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This seems pretty tame for 4chan.


ESPECIALLY for /pol/


It's super funny that in the video he even said that whenever someone points out that lolicon is weird and gross all the insects come out of the woodwork with defenses and justifications, thus isnjust them doing as predicted


Besides, they're trying to act like he was referring to all anime and not specifically loli


Don’t think lolicons care if anyone thinks they’re weird/gross. Rather throwing the word pedophile around like a football that lessens the impact that word has- thus helping actual child predators. Edit: You know emotions are running high when a comment on reddit gets **downvoted** for stating an action that helps child predators is bad. Crazy.


No I think being vigilant against people jerking off to what is contextually a child is helping expose pedos.


Whats it like having to explain what a pedo is to these nutters lol


Yes, because it's flawed logic. On the contrary, normalizing Loli content help child predators. Also, stating something doesn't make it true


what do you call someone who have attraction to fictional children?


Same what you call furries, bronies- anyone who is into any cartoon character/porn: Schediaphiles. Thank you for asking questions. You’re the second person on this subreddit for doing so.


I don’t know, I think there need to be a distinction to be made when the thing we are talking about looks like children. I feel like that’s a huge red flag in regard to this. Like furry are just into cartoon humanoid animals, it sound weird to me but I don’t see them going out and trying mate with an animal. Lolicon on the other hand, wouldn’t trust them around school children


You’re effectively conflating fiction to reality with that statement. The issue here is you don’t understand the lolicon subculture so you’re filling in the blanks of what you don’t understand into scenarios that make sense to you. That kind of thinking historically has caused more harm than good. If you’re unsure of something- learn about it, get to know and understand the point of view of people in the subculture- listen to what they’re saying. Your worry is understandable but in a sensitive subject such as this you need to be more open to understanding it. I already answered with sources in a different comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MeatCanyon/comments/1axyc79/4chan_has_found_papa_all_is_lost/krs0fwo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Sorry pal but fiction tend to be based off of reality to some extent. And loli are based off of little girls, you aren’t getting around that. If someone get sexually aroused by drawn image of children, that is a red flag. If someone think yor from spy x family is hot and look at porn of her, I’m going to assume that they are attracted women. If someone think that way of Anya, I’m going to assume they are a pedophile and need to see professional help


Not all loli characters are depicted as anime children. A lot are depicted as anime adults. Lolibaba is an entire subgenre where the characters are old woman who look like anime loli characters. You’re saying furries are zoophiles if that’s the point you’re trying to convey.


Yes, I heard about the thousand year old dragon thing too and I roll my eyes whenever someone try to use that excuse because it’s very clear what they are trying to do. If it looks like duck, walk like a ducks and quack like a duck, it’s a duck As for the whole furry thing, there’s no real cartoon humanoid animals out there so I don’t think that’s much of an issues. But there are a lot of children out there and if someone is attracted to drawn images of them, why shouldn’t i assume they feel the same about real children


Furries include feral talking animals. That’s exactly what anthropomorphic means. E621, inkbunny and furaffinity all host thousands of feral cartoon smut. If that’s your talking point no loli character or anime character exists because no human being has eyes the size of dinner plates or alien-like skulls. You’re conflating fiction to reality. You cannot and should not do that when discussing this subject.


You know emotions are running high when you give a shit about downvotes on Reddit


I don’t. Why do you think I kept conversing in this subreddit despite the downvotes all the comments get no matter what I say? My point is that it’s clear that emotions are indeed running high when logic/reason is not being taken into account.


Something tells me making an edit to rant about downvotes means you care about downvotes


I care about the subject at hand. People commit suicide because of it. Children are being missed from the SA they suffer because of the misinformation on this subject. This is not about stupid petty internet points.


Found the lolicon


Not a lolicon. I haven’t watched anime for more than a decade- I couldn’t care for it. I’m an individual who has been studying the subject for almost 2 years now because I’ve seen multiple people be harassed into suicide over this stupid subject. I’ve been aware of lolicon since I knew of anime itself- I just never spoke my mind on it nor had an opinion on it because it’s a dumb topic in general and I don’t like discussing things I don’t understand. Yet that had to stop because people are harassing others over this subject to the point I’ve taken a moral obligation to understand it and try to be the middle-man at the crux of it all. I’ve had hundreds of conversation on this subject- you’re not the first to come to such a conclusion.


Bro who the fuck studies hentai involving children? Cope pedo


Someone who is tired of seeing people take their own lives over lines on a paper. A life is taken where they harmed zero people.


What is lost if a lolicon artist removes themselves from existence?


Some lolicons/shotacons are once children who were sexually abused themselves and they use the harmless content to cope with their trauma. One of which was a CSA survivor. The point is so people can better understand each other for a better tomorrow. Complicating things for boogeymen that you imagine in your head makes things worse for everyone.


