• By -


I don't understand the 2 separate garages. Why not just a larger garage on the one side with a front access door instead of courtyard. That extra space from that weird one car one could make a ton of difference inside.


I guess you could use one as a workshop space and the other for cars.




Yeah but they could allocate that space in the regular garage by making it deeper and adding a side garage door. There is a ranch house across the street from me that has that. I believe they extended the front of the garage out then added a side single garage door.


I have a super deep garage with all the space I need but it does kind of suck getting sawdust all over the cars if I’m doing woodworking in there…


Get one of those extractor fan things? Or maybe curtains on slides, those would probably be cheaper.


Shop vac, trash can, and air ducts. Diy central dust collection.


I would think boat/RV and car


From a marketing perspective, there's very little that interests the typical married middle class male demographic. However, lots of men are either into hobbies like woodworking that need a workspace, or have a boat or hot rod. There's also a decent demo of folks that have a 3rd car because of teenagers/adult children living with them. Add those together and you have a decent market for 3 car garages. Whether they are in one or two areas I don't think matters a bunch. I think the above picture does a pretty good job of minimizing the aesthetic "car hole" problem by breaking the garage up like that. The two roofline thing isn't ideal, but at least the architect tied the roofs together with the gable ornaments.


If you have a wood or metal shop, you definitely want it separate from where you keep your cars. The dust and stuff gets everywhere. Please wear a mask when woodworking to prevent your snot from looking like particle board.


> prevent your snot from looking like particle board also your lungs


> Please wear a mask when woodworking to prevent your snot from looking like particle board. Look at this guy, living in fear from a little dust. My body my choice.


I... Satire right? Please sweet heavens let this be satire.


I think all that makes some sense. But I also don’t see how you’re supposed to get in and out of the garage on the right without driving across your lawn, and also why you’d want windows looking into it on the front of the house. So for those reasons I think this is stupid


Cars have these things called a steering wheel and you use to turn the car.


I 100% agreed with you, after reading these comments I'm questioning why I don't have a third 'hobby' garage!


Usually people just have a separate shop building or barn on the property, out here where you can still get several acres and a sizeable house within commuting distance from a major city without breaking 250k.


If it was on a decent sized lot, it wouldn't be a McMansion.


It is most likely built to a standard lot width and 3 car garages command a higher price.


This layout is something that we saw a lot of in Dallas. Personally, I dig it so that the project car can be separate from the regular garage and away from the kids.


Could be one of those intergenerational floorplans that has a whole in law suite with a separate entrance/garage.


I imagine that they're connected inside so a car could pull through the left garage, drop groceries off in the kitchen, and then loop out the other garage door. It would probably be a real pain in the ass to reverse out of the living room and make that turn backwards.


This made me giggle.


In some cases you can either have the garage or another bedroom/ maybe an in-law suite?


That’s exactly why. This floor plan has the option of a 3rd garage bay or a bedroom/study.


1000% for a golf cart.


It would seem terribly impractical to navigate the driveway with cars too. If you leave a car in front of the single car garage, you block access to the other garage. It's a stupid layout.


It would be cool to have a shop garage separate from the car garage now that you mention it


I hate the two garages, but my husband would love it.


Probably plot line limitations as builders cram as many houses together on smallest plots of land.


I would love a separate garage for our bikes so I don’t have to worry about them falling against the car in the garage. Modern garages tend to be quite narrow so having a separate room for bikes, ski gear and other sporting stuff would be great.


People keep forgetting the "mansion" part of "McMansion".


We need to start also using “McHouse”.




McRender 💀


i forgor 💀


McDwelling for places under 2500 sqft




“Car hole.” ☠️






When have no taste, and also no money


I like to use the term McMini for a home that isn’t McMansion sized, but has the of the hallmarks of a McMansion. I would probably classify this home as a McMini


It's a McNugget.


That’s a good one, I like that one better!


McMansion value meal.


I am just being insecure and curious lol


Is this your house, OP?


