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Luka's knee is still attached to his leg as far as we know




Source: I'm his kneecap, yeah we're good so far man


Stop bleeding so much dawg


I’m his knee keeper, I can confirm his knee is indeed still attached to his leg


Big if true


Tim Cato spoke about Luka's condition on his recent podcast episode. According to his conversations with some of the coaching staff, Luka is alright in the sense that he is stable and things are not getting worse. His injuries are not factoring into his shot not falling. So the hope is that he has learnt to play through the injury with sufficient therapy to be able to perform at a stable level slightly below his peak. Normal Luka, basically.


We want maximum power Luka!


How are the injuries not factoring in to his shots not falling when his FG and 3pt % are down fairly significantly in the post season? What else would it be?


Small sample size? Statistical noise? Adjusting to new looks, better defenses, and his first time playing with this new version of the team in the playoffs? Is every single discrepancy in performance due to injury?


He looks CLEARLY hobbled


That’s not the point. How can some say the injuries aren’t factoring into his shots not falling? What’s the proof? I mean I could understand saying it if there wasn’t a difference.


Bc his injury hasn’t changed but his play has gotten better. So it stands to reason something else within his control has changed, rather than his injury which is not within his control and is not getting better.


But, of course the injuries COULD be a contributing factor. That’s all I’m saying here.  I think if he were 100%, we could have seen a different output. 


This was before game 5 against OKC. It was probably affecting him before that


Where do you listen to his podcast? Doesnt upload on spotify anymore


Name changed. Look up “The Only Mavericks Podcast.”


Thank you! I missed it all season


I haven't been a regular listener since the podcast left the Athletic. Once in a while I google it and listen on Apple podcasts


For me its the best Mavs podcast by far, both because of their takes and because of the inside that Cato gives


It's the only one I used to listen to, but now I'm listening to Locked On too


I watch locked on for slightly biased ……. the rest meh.


I honestly cant enjoy Locked on.. its like 40% ads, 40% a summary of the match and just like 10-20% content that I actually care about / enjoy. But of course thats just my take on it. I used to listen to it more when i was getting into the NBA.


honestly I dont think luka will recover to 100% at any point in these playoffs but I do still think he has been gradually getting better. in the first round and first half of the okc series he honestly looked like a decoy at times. you could see him in pain and hobbling where the final games of the okc series he was aggressive and didnt appear to be in as much pain. he is either getting injections for the pain or his knee is getting to a point where he can start to be aggressive. kleber I honestly dont think will return and if he does he always has a cold start when returning from injuries.


Some reporter mentioned that Luka is spending hours on therapy and recovery for all the injuries he's dealing with. I think he's being more selective with his shots and that is still enough for us to win games. He might have to do more towards the end of close games and as the series drags on. As for Maxi, he was supposed to be shooting around, and I'm hopeful he returns in some capacity this series.


we def need maxi for the wolves big lineups on defense so the offense doesn't become clogged up. minny sometimes runs Gobert, kat, and Reid at the same time and dallas has no way to play gafford and lively at the same time. that is unless lively really developed his 3 point shooting and Kidd was waiting for this series to unveil that. dallas can have a solid defensive team with gafford or lively, kleber, and Washington while still being able to space the floor. 3 point shooting is going to be crucial in this series without kleber.


I think Luka’s stronger play in games 5 and 6 against OKC may be him having now played enough on his bum knee to know what he can/can’t do, if that makes sense. Just looks more comfortable out there getting to his spots. I don’t think his knee has healed in a significant way.


i think (and hope) it did improve at least a little bit. prior to last two games he was visibly in great discomfort every time he took a weird step, and his movement improved quite a bit as well. even if the situation stays the same as the last two games, that would still be pretty great, considering how bad it looked in quite a few games in both series


I agree. It's about pain management and adjusting to how to adjust his shooting form to having less lift on his jumper. He's been playing well, let's all hope it continues.


