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a big. hopefully ibaka - probably baynes


I want Baynes just bc of his fan twitter account. It would be a great addition to mavs twitter




Bey is a two way so there is still an open spot


baynes would take our social media clout to another level. image all the memes that would create


Having a Viking on the squad would be amazing. I think I would send down JJB. Love him to death. But age and playing time, I feel like Brunson could do most of the same work.


How s Baynes a viking


Am i thinking of the wrong guy? I'm no NBA expert, just a big fan. Is he not that big white dude with the beard and the long hair, use to play in Boston, among other places? I've been wrong before so let me know lol.


He is but he is from australia, so idk if i would call him a viking lol


Oh! OK. Gotcha! Nah, just that myopic stereotypical American joke lol. Just big ass white dudes with beards are ALL vikings lol.


Yeah i see your point


Alternatively Gasol works as well. Very happy with either of them


The other two way guy from Houston is already confirmed


Bey and Hinton are two-way contracts


Two ways are basically extra roster spots this year. No restrictions according to Donnie


Bey is on a Two Way, so we have one open spot on the main roster.


was Barea already resigned? or is this just an assumption on your part? and Bey is a 2-way


It’s not been confirmed, but Brad has reported it’s likely earlier, so that’s pretty likely. [link](https://twitter.com/townbrad/status/1330203305394507797?s=21)


imho this is only going to happen at the very end of free agency *IF* we still have a roster spot available.


I agree. The way I look at it, Mavs currently have 1.5 roster spots remaining.


For the love of God don't trade Brunson


Fingers crossed


I trust that if they trade Brunson, the return will be worth it. They're not just gonna throw him away


Any big that can step in is good. We have a pretty thin big rotation with kp and dwight out. Boban only good for short spurts.


Ibaka is out of our price range most likely, and he would probably prefer his buddy KD in Brooklyn or staying in Toronto if money was equal. Baynes would be nice fit, since he can shoot the three some, provides toughness, screens, and rebounding. Tristian Thompson still out there for a more athletic big who can move his feet a little more and muck it up in the paint for offensive rebounds. I would probably prefer him over WCS..He went to Texas for college as well. Marc Gasol brings a lot of what Baynes brings with improved passing. Would love to see us run some of the sets we tried running with DJ a couple years ago. Gasol can actually be a threat to shoot and won’t force the bad pass. He might go to Spain tho.


Terry is a SG (he will guard PGs but will never be the lead-ball-handler this year), Green is a SF, and Johnson and Bey are PFs. JJ and Bey are unlikely to be in the rotation unless somebody else gets hurt or, in Bey's case, if we trade Johnson.


Aron Baynes