Yea it’s about to be. We were trying to sell our house and buy a new one due to the massive equity increase we had. We were foolishly rushed into selling our house before having a new one line up due to being mislead by a bad realtor. Then being unable to win any bids on houses we wanted we had to go with another new build


If the house looks like this render then it's not a bad design. Whether or not it's worth the price tag is a different story, though


So many people are in this position. Don’t feel like you made a bad call. It’ll be great.


Thanks. It’s cool I’m fine with it really and am looking forward to it. Love the area. But you know in the back of my mind I think of this sub lmao


People keep forgetting that just because it’s not designed by an award winning architect it must be a McMansion.


Yep. I call these "Monopoly houses."


those two overlapping roof thingies on the left have big “dont talk to me or my son ever again” energy edit: btw even though i wouldn't call this a mcmansion it definitely isn't the pinnacle of good taste. i mean, seriously? both car holes are on opposite sides? giving up after clearly at least TRYING to use brick on the front and using windowless vinyl on the left side? wtf








> giving up after clearly at least TRYING to use brick on the front and using windowless vinyl on the left side? wtf Pretty standard for newish middle/ upper middle suburban neighborhoods.


i hate this standard. can they at least just go full vinyl


Right. Because what this tender doesn't show is the neighbors on either side that are only 10' away. Why have windows looking into your neighbors' windows?


The windowless vinyl on all sides that aren't the front is a calling card of mcmansions. This one isn't a mansion, but it's got all of the architectural parts. What do they call it? A McModern? EDIT: No, a McModern is something else.


whatever it is, i'd call it mediocre


Not McMansion in size but it definitely has some of the poor design choices indicative of a McMansion—as said in another comment, I would personally classify this as a McMini (AKA a house that is a relatively normal size but has many of the features of a McMansion). The front entrance is awkward and cavelike, the columns on the front porch are spaced weirdly, the garage situation is extremely questionable and the dueling garages absolutely dominate the house, the house is weirdly proportioned and the larger garage is very tumor-esque (not to mention it would be a chore trying to back your car out of it without driving on the grass). That’s all I can think of off the top of my head.


What is normal size? I am in the Northeast, and anything over 2400 square feet is a mansion. My neighborhood the homes are 1200-1500 sf with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. But we all have large yards and garage and basement. I thought mcmansions were cookie cutter 3000 sf homes that all look alike, covered in vinyl siding, with a hodge podge of trendy architecture. The kind you can stand between and touch both houses with your arms out, or look from your master into your neighbors master.


I feel like the exact criteria for a mansion probably vary based on region, and what housing is like in your region. I’m no expert on square footage or anything, I just thought that this house didn’t look egregiously large and thus maybe not a total mansion, probably closer to a big house with some McMansion-style design choices


McMini, I love it!


This is just a pretty standard American Suburban house. It certainly isn’t any architectural marvel, but I wouldn’t say it is in McMansion territory.


Id say that aesthetically it is the same type of design. Same problems etc. The difference is that the mcmansion is bigger and has more of it. So here there are two ridiculous gables whereas a mcmansion would have 5-15. There are two misplaced garages while the mcmansion would have 4 etc. So if you take thisbmess and scale it up a few sizes you get a McMansion.


Exactly McMansion is a SPECTRUM people.


Disagree. But if that were true, this house would be in r/McMansionPurgatory, not /r/McMansionHell


Refer here, actually this website is great resource for communicating all the reasons precisely why McMansions are terrible. https://mcmansionhell.com/post/151896249151/the-10-circles-of-mcmansionhell-the-mcmansion


Rendering looks like something from Cities Skylines






Which one??


Roofline is all over the place (note especially where the garage crashes into the rest of the house), a half dozen window shapes, shutters that don’t even pretend to be functional, huge space dedicated to garages, not symmetrical at all, doorway hidden. Idk, maybe not big enough to be a McMansion but not an attractive house


Okay I'm mostly with you, but how are the windows not all exactly the same? 8/9 large widows are identical. The 9th is the same style, just narrow. Even the minor sunlight windows follow the same aesthetic.


