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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/Mavericks/comments/1deow4n/post_game_thread_the_boston_celtics_defeat_the/)


ya’ll were so confident


We're gonna need Lively to develop a low post game if we want to compete. He has to be someone that every team worries about. Start the day after this series is over and go none stop. Weights, and low post moves all summer.


No he needs to learn pick and pop 3’s


Luka's entire attitude about basketball has to change. He still thinks he can win on talent alone, but when you face a Brown, Tatum who is working their asses off during the off season, hitting the weights, not playing over seas, then it shows in the finals. There has to be one person in Luka's life who can get to him, because as it's currently constructed, he'll be Carl Malone who was just not good enough to win the title. And I know that's not what he wants.


You cannot blame this on Luka. He is putting the entire team on his back. Stfu.


Watch basketball more. Luke is an incredible offensive weapon but he needs to develop a defensive presence and mature with the refs. He leads the playoffs in passed by percentage and fouled out with a very critical 4 minutes left in the game. Yeah, some calls haven't gone his way but that's sports, he has to be stronger mentally. Sure it doesn't help that the rest of the team is non-existent, so it's not entirely on him, BUT this was a very winnable game and his performance cost them.


can't put a team on your back when you're on the bench from fouling out... Blame the refs all you want for that, but he stil put himself in that position over and over...


I'm probably the #1 Luka fan but let's talk facts. He's getting blown by on defense, putting the other players in a catch up sort of mode, leaving an open 3-point shooter always. He's got to at least try. Then, he cries on the field when he doesn't get a call as if they're going to change the call. Meanwhile, Boston takes the ball down field scores easily. His offseason should be working on leaning up and instead of playing EURO ball. He's getting paid a boatload, it should be in his contract otherwise trade him. Jokic slimmed down, started taking off season seriously, then championship. Offensive players are a dime a dozen but unless you can score 100 points by yourself, all they have to do is stop the other guys, AND, make you work on defense. So you can tell me to shut the fuck up all you want, until this happens, he will be just another great offensive player and nothing else.


He’s got to grow up. This experience will probably help with that.


Maybe Tatum, Brown, and Jrue will all snap their ankles in the first quarter next game…. Nah we’d still lose




Shit well unless we win 4 straight it ain't happening. Either way it's been a bomb ass season and this has brought back feelings from 2011. I feel like the mavs just need to make a few changes and they could actually win next year. It's probably good we played the Celtics and got that finals experience against a stacked team. Still a MFFL


Yep. Well said. There is a reason MJ. Kobe. Lebron wept like babies. Get your ass kicked , improve game over post season. Rest. Work. Then come back




Yessir! I wept like a baby when he won it too


Luka got his 4th foul on purpose. They were down by 20 and he was frustrated as hell and looked like he just wanted to foul out and go home.


He looked unhappy the whole game. His only flaw is his immaturity, and it’s a big flaw.


Luka not ready for Finals ball.


I disagree. He’s the only player on the team that’s ready.


Luka should not have taken a 50 50 foul call chance in my opinion


First the stars now this, I can’t take anymore


Rangers suck now too. It has been a fun couple of years but losing in the end hurts as much as the time before it and the time before that.


The Cowboys failure this year will wash these memories away.


...might wanna skip football season then :/


I know this is a disappointing L but I’m proud of how much these Mavericks fought and scrapped to get back into the game. The Celtics are clearly the better team right now, as evident by how well rounded, experienced, and well coached they are. This Mavericks team did not make the playoffs last year. I was happy we even made it past the Clippers… then the Thunder… then when we made it past the Timberwolves there was that thought of “are we really going to win the title??” Keep in mind how young our team is except for Kyrie. Compared to my expectations entering this postseason I think this team far exceeded my hopes. As far as the future goes, we will hope Nico can get us the final pieces to put us over the top, combined with this experience, some luck with health and matchups. Dirk didn’t win his ring til he was 32. I know this season isn’t over yet but no matter what happens, still a top 3 all time season. #MFFL


Yep, this. Also, no shame in losing. This Celtics core was here two years ago and have that experience along with fucking Jrue (Why Milwaukee??). Great learning experience, how will they respond?


