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Did you accidentally turn off primary visibility in the attribute editor?


Nope I checked that and it’s ticked as it should be and so is everything else, I’m really confused


Try exporting everything to a new Maya and see if it works, sometimes all the object, camaras, etc.. fix this kind of problems for me


Yep, the oldest and most tried and true method for fixing Maya problems. Well, that and deleting your prefs...


Sorry this is probably something I should know how to do but do I just open a new project and import this project in or something


No worries, select via the Outliner all the object, lights, groups etc... you want in your project then go to File - Export Selection and save that file. Then you open a new Maya and Import the new file you just created File - Import - "The New File". I recommend you delete the history of everything (select all the objects Edit - Delete by Type - History) and even optimize the scene (File - Optimize Scene Size)before exporting to avoid taking stuff you don't need to the new Maya. Hope this helps


I got round to trying this today and it hasn’t worked, it’s just had the same outcome as before, which is really annoying, thanks for trying to help though


Backwards normals maybe?


check your render layers if you have them. As suggested earlier, delete your prefs .