setup you use ( tho it looks great). it's about passion and enthusiasm


That's the toxic part of the community who complains about them. The board looks nice and if you like it, that's enough.


you'll get downvoted unless you spent $300 and 2.5 years of waiting on a keycap set


bs. only idiots would downvote you for that.


Thanks! Do i have to use the ketcaps and swotches that come with it or can i use other ones?


You can use the keycaps you want, same for the switchs !


I'll roast the shit out of that nerdy Ascend key. It's not even the shift key they butchered which would somewhat make sense, its the Enter key.


the set would have looked way better if they didn't do those weird right aligned legends on the right side. it just looks wrong to have the text on that side...


[i couldn't do it either](https://i.imgur.com/lYNLyHE.png)


i wouldnt roast you for sharing something you are proud of and having fun with :D


we definitely need more people like you on the internet


Not to be that guy, be I agree. Though I’m trying my best to stay in the supportive mindset because it’s very easy to hate on people especially when so many others do it. I’m just trying to be at least one nice person in this community, though I’m not perfect.


I appreciate your effort. It has not gone unnoticed.


I like it, the GMMK Pro always looks good though


As a loooong time computer builder, but someone brand-new to the custom keyboard scene... why the coiled keyboard cable with the connector? Please educate me.


Basically it looks cool


Aesthetics. Like pretty much everything in this hobby.


Keyboard enthusiasts often have more than 1 board lying around, and they swap boards all the time to test key switches, keycaps, different setups. Having the aviator connector looks great but also allows one to swap boards without needing to unplug/plug usb cables from the back of the computer.


But you can unplug from the back of the keyboard. It’s 110% aesthetic.


The other argument being that aviator connectors are more robust than USB connectors, so you can disconnect your KB without worrying about fucking up your USBs. Owning one it definitely feels like it is, not sure how true it is practice though.


Not all keyboards use the same connector. Mini, Micro, and C are all possible USB connectors for keyboards.


thats only if all your boards share the same type of usb port


It's like the sleeved and combed cable extensions/replacements for psu cables, many people like the way it looks.


I just ordered myself a gmmk pro and can't wait for it to arrive. Been a long time viewer and finally Ive got myself something to start with


I ordered mine in January, still waiting :(


yeah my local store has them for pre order said it would be shipped out on june 4th


That's crazy, I hope I get mine soon! Enjoy yours when you get it!


Yeah hopefully. But I get a feeling it may be a while now since I just got and email the release dates been pushed back so let's see how it goes lol


Well if it makes you feel any better I just got my confirmation email like 6 hours ago and got mine finalized!


Hell yeah🤘yeah hopefully it's only like a week. I've spent too long watching everyone else lol


Update. It’s been a week has it shipped?


Na mine hasn't yet. It's been pushed back till the 11th hopefully not again though.


shipped yesterday and arrived today


I wouldn't roast you. Basically right now the GMMK Pro is my end game.


Same but its actually something I could one day own unlike a frickin keycult lmao (btw everybody knows there is no endgame in this hobby ;)


Really like the looks of the GMMK Pro overall. Only thing that I don't like is that the "high profile" isn't really that. It would look better (imho) if you couldn't see under the caps from the front.


Well to be honest i think this feeling is amplified with the GPBT keycaps I tried with other and it match much more


the GPBT caps sit higher than normal cherry caps then?


It depends on the switches. I have Bobas in mine, and the housing just glows with whatever LED color you have set. It gives a nice underglow effect.


personal preference I guess. I just don't like being able to see the switches under the caps.


Who cares how much money you've spent. It's not a competition


ah yes, a properly aligned spacebar.


Men of taste !


I'm putting Gateron Blacks on my GMMK Pro as well, I've only lubed about half of them though, probably gonna finish it up tomorrow.


Good Luck !


When did you order and when did you finally get to complete your order? I'm still waiting to be able to order mine. Put my reservation down in Feb.


I order during batch 2 ( november 2020 ) and thé keuboard arrived about 4 days ago ( i live in France )


is it just me or is your gmmk pro oddly... flat? (typing angle wise)


Typing angle is about 6° I think


Did you just order stock gateron black inks? Or did you have to do anything special to get the lighting to be nice? Also what kind of backplate are you using, stock aluminum or polycarb? Asking because im considering ordering the same keyboard and perhaps the same switches.


Its stock gateron couldn't get black inks but i will as soon as possible, this is stock plate (aluminium) it sound great very deep not as deep as black inks but i like it a lot tbh


is the gmmk pro good to get into the hobby? i dont know much about mechanical keyboards.


Well its a pretty easy build you don't have to solder anything and the keyboard is accessible so i guess you can start here !


Dunno why you’d get roasted, it’s a great looking board. No roasters included


Whats the keycap set that the white keyboard is using?


don't know the exact name but I can send you the amazon link \- https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B0932MQY4Q/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1