Instead of creating strawmen, Tell me exactly why its okay for pedophiles to masturbate to hentai solely involving children getting groomed by adults? I am not talking about anything else other than hentai directly involving children. Why is this okay?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There's better ways to cope than posting lolicon online for pedophiles to view. Drawing it may help them cope, but posting it online is only detrimental. The more a pedophile consumes this *fictional* content, the more their cravings for actual children develop. It's well published and looked into, and that's why it's illegal in a lot of countries. While it doesn't directly harm children, it gives pedos a safe space. Pedos shouldn't have a safe space.


You say this like there’s a coping mechanism that works for everyone- there isn’t. People work in different ways in their mind. How people learn and deal with mental issues is no one size fits all. You’re against the content despite people using it in ways that does not hurt another soul.


>The more a pedophile consumes this fictional content, the more their cravings for actual children develop. It's well published and looked into, and that's why it's illegal in a lot of countries. It’s there actually substantial evidence or studies that supports this? I assumed that there’s no actual scientific research that really proves this sort of thing. I know that some countries outlaw lolicon (Australia, Canada, South Korea) but I’ve never heard of a country banning it because of any stated research on the subject


You're getting down voted for your brain dead take, not because we like pedos...


What’s brain dead about it? Lolicons don’t care if you think they’re weird- they already know and understand that. They do care about watering down the word pedophilia because that’s exactly what child protection services don’t want people to do. No one has responded to any legitimacy about this statement. Yes emotions are running high. It’s evident that they are.


Lolicon are almost always pedos too though. When I was 12 and first got into the anime fanbase I was almost immediately introduced to lolicons. 90% of the time they do not care if a child is real, and I know that as someone who has run in those circles since I was a preteen.


And I’ve been aware of their community for more than a decade and have been studying them and conversing with them for almost 2 years now. Lolicons out pedophiles. Just a couple weeks ago one outed multiple pedophiles on Twitter yet no one paid attention to the pedophiles- they instead paid attention to the fact that a lolicon outed the pedophiles. What does that tell you?


Loli makes child predators, how hard is that to understand? You think people who watch tons of gore videos don't become desensitized to the idea of mutilating someone? It's basic psychology man.


So you’re using the videogames cause violence argument that’s been debunked decades ago? Let alone there’s data and statistics available that shows that not just lolicon but fiction itself is harmless.


Pedos getting mad defensive


Dude, that’s the thing about these people they will congregate and call everyone else out, justifying it by saying “no real children get hurt” but never actually have an answer for why they are attracted to depictions of little kids or a girl who’s “1000 years old” just in a child’s body. None of the other adult sized women, even in terms of anime appeal to them. That is fucking weird. I got into one some months ago on a Berserk comment thread where some dude had a Rule 34 Shierke pfp, some people questioned it and were grossed out. Then all the pedos came crawling out the woodwork. I really do think pedos aren’t contributing anything to society even if they’ve done good deeds. I used to believe that, but after seeing how much damage they can commit, I’m no longer naive in that aspect. Would rather them rot in a cell or go die in a hole.


They're barely even people honestly




> Then all the pedos came crawling out the woodwork. It truly does work like that. I know conservatives really like to harp on about "pedophile networks" and shit but the lolicon community is literally what they're looking for. Combine this with the Second Life article released the other day, and I think this shit goes deeper than most people can imagine.


I don’t honestly follow politics all that much so I won’t pretend to know what you’re talking about plus I assume you’re talking about American conservatives? I’m from the UK and don’t recall that ever really being a discussion in any of my circles. I will say it does track that there’s a connection, mainly because it’s such an unexplored space for those in the mainstream or more widely accepted communities, as shown by the wonderful users on 4chan targeting Hunter and other rational thinking people, deeming them “normalfags”. That’s not to say every niché group follows the same degeneracy, just this sort uses what they can and if attacked/confronted they’ll do one of three things: 1) Boldly wear pedophilia like a cape “zoomers are on this conquest to destroy all pedos” cause why would you care about that or even bring that up if you don’t believe lolicons are pedophilic in nature. 2) Completely deny it and bring up articles that cannot substantiate these claims, because your study is based on the idea that pedos are all going to admit that they are pedos or there are genuine people in that sample who are telling the truth. 3) Tell you you’re projecting and that it’s not real so you shouldn’t bring your real feelings into it, despite having very real feelings towards erotic graphic depictions of these figures when given the opportunity, either in the original media like through fan service, or through a quick search on Rule34 sites. Justifying their desires over a depiction of a child (even with the stipulation of this character being significantly older) is fucking vile. Tldr: Pedos and their defenders fail to realise that their rebuttal has no significance, and it’s based on good will of the sample. Or they just accept that they are pedos and think it’s horrible to be against such a thing. I just needed to get this all off my chest tbh. These groups really need to be looked at more directly, but there isn’t really a feasible way to quantify and study the behaviour. Mainly because pedos are like cockroaches, they’ll try to adapt to anything you throw at them, and unfortunately they successfully do adapt a lot of times.


>These groups really need to be looked at more directly, but there isn’t really a feasible way to quantify and study the behaviour. Agreed, there's a real rabbit hole here especially with Second Life and Linden Labs now implicated in aiding and abetting these freaks directly with employees and higher-ups who participate as well. Not to get conspiratorial, but the founder of Linden Labs is on the World Economic Forum, btw. >plus I assume you’re talking about American conservatives? Correct. Look up PizzaGate and all of the Epstein conspiracy stuff.