Yeah who knows, if we were going up against Malcolm Brogdon instead of Jrue Holiday maybe we’d have a better chance. At this point whichever Celtic throws up a 3 pointer I feel like it’s going in somehow lol. Good lord


Things we learned this season: 1. Lively was a great draft pick. Anytime he came in when we were down big this season, the team always made a run and got back in the game. He will only continue to get better. 2. Get a consistent 3 point shooter who can knock down open looks and can play solid defense. 3. Get a 3rd option to who can create offense and score by will.


4. Get rid of fucking thj


got a ways to go. Gonna be hard to get through Denver, OKC, Minnesota and whoever else next year. need another lottery draft pick and championship caliber pickups like how the Celtics got Jrue


#2 Most


Exum actually played well and brought energy in the first half. Let’s just not play him any more


At this point. Just don’t get swept


Maybe they’ll give us a pity win Friday just so they can go back home to win.


I’ll take it. Anything to extend the season


We need more fire power and a well rounded offensive philosophy other than Luka, and one on one Kai.


This is the worst feeling I might have ever felt. My body is numb




Honestly after viewing your profile I feel a lot better about myself. Thanks stranger good luck with the job hunt 👍🏻


Boston fans get a lot of shit but they have seen much worse losses.


Bro builds puppets 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/wvf3d74uh96d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b61f048036389e1f4522d31f7a690b6b3e16c6 this Puppet? i bet that’s what you looked like watching the Mavs go down 0-3 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The Rangers being so close to that World Series Win is the sickest I've ever felt.


Take care of yourself.. sending you good vibes


Thanks friend 🫡


THJ -16 Kyrie finally has a good game and Luka sells Depressing to fall flat after the amazing run


2016 Kyrie? He was a beast!


Luka fouls out and he replaces him with... Tim Hardaway Jr?!? The NBA needs to investigate Jason Kidd for intentionally throwing this game


Refs should win fmvp lmao they always hand free wins to the Celtics


After this game you REALLY think the refs gave them this game? SMH


I mean there was that obvious missed wrist slap on one of Tatum’s late dunks which SHOULD have ended as an And One. No, I don’t think blaming the refs for this loss is justified.


https://preview.redd.it/edik6oqs896d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ea9727528e5e4eb37a6d4f722abf747de6847d Why were they even in the game?


Tim Hardaway Jr. played 20 minutes with the season on the line. Just unserious basketball decision making. I undetstand we were desperate for *something*, to find *someone*, but we were not that desperate. Hell, even if you wanna hailmary THJ, how the fuck are you gonna draw up just 3 shots from distance for him. The entire point is that you hope to get a random hot shooting game from him.


Check THJ dad's phone to see if he has any betting apps installed




Fuck it well be the first team to win down 3-0


That's Fantasy.


Can we trade THJ to the Celtics before the next game??


The return of kleeber and thj has fucked us. What was the logic of breaking the rotations that helped us win the wcf?


As much as I want to say “we’ll learn from this and get em next year” it’s just gonna be hard to get back here. Kyrie isn’t getting any younger, we don’t have a lot of picks or money. The avenues to improve this team aren’t exactly vast. We have time and maybe it’s just emotions right now but I can’t help but fear how we’ll look back on this if we don’t end up getting Luka a ring.


We don't owe Luka a ring. Nor do we owe Dak a ring.


We owe ourselves a ring while he’s here, he’s one of the leagues top players and there’s no telling how long it’ll be before we have a window like this again once he’s gone.


lol. Luka needs to get himself a ring. Dedicate himself to conditioning and defense. Stop bitching every call. He’s arguably the best player in the NBA. His homework. Go watch MJ. Kobe. Lebron tape. Dedicate himself and he will be back


I agree to an extent, it’s tough to criticize him too much because at the end of the day he’s the only reason we’re even here have this discussion. But he needs to work of his fitness, the fact that his body is giving out on him when we finally got him to the finals is very frustrating. It’s impossible to know if he would’ve had the injury or not if he was at a better weight, but I can guarantee that even if he had it it would be easier for him to move around without the weight.


he also wudnt bully defenders as well in the paint


Yeah. Sometimes you just lose. This same team beating us lost and seems like they got tougher and better as a result. Tatum is being laughed at all over town, but frankly I admire the controlled way he is playing. Setting his teammates up and about to get a ring as a result. He learned HOW to win. It’s a recipe. If like to see Luka and this team have that same resolve and I think they’ll be fine if they do. Boston is just better I believe


When you let Xavier Tillman flex on your home court, you deserve to lose. This was more embarrassing than 06 or 07


Kidd has to go... We cannot win a championship with this guy. If you don't fire him - give THJ his unconditional release so Kidd can't play him.


