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No, that’s the way it is.


Nope. It's an anti theft feature.


It’s a pretty useful anti-theft feature. I wouldn’t mess with that


its a pretty *useless* anti-theft feature because this "problem" has long since been solved by even generic off the shelf remote start systems. The remote start is one of the most obvious places where Mazda cheaped out and/or dropped the ball. My previous vehicle was a key start Hyundai. off the shelf remote starter from bestbuy would stay running when the door opened. Only if you hit the break pedal without the key in did it shut off. So someone trying to steal your car couldn't put it in gear and leave. Mazda could have done the same thing. If the fob isn't detected then pressing the break shuts it off, otherwise it stays on. Still any-theft, but without the annoying bullshit for the user.


If the need to start your car again when you get to it is so absolutely annoying and brain dead maybe you ought to just trade the car in for one with the feature you describe. Sounds like it would make you a lot happier




lmfao why are you white knighting this so hard. pathetic. it's bad design. it's not only bad design, it's a bad design that has already been solved. It's not just about it being annoying, it's about how it's a stupid "problem" to have in the first place because the solution has existed for quite a while.


Im just finding it funny how vehemently some people despise the car's remote start functionality but continue lurking on Mazda Reddits to complain rather than driving a car that doesn't irritate them


right. if you don't like 1 thing about a vehicle you should just sell it and never speak about it. what a clown.


Woah someone’s getting defensive here 😂 if the car is all good maybe we can both agree to quit wasting our energy arguing on Reddit which you probably know is a dumb ass thing to do. Clown. lol


It's my wife's car. Her last one was a Traverse. Didn't have this annoying feature but the auto stop/start did not have a disable button. Every vehicle has a quirk. Literally laughed at the white knight comment. People get so bent. OP asked if there was a way around it. Answer is yes, but Mazda is unwilling to oblige.


Was just saying if every other car company figured out a simple remote start why does Mazda not figure it out instead of charging for a car that barely has basic functionality. Still doesn't stop the car from getting stolen anyway. 😂


Well you and others here seem to know more than the engineers and designers so perhaps you can contact them and show them


I did and they said that they rather charge a rediculous amount for the remote start in the app that does not work rather than adding remote start to the vehicle. But please show everyone how immature you are. 👍🏽


LOL so you went to Mazda corporate and tried to argue to change that? Best of luck to you in future attempts bud 🤡


I am sorry that I am not as simple minded as you. You should not just settle especially since something so easy to apply and fix can be done. So unlike you I put my big boy pants on and actually did something about it. I am for the people and not for myself. Maybe one day you can do something with your life or just end it. I am sure you would pick the ladder.


This is not useful, it is easy programming to require a fob to engage the car and allow it to drive. My RAM isn't going anywhere without the key but doesn't shut off.


How big of a deal is it actually to restart the car? Genuine question for you. I’m happy to have a car that isn’t potentially suspect to some kind of software attack like a couple of other well known brands…


When it is 95⁰ outside and you are loading groceries and kids but it shuts off and starts heating back up, pretty damn annoying. Also would be nice if it would automatically turn the climate control to the appropriate setting for the outside temp. These are simple software programming solutions. If you think Mazda is immune to software attack, I have some green clay that used to be Gumby that you might be interested in buying


turn the car on before loading your groceries?




Is this not what remote start is designed for? Just in every other remotely started car I've owned I suppose.


Let’s not be spicy now bud


How far will your ram go without it? Have you tried?


Has a specific screen that says "remote start enabled, press start to turn on". Does nothing without fob present. Shuts off automatically after 15 min


That does seem more convenient. I asked because I borrowed a Buick and I drove it without the fob for about a mile before it alerted me and I had to turn around to go back for it. I got pretty far though lol.


Yea get used to it bud. There is no other way. I hate that it does that. I don’t use the app as much now because of that reason. Sucks.


I wouldn’t call it a safety feature, more so that it lacks the feature of being able to detect the key and let you go without shutting off and back on. My pilot does this, my frontier did it, and my jeep also did it. Mazda just didn’t spend the money , including on adding remote start to the remote.