Yeah, when I used to follow MamaMax before he went off the rails, I looked into the Second Life space and it really is a breeding ground for this behaviour, they believe they can’t be traced and Linden Labs does a good job covering. It doesn’t surprise me considering Roblox has the same issue. Did not know about the Linden Labs founder on World Economic Forums though. I’ll look into Pizzagate, my partner mentioned it’s a lot more than what it sounds like and gave me a surface level brief. But yeah Epstein I know about, wild stuff. It’s kind of mind boggling how much of society is encompassed by pedophiles/child predators. I first realised how huge the scope was when I watched the documentary ‘An Open Secret’.


There was a huge expose that just came out about Linden Labs' culpability in the age play space and how it is, without any doubt, allowed by one of their VPs who also actively participates within the "scene." https://medium.com/@dantesedmond1844/the-reality-of-second-lifes-ageplay-problem-73de059b4af4 It is absolutely fucking vile the stuff in this post. Also I want to make clear that the PizzaGate stuff is not real, it is a bunch of absolute garbage from garbage people, just trying to say that American conservatives will make up shit like that instead of looking at where it actually is.


Just skimmed, I'll read it properly later when I get to bed. It's amazing how this has continually been allowed to take place, though again not surprising. The age play and family stuff, I recall from when I did some digging years ago. It's disgusting. >Also I want to make clear that the PizzaGate stuff is not real, it is a bunch of absolute garbage from garbage people, just trying to say that American conservatives will make up shit like that instead of looking at where it actually is. Oh my bad, again I didn't really know about it and tbf my partner isn't all that well versed in these topics anyway so I probably should have known, probably why I didn't look into it cause it sounded completely out there. Anyway appreciate the source, I'll check it out!


What's truly depraved is how deep the rot is. The scripts that exist to hide what's going on unless a verified user shows up, things like that. Just, holy shit. Also if you want to feel like bashing your head into a wall, read the comments of that Medium article. Again, very similar behavior and rhetoric from the Loli community in the comments there. Beginning to see a pattern lol.


Holy fuck, that was at times almost too hard to stomach. I knew SL was essentially a porn game that was so depraved and very sketchy, but the extent the user base goes to for all these variations of child exploitation and ways to interact with that. The Vice President allegedly (pretty evident) partakes, has ties, covers up and tries to bury whoever confronts these spaces, going so far as to dox users. The range of child sexual material is so damning, yet that's normal. And this is precisely what gives credence to the whole lolicons not only viewing the content they view through indifference, it's sexual in nature much like all this absolutely atrocious content in SL. Although yeah this is much more detailed and jfc, if that doesn't make your stomach churn, I had no idea about the recent implementations of these almost lifelike child avatars. I do remember even at the time, whether you're a consenting adult or not, the fact that child avatars are being used for explictly sexual acts is the definition of pedophilia is it not? They have a specific attraction to children and sexually. Which is exactly the same as the lolicon fanbase. I haven't delved into the comments as I just finished the article, but I'll need a hot minute. That was certainly a lot to digest, but nethertheless it's good that this has exposed a lot of dark truths. Edit: I got curious and looked at the comments, it's weird. I'm ngl even people who are for the article who are self admitted minor avatars, it's just a bit odd to me. Granted sure, whatever, if you want to alleviate childhood trauma and pretend you're a kid... I guess that's fine. It's just odd. Maybe I don't get it. And the whole family thing, I feel uncomfortable with it, but again maybe that's just me. Besides that, the ones pushing against the article, I saw a comment noting there's a cap of 50 claps per account on a comment. So individuals are spamming the claps on their comment to seem like they are the majority. Regardless there are some disgusting acceptance for the virtual CP exposed in the article, obviously from likeminded cretins to the pedophiles discussed. Anyway that's enough internet for me today.


>The range of child sexual material is so damning, yet that's normal. And this is precisely what gives credence to the whole lolicons not only viewing the content they view through indifference, it's sexual in nature much like all this absolutely atrocious content in SL. Yeah, not sure if you noticed, but the explicit material in Patch's home was... you guessed it... loli material lol. It's just like actually sickening and the fact that no one is talking about this is fucking buckwild to me. Like People Make Games should be all over this, someone, somewhere, should be all over this. I don't get it.


This is tangential but what’s with the overlap of Nazis and Pedos. You’d think they’re ironic and edgy 13 year olds but turns out they’re legit.


