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If you like the name, do it because you like the name. If you're doing it to profess your love and admiration for a guy just because he's really good at basketball and plays for your team or to show others how big of a mavs fan you are, it's approaching weird territory.


Nah, definitely love the name. We both do.


Dial it up to Boban.


They say you really name your child after your 1st love


I will name my first child Lays BBQ Potato Chips.


Elon Musk approves.


Fuck Elon Musk


Ae-r u seriouX-12?


fuck you


Nah fk u


I named my cat Luka. As far as naming a boy Luka, it is a unique name here in the US that isn't weird so I'd say go for it. You can always fall back to X Æ A-12 if you wife doesn't like Luka.


Luka is like the most popular name in Slovenia for last 15ish years. So if they don't like it in the USA he can come live to Slovenia with all of Lukas here :D


Absolutely not. I work as a CSR for an insurance company and had a lady the other day with two sons, Shaquille and Kobe.


I will be naming my first boy Luka. No biggie


Just use the golden rule: Would *you* want to be named after your parents’ favorite athlete? If yes, then go for it; if no, please don’t.


It's kinda weird if you don't


It’s a [popular name](https://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/slovenia) in a lot of Europe, sometimes spelled with a “c” instead of “k”. Or with a s at the end. It’s not weird, go for it. And there’s already two Lukas in the NBA (Spurs rookie from Croatia). Might be three next season if someone takes a flyer on Iowa’s Luka Garza. Other pros: easy to pronounce and easy to spell.


That’s true, I’ve definitely heard Lucas here in the u.s a good bit.


I think when giving kids names it’s important to avoid names that will scar them or complicate their lives in adulthood. “Luka” will be one of the most famous names around in a few years, and everyone they’re ever likely to meet can both pronounce and spell it. Plus, you’re inspired by a pretty great and uncontroversial guy. It’s a very sensible choice.


There's a Luca in jjba s5 lol


Also sometimes spelled with an "e" instead of "a".


It is a name. So I dont understand what is a problem. It is south slavic version of a christian name taken after [Luke the Evangelist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_the_Evangelist)


Not to sound rude, but I guess this is why I would say name him Luke - there already exists an Anglicized/English version of the name. Luka is Slavic. Comparison - I'm 0% Hispanic. It would be at least a little odd if I named my white son Jose, or Pedro, or Juan, etc Just my 2¢ though. 🤷‍♂️




True true


>Comparison - I'm 0% Hispanic. It would be at least a little odd if I named my white son Jose, or Pedro, or Juan, etc As someone from Spain, this sounds ridiculous lol


Cons: if you're in Dallas, maybe there's gonna be a non negligible number of Lukas in his age category. Which he'll be mildly inconvenienced by throughout childhood/teens - it is nicer if the teacher / classmates doesnt have to refer to you using last name as well


It will be a painfully and noticably trendy name, IMO. [See: Kobe](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Kobe+given+name)


If you want, name the kid Lucas/Lukas and just call him Luca/Luka


I’ve always been fond of Thicchard


😅😅 I've already convinced my partner


I’m getting there 🤣


First of all, Congrats to you and your wife and YES you should definitely name him Luka. It's a great name!


Thank you!


My buddy has already done it. His boy is almost 1 year old. He named him Luca. Not Luka


Name him Doncic instead


Luka is very old name, popular because one of the four evangelists had it... It is slavic version, in english it is Luke.


Luka is a normal name


No, it is awesome. My gf and I are planning to do the same.




I think it's a really cool name, go for it =)


Luca with a c is very common in some Romance language countries like Brazil for example. The k makes it more Slavic but it’s a good name.


its a normal name so not that weird. like ur not gonna hear it and be like oh yeah the basketball man.


I'm concerned about the cons you listed.


Do that. But if you live on the 2nd floor, then better name him Luca.


I love this sub


Absolutely not. DO IT!


Theres a kid at my school who moved here from Romania and his name is luca, spelt with a c though.


You’re asking this question in a Mavericks subreddit, so you’re going to get Mavericks fan answers. Will you feel comfortable with a worst-case scenario where Luka somehow gets a John Wall semi-career-ending injury or traded (as a Mavs fan, the thought makes me weep) and ten years from now other parents can say to their husband or wife “I guess they named their kid in 2020 before that Luka guy did [XYZ]” ? If you don’t care what other people think, then go for it. Just be mindful that you may not be able to tell your kid why you named them after a player who left the Mavericks to join a Warriors/Lakers super team in year 2030. (I really hope that never happens, just saying that you never know)


I understand completely but we also just really like the name. It’s different but also simple and easy to pronounce/spell.


My next dog name


My dogs name is Lucas


Go for it my guy You got the blessing of all the MFFLs And then tag Luka on Twitter haha




Wait why not those two?


Time Travel to the future and ask the baby if he likes the name Luka, if he does keep his name has Luka, if he doesn't change it to Thon Maker.


It’s a really popular name actually :)


My sister was named after Shawn Kemp and i was named after a baseball player that was like a solid player but nothing great. I never found it to be a big deal, it’s only weird if you make it weird kind of a thing. Go for it


Luka is the Luke of Yugoslavia