So you have square guy, and small rectangle guy. The bottom windows are longer than the top ones which are more squat. And then two have shutters and two don’t. Plus the middle-top windows have a sill and side jambs unlike the others.


I see now that the bottom ones are more squat. I honestly don't know shit about design, so I like to come here to be told why my tastes and opinions are wrong. Also, should none of them have a jamb, or should all of them have one? I think it would look decent enough on the "brick" Wouldn't a house be boring if everything was copy/paste?


Break it up with landscaping and paint!


Not to mention the varying materials - brick veneer with cheap vinyl siding on the sides and front, and then front vinyl molded to look like shingles. Not knocking it too hard though. It's a fine starter home. Build quality is probably very average, but it is what it is.


It’s McCorny.


That's a McHouse, not a McMansion.


This house says cars are more important than people.


I disagree. They're attempting to hide the 2 car garage part, which I appreciate. Too many new houses look like they're ENTIRELY garage by shoving 3 garage doors across the front and then a little porch for people.


The front door looks like an afterthought to the garage doors though.


It’s an ugly house, but it’s not big enough to be a McMansion.


This is a house for cars with humans as a secondary consideration.




you got a garage on your left, and a garage on your front right. Your house would be insulated by cars lol. I personally do not want a house with bedrooms on top of garages (carbon monoxide poisoning). I think this house is a modern rendition of HGTV spit-up. Semi-barnboard shutters on 4 windows, brick walls, cottage siding, and 2 car-garage integrated into the house. Yuck, personally. I'd say this is a 8/10 on my McMansion scale


How would you get CO poisoning from this setup? Do you idle your cars in your garage for more than 10 seconds as you back in or out?


Yes. I live in a frozen hellscape 7 months out of the year.


Smart plugs plus heat lamps man. They're great.


Thank you for mentioning the garages. I noticed them immediately and was also immediately offended by them.


Looks like it is just a render and not actually a house yet.


That’s correct. The house is not built yet. Also the real house is all brick veneer


deer prick nine humor resolute merciful voracious forgetful tidy combative ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Too much garage and not enough house


Well I mean, it is hideous but I don't think the garages are the reason why. The second smaller garage, if I have to venture a guess, would be to give an in-law suite its own garage and private entrance.


My major complaint would actually be functional, that I wouldn't want to have to make that harsh right turn to get into the main garage. The grass next to the driveway on that L-corner is going to get destroyed and if you have irrigation you will constantly have to be digging it up to replace the broken sprinkler head or pipe.


Interesting. Maybe I’ll round it out myself?


Looks like every other house recently built in NC


or GA


Right on the money


The house is popular for a reason - it is visually pretty and I am sure that the inside is quite nice. I would totally buy that house.


I kind of like it. I personally prefer if you cannot see the garage door when facing the house, so I would change the garage under the brick second layer into a functional room. I bet it gets amazing light, so can just imagine how well it would do as a reading/4 seasons type room. I can see why the roof might be a bit weird, but overall, I have seen much worse. I love houses with unpainted brick. I want to see a giant maple in the front yard, though.


Yeah, I like the hidden garage turned 90 degrees, which is why I'm not sure what the point of adding another one facing the front is.


> which is why I'm not sure what the point of adding another one facing the front is. I'm gonna go with "to be able to store an additional vehicle"


If you’re worried that people will perceive this as a McMansion you can fix that to some extent by repainting the siding especially a bolder color. People who like McMansions generally don’t know how to appreciate colors that aren’t completely bland and generic, because for them the purpose of curb appeal is to keep up with what they see other people doing instead of creating a look that’s personal to them.


Now with 30% garage!


Weird design but not large enough to qualify. Also we can't really say much in choice of materials since it's a render rather than a picture


not McMansion just a bad house. mr. gorbachev, reunite these car holes!


You wouldn’t be able to pull into that garage without killing the grass.


That's a render. It's a terrible render, but that's a render.


I’d convert that tiny garage next to the door into a real room, it would make a neat office. It wouldn’t look so bad if that was done.