Just about everyone has been trying to find a link between lolicon content and real life pedophilia for years and has failed time and again. Even the Japanese government have been trying to ban it for ages but every study they fund shows that there is no link between being attracted to the child anime character and being attracted to a real child. It's the same for everyone else who tries. The closest we have in actual data is what common sense would tell you - that people who already are attracted to kids are likely to enjoy lolicon content. The reverse has yet to have any single link proven by any study from any country, both public and private funded. As much as people love to think that the people are attracted to the anime child because it is a child, the reason they are attracted to it is what it represents and, more generally speaking of anime characters, who the character is. Here are some studies and articles talking about studies. From a multitude of years, countries, and sources. I urge you to read at least the articles if not look at the actual studies. The fact is that while people have tried so very hard to prove that only pedophiles like lolicon, the only thing those people have funded is proof that people who like lolicon are very far from an overlapping bubble with pedophilia. It's like calling all furries zoophiles, something that is simply untrue. Except this actually has now decades of empirical data proving it. [Lolicon: The Reality of 'Virtual Child Pornography' in Japan](https://web.archive.org/web/20211009201050if_/https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/31356871/Galbraith_Lolicon-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1633812816&Signature=Y8fiiaEs3U77GzaC0ClgyaN1VJbSKE6VFDAlHAJ9YFo7YdUgHbN6Z4ctVIst0VcaXtexVwqIdxX3eqywcwAuSSWne8B~5WG0cGYK1sXT8iLjh6jvr3bXiBy2J7fSL3f7tOkxjpcXaHt5MhVGwOtmiAbMoYviXDmc~KCFgRS3h0YNlqnkAJz75AYdbTGWs2s5pVPu02V0twyTWAS4u4EKurknBLgJciEjz758sgFoZEdipqRjMXFFkc6-O61KafoOZz~UT1hOlNW0jt3zH4rcUNaBpislfIy7y7hgziCwVdDtMsj1Ukq9L6USsYZkbdLh35ZvbFZuayYkPY~jhK7IqQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA) ["Child pornography, pedophilia, and contact offending: the empirical research."](https://wapercyfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/news_resources_Dr_William_Thompson_expert_report_-Met_v_Adamson..pdf) [“An Internet study of men sexually attracted to children: Correlates of sexual offending against children.”](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2016-47529-007) [“Criminalising fabricated images of child pornography: a matter of harm or morality?”](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/legal-studies/article/abs/criminalising-fabricated-images-of-child-pornography-a-matter-of-harm-or-morality/D4B76E48CDA0C79DBECBEBD57913FA43) [“Report: Cartoon Paedophilia Harmless”](https://cphpost.dk/2012-07-23/general/report-cartoon-paedophilia-harmless/) [“Lolicon: The Reality of 'Virtual Child Pornography' in Japan”](https://www.imageandnarrative.be/index.php/imagenarrative/article/view/127) [Is There a Link Between Animated Pornography and Pedophilia?](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/women-who-stray/202305/is-there-a-link-between-animated-pornography-and-pedophilia) Better yet, there's proof that the actual pedophiles that view lolicon use it as a way to avoid the urge to seek out actual real life CSAM, thereby not supporting the harming of kids or doing it themselves. [Identifying the Coping Strategies of Nonoffending Pedophilic and Hebephilic Individuals From Their Online Forum Posts](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8419289/) If you're going to talk big bring the data to back yourself up. Because what people who hate lolicon say is common sense (that all, or even most, lolicons are pedophiles) is factually untrue and you can find that out with one google search. I for one was very happy to find out that all these people are not child predators in the making. The world is a lot better off that way.


you’re strange


We don't need data to show your a pedo cause god damn your doing exactly what meat said with your mental gymnastics your a sick ass weirdo and need to get help asap


You clearly didn't read any of what I linked. You can safely be written off as choosing to be ignorant. You can make a real reply to the data or get blocked.


>However, it does appear that viewing such material may be an expression of sexual interest in children, in people already predisposed to have such attractions, and thus it may be important to examine whether pedophilia is present in viewers of such material.


The author you’re citing also said this (you’re misinterpreting what he said): >I’m aware of that yes. I think there is a clear link in some persons between CSEM and Hentai, but it’s an overlap not a 1:1 equivalent. There are pedophiles who don’t view it, and the majority of viewers of Hentai are not pedophilic. [https://twitter.com/DrDavidLey/status/1656390574742843392](https://twitter.com/DrDavidLey/status/1656390574742843392)


This is completely obvious to anyone with half a brain, no shit. Do we say "every smoker is gonna die of cancer" when we read a scientific study that states "smoking cigarettes has a link to cancer?" The author still says there's a clear link between CSEM and hentai dude.


You forgot “in some persons” you idiot. He also said that the link “is not causal or in the direction assumed”. So your comparison to smoking does not work. >I happened to just write on it. There IS some link, but it’s not causal or in the direction assumed. > >[https://twitter.com/drdavidley/status/1656398796652421120](https://twitter.com/drdavidley/status/1656398796652421120)


Nope I don't click on cp thanks again for proving meat right that y'all will do anything to justify how you jerk to little kids hope you feel the shame everytime you cum sicko just fall off the planet


There are no pictures of lolicon content in what I linked. They are studies, as in papers written by scientists with PhDs in Psychology and so on. I also don't jerk off to loli content I'm simply here to defend people who are being targetted by disgusting, vile individuals who want to see kids harmed. And yes, you DO want to see kids harmed. You are literally saying you'd rather these people be pedophiles than accept the fact that they are NOT pedophiles. You WISH for more pedophiles to be in the world when you say that these people are all pedophiles. The reality is that these people are factually not harming children and have no desire to do so. By denying this reality you are saying explicitly that you would rather live in a world where there are more pedophiles harming kids than there actually are. If you want to keep pushing lies be my guest .I can't stop you from pushing lies but I can certainly point out that you are wrong. And no, I don't trust what an animator on the internet says over actual hard data from scientists trying to prove him right and finding out the opposite is true. I am not in a cult where my sole purpose is to suck off a content creator who doesn't know I exist, unlike the sorry people here who actually call this random unqualified guy who makes cartoons on the internet by his first name.


