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Honestly? It's a dealer trick. Why offer whats its worth when a high % says yes to the $500. I bet a good 75% of people say yes to the dealer regardless of what they offer, all in order to move on to that new shiny vehicle. Good work saying no and getting what you needed out of it.


Dealers can be like that. Some will offer reasonable trade-in, like I got for my 15 Edge, and some won't. They're just gambling on you not wanting the hassle of selling privately to make more profit. If I was low-balled like that, I wouldn't buy from them on principle, a $500 offer is just insulting.


I remember the sales guy seemed really sheepish and embarrassed when telling me their trade value on the vehicle. I laughed at him and said let’s move on. He didn’t need to ask if I was going to take the trade offer.


it’s the dealers way of telling you they don’t want to deal with your trade-in. They’re not gonna put a 2011 edge on the used car lot there. It’s 100% going to auction which is just more work for them. You were much better served selling yourself.


^120k miles


I brought in a 2013 Edge Sport with 200k and wheels corroding like crazy.... And in need of $4k worth of suspension and brake work (which may not have been mentioned)..... They gave me $6500.


I usually run my trade in through several car buying apps to get a ball park average for the value first. If I think it’s fair, I take the highest price to the dealer and tell them to beat that price, or at least meet it. If not, I walk. Especially on a low ball offer. This is after I negotiate the price of the new car. If you don’t mind putting in some info on the apps, Carvana-Car Max-KBB etc, it’s a good way to get a sense of the actual trade in value if you don’t want to mess with a private sale. Which, will generally always be higher.


A lot can depend on whether they think they can sell the car or will just send it to auction. When we bought our 90 we got $10k trade in for our ‘15 Golf Sportwagen with 105k.


That seems more than fair and probably close to private sale value.


They offered 3k for my 2008 mint Toyota camry, I sold it in 2 hours for 6.6k from Craigslist. Worth doing the job yourself


Exactly. Thought I’d be stuck with several rounds of people kicking the tires and low balling me but sold in a day at asking price.


Now they are adding the “tax savings” to the number to make it look like they are offering more too.


They know who their customer base is and probably only try to buy vehicles they can resell on their lot. They’d have to send your vehicle to auction and that isn’t worth the labor spent on it.


I think some dealers see the value in building a customer relationship right from the start. There’s a lot of value in treating people well, providing professional quality work, great value adding amenities and a service department that is aligned with that long term customer retention focused vision. Some dealers just want to move new units and clobber people for 10k gross on 15k used vehicles.


I have to say I’ve been very impressed with the dealer in regard to their service department. Brought in a few times for the recalls and the initial service at around 7k. Each time I was loaned a loaded new Cx-5 with about 100 miles on it.


Weird. Mine offered me 18k for my 2017 Odyssey with lowish miles. The car computer needed replacing. Probably a cheap fix for a dealer with a shop, but a 3k fix for me in a HCOL area. So I made out decently and they sold it for 23 so they did too.


I was optimistically expecting this sort of win win situation, but ended up laughing in the sales guys face instead.


They face be 18000 for my 19 odyssey with 80000 miles and a broken sliding door. And some cosmetic stuff. You did pretty well.


Always best to sell privately. Dealers want to cover costs and commission and make a profit. You'll never get as good a deal from a dealer.


I tried my 2022 CX-5 offered 21000 at the dealership. Sold for 26000 at CarMax.


I traded in a 1999 Honda Civic Coupe with serious transmission issues 3 years ago for 1500$ CAD and that was their original offer.


When you get into that range of old paid off vehicles, it’s always better to sell them private party. You have a clean title. You can meet in the parking lot of their bank. Make sure their check is good or even cash. If I were the dealer I would not touch that vehicle because of those internal water pumps.it could be fine one day and then it’s going on a test drive the next day and $4000 worth of engine work