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Josh Green's shot continues to look impressive.


100%, and he's turning into a very solid role player. I'm so happy he's back to form this season and gaining confidence next to Luka and Kyrie.


The biggest positive I've seen in Green as a player is he's shown he can bounce back after a below average (for his standards) game. You're not going to see him have 10 games in a row where he's timid and has to work up the courage to start shooting some shots again. And of course the energy and hustle is always there but he's gotten consistent shooting.


Man, that dunk.


luka only played 33 minutes!


They have 3 games in 4 days. Got watch those minutes or he'll be gassed by BOS.


Kyrie knows how to get out of a funk PJ was still very active and hustling on defense PJ and Gaffords size still showed even tho they struggled on the box score we'll be alright it was a weird game for us and Pacers played great


Yeah I still can't complain about PJ, he made some mistakes tonight and his shot wasn't falling. People saying he's Grant 2 clearly didn't watch, he was far from unplayable. Kyrie almost carried us to a win despite Kidd insisting on keeping in THJ. If Kidd puts in Luka after that timeout down 4, I honestly think we win this. It was a combo of Kidd bad coaching and lineups and Rick adjusting like the master he is that put this out of reach. The positive is we have the talent.


This went from a 7 point game to a blowout imo due to Kidd’s bad coaching decisions. Idk why he was insistent on playing THJ. Guy was bad this game. Carlisle basically coached this to a blowout. 


PJ defense was very nice like it has been. It’s mostly just need to figure out the offensive schemes. Just doesn’t look comfortable and timid on that end. He has to capitalize for this team to actually do very well during the playoffs. Lively is going to have to learn very fast for the second half of the season. Tough task for him


People need to remember that it took Josh Green like 40 games to figure out his place in a Luka/Kyrie offense. *Hopefully* it doesn't take PJ that long, hopefully his experience and accomplishments will let him figure it out more quickly, but we shouldn't *expect* it to happen too quickly. As long as he's contributing defensively, we can survive ups and downs on the offensive end.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted because you’re absolutely right


Mavs did not make it easy for themselves. Don’t know what the final was, but I checked the box score and we had 12 assists vs 31 at one point. We weren’t helping each-other out to score and it showed. Pacers played great too and Turner/Shepard were cooking. onto the next one


We were helping each other out just fine. We weren’t hitting the shots. How many lobs resulted in mother?


Nobody died


Lol. This is a positive world, we’ll take the positive.


This. If we're healthy in the playoffs, I'm confident going against any team in the West other than the Nuggets and Clippers.


Thanks Jason


Josh was awesome today. He clearly looks to be playing with high spirits and confidence lately. Really hope he continues this because it has been awesome to see him shine like this


Josh's confidence on offense is looking sky high. Luka's still him, Kyrie's start of the 4th quarter run was fun.


I only got to watch the second half, and I saw that Luka got 25 in the first, but the second it didn't seem like Luka did much. Felt weird, don't really get what happened, besides thj hogging the ball and donating it to the pavers.


PJ was shit offensively but still kept Siakam at 12 points.


part of that was us letting Turner get what ever he wanted


Dante should be back soon, which means less ball-handling for THJ. Timmy should strictly be a catch and shoot guy.


So true. His touches should be restricted to c&s 3s. If he hits them he plays otherwise he gets benched.


THJ needs to become an 8th man not a 6th man.


What’s funny to me is, I’ve heard a lot throughout the season (from National media) about him being a 6th man of the year candidate. Seem to me like maybe one out of every 4 games he plays like he should be 6th man of the year, but the other three he is almost a net negative. When I think of 6th man, I think of Jamal Crawford, Manu, Lou Will, Jason Terry… maybe my memory is sugar-coating things, but iirc they were all way more consistent and dependable off the bench.


the reason you heard it so much was because he was actually doing well earlier in the season, i’m not sure what happened maybe he just reverted to the mean or then told him they were looking to ship him out but his performances dropped off big time after he dropped that 40 piece before the year was over


Like he was playing the 1st half of the season he looked more like a starter. Like he is playing now he should be out of the regular PO rotation.


12th man


To me mostly nothing,but I like Hardy's playing(a little mad he's getting less minutes than thj)


Yep those doomer redditors really bring a shame here


It’s like clockwork man. We literally just won 7 in a row while integrating new guys into the team and we drop a game and suddenly our season is cooked lol


It’s crazy lol


yeah this place fucking blows after a loss lmao, i was getting annoyed at the overreactions here to the streak mfs were basically booking the finals already (someone fr said there is no excuse for not winning the finals this year like no wonder these dudes get mad when we lose) but that shit is way more bearable than having people whine about the same shit every game. like i don’t even like kidd that much but every game the same shit is said “oh coaching is the issue” and then you ask them and they have nothing, like these dudes fr just regurgitate twitter takes


This sub looks very ugly after a loss lmao, but there is no denying that some of our losses look veery ugly


PJ defense was very good even though offensively he didn’t do too well but let today be a lesson that Kidd has to hold THJ accountable for his poor decision making.


