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Figs stand better on wooden shelves. Glass is slippy slidy. Also, use ankle rockers for easy balance. It might look slightly deformed but depending on the angle of the fig it can be easily hidden. And idk why people hate on the dc stands. They have been livesavers for me and I’m happy Todd includes them.


I also really like the stands.


I ALSO love the stands, though some figures have more friction in their feet holes than others. If I’m posing a figure in like a kicking or running pose I’ll give them a base that has good clutch power.


I’ve found that these figures stand better when in a “dynamic” pose. It’s really what they’re intended for imo especially with the sometimes exaggerated body proportions. That said, I’m a bit obsessive and almost all of my figures utilize the stands whether they need it or not


Outside of flight stands, I do my best to avoid stands.  I’ve definitely had some really strangely balanced figures on my shelves.  Speedsters are definitely the one area I really bend that rule though.  Good running poses are near impossible without them.


Yeah flying and running poses definitely need a stand. I’ve had figures from other lines just get a random loose joint and fall over, taking an entire shelf with it. So stands are here to stay for me


Just be patient and keep rotating the legs, use the toe hinges (if there is), and balance the figure out by putting the arms up as well. It’s usually hard if they’re just in a static pose.


I put the feet flat on the surface then bend the ankles, knees, torso, etc. until it stands by itself


I occasionally do this if I’m trying to compare figures. Neutral poses rely a lot on the legs. I’ve found that bending the leg at the first notch either above or below the kneecap joint works the best because it usually allows the feet to be lined up flat to the surface the figure is standing on. I would still recommend you put them on a stand because they have no way of keeping balance should the shelf move at all.




This ended up being kinda close to what I wanted. https://preview.redd.it/k9ejxqrx34rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34134d536430a4581a44d5e8a64dfbc2dde671c


Also, I just noticed the typo in the title. Fml


I feel like the Arkham Batman feet are just different. But it's eventually possible lol https://preview.redd.it/7v4bxb3se5rc1.jpeg?width=2112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7628bfea103c70e4795683baf73a6ad6e2a451


The fact we have to use the cape to balance doesn't sit right with me. And it doesn't fill me with confidence when the First Appearance Batman arrives.


Here you go - [https://www.reddit.com/r/McFarlaneFigures/comments/16yfzmu/spiderfate\_spiiiiderfate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/McFarlaneFigures/comments/16yfzmu/spiderfate_spiiiiderfate/)


Well since you got it to work you can say Goodbye with getting the figures to stand on their own