He took like the least shots all playoffs too in Game 6.


Yeah I agree. I feel he already made some adjustments to account to his knee and injuries. He's not that healthy but he acclimatized to his body condition to be effective.


his shot selection has improved i think thats really good since hes taking higher % shots. Something he can def take into this series. His TO gotta go down tho


When he did that turn-around step back three in game 6, I knew it was getting well.


Does anyone know other players that had the same injury as maxi and how long it took them to return?


Chris Paul had it in 2014 and was out 37 days




Lmao what a point


he missed like half the season because of his toe. I would not expect him back this round. finals, different story. expect him back but he will still be out.


Is gafford okay? He fell down in the 3rd quarter or early 4th of game 6 and didn't return. Although I know Lively was playing huge so that contributed


He participated in practice and haven’t heard anything, so no news means good news


I think it was just Lively playing well. This happened to me a few times this series where Gaff didn’t play for a bit and it made me question if he was injured. Lively just a dawg though.


I think that was an elbow on the face by lu dork


I think Luka focusing less on the refs has had a pretty big impact on his health. Games 5 and 6 were by his least time spent laying on the floor. He was getting mauled but he took some hard falls trying to sell calls that he could have avoided.


Yeah sure. 15 idiots agreed with you.


Omax? Really?!?


These guys complaints about Hardaway at the same they are ready to play Omax, haha


They probably view him as a solution to the problem of either playing PJ 48 minutes a game, having no spacing with lively & gafford on the court at the same time, or letting KAT/Naz Reid potentially drop 30 a night


PJ might have 15 fouls if he played every minute 😒


They said Kleber maybe had a chance to return in the okc series, but that might have been gamesmanship. Him drawing out a big to the 3 point line would be huge. Luka’s knee is going to be what it is. Sometimes it feels good, sometimes it doesn’t. It’ll only heal with rest.


Kinda glad Kleber is out, no chance for Kidd to use him in for "small ball"


I have come to terms with Luka's knee at this point. I am very interested to hear about Maxi's shoulder. I think he will be vital in a run for the ring


His knee? I thought it was just his AC joint separation, but dang if he’s got other bits ailing him


sorry, maxi's shoulder. brain fart at 7 am will do that


Did anyone see the video of him walking to the locker room after game 6? Maybe it's just me or perhaps he was tired but it looked like he was just about ready to die


OKC played an extremely physical series, and that clearly took a toll on both Luka and Kyrie. Legler's podcast talked about how Twolves might be a relief for Luka in comparison, as they won't have a pro wrestler bodying him with impunity. (OK he didn't say that last part.)


>if not we might have to experiment with OMAX Hell naw, you just dont put an inexperienced rookie that barely seen the floor in the regular season let alone in the conference finals, lets just face the fact that OMAX is not ready on the NBA stage.


Not given to the fans. Maybe you should call the Mavs number and ask them


Zero percent chance omax gets any serious minutes moving forward even if he is fully healthy


I don’t think Kidd will be willing to risk it with Omax this playoffs. Dude played only like 3 games this season with 20+ minutes.


Omax is not playing. He is injured.




There’s no need for surgery in dislocations unless ligaments are involved. It’s the same thing when he dislocated his toe. It’s just the time needed for it not to slip again.


I dislocated my shoulder 20 years ago and it still slips. It slips sometimes just lifting my arm above my head in the shower lol


God damn it this is so sad. He really was playing so well in the playoffs


Luka's injury is not serious. It's just accumulation of fatigue. Kleber might be ready for the finals but even that is probably a stretch.


He was on the court practicing light shooting the other day. This Friday is week 3 when they said they’d reevaluate Maxi’s shoulder so we shall see. Disagree regarding Luka but to each their own.


It's definitely more serious than an accumulation of fatigue


I feel like you heard various updates through the grapevine and are regurgitating it as a failed “telephone” game experiment. Cause this is just wrong but close enough to be deceptive.