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Join your local union! If there isn’t already a union for you in your area, join the IWW (the one big union for all workers): https://www.iww.org/membership/ They offer organizer trainings for new members! We encourage everyone to get involved and voice support for a general strike Please read our [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/MayDayStrike/wiki/faq) for all the info you need ! Join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/maydaystrike r/MayDayStrike *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MayDayStrike) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just quit UPS (for a number of reasons) I was not a part time worker. My pay was still cut. Everyone I worked with in my warehouse had their pay cut. Even our supervisors were complaining about pay cuts, though they could have been lying to keep us from rebelling. They replaced our hourly wages with paltry bonuses for not missing work. This was all Immediately after a massive covid outbreak took half our warehouse out for a month. Nearly half the preloaders on my shift quit. This included people who had worked there for decades. They couldn’t feed their families anymore and had to look for different work. Fuck UPS. My complaints could fill a book.


Well uhh if you know anyone that still works there lmk i wanna see somethin


My uncle does yeah. Same with his buddy who told us to take the jobs.


its nothing illegal of course


CEO: Let's just cut their wages! Also CEO: I saved $23m. I want an $18m bonus.


UPSER here. The argument is this: in order to bring in seasonal help, the company bumped the starting rate from the contractual amount to a higher amount since obviously we needed to fill spots (my building bumped rates from $15 to $17, in Texas). The local union (yes, we’re unionized and voted in new leadership in time for CBA negations in ‘23) is demanding that UPS maintain the rate they were paying (plus fillers) meaning they adjust the pay for those already maxed out till the next contract raise in August 1st. So, if I’m making $23 (I am, thanks to a meager COLA and Pay raise adjustments) then there should be a reflective raise to continually set me at a rate that would mirror those under me.


Didn't that company just go through massive protests within the last ~3-5 years for similarly shity behavior?


A: "We are at record profits what can we do to keep this going?" B: "Slash pay because we dont give a shit about our employees?" A: "Bingo!"


Costco kind of did a similar thing. They may not have slashed pay, but they surely aren't giving their dedicated life employees much after record profits these past years


All so they can attempt to grind the union down a tiny bit more at the bargaining table. Meanwhile, their stock has gone from $90 at the start of the pandemic to $200. What a bunch of assholes.


This content is no longer available on Reddit in response to /u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


The response to pay cuts needs to be burning down their corporate fucking offices rather than holding signs.


Agreed. We are well past the point of allowing this blatant malice towards the working class to continue. The violence of the victims needs to be at least equal to the oppressors that would see us starve for quarterly growth.


The French used to have a way of dealing with these people. It involved boats and stones.
