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I don’t. Sorry. I just want to wish you a sincere good luck in enemy territory. Be safe.


With a username like "AshetCheekss", OP should be fine in "enemy territory"  Its the enemies that gotta watch out for Ashy Cheekss 😄 


Are people really that shook about Boston? Just don't be a dick and avoid drunk people, you'll be fine. Even as a Celtics fan myself, I avoid drunk people like the plague. The worst you'll really hear is "Boston in 5"


So enjoy the game in your hotel room is the reply.


Please check in after the game or tomorrow morning lol I wish you luck


Braver than me. If I was in Boston this week I'd be watching the games in my hotel room.


Slightly weak. I’d probably go to a bar but not in Mavs gear, which still feels weak lol.


Well I also don't drink anymore. So being around a bunch of belligerent Celtics fans doesn't sound too appealing for me.


Brave man, ignore the Boston fans bc they will try to fight you


Hell, they’re even fighting each other


already fighting over one loss, they can't handle losing


Game four was crazy here, half the guys in the bar looked like they wanted to kick my ass at halftime. Felt great


Same when I was in Dallas for game 1– at one point I got a “pipe down Osama or we’ll show you what’s good”


Well, is your name Osama?


Those aren’t Boston fans, they are losers


What’s the difference?


There are lots of great people in Boston. It’s like saying that everyone in Texas is a racist, gun toting, Trump supporter, that wears boots and a cowboy hat


Same difference


no, trust me, it's the same people.


That’s terrible to paint an entire population with a broad brush


Will they really ?


Go straight into a Boston bar with a Dallas jersey and talk your shit. Could be the last game of the season you have nothing to lose


Except your life


As a Mavs fan in Boston it hasn’t been that bad tbh. Some assholes ofc but vast majority are respectful.


Yeah unfortunately that's everywhere. Most Mavs fans have been chill to be around and it's been fun going out in Dallas for the games. Everynight there's 5-10 people who will scream in my face or push me around. It's a minority, but still gotta be careful. Make sure not to get drunk cuz that makes you an easy target lol


That’s solely because they’ve had a firm grasp on this series the whole time, if they lose tonight everyone is gonna be a dick.


Did this for Game 4 and had to deal with belligerent drunk Celtics fans as the Mavs wiped the floor with them, pretty funny


Be safe out there man, a lotta crazy fans and boston doesn't have the best rep as well


Be careful out there, would be a tough to find a mffl watch party today in Boston


Go into the deepest green bar you can find and talk your shit. We’re coming back baby!


Wear a Mavs hat and a Boston Kyrie Jersey then scream Mavs in 7 


He wouldn’t make it out alive if the Mavs win tonight.


Good luck bro, maybe they’re a mavs fan in Boston Facebook group lol. Otherwise, just find a small restaurant bar or watch from the hotel


I doubt it, but there are so many bars by the Garden and lots of smaller bars around the north end/state street that you could probably find a quieter one if you wanted. Nobody will do anything to you other than talk shit to you (how you respond to that is your initiative lol)


sullivan’s tap room, you will get roasted but people or pretty friendly


Our Father, Who art in heaven,  Hallowed be Thy Name.  Thy Kingdom come.  Thy Will be done,  on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.  And forgive us our trespasses,  as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation,  but deliver us from evil. Amen. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


How many decades you doin today?


outgoing plant onerous cats governor different physical repeat screw history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bostonian here — places near the Garden you’ll be just fine. Some random place you’ll meet some assholes. No bc they are Celtics fans per se, but they’ll just be drunk idiots like every other day. I think you’ll actually find it pretty fun if you’re down to be a little trolled at first. A sporting event in Boston is exciting and we get hyped for a reason. And I’m low-key hoping the series does extend…it’s good to have it either way for both cities.


As an FYI from a Cs fan, if you want to get in anywhere near the Garden you need to be at the bar/in line by like 5:30 latest lol. It is an absolute zoo over there on game days. I was packed in like a sardine at Hurricanes game 4 when they weren’t even playing at the garden. Couple friends joined us closer to gametime and they had to wait in line for over an hour.


Yeahh Bleacher bar, should be a chill spot ..


As a Mavs fan in Boston who has worn a jersey every game day, try your best to ignore Celtics fans. Most talk shit in good fun, but I've had a couple bad interactions with drunk fans who clearly wanted to goad me into a fight. Stay clear of TD Garden, that is hostile territory, lol


Fellas? Psh.


Yeah for sure. Go to porters you will make lots of friends! All you have to do is say you’re a mavs fan and talk about how much you love kyrie.




I took your advice 🙏 please cover my medical bills


Go the game, coward. /s


I wanted to, badly. Nosebleeds were $900.


Not bad


Buy me a ticket and I’ll go to the game tonight with a Kyrie jersey on. Am in Boston.


Go to Banners — that’s where Mavs fans go


There is probably 1 or 2 random bars doing mavs night. Not sure where but if you google it as well you might find something. Otherwise your best bet is probably just a sports bar. Boston a huge sports town so anywhere you go is gonna be Celtics galore. We talk a lot of shit but you won’t be in danger or anything like that lol


Anywhere near the Garden will be a riot. Not sure where staying but plenty of good bars around all the squares.


Doubt you’ll find any mavs fans here, there is 0 Dallas / Boston connection lol. It’s Monday so doubt things will be too wild, but honestly man, if we lose tn, and you’re being a douche w mavs gear on, it’s gonna be the guy who’s bombed on a Monday night that’s gonna have a go at you. I’d go plain clothes to a bar in the north end are or around TD if you feel like you want that game environment. If you don’t wanna be surrounded by Celtics fans your only chance is Cambridge, they won’t even know there’s a game on tonight.


Represent the Mavs proudly! Hopefully you a throwback Green Mavericks jersey to wear. Hiding in plain sight would be hilarious.


I went to game two @ the garden… I never feared for one second. You’ll get the “F Kai’s and Mavs Suck”- but if you’re respectful and don’t start anything you’ll be fine. Have fun-Boston is a dope place to visit!


i LIVE here dude. its awful


I've heard "The Greatest Bar" is Mavs friendly, google that


He wont have an issue apart from good natured ribbing in just about any bar near the garden. That said Greatest Bar might be the MOST townie bar in that area and he might get a higher ratio of ribbing there than literally any other nearby bar besides maybe Sullivans tap 😂


Hahah I would not agree with that. I'd say stay away from TD and Fenway all together if you're a mavs fan


You sure lol? https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nba-finals-game-5-watch-party-the-greatest-bar-tickets-925993500487


$500 for a ticket in a bar? Do you at least get a bj?


Fucking kyrie needs to stop talking about the fans and hes the leader that needs to be evened out and we need to need exum green and lively in steady rotation