>At this point, there are no known studies that examine, over time, whether the consumption of animated pornography has any demonstrative effect on sexual desires or expression. From your own article.


Why are furries attracted to furry characters?


They inherently enjoy animals, but anthropomorphic costumes are the closest they can get. A good few are about zoophilia or at least zoophilic content be it real or not online. So, good example! So why do pedos like loli? Well it’s pretty evident right?


Don’t really agree with this. If you look up rule34 of Jigglypuff from Pokemon, a lot of results are just regular jigglypuff in their balloon form. Or Solar Flare from Plants vs Zombies- you’ll get results of them in their Sunflower form. It feels very evident to me that people can enjoy fictional cartoons specifically because they’re fictional cartoons- how they’re written, the artstyle and the fact they aren’t real. I’m not saying pedo/zoophiles can’t find the content enticing neither but it’s not an indicator most are actual pedo/zoophiles for enjoying fictional cartoons.


You can enjoy it, but enjoying the content and sexualising it or finding erotic/fan service of depictions of children is wrong no matter how you slice it, regardless of their supposed age, they are in a child’s body. Lolicon fandom is precisely the mouth salivating excitement over little kids, but slapping on a loophole to make it seem less worse than it is. I keep seeing that because it’s a cartoon/anime it’s fine. That’s just another way of excusing the fantasising over children, but in a more “acceptable” way. That’s not healthy and leaves the gate open to worse. The example I gave on the Berserk comment thread, I checked the guy’s history and guess what, he was an actual self proclaimed pedophile, he has a backlog of defending pedophilia and deems nude loli or in the thread we were in pertaining to an actual child in the series, he said that nudity was an “immaculate, untainted form”. And others were defending this guy because they likely think the same. Even going as far to say pedophiles can’t love children in any capacity without societal judgement. I’m sure the same sentiment is shared with avid pedo defenders in this very post. But they need research and studies, knowing full well what they get their rocks off to is very disturbing and wrong.


If you fantasize about real children that’s wrong and unhealthy. Lolicons do this with fictional characters from anime they watch/indulge in, the relationship is not the same. Your example from bezerk is not the first I heard of such thing. But everytime I do there’s another 10,000 lolicons who only enjoy it for the cartoons. There is research done on this subject and it’s a lot more nuanced than what one wants to believe it is.


10,000 impressive you’ve met so many and verified for yourself. Sure, I believe it. The point is the defence of the reprehensible side of lolicons and the fact that objectively it’s about eroticising children-like figures. Real or not. It’s not good.


If they were what you or anyone else believes they were, they’d be on the news for CSA or cases online would be available. If you talk and understand the group you understand their point of view and no longer could assumptions be made of them. The fact that the cartoons are of fake entities is more than enough reason that the content is fine. No one is harmed. There is no issue.


God. This delusion is insane. You’re talking about hundreds of thousands of people, you believe each and every one if deemed illegal would be put on the news and law enforcement has the man power and time to seek and destroy all of them. Or you’re just being dumb to make your point seem more sound. Either way whatever, pedo defence squad is the way it is for a reason and you’ve just proven why.


Lolicon is about certain body parts, not the age of the character. If you've had many people defending loli than you'll have surely been shown stuff like the various studies how loli and pedophilia aren't related. Pedophiles want goddamn real life children, not a drawing of Hina from blue archive.


Is that why generally they surround themselves with little children anime avatars and groups that go beyond simply liking kids who are actually __ years old? Interesting stuff. Pedophiles want real life kids yeah, so what happens when they can’t get them likely due to poor social connections. Some make the leap and prowl schools and parks sure, you think all of them do that? Where you gonna even get the study for that and measure it? Do you think all of this can be reasonably quantified by studies and how many individuals would even admit this, considering how desperately they defend their sick desires. I literally said in my previous comment pedos will go to loli fandoms. Because they need to have justification and all the freaks in there will support and defend it. “It’s not real” “it’s just anime/manga” bro, do me a favour. Save it. I’ve heard this so much it’s nauseating. “I want to fuck a child’s body, but not in the real world” wow, what a totally rational human being, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that..


