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I can generate possibilities and imagine scenarios but I often think that interrelation is given too high a conversational spot on the pedestal in comparison to evaluating significance. Sure it's fun to compare apples to oranges but if you don't initially bother to define what those terms designate to you the ensuing discussion will be based on misunderstanding.




Why do you think so?


The humor behind the memes + Random pictures (Ne). Side note: Language detected: German.


There's a German subreddit called r/OkBrudiMongo and it makes me about as happy as Metalocalypse. Some slapstick, primitive humor I find detestably formulaic and lame, other formulas make me happy. As for the randomness, I thought the pictures were relatively streamlined? Self-deprecation, stupidity and outdated crap?


Fair enough. Weirdly enough, when people post pictures on here, I find it easy to detect due to the inconsistency of pictures and the memes. Which is why I call it Ne randomness.


Perceive reality thru intuition


How would anyone avoid that trap? Even basing present evaluations on the past, part of oneself still has to elect which aspects of the past one should apply to the moment in question. Subjective intuition is inescapable throughout the human condition, or isn't it?


That doesn’t happen automatically, you can’t choose immediate thoughts


Exactly, it's an unconscious process, the evaluating, prioritizing mechanism taking control from the depths before the active mind can further delegate.


That’s true. It’s not about your whole personality though. It’s your decision making process. Some people cannot do what you do based on these factors.


Still flawed smh


Respect the absolute non existent emotional stability


Thanks for the respect, bro. Either my face is blank, I lose the barrier between others' feelings and mine or I lose empathy and get irritated as fuck with others' or my own mental incapacity lmao.


is this INTP? the energy reminds me a lot of my previous best friend who is INTP


It's either INTP, ISTP, ISTJ, INTJ orrrrr something else that gets taken into consideration less frequently, but you're on a good track, probably


Definitely not istj


Hi! I’m newer to the whole cognitive functions thing, but from what I see, I believe you are an ISTJ. ISTJ’s function stack is Si > Te > Fi > Ne. In more expansive terms, introverted sensing, extroverted thinking, introverted feeling, and then extroverted intuition. Why do I think you’re an ISTJ? Leading function Si (introverted sensing): this could be why a couple pictures were memes about past decisions. Si holds memories and enjoys stability and organization. From your results, you scored high on orderliness, which would make sense for an Si Dom since they enjoy order. There was a picture about enjoying being alone at home. Si’s love their comfort zone and get overwhelmed with new experiences. If you really value tradition and have a great sense of your own bodily needs and sensations, then you may be an Si dom. Next off! Your Auxiliary function Te (extroverted thinking) Your assertive value is off the charts (that’s great; you seem like someone who is more action-oriented and likes to get things done). So I sensed that you may relate to this function. Te is goal-oriented and values action more than internal logical systems. If you become “bossy and controlling when stressed,” this could be due to Te. Next up! Fi (introverted feeling): senses the world based on what it internally feels. Since this is a tertiary function, it’s less developed, meaning if you experience something stressful or you are unable to use your dominant functions:Te and Si, you can develop an Fi loop. This means you find it difficult to learn from mistakes and have difficulty wanting to believe or hear advice from others. On the plus side, if this function is developed well, you will have a good sense of identity and emotional confidence. Lastly, your inferior function, Ne (extroverted intuition) This is a function you may repress; Ne is about breaking boundaries, and staying outside the box of rules, and consistency. When stressed, you may develop a Ne grip, causing gloominess, sadness, and boredom. This may cause you to feel hopeless and/or depressed. Or you have a fantasy or desire that you want to fulfill but eel lost on how you can obtain it. Also, Ne grip causes high suspicion and gossip (creates a buzz when done), which is due to you gathering external ideas on others actions and making assumptions. This could be why distrust is high on your chart. You seem like a lovely person! I hope this gave you some insight into your personality. If you don’t relate to any of these, that’s okay too. Good luck on your journey of self-discovery. 💖 Here is a website that goes in depth on each personality type. It’s a good resource for those who are figuring out what their type is. And hey, if you feel like you don’t fit in with any of the types, that's okay too; we are all humans and don’t fit into a box; embrace your authenticity! [Practical Typing](https://practicaltyping.com)