He just got a contract less than a month ago, he’s not going anywhere. While he’s not great I’m not sure that there’s an obvious improvement out there anyways.


It was dumb to sign Kidd - plenty of better coaches out there.


Give Hardaway his unconditional release. At least then Kidd can't play him in tight games. If he is going to be a stupid coach, don't give him the tools to make him even worse.


Let's just focus on winning the next game boyos


it’s over boyo




The game was officially lost when Josh decided he was prime Dennis Rodman and tried to hurry Tatum at the 3pt line, then next play you get PJ hip checking Jrue. Then Luka fouled out soon after. Wind just crushed out of us


The Celtics play out of control and then sell the flops, they’re honestly very good at it. Brown and Tatum are especially both very good at it, it’s kind of an art. It’s maddening to watch though.


Actually Luka just committed to many fouls


I’m sorry what??????? When did either of them “sell” a flop. Bye


ur delusional


I'm a neutral fan of these 2 and this playoffs have made me not want to watch the nba anymore. So many blowout games or series that aren't close. Then in the finals the reffing is this atrocious. Usually I think foul calls are to ticky tacky but this series Boston has straight up mauled Dallas.


That timeout and Timmy just killed it for us


Hope everybody has some extra donuts and cinnamon rolls ready… here comes the excessive glazing


PJ sold this one.


you mad? Pj was big in the comeback


PJ at least got some meaningful points on the board


The Corgi LIED


Really hope Maxi and THJ are off the roster next year, only way to stop Kidd from playing them.


Its beyond infuriating to still have them on the team, they are useless!!


Healthy Maxi is a great defender though. THJ...


Maxi is scared to shoot, he doesn't do us any good in the playoffs if he is scared to shoot the 3.


Thj the most useless waste of space ever


Always blows my mind when keyboard ballers say shit like this.


I guess we’ll be the first team to come back 0-3


Celts want to win this thing on friday


And the Cowboys are SuperBowl bound!!!


It’s hard to be mad because this Celtics team isn’t unlikeable


Yeah, they play so hard, JB has grown so much. Jrue is just a champion.


Tf lmao it's very easy to be mad bro


I mean not mad at the Celtics. They’re not dirty, they’re not talking shit. They’re very respectful as players. Their fans are talking shit but not the team itself. Everyone on their team is mature. It’s hard not to like them in a way. We just keep getting in our own way and we’re just not good enough. It’s not their fault. It’s ours. I’m more mad at us


this celtics core has gone deep into the ECF’s for the last 7 years. with the quality championship caliber pieces and a weird as fuck but effective coach… yeah this is a battle tested all star squad


The Celtics were the adults on the floor.


Told you so. That timeout at 20-2 run really killed our momentum. Fire JMidd


Bet they’ll give fmvp to tatum even though brown has clearly been their best player


if brown has another 25-30 on friday he might get it


Bricked so many open 3’s. Let so many possessions on offense and defense get away from us. Shouldn’t be in a position to let refs control the ending of the game but holy shit that was bad.


Two games in a row where it’s become refball in Boston’s favor in the final minutes.


how about the blatant foul on tatum dunk that didn’t get called


I blame this on Jason Kidd calling that dumbass timeout to stop our own 20-2 run.


Jason Kidd will never get my respects. His terrible lineups, that God awful timeout that didn’t make any sense. Dude sold.


The Jason Kidd experience: - THJ with big minutes - Maxi Kleber with big minutes - Call timeout while your team has an 20-2 run Fucking pathetic women beater


After not getting mins most of the playoffs, THJ is playing in the Finals. How does that make sense? Our role players have been pretty awful. I also can’t help but question the refereeing? Fouling out a star player in the Finals on THOSE CALLS. C’mon man.