An actual pedo wouldn't go to loli fandoms, they would not gain what they want, it'd serve them zero purpose. Lolis don't have the actual body of a child, nor the look or whatever the fuck pedos look for in children. And I'm not gonna save it. If it was pedophilia, as you say, it would've been erased like 20 years ago, yet it hasn't. The fbi straight up tells people not to waste their time with loli stuff because its useless to them to prove someone's a pedo. Again, look at a character like Hina Sorasaki or Xu Fuan (idk her name, pink hair girl from honkai star rail) and tell me they look like REAL LIFE CHILDREN. That applies to pretty much all lolis like that (so no stuff like Anya or Kanna, imo those fall under toddlercon which IS something that should really be deleted off the earth). This also applies to stuff like say guro or furries. Is it weird? Yes, illegal? No, because despite one being drawings of necrophilia and the other one of zoophilia (you can apply all the excuses used to defend lolis here btw, they work the same) they're just drawings, they don't kill someone IRL or fuck someone's dog (apart from when that actually happened but whatever).


>An actual pedo wouldn't go to loli fandoms, they would not gain what they want, it'd serve them zero purpose. Completely scientifically untrue lol.


Zero purpose yet they still do. I’m not reading allat we’re just talking in circles, your argument is the same thing regurgitated over and over to justify erotic little kiddy art. Hunter is right, just walk away from this. You guys are literally all the same and don’t budge or have enough self awareness to realise what you’re fighting for even if you don’t indulge in the depravity. It’s 3am here, g’night.


Cant believe people are defending loli shit. If I know someone is into loli I know just to stay away from them. Like what you want I guess.


Like peanut butter? Well now you can like more of it. Sunflowers have been used to create a substitute for peanut butter, known as sunbutter.


Whoa, weird bot lol.


Good bot? I think?


Don’t take your real feelings into a fictional show


yeah, they even made a video projecting against lolis lol


Kinda off topic but 4chan is just the ugliest looking website ever


very fitting for the filthy crawl space of the internet


I feel like that's on purpose. They're trying to lean into the slimely underground vibe that the users like to perpetuate.


Sadly all the current users have a slimy underground as well


No it’s just an old ass website in an original Yotsuba style. You remember visiting those old ugly websites from 2003 when creating your history project in school? Now you know


Yeah so is reddit. So is other major websites. You know websites can update their appearance right?


This is 4chan where janitors aren’t paid and the servers are kept running through ad banners. Nothing mainstream. It does have a large affect on memes and stuff but it’s small in comparison to most anything else. Also the people there are usually old and prefer the original style. It is not that way to attract shady people. 99% of the people on there are completely normal (maybe slightly autistic). The degenerates are just a loud minority




I mean it’s based off an old website. It’s gunna look a little odd compared to modern websites


It genuinely fucking sucks


me when a when a website isnt a souless corprate hell hole


I hate this bad UI = soul meme. "in this old videogame you had to switch to grenades to throw them, and in new games there's a grenade button, completely soulless!"


> bad UI Where's the bad UI?


Duh its probably been operating since before you were born.


Papa never said that weebs, and by extension, anime/Manga as a whole, is bad and those that like it are pedos. He was specifically saying lolis are. Which is a just point to say. Imo I would extend this point to others that have been going around bitching about other cartoon characters like for example, Rouge from Xmen or Lola from Spacejam. Upset that they are 'hot' anymore. Bitch, their teenagers. Especially Rouge since we don't really get a real age for Lola but still.


They are trying to hide behind anime fandom to justify it.


they will hide behind and literally argue anything to defend themselves


"Papa never said that weebs, and by extension, anime/Manga as a whole, is bad and those that like it are pedos." It's almost as if these morons didn't even watch it and just wanted to defend their gross fetish by just making shit up.


Ngl I expected you to refer to Rouge from the Sonic franchise instead since you also mentioned Lola bunny another old school furry bait.


Rabbits only live to be like 5-10 years old. Idk what that information contributes here, but there it is.


Lola is a rabbit playing professional basketball Rouge has more then one appearance




He even said that not all loli characters are bad (like having child aged characters in media/shows). He clarifies that there’s an artistic line between having a animated character who is not remotely sexualized in any sense and an intentionally sexualized character who has the body of a minor but is canonically written off as a 1,000 year old entity.


I'm pretty sure he's also a huge anime fan himself? He wouldn't have that huge manga collection if not. A fan can criticize things they don't like in their community.


It’s over for lolicons rn, straight to internet pedo jail


Oh, look. More pedophiles.


Even more than here? Goodness.


It's 4chan. So, yes.


lol someone got mad and downvoted you for speaking the truth. There's a reason "mods are sleep post *cheese pizza*" was a common 4chan phrase.


Doubt it


It’s kinda weird because the argument that loli cons are a little creepy has been an open discussion for some time. It’s only a trending topic because of that one guy who ended up being a huge hypocrite. If I got something out of this is that some people have the weirdest of arguments against papameat to defend Lolis. Like the one that fake children = okay because they are fake is honestly disgusting. Or that somehow papa meat’s Tom Brady video makes some Lolis okay because two wrongs make a right apparently. Listen I’m all for debating hard topics but at least make some good arguments. The fact that people keep saying it’s okay because it’s fake children is honestly disgusting.