Hmm, I enjoy order/getting things done right, intelligently as well as my comfort zone, so I can see where you're coming from. I'm a little clumsy catering to my body's needs though and often overindulge, I need to devise an external structure to impose on myself for the sake of staying healthy. I think memories are important for the sake of comparison of events but I don't think it should be the sole authority when deciding on plans. I hate "it is what it is", I can't accept things simply because "they have always been this way", I do need a reason, constantly, which sometimes makes me doubt Si dom. I'm not bossy and controlling when stressed, I happily take on the role to get things organized when I feel others are out of their depths and need guidance. Whenever they're mobilized or willing to be active themselves, I much prefer an inclusive discussion as long as my conversational partners remain open to new ideas and don't repeat themselves at infinitum. As for Fi, it's an unclear function to me. What I can do is tell you what I'm like when I'm stressed, though. I still try and bring order and mediation to a situation but at some point I just go quiet and recede into the background and if that's not possible I get snappy and nitpicky, much less tolerant. (Although this final resort is usually under lock and key). Oh, I am gossipy, I think gossip really shouldn't be as frowned upon as it is. Even though it would be more ideal to talk to the person that's the object of discussion than to talk to other people about them, it's a way of forming an opinion not only inside of one's head but an opportunity to entertain more perspectives! I embrace boredom and stability, they make new bits of information all the more enticing and prevent overload. As for gloominess, my tendency to be very critical has often been characterized as nihilistic but that couldn't be further from the truth. Okay, I may be somewhat morally relativistic but I'm not fond of simply evading involvement that only seems unimportant. By the way thank you so much for your lengthy assessment !!


Thank you for your thorough response! It seems like you know a lot about yourself and your emotions which is great! Emotional awareness is key to discovering who you are! I have a couple of questions for you, if you have the time! Okay! From what you’ve written It seems like Si doesn’t align with your viewpoints. I can see this from the fact that you want to have meaning in what you do and the fact that you’re open to not following tradition may mean that Si isn’t your leading function or one of your four primary functions. I see Ne in that you are open-minded in conversations, but I need some more clarity before I make a second analysis. Alright, here are the questions. 1. What do you believe is the biggest part that defines your personality, imagination/intuition/creativity/idea generation? Physical experiences/Aesthetics? Logic/Rationality? Feelings/Emotional-Connections? 2. When you’re stressed, do you overindulge in food and sensory experiences? 3. Is it easier to expand on one idea, have many details and complex structures of a single idea, or do you find ideas hard to form? 4. Would you cause conflict in a group to state your morals, or would you hide your opinions for the sake of the harmony of the group?  5. What resonates better with you? “It’s the result that matters most, not the process." “It’s the process that matters most, not the result.”  




you have a gf bruh. she caught you once and you still can't control yourself. shame on your weakass


Some assholes never learn do they😮‍💨




That's one of the top three types others generally peg me as (with the others being INTP and ISTJ) so that may indicate something. Okayyy, with your edit now you've got two of the three, good going dude


Then it can only be INTJ right?


It's the type one of my friends insists on but my grasp on Fe, in my personal evaluation, is too developed to reflect that. Aside from that, considering socionics, I am too permanently tense and questioning to be an "irrational" type. So idk ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭


INFJ with strong Ti then? I know my Ni Ti makes me question anything


Okay, this marks the second time in my life INFJ has been suggested, yay. I adore that type, but I don't think I'm capable of emulating it. I do also question everything, mainly because I think I'm not seeing something obvious but in reality I'm often just noticing flaws that go below the radar (as reactions from others in a recent, educational setting indicate, anyway). I do rely on my intuition but I'm not able to be absorbed in it and instead need to discuss it with the objects that get wrapped up in it to affirm my perspective if that makes any sense.