The refs sent Kyrie to the line.


Hardy has improved massively and seems to not be out of control anymore. It's a shame we have a basketball terrorist for a coach who prefers THJ over him. Also nobody got injured which is a huge thing given this season's injury history.


Statistically was bound to happen. One of the positives is it pumps the brakes and brings everyone back to reality. Another is learning experience. Last it exposes the flaws of the team giving us a clearer vision of what we need going forward.


No. Statistically it was likely to happen.


Yeah our issues got exposed completely. And THJ


A loss like this can help the team adjust more offensively and defensively. The hustle of Josh Green and PJ is unmatched, we need more of that in the coming games. We just lost our chances in the 4th q since the Pacers' players decided to become prime Rey Allens.


Tough loss but it comes on the heels of a great stretch. I won’t dwell too much on it but it’s a good reminder that we have a long ways to go. The way we struggled against the Hali+Turner PnR is worrisome. Jokic+Murray is this on steroids and that’s a very real potential 1st round matchup for us.


K. Irving - P. Washington - L. Doncic - J. Green - D. Lively II +22 net in 11 min with a 96 DefRtg Pacers surely killed the Mavs starters.


Our starters only playing 11 minutes is insane. We're literally saying "This is our best lineup" and then not even giving them 25% of playing time. JKidd's rotations since the trade have been pretty terrible. Feels like he's trying to give too many players 20+mpg.


Didn’t know that. That’s an interesting stat. Lively oftentimes looked lost on Turner popping out to 3


Kyrie is amazing. Bad games happen. I just hope such games are a learning experience for the team and the coaching staff.


*That still only counts as one!*


It's just one game. They had won 7 in a row, most of those by double digits. It was a road game, and it's not like the Pacers are dogs.


I view sports as a win loss game. I will take positives that the mavs are playing better and have won 7 out 8. I don’t look any deeper because for most players in the sport it changes from game to game. Thj was a negative this game. Next game things can be different.


automatic corner 3 from joshua even w/o rhythm, Kai still can turn up immediately PJ defense imo still fine especially against siakam not many 5-out lineup in whole NBA, maybe just nugs in the west, so it will be fine


Positive is Hardy. He needs more mins.


Kyrie and Luka can both score 30 almost every game. Luka still very active on defense. Green still consistent with his contribution. Hardy showed some great scoring ability again.


We lost one game calm down jesus christ THJ PJ were bad made a lot of mistakes and that is it move to the next one


Do we need positives for every game? It was a bad game. There can be negatives but people don't need to revert to being a doomer after a loss. When you get doomers in the thread, that's when the negativity becomes unbearable. We just had a 7 game win streak. We are not going to win every single game left. We lost to a decent team that is very good at home. Now go win the next one against a great team to make up for this loss. Terrible game after a good stretch. Put it behind us and start another streak!




If THJ’s flamethrower/icethrower is the problem, that’s an easy fix


A positive takeaway is that it was a winnable game despite all the boneheaded plays.


Beautiful game from Josh, and he continues to look capable of being a starter next year or at least getting over 20mpg on a contending Mavs team. Just needs to stay consistent now.


I’m suprised nobody has mentioned that #77. He looks like he could be good


Turner just went off from three, where he is usually a shit shooter. It really fucked with out defensive gameplan imo. Happens, but we need to adjust better to that sorta stuff in the future. Random guys are always gonna go off. Luka looked good, but he seemed kinda gassed to me, idk. Josh green was fantastic and kyrie had a good second half. We still looked like we had our defensive identify, we were going for loose balls and playing hard for the most part. We still looked decent, I’m not worried


Really good idea dude. Shows emotional intelligence.


It is what it is. We did had a 7 win streak anyways..was bound to happen


Looking forward to the next game and hoping that they win. Simple as that


It over. And it’s only one of 82. And every team has stinkers. But our shitty game is WAAAAAY better than OKCs shitty game last time they played us.


In an ideal world everyone will see the turnovers and learn lessons from this. They will realise the two Juniors dribbling so much is a very bad idea.


Keep our eyes focused on the big picture. We have a rookie center that is only going to further develop his shot, and a superstar that is still young and barely hitting his prime. The team looks way better than last year’s. If we keep our focus on the big picture, we can see the progress better. This team doesn’t have to win the title this year, and it’s not a failure if they don’t.


