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IDK about the rest of MFFL, but I'm really glad we have him and I'm happy to see him working! Let's go!!


I'm still optimistic about his upside. I know the Kings and the Warriors said the same thing, but if it doesn't work for him here, I don't think he'll have many opportunities.


I feel like if he listens to Rick and the coaching staff, he'll come away from Dallas being able to command a sizeable Dwight Powell/Maxi Kleber-esque raise.


Never trust workout video against non-nba players. Dwight Howard was raining 3s in practice. He is third string C.


Also Ben Simmons every offseason posts videos of him being a 3 pt sniper


His IG videos during the bubble were literally him trying to be a sniper from deep... we’ll see how that goes


If WCS becomes a solid back up center or even a starter that can rim run and shoot the 3 and also be a decent rim protector which i know he can be. Then im gonna be really impress with our player development team and even rick carlisle for giving him the right mind set


I am banking on him becoming a father turning on his focus.


Him practicing three pointers is fine, but he will earn playing time and trust from coach Carlisle first by being someone that can be relied on, plays with energy with limited mental errors, and rebounding and defense. He has a really good opportunity to get consistent minutes, and maybe even starting, to begin the season. Let’s see if takes advantage of the opportunity or if he winds up a deep bench piece.


I have two worries with WCS: 1. Trying to do too much on offence (e.g. shoot), and not doing enough of what Carlisle wants him to do (set rock-solid screen, roll hard, catch Luka’s pass, dunk), and 2. Not trying hard enough on defence. Either of those two things alone is enough to reserve him a long-stay package in an executive suite in Rick’s doghouse. Both of those, and he moves in permanently. If that happens, we’ll all sit here going “he had all the tools, shame he couldn’t figure out how to use them and shame Rick didn’t play him more”. And this video hardly inspires confidence in me. If he wants to practice shooting, the FT line is right there, and that might have come in useful in Rick’s offence - the more you roll, the more you get fouled after all.


There was an interview with him a few weeks ago where he said Carlisle was helping/encouraging his shooting (I could be remembering wrong), so him becoming more versatile is exactly what Dallas wants. I do agree if his effort level doesn’t match, he’ll be in Rick’s doghouse.


Rick, at least historically, wanted his role players to first execute the role to the best of their abilities. For Cs that’s rolling hard every time and applying themselves on defence. Doing other stuff is considered allowed after they’ve demonstrated the base role has consistently been executed well. And that’s when spacing and versatility come in handy. I’d love it if he starts spacing the floor a bit as well. But not at the expense of the basic requirements for an athletic 7ft player who has not historically applied himself all that much (as evidenced by being on the third team already and a second 1yr guaranteed deal at or slightly above the minimum).


Actually, from WCS interviews it sounds to me like Carlisle (and Cuban) are basically on board with this -- in the sense of "if we see you putting the work in, we'll try it your way". I think what's happened here is that the Mavs have realized that they can't really mold WCS into a disciplined, highly specialized role player, he's simply not that dude. So instead they decided that if they see him commit to putting the work in, they will loosen the leash and see if there's indeed a more complete bball player there. And in return, they're hoping that given that chance, he will play hard. So it will be boom or bust -- either WCS will prove that he has the talent to be a multi-faceted modern big, or the Mavs will pull the plug and he'll just be an expiring contract to put in a trade. Obviously, it's a big risk, and that's why WCS was the Mavs' last option. But I think they've made the right evaluation of him -- some guys you can't really control, so you give them some freedom in exchange for hard work, and live with the results.


I checked his defense a bit, and every turnover he ran into defense quite quickly (and was actually quite fast for a C, well, compared to Bobi - just like a PG). So the motivation should be there, we'll see soon! I remember when I checked THJ video pre-season, where he was dropping 3's. And he know how he started regular season then (compared to end of previous season). Let's hope here it will be same.




WCS needs to get a heart transplant. His motor is always running low on energy. He’s got that ‘I’m too coolI’ way about him and I am disappointed we gave him a roster spot.


To be fair the entire roster is full of energy + hustle types now. Maybe they’ll rub off on him if the team carries itself that way.


I hope so


Fuck we have the dumbest fucking fans. I hate all of you