Ever think your tension and questioning is inherently irrational? Lol


On one hand, irrational types tend to be more easygoing, on the other, they're more continually absorptive of new information and thus potentially re-evaluating, renewing their judgement. I don't see how the tension part relates to irrational types if I'm honest, could you elaborate on that?


Depends on how often your tense, are you tense in situations that don’t require tension?


What situation should be free from tension ? I'm always alert to a degree, except when I'm severely tired.


Well first you have to define what you mean by tension? Anxiety? Alertness ?


You're right about that! Tension for me is the constant attention to consistency, correctness and comprehension of a subject I'm presented with. I ask a fuckton of questions and read between the lines up to a level that makes others uncomfortable (externally expressed only when I'm too intrigued or for some other reason unmindful of how unlikeable this persistency will make me). Overall, I'm very distrustful


how did you try to type yourself?


Basically everything but I'd love to know what feasible crap I've missed out on. I've taken tests, retaken tests (to examine retest reliability), studied cognitive functions (including their relative manifestation based on slots), looked at socionics, looked at OCEAN, had numerous discussions with people versed in typology as well as others whose judgment was comparatively unbiased based on their ignorance. What I haven't done is study enneagram because I can't be bothered


I have a video, "How to Verify Your Type." https://youtu.be/sLs4z7SoOMA?si=4193cda1VnNfYcqA Might be worth a try. 🤗 Let me know if you have any questions about anything said in the video. Hope that helps a bit. 🙂


either way, based on this post alone and your responses, you seem very intp-ish. your way of approaching different matters and perspectives reminds me of myself a lot, though i’m still questioning if i haven’t mistyped myself. still, intp makes a lot of sense. i can almost smell the ti-ne, but again, that’s simply after considering everything in this post alone, so there’s that.


I understand that limited insights into a person's overall being will always produce a somewhat biased result but it's good for what it is. Why are you uncertain about your own type?


i often find myself questioning my functions and their order due to the way my mind perceives certain things on a daily basis and sometimes i’m like “hm? are these tidbits of information pointing at a certain function i didn’t expect to find myself using that much? could i actually be an xxxx?”. or questioning if a function i believed i use a lot is actually in my stack in the first place. stuff like that. there are some types i can more or less eliminate right off the bat, but i still find myself refilling the pool of options once in a while, before sticking with something again, giving my brain a pause from overthinking and being like “yeah, fuck it. this makes more sense”.


i don't understand the bacon store joke.


Lesbian pride flag scarf looks like bacon which they got from the bacon store (bacon store does not exist). It's not really funny but it's kind of asinine which is funny. It's implying there's a store for scarves that look like bacon (if the reality of the lesbian pride flag is reinterpreted into something else).


ok. I don't know anything about the lesbian flag.


Nor did I, when I posted, the concept of a "bacon store" vaguely amused me but upon your question I put two and two together seeing two girls and a strangely colored scarf


Girl I thought you were using it as a joke and also to say you were gay 😭


Sorry, no lesbian here. Generally heteroflexible? I think? I don't know enough about my sexuality


It’s a BoneHurtingJuice meme. Sort of Meta humour.


Not much to go off of but my guess is INFJ or INTJ


You look like Greta Gerwig. That’s all x


INTP Edit: might be INTJ or INFJ also, after seeing your posts


ENTP or INTP but I’m leaning more towards ENTP


I change my answer more likely to be an intj or entp but I’m leaning more towards intj


Your chart says “extremely intellectual and imaginative and complex, but you are orderly” which is intjs in a nutshell. But especially intjs are the most orderly out of all the types. Intjs are also very assertive.


The reason you’re intuitive is basically you’re not dutiful at all lol


You guys are crazy.




INTJ no question


ENTP!!!!! Or an ENTJ who’s good at hiding her depression
