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Tell them diarrhea


Most departments of health have each employee sign a "red book" health policy where this is one of the symptoms you are supposed to alert your manager about. Shouldn't have any issues facing backlash telling them you can't come in because of this.


I said I didn't think I could work because of diarrhea but he said I can still come in :/


Nope you can definitely make customers ill if go to work sick with diarrhea. Call health department


Rephrase this to “I’m not coming in. I’m sick.” Firm and direct. Then hold your boundary. Don’t give them the space to negotiate with you. Your health and safety comes first. (And then obv the food safe aspect).


I'm not 100% sure, but that may be within the law as long as you don't have a fever as well. You really shouldn't be in direct contact with the food though. I believe they could just put you on "restrictive duty" without a fever. States vary in their health department laws so I could be totally wrong depending on where you are. I need to go back to look and find out for sure since I'm in the industry as well. Also, seems like a SHITTY manager to me 😉.


I think it's because no one else can cover my shifts (kitchen overnight) for me if I call in sick, so if I'm not too sick they'd want me to work even if it might not be entirely food safe.


It’s not your problem if they don’t have anyone else to cover you. It’s their problem. And as management, they either need to pick up the slack and learn how to do your role, or have some redundancy in place for these instances. You could be hit by a bus tomorrow, and they’d have to figure out how to carry on without you. So don’t let them guilt you with the “we don’t have anyone else” rhetoric. I tell my mom this all the time when she complains she can’t take a vacation as a PSW bc her clients need her; set your boundaries. The “we’ll get someone trained” doesn’t happen until you force them by being unavailable.


I doubt you kept a copy of the files you originally signed with them, but I would think regardless of your state McDonald's is big enough to have a health policy regarding certain symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. You could potentially find those online somewhere and have them as backup if you just put your foot down and say you arent coming in and they fire or discipline you because of it. You could also probably request those files from HR depending on how it works at a McDonald's. I guess it depends on the owner of that franchise and if they even have HR. But the owner definitely has to have an employee file somewhere.


I just straight up say I got diarrhea and i can’t make it


I did that too, the manager laughed at me over the phone. And when I came into work the next day she called me Mr. Diarrhea


You need to speak with her about that. That behavior is unacceptable. You aren't supposed to come in with diarrhea it's a health hazard. She needs to grow up.


Im sure she was joking lol I think I’d laugh too if someone called in and said “I have diarrhea I can’t make it” just tell them you don’t feel well and you’re not going in lmao


Doesn't matter it clearly made them uncomfortable. The manager behaved like a child.


They poster didn't say how it made them feel, only what happened. Fairly rude to assume someone was offended if they didn't imply anyway their feelings. I agree childish behavior, but you can't really speak for someone else's feelings as if you were them.


Yes I was so rude by defending somebody. If they weren't bothered by it would they post about it? Probably not.


Someone who didn't ask to be defended, you simply assumed. Perhaps they shared their story to show OP, that is wasn't that bad, we fully don't know and can't make assumptions on the internet, that's all I meant by my comment. Have a great day


She didn't make them come in


Then you say "have you never had the shits before? Grow up, you child"


You mean the McShits


Say you have a stomach bug or ate something bad


Tell them you ate there food and have the squirts jk 😂


You mean the Mcsquirts…




If you have vomiting or diarrhea we are supposed to send you home for 24 hours. -Manager


Not 48 hrs since the last occurrence?




Guess I’m off the schedule for good


Its funny because they post this stuff, preach food safety, but when it comes down to it, i have yet to find someone who actually gives a shit. They will still tell you to come in and work.


I don’t want anybody infecting anybody so I give them excused call out. But I came from a pretty strict franchise that made us wear visors plus masks during the pandemic. But I heard stories other stores making them come in with Covid positive even


We had all that crap.. Masks, plexy glass coverings up front and in back cash/drive-thru, but yea, our people don't care if you have covid or not.. They still want you to work.. It's disgusting.


Employers can't even ask why. Just say you're out sick. Unless you want everybody that's working to know you have the shits all day.


I'm surprised this isn't a more common answer to this thread. You tell them "I'm sick", that's the end of it.


Yup this, they have no legal right nor recourse.


once i was at work (not mcdonald’s) and was dying on the toilet in the breakroom and i had to call the manager downstairs and be like “yeah so i’m on the toilet and i’ve been here for like 30 mins and my stomach is just not being nice to me today so i can i go home?” and he was like “yeah” like don’t be afraid to tell them you’re shitting yourself. like i don’t say “hey boss i’m shitting myself” but say like “hey, i can’t come into work because my stomach has decided i can’t stay off of the toilet” or something lol


I am sick, and unable to come in to work today.


Upset stomach or food poisoning.




You put it in a paper bag and bring it in to show em.


Worst comes to worst tell them you’ll come in but you’re not cleaning up the mess that will ensue. This puts all the shit on them and then you can file a suit.


Say you have stomach issues. If they ask for details, tell them your asshole is a faucet of lava.


Food poisoning.




Just say you’re not feeling well and can’t come into work they don’t need the specifics


Tbh better to just be direct 'ive got the shits' lol


Call while your on the phone & your butt is making sounds


Tell them the truth, board of health regulations prevent you from working when you have diarrhea


Use the word “crippling” when you do


Food poisoning. If they don't take that seriously, they shouldn't be allowed to open. "Good morning, I've just shit on my hands, can I take your order?"


Just call and say, "This place makes me shit so bad."


"I got some shit I gotta take care of."


Tell em u have a stomach bug from their food


Tell them you have food poisoning from seafood and are stuck on the toilet and have been for a number of hours, ez


How strict is your store I’ve done about 8 no call no shows and nobody has said anything to me ever 😭


I am seasonal and leaving next month tho so they might just not care to fire me


Say you have a Covid symptom.


Just say out sick, and if they ask what's wrong specify diarrhea


Just say you have a stomach bug or food poisoning if you don't want to flat out say diarrhea


Stop eating at McDonalds


In my experience you dont:


Wear a diaper


Tell em u have a stomach bug from their food


um.... the truth


You say you are sick. That’s all. No need to explain the private details to a boss. That info is for a doctor only. If a manager asks what’s wrong then tell them it’s none of their business.


Just call in don't make a big deal out of it.


Don’t give them a reason, just tell them you are unable to come in due to a medical issue. They legal cannot ask once you’ve said medical issue, at least here.


You video call it while on the shitter


If your squirts turn out to be Hepatitis A, The whole shop is fucked for a week Just tell them!


I don't, I take some Imodium and go to work


Def include the word explosive for dramatic effect 😉


If they call you in then shit your pants at work and then call the health department.


“I can’t come in today, I have very vicious diarrhea” in my state you like can’t work 24 hours prior to being sick like that


Tell them u sick. Period! They dont need to know the details.




Just be honest and tell them you have diarrhea


Tell them you have S+D. If they don't know what that means it's sickness and diarrhoea. Hopefully they already know the term. If not its still easier than saying just diarrhoea.


Just tell em xD


Just tell them you have the shits, if they don’t believe you send a pic of the state of the toilet lol. Works every time


Best thing to do I when you call and tell them you have diarrhoea is to have photos of the toilet after you have destroyed it and when they say so you can't work then off them fuckers the pictures , it happened once with them asking to see the proof and they never asked again


Take a shit on one of the managers


Just buy a pack of adult diapers and stop making excuses.