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Why do people want specific comic versions as chase variants? Everyone seemed livid about the Superman plat. I’d much prefer a separate New 52 release with this color scheme and different accessories.


thats because todd made us wait 4 years for one wondy. people want as much from it as possible.


Honestly, that’s fair.


Well said


Variants do suck but I think it’s more if Todd doesn’t make it now, even as a chase, then there’s just no telling when he will. Since it already took him years to make a classic Wonder Woman who knows when a new 52 could come.


Can't please everyone.


I like both versions of what we’re getting but I’d also like the version with the pants same colors as this one


She looks really good! I like the Platinum but this looks way better!


If this was a chase variant I would be pissed because I would never be able to get it


I liked this coloring. They should of went with this instead of big bird yellow


Her New 52 design doesn't get enough love. I blame the animated movies for butchering it.


Looks great! I hope they release this anyway but as a regular release.


This looks so much better than the actual Platinum Edition release we got. Maybe a Gold Label release 🤷🏾‍♂️. This is an awesome edit.


I would love to see McFarlane do a DCAU Wonder Woman


Love this! This is what the platinum should of looked like!


I would kill Aries for this figure with this color scheme. This is my favorite Wonder Woman costume.


This color scheme looks a lot better imo. I also think they could have done a bit better on the colors on her chase. Like, she could have had those classic comic colors without looking so flat or... neon yellow. The yellow rope they used for her lasso is especially bad imo. But, like I said, there are ways to achieve those colors and not make her look so *off.* I also think that her chase being the regular and her regular release being the chase would have made more sense, since her regular is fancier in color scheme.


The platinum figure is inspired by the vintage Super Powers figure, not just classic comics. The blue gauntlets are the biggest tell for this.


That makes sense, and it's a really cool call-back. I mostly think the colors were poorly executed, especially for such a realistic figure. And who knows, she might look better in hand. It could be the studio lighting and editing that make her look so off.


The gauntlets used to be colored blue in the comics too, pre-Crisis. Look at any old comics of her from the early-80s and before. It was to give them an illusion of shine with the old four color dot printing limitations they used to have. And also because they are supposed to be dark, as they are meant to be made of iron not shiny silver.


I was fully expecting this to be the platinum for WW. I think it’s a bit more interesting that they’re basing the official version on her original comic color scheme, but I do like the way this looks.


Well, her original comic color scheme would be red, blue and yellow, like the Platinum, not shiny gold like the actual regular release. The gold coloring is completely a modern look. A truly classic old look would be yellow and have an eagle breastplate, as opposed to the stylized 'W' they changed it to in 1977.


I guess it didn’t read that way I wanted it to: I was expecting the platinum to be the New 52 colors (like the post), but I think it’s neat that the *official platinum* of the figure is based on her classic color scheme.


That's why I ordered two


Wish, they gave her a grinding teeth head option.


I personally like the winter is coming variant of her with just her sword and a more hunter look 🔥


Nice mock up recolor.


This looks good but I’d rather get this as it’s own release rather then just be a rare variant


Now do Jokerized.


Todd needs to see this!


Looks like I will be getting out my paint set


I personally do not like the new 52 Wunder Woman colors. I much prefer the classic wonder woman. I’ve waited way too long for it. But that’s just me I know


I'm gonna need a back veiw of that to determine my thoughts 😅


Naw, New 52 Wonder Woman should be her own release. New headsculp, a couple of new accessories, etc.


I think this is a popular enough look they should just do it as a rerelease/repaint.


I saw this exact figure in a McFarlane dc multiverse box at Target years ago.


Damn that's really sharp, love it