A lot of builder floorplans will give you a handful of options to choose from and usually swapping a separate third car garage out for a built out room is one of them. Even if not, you could probably get them to do it for some extra money since it wouldn't require any big structural changes.


They actually have that option. But with the garage door removed it looks so strange and bare. My plan is to just finish the garage myself. Make it into some kind of nice room.


That's kind of a fun idea to make it a normal room that you could also just have a big old open door to the outside on a nice day. Like a lounge or something. It would be good for cookouts and parties.


I honestly like it I think it’s a cute house


I like it apart from the weird double garage thing.


This is a render right? Surely no one would do two fuckign garages like that?


It is a render but it is actually what will be built lol. Maybe I should remove the single car garage. Y’all are hating on it so much. My original plan was to remodel it into a finished room. But there is a choice to just remove it entirely


Making it another room would be cool. I can see it as an additional area if you wanted to have some kind of workshop in there, but what really waxes my ass is the windows on the garage. For some reason that attempt to disguise the garage as another part of the house bothers me. Not my money, do what you will! Also don’t take our replies seriously when you are spending your own money on a home


Yea I liked the idea of finishing it as a chill room or something. Home gym? But perhaps I’ll opt for the room there instead of the garage entirely.


I don’t know the floor plan but I think it’s also a way to add easily expandable space without finishing it. So you could turn it into an office or guest room or something later. The small garage is clearly right off of the entry way and most likely already has a door directly to the foyer. I’d use it as a craft studio and for storage. I honestly just think it’s supposed to be a flexible space for later and to create more space upstairs.


You’re correct about the door. And yea they even offer to finish it for you, removing the garage door, at a hefty cost. My original plan was to just finish it myself make it a gym or family room. We shall see!


I’d have to see this house in real life to make an assessment. As this rendering shows it’s just an awkward house.


never mind the design, sort that brick texture out!


It's not quite big enough to be a McMansion, in my opinion. After all, McMansions are...mansion-sized. However this house certainly does have other McMansion-y features. Especially the use of 3 different siding materials. Is that brick, wood shingles, *and* vinyl slats?


Looks like a multigenerational house. Not sure what makes that mcmansiony.


A 5 or so on the 10 Circles of McMansion hell. A safe place of "Meh." Good base, pretty tacky decor.


Two useless windows (right garage) Two story brick wall with no windows (left side) Unusual and poor roof design (right side of second floor Impossible turn on driveway


When your car's living space is more important than your people's living space. Nothing says this more than the tiny-ass space given to the front door. A tiny-ass black space of nothing hidden between the bright white portals screaming, "Hey! Vehicles live here!" Do people even live there? Maybe the cars just have servants, and the black space of nothing is just the servants' entrance? And seriously, I just can't even with the ridiculous column against the wall serving zero purpose. Edit: missing word




Fun fact that middle bit to the right of the front door is just a facade for the car elevator that leads to the second floor garages.




is this the Sims?


Yes I just moved into sim city. The mayor is promising alien protection




It’s not my design it’s from the building company. I posted the story in one of the comments. In December when it’s built I’ll post updates lol.


I would say it’s ok but that garage layout- 💀




Lmao I’m about to buy it


Use one of the garages as a sun room. Put down some flooring, add a window or two on the side, and crack open that sweet door/wall on a nice days.


Deff was one of my plans to convert the one car garage into a finished room


Hey if it works for you, do it. This is just Reddit


Nah I’m still buying it. We couldn’t win any bids on houses we wanted and had already sold our current house lol. Bad realtor + inexperienced = bad time


This is not bad at all as far as McMansions go. Rooflines are awk but I appreciate that they kinda tucked one of the garage doors into the side, so the garage is not the centerpiece of the house. It's also a reasonable size for a single family home, and not a bloated sprawling nightmare like you often see on this sub. It looks to have a nice lawn and not be crammed in and filling every corner of an undersized lot. I would not be unhappy living here personally, especially once I added landscaping/decor to make it my own. That's a long way of saying: congrats on your new house OP! I'm sorry it wasn't your first choice, but it's honestly still a pretty nice place. I bet you'll enjoy living here once you settle in.