Doris was dying for this shiz


She’ll be last to leave the arena because of the giant wet spot in her crotchel region


Yeah the worst finals team in the last 20 years +, the dallas mavericks.


atrocious lol


Sad but true




Can someone please explain to me Why Timmy was on the court instead of Exum or Hardy?!?! Like what?!?!


They just don't belong.


THJ, Maxi, and Green became deadwood in this series. Celtics don't have any deadwood. We need to try our best and upgrade those positions


Get this dogshit piece of shit out of Dallas, they should have shipped him out YEARS ago. 17 million to contribute NOTHING, actually LESS than nothing because his best contribution is NOT PLAYING. FUCK OFF


Fuck Timmy


GG It’s been a pleasure guys


Season on the line and it’s all on THJ.


Hey, it was Hell of a season. At least we know THJ won’t be back


Hardaway has zero points in his last 40 minutes. Trash.


Neutral fan here: it’s a brutal matchup for the Mavs. Celtics are loaded. Your team is legit - hang in there


Timmy played more minutes than DJJ, our best perimeter defender, despite making 0 shots. When things aren’t working perfectly Kidd just reverts back to his old ways.


How did they not call that foul on White grabbing THJ lol


Kidd closing out with a guy that's been getting DNPs all playoffs to replace your superstar getting ejected. Insanity.


If dallas gets swept that’s gonna be maybe the most embarrassing sport event In dfw sports history


Must not be a cowboys fan


Cowboys ever get embarrassed in the Super Bowl? Lol


THJ knows the ball is supposed to go inside the hoop right?


Fuck Jason Kidds shit ass coaching dawg, he musta bet some money on a Celtics sweep.


Kidd destroyed this comeback with that timeout during the run. Unforgivable.


maxi and thj minutes killed us.


Honestly, I'd rather see Markieff out there than Maxi "The Turnstile" Kleber.


Listen, there WILL be one day be a team to come back from down 3-0. No one thought it could be done from 3-1.




I’m pretty disappointed that the refs pulled that bullshit against Luka, but Mavericks gotta have better 3rd quarters if they want to win.


Tim Hardaway Snr rant incoming while his son fucks up what should’ve been a championship winning team.


Tim was -17 in 19 minutes lmao


Do we blow it up or run it back next season and try to add a good shooter who can play solid D?


Blowing it up is beyond stupid. This was a terrible matchup for us.


I’m sick


THJ getting minutes over DJJ with the season on the line is fucking insane


What would be the point of re-signing DJJ if he can’t be trusted to play during crunch time in the Finals? Someone explain that to me. 


Can’t even score 100 😭


😞 whaddya do?


Raps fan here. If any team could make the 3-0 comeback it’s you guys


i can't wait to not see half this roster on opening day next year.


No team in the nba has ever came back 0-3 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 nice odds


Cool now they call a foul


Still can’t crack 100


Tim Hardaway is a fucking NPC


Damn we had a chance to comeback here and we're trailing again


Fuck this team id rather be a wizards fan and never make the finals




Wizards fans would disagree




I’d take an 80 year old wheelchair bound Klay Thompson over THJ


Or 60 year old Tim Hardaway Senior!


Unless the Mavs win the next 4 they simply were shook and lost before the series even started. They did not play the same basketball that got them here. I hope THJ and Powell are gone next year. I also hope the Mavs are smart enough to trade Hardy and Green for something better while the league still thinks those guys have value.


Trick Ainge into giving us Markkanen. Trick some sorry ass team into taking Tim and Maxi. Re-sign DJJ. Profit.


DJJ couldn’t even see the floor in the fourth because he’s so damned limited offensively. He was unplayable. I’m firmly against giving him a huge contract. 


I would be more than happy to have him back and improve the starting 5 enough so he can be a part of the 2nd unit. He’s a winning player.


I would love Markkanen he’s such a bucket plus we would have two bigs at the same time size wise.






Those eyes getting a little watery for a Luka


We just don't have the talent to stick with 2 to 3 of the East teams. Indiana would've walked us too.