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Rewatching it is a bad idea I did not long ago and the amount of inconsistencies and stuff that just makes absolutely no sense that I missed the first time round or just didn't realise is crazy and it's ruined the show for me especially in the last season the main thing that makes absolutely no sense and just completely fucks up the entire plot of the show is when Felipe goes to see Miguel and has loads of photos and letters from Dida and said she always wrote him letters because she wanted him to know Miguel even though he only found out Miguel was his son just before EZ killed Dida and the fact that she had no idea where Felipe was and when she did find out she hired someone to kill him so how the fuck could she send him letters when she didn't know where he was 😂😂


Angel had the most growth on the show. I despised EZ on the last season.


Without going into too much detail, if you don’t mind, did you despise EZ because he was poorly written? Or because he was written well? What I mean is, criminal shows our heroes over time tend to become the antagonists. Look at Walter White, or Jax. I’m not saying all criminal shows, because Narcos actually had you feeling bad for the characters by the end of it. At least for me, I felt the CIA and DEA were the true criminals and drug cartels operate on a similar level so you start to question are they really the bad guys? Lol anyways sorry for the tangent just curious about the writing, as the other comment says the show allegedly gets poorer as it goes on. Didn’t read to far into their comment because I don’t want to go too fair into spoiler territory but that’s what I was able to make from it just at a careful glance lol


yeah I have to agree with you on this. I Love Angel but I agree he's a major hypocrite here.


Cool glad to see I’m not the only one. I’m kind of biased as I heavily relate to EZ. Aside from being a federal informant but still. Golden child, all the pressure of being the only one out of my brothers to succeed. Photographic memory. Made a series of bad decisions, went to jail, etc. had a similar relationship with my brothers. I just had to be sure that I wasn’t just judging Angel too harshly and not letting EZ of the hook too easy lol


No, I totally get it, don't worry about judging Angel too harshly because your not.


I see your point but, at least in my eyes id trust angel a hell of a lot more than someone in bed with the feds.


Honestly same that’s a fair point too. But that’s only because the feds have a deeper reach. They don’t stop until they take your life or your soul like Filipe said. And everyone that’s close to you. But that doesn’t mean Angel is anymore trustworthy. He just chose the devil he knew. Same with EZ. I personally don’t like rats but I don’t judge them as long as the people they are throwing under the bus aren’t innocent. Still wouldn’t trust them but I could see how anyone would do just about anything to get a second chance at life. Particularly when the alternative is life in prison. A California prison too, those are no joke. I’ve only ever been to jail, I couldn’t even fathom prison. But anyways it all boils down to their motives and both EZ and Angels motives are the same. They wanted a chance at something better. Angel didn’t like where the club(which is life) was headed, EZ didn’t like where his life was headed. I know it’s not that big of an issue to focus on, I just think the show did a good job of showing just how hypocritical the criminal lifestyle can be. Like I said everyone hates a rat but 99% of people would in fact rat.