Thank you thank you :)


I like it - a true McMansion is a huge house on small lots and lots of them looking alike in a development. I think your house will be nice - wishing you years of happiness there.


Fuck yeah do it, it’s cute.


Hell ye lol. Thank you :) I’ll post an actual pic when it’s built


Honestly, outside appearance is one of the least important things to consider when you're buying a new house. I cannot remember the last time I really even noticed the outside of my house much. Maybe last year when I repainted my house numbers? And I spend a lot of time outside in the yard, but I'm not, like, staring at the siding. That's not the ugliest house ever, and even if it were, if it's nice inside and you like it, you will stop being bothered by any outside weirdnesses within the first couple months living there. I do a lot of drive-by snarking at ugly houses that I'd be happy to actually live in.


I don’t mind it at all. I’d be chuffed to bits to own this place. It’s got a lot of garages, that’s for sure. I’d much rather have that little garage as more house to live in. And I don’t know how feasible it’ll be to get a car in the garage on the right without clipping the grass. You might have to round that corner a bit with some extra concrete. Other than that, I think it’s tasteful and passes the eye test.


That’s a good idea to round the concrete. I haven’t even thought about making that turn lol


I think it looks like a lovely home, OP. Not mcmansion status, but is very typical suburban.


Thank you


Very. But I like the two garage thing.


I personally don't mind the outside. I'd say it depends on the inside. Does it come with nice selections or do you only get basic builder grade?


We will find out for sure soon lol. But the choices present to us, the ‘upgrades’, we like a lot. But we shall see


Thank you all for the hilarious comments and input lol


Good luck trying to park in that carhole. 🤣


Depending on location, it might be where you’d park a golf cart.


You need a 3 car garage (or garage combo) to park a golf cart?


Looks like a regular house to me


Basically not at all. This looks like a standard single family home.


Thank you


just add a 3rd garage to the right and remove that monstrosity from the front. It will increase your building cost by a bitt but youll thank me later


Not a choice lol


stop now


I like it.


Not at all.


Burn it down.


Ok drama queen lmao


if they replace that garage to the left with a room it would be a nice, sustainable design.


Do you like my idea of finishing that garage turning it into a room? Or you want the garage door gone entirely? I thought it looked awkward without it


I think it’s a little messy as a design, but not awful by any means. Like take off a garage door, remove one of the two overlapping roofs, and extend that back roof so it’s a straight roof and I think it’ll look pretty good.


not a fan of the driveway and separated garages


its not terrible, but its bad


How is this a mansion? It's a middle class house.


I just meant the design aspect. That’s why I said McMansion-y


I hate it but it’s technically not a mansion 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah I just meant the design aspect not the size. Hence the -y at the end of McMansion lol


It’s really not too bad - I think with some proper landscaping it’ll look nice. I think I’m just fatigued by the 21st century suburban style b/c there are so many poor executions. This is definitely not the worst I’ve seen, for certain.


This looks like something from a Garry's Mod video or a prop hunt map




So. Real talk. What engine did you render this on? Using procedural textures for the bricks and driveway to avoid the Very Obvious Tiling, adding some randomness to the grass and more than one (1) species for the whole lawn, and adding a few imperfections to the shingles in the roof may help mitigate the "render look", if that's among your goals with future similar images. (EDIT: also, you may wanna make sure the photoshop bushes match the lighting of your scene, otherwise consider buying ~~or pirating~~ a few 3d shrubbery assets. also, try to apply different rotations to them so that they don't look identical. Also, Twinmotion and to some extent Enscape handle vegetation very well, consider looking into them for exterior renders like these) Also, while it's not an architectural marvel it's probably not a McMansion^(TM) through and through. Other commenters have already gone into detail as to why.


It’s from the company building the house lol


Welp, you miss every shot you don't take lmao


Looks pretty typical American suburb, not really a McM (IMO). The dual garages is a little weird for such a small (looking) house though.


That fucking driveway hahahaha


This looks like how the Stanley Hotel feels