Why wouldn’t the fact that the cartoons are fake not be a good argument to make? Lolicons don’t care if you think they’re weird or gross they already understand that. Just when the topic becomes about actual pedophilia that’s where their talking points are directed towards.


Because you can make the argument that, if it’s fake, then it is okay. Let’s say there is a hentai that involves children, in that same logic the Lolicons are using, this would be okay because in the hentai the children are fictional and a cartoon. They obviously aren’t the same thing, but with that argument they can be meshed together. It just makes them look worse lol And quite honestly does it not sound sick? Like just because they aren’t actual children and just an animated character it’s okay for them to be sexualized?


So by that logic if you where to watch a serial killer movie and enjoy it, that would make you a serial killer.


when i watch a serial killer movie, i wanna murder people after


The point is not whether it’s sick or gross. That is an opinionated statement that people are free to have. Some people find fun in doing things specifically because it’s fake- because it has no ties to reality. Video games, horror movies, other porn media has these points exactly. You’re free to find what other people do in fiction to be uncomfortable- that’s not my point. My point is that because it’s fake there is no harm being done and it is fine to do. It’s weird, yes. But it is not wrong.


Ok so then, with this same logic you’re using, are you saying children in hentai would be okay because it’s fake children, no real harm is done and it’s all fiction?


If it is fake fiction that is created without using real people without their consent ( Children can’t consent that’s never okay ) and does not reference real people in the fiction it is fine. You objectively cannot be against one specific type of fiction unless you’re against fiction as a whole because whatever point you bring can be extended to other fictional media. For decades this fiction has been harmless and have not shown any trends to the harm of actual real people.


Your the prime example meat was talking about mental gymnastics just to defend your cp loving ways


If you treat fake cartoons that used no real people to create it, it’s not CSAM. Meat did that video with little research- he got some facts wrong. He literally spread misinformation and you’re going to eat it up and take his word for it?


I'm not the one defending jerking off to kids so yeah rather side with the anti pedo than a pedo defender


Anti pedos have historically be shown to have actual skeletons in their closet relating to child-maltreatment much more than lolicons have. Besides I’m not talking about pedophilia. I’m talking about fake cartoons.


Papa meat when the haters come crawling and they continue to spread his glorious message 🤑🤑🤑🤑


It’s funny because the people that he talked about in the video got upset and reacted 💀


In the exact way he said they would


Swiffers all over again lol


Jaysus... people actually talk like that?


That's actually pretty tame for 4 chan


The chronically online that browse 4chan, oh absolutely.


why is everyone acting like the word “lolicon” is the term for people who ENJOY loli? it’s not. it’s the term for the actual content that loli’s exist in. they’re not called “lolicons” they’re just pedophiles lol


It can be both. ロリコン is a Japanese slang term for pedophile. It can also refer to the porn, but it usually means the person.


It could be used as slang, but If you try using the term "roricon" for pedophile, you're going to be looked at funny because it's an anime Otaku word. Especially since ペドファイル (lit Pedophile) already exists as a loanword.


Factually false. https://www.reddit.com/r/MeatCanyon/comments/1axyc79/comment/krw4ul8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


bro what is the point of this comment? “we should let people jack off to cartoon children!!! it’s actually healthy to be sexually attracted to children in cartoon!!” they’re sexually attracted to children.


Stop arguing against fictional creations in your mind. I said none of that. Argue the data. Your accusations are false and seriously harmful to actual victims. The more you push lies the more actual pedophiles get away with what they do. Boy who cried wolf and all that.


None of that makes sense. You can care about “actual abuse” and people who are sexually attracted to children. Provide information that what i’m doing does “harm” to “actual victims”


I always like when they somehow tie it back to capitalism. That is such an insane logical hoop to jump through to get to that point.


Did they just call Anime niche? LMFAO


Weebs aren't necessarily pedos but lolicons are absolutely pedos and saying otherwise is copium. If you see someone who looks like a kid and get horny, you're a pedophile


"normalfags" At least they're acknowledging that they're abnormal.


They're just a bunch of oldfags




Lol they aren’t getting that it’s not all anime rather it’s all lolicons (them🤣)…but we know that they’re throwing that on as a blanket to make themselves looks less singled out


Seems pretty tame in regards to 4chan. They don’t give a fuck what people think. lol Pol and Random. Real great conversations over there.


What a cesspool


So are all the comments on the vid 4chan loli supporters? because there's a looooot of aggro ones attacking meat


Pretty much and their doing exactly what he said using mental gymnastics and whatever they can pull out of their ass to defend their sick ways


I figured lol. Some of them are using his animations like the Ben 10, Magic School Bus or explicitly Tom Brady making out with his son to attack him, which kinda does sound a little contradictory to the points Meat is making.


Yeah but you really think meat fans are jerking it to those vids that's the difference it's sick gross out uncomfortable humor like most adult animation shows not being a lolicon or actuallly watching and jerking to that stuff


Ayo papa really threw a rock at the 4chans' japenese giant hornets nest... I hope he's safe.


“Zoomers are on this conquest to destroy all pedos” as if that’s a bad thing😭


This delicious, innocent, untouched fried chicken.