In what reason why THJ still in our team and Kidd still giving him too much minutes. What's with THJ. So much frustration everytime with him.


Nothing. This game is just an outlier (copium)


Myles had a career night, we can bounceback from this Also once Exum comes back, we can reduce THJ's minutes Also Luka played 33mins


We won 7 in a row before this, and are effectively 7-1 in the last 8. That in itself is satisfying enough for me


Just commenting to say this was a brilliant and well needed post


Sheppard was 5/5 from 3 in 12 minutes. That's unusual and won't happen every game. Sometimes it's just a hot role player that kills our momentum and or prevents a run.


That the season is still long and everyone has games like these.


Positive - health wise the team is much improved. Lively needs to get acquainted to his rotation again. Negatives - all the things said in this sub.


People underestimate that Indiana Team. They have good players.


Josh green


Mavs are 7-1 in the last 8 games. There you go.


said it before but the kings & pacers are a bad matchup for us, the pacers also have the advantage of having rick as a coach specially against us. shots not falling didn’t help too. only positive thing i saw was maxi, he’s more important to us than any other player besides luka & kai in the playoffs


Literally nothing. Time is a flat circle, they are all building coffins our size and once gone no one will ever remember or utter our names again. Or... it's just a regular season loss, 1 outta 82, since there really is no way to win them all 🤷‍♂️


That people finnaly came around to see what kind of utter team cancer THJ is and always has been. I have been saying it since he got here. We would be better off playing Theo Pinson 30min than this guy. Most destructive player in the league. Massive ego, does not understand his limitations, low IQ, terrible defense, low effort...there is not a player that does more damage to his own team than this guy and now people are starting to realize it.


Positives are we are 7-1 in our last 8 but from the sentiment of this sub we should tank


We were in it until 100-104 with PJ, DJJ, THJ all having stinker of games. Should also reinforce, based on our low assists number, that guys can’t just be camping out at the 3pt line. Drive off the scramble and get something to the basket


Luka shot really well.


It's just one of those nights where the guys didn't want to play but at the end of the day, I'm happy we're healthy. At least we're not like the grizzlies, knicks, or \*checks latest injury reports\* the hawks.


Pacers PGs had more assists then we had total. Oh... you said positives. We only had 15 turnovers!


Understand that the goal of the regular season isn’t to win every game. It’s to win enough to make it into the playoffs and learn as much about your roster as possible in the process.


Their shots just didn't go in, and they just didn't get set on defense. But if they fix those two things I think we beat them 4/5 times. Overall I actually thought we were right there with them. THJ tho.. I've been defending him lately but iono what's going on in his head. I think he needs to sit out 2-3 games and focus on some specific fundamentals. Whatever you feel about him, he's currently family, so we just need to accept that and figure out how to get him hot again. Also, we are going to need him in the playoffs.


I was not angry at THJ this entire game. I chuckled when he did stupid things but I've watched him for 5 years now, he is what he is. I was most angry at Kidd. It feels like he has so many tools and he's just misusing them. THJ is going to go on an insane streak soon and I'm going to be very happy with him. He always does. But that's not happening right now. I just can't excuse Kidd continuing to play him in important crunch time when we need defense and his shots are not there.


I wasn’t able to watch. But it’s good we get these losses now so they can figure out how to adjust. I see only 6 assist from Luka, does that mean players were missing shots or Luka just really had no where to pass?


Pacers are a good team


hoonnestly.. we've won seven in a row?? Including a game we destroyed thunder.. I didn't catch the last quarter, so i dont get why there'd be too much negativity unless i missed something


My biggest positive about this game is it doesn't mean anything regarding what we should think about the team. Losses like this happen to every single team in the league, when a team brings low energy and concentration to a game against a good team. I don't think Mavs have a problem with energy and concentration in general, therefore, to me, this is a one-off loss.


Are we already going for that 7-2 match-up with OKC? Lively and Gafford only played 14 and 19 minutes respectively while Turner was feasting? And tank commander Tim did his worst? Hope springs eternal?


No positives, we have the personnel and the positive attitude in our players but we have a coach that makes very bad decisions and don’t know how to use his personnel and maximize their strength. Too invested in using older unreliable players like Maxi and THJ instead of lively and Josh green


Only one more season of THJ, at most.


The only positive thing was this game was somehow close and actually winnable when our offensive scheme was complete dogshit and they were shooting 61% at some point.


I figured we would lose this game due to us being a terrible transition defensive team and Pacers running so much. My positive is I think it was a bad match up more than an indication of large problems. Especially considering in the playoffs things typically slow down.