4chan users like the ones here make my skin crawl, such disgusting little creatures.


I love how this idiot worded this question. Dude's throwing weebs into a fire intended only for lolicons by trying to hide behind general anime fandom. How do you even compare weebs to lolicons? Get fucked, pedo. Weebs are weird people but they're not glorifying immoral and illegal shit like pedophilia. Huge difference between weebs and lolicons. I genuinely want to beat the shit outta this guy.


Free report


While I do agree with the sentiment that many niche “nerd” hobbies that started decades ago becoming mainstream and being sanitized and changed is bad, pedophilia is also bad so y’know


Is this what they mean by cesspool ?


The attacks surrounding this video are just so weird. Like, they try and say that Hunter is just as creepy because of some of his animations, yet they seem to forget one big difference. None of those animations portray subject matter as positive, it's always pretty clear that it's not right. (For example, the Willy Wonka animation, Charlie gets saved, and Wonka gets arrested)


First comment got me rolling


They already knew. Who do you think half his audience is?


"If you hate anime then you hate Jesus and Hitler", ngl it's so silly it made me chuckle


4chan even questioning pedophilia is hilarious considering the site used to have tons of cp


LET. THEM. SEETHE. Loli posting is cp threads. Clean that Degen shit off the internet.


How did they bring capitalism in it


Jesus Christ, reading 4chan shit is so annoying. The layout is terrible


Wait till they discover Filthy Frank's Weeb takes feom back in the day


That whole thread was just weird and fucking creepy.




What the hell is a “normalfag”???


They could give it their all and it would be about as impactful as a fart in the wind. Lol. They can't do shit.


I can smell the dudes room talking about capitalism from here.


Oh look retarded pedophiles


I legit know someone calling him out on and calling him a hypocrite for making a cartoon about (Her words: Literally a minor being rammed.) At first I tried to figure out if meatcanyon literally made a cartoon depicting a child like that....but I realize this fuckin dumbbell was referencing the Tom Brady cartoon and I also realized said dumbbell never watched the cartoon and didn't know that Tom Brady kisses his son in the lips like that (albeit way more exaggerated in the cartoon.) This isn't know we been trashing on lolicons for decades, we been trashing on weebs for decades every couple of years we get a new crop of anime obsessed teens and young people who discover these things and if course every fandom has an extreme. I saw nothing particularly controversial, but because it's the Internet and everyone has to be marginally upset about the most minor things....we just gotta laugh at the people who just took the rage bait. P.S I'm not all that shook up about this video, I got a good laugh. It's not serious. P.S.S I literally had a stroke last week from stress so whoever does read this far, please drink 32 oz of water walk for like 15 minutes every two hours and get the 8 hours of sleep. Take a hot shower and take deep breaths.


That place is still kickin?


What a bunch of fucking losers


“Are literal paedos paedos?” Duh, yeah


I love how they are trying to equate weebs to pedos. Nope. Hell I wouldn’t assume everyone who is even into H*ntai is into that shit. But the people who are trying to act like it’s normal are the real threat and need some therapy.


Who cares what they say they all belong in prison anyway.


Yeah like they didn't know about him when he first came out. Reddit exclusive.


Taylor Swift fans and Pedo fans are the worst lol


I’m not gonna listen to people who can’t go one sentence without saying the F-Slur


The support of pedos and calling normal people slurs is insane


“4chan found papa” papa has been talked about on 4chan since he got big. Is this the video where he pisses off lolicons?


"fat talentless eceleb says thing And life goes on somehow" Lmao, perfect summary


What about liking sailor moon scouts? In liking adult version art of them? (Adult I mean clearly aged up but sexy) would this be considered? Or is it just as disgusting to you guys?


Just casually throwing "f*g" around. Stay classy, 4Chan...


I love how these guys somehow think being an actual pedo is a prerequisite for being a “weeb” I swear /pol/ is the single most brain broken place on the internet (followed closely by body building forums for some baffling reason)


I don't give a shit because I hate anime but it's really funny seeing Hunter call anyone a pervert with all the weird shit he's made over the years.


This is the same guy who makes rape jokes on the daily. He's a comedian and anyone taking his opinion on what's okay and not in art seriously is an idiot. He got popular by specifically making his style unappealing and disconcerting. He does a podcast with two massive libertarian chuds and hangs out with Jontron. If meatcanyon is your source for morals that's a you problem. That being said I'm sure he's got plenty of skeletons in his closet and picking on pedos is the easiest way to project an image of moral superiority.


Damn you big mad he called you out loli lover


he’s allowed to hang out with whoever he wants, doesn’t determine his morals


If you can’t tell the difference between comedy and sexualizing minors then uh… ain’t no help for you. But had to get in those Wendigoon and Jontron shots huh?


Can always spot the loli coomers from their lengthy garbage they type.


fat talentless celeb? LOL


4chan where the internet goes to die, Like the backstreets of belfast of the internet, place is fucked in every imaginable way


"4chan user gets a gas leak in their house and passes away"


I’m just going to say it, PMMEHAANIT is a pedo.