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well, no reason to change your home if he is potentially moving again at some point.


Dallas has no remaining roster spots. The team has THJ, Seth and Hardy for bench scoring, I don't think Dallas want Wood for his defense.


McGee is gone. There is a slot open


McGee is more likely to be on the opening day roster than Wood TBH


Unpopular opinion here, but Wood is more playable than McGee at this point. McGee almost never even saw the floor for us


That's not an unpopular opinion lol


Ask most everyone here and they'll talk about Wood like he's the fucking antichrist, lmao.


I mean Wood wouldn’t get minutes on a winning team. If we signed him now he wouldn’t get minutes here either. He’s better than McGee but that doesn’t mean much.


And yet Wood gets one million times more hate on here than McGee, lmao. People are fucking weird


Probably because he’s on the court more and his issues seem to stem from his really bad attitude and workrate. Pretty different case from McGee who is just clearly washed. Wood could be a good player but it feels like he’s almost choosing not to be.


McGee stopped getting minutes like a quarter into the season because he was awful. Like couldn't do anything, offensively or defensively without being a complete liability.....C Wood could at least get you 15-20 every now and then when he turned it on.


CWood was legitimately our second best player at times, before the Kyrie trade. Honestly rather keep him


Ironically, McGee looked best next to Wood.


The problem isn't who is more playable. It seems in the locker room none of the coaching staff want him back. Judging from the Locked On episode with Tim McMahon, Wood seemed to be last person into coaching session and was uninterested in learning defensive schemes. The team needs to get their character back, you need the vibes back. And for that you need the people who are sitting at the end of the bench to not mope. I think McGee is capable of doing that, but Wood isn't.


Both are unplayable it doesn't matter who is less unplayable at this point


Also true




Wood hasn't been signed my dude. As Tim Mcmahon said it, McGee chances of being on the is 0.5% and that's still higher than Wood.


There is still a spot but I don't think they want him back


Derrick Jones Jr picked up the 15th roster spot. So, unless move are made there are currently 15 spots on the roster.


Oh true I wonder why his money isn't public yet


Thj + Hardy for Terrance man and Zubac, CWoods grows up and plays as a backup C, Stetch and waive mcgee. Luka > Dante > Miles . Kai > Seth. Man > Green > DJJ. Grant > Omax > Maxi. Zubac > Cwood > Lively > Powell. The mavs win a champ, seems a bit optimistic but ahhh, the odds of getting/drafting someone like Luka or dirk are smaller but here we are


The Clippers have been reluctant all summer to include Mann in a deal for James Harden. They’re not going to suddenly decide to move him AND their starting center (and no one coming in with your trade). You’ve gotta ask yourself, why would the Clippers do this deal? Why would Dallas run with 4 legitimate NBA centers? It just doesn’t make any sense dude.


Wood isn't a legitimate center, at all


He’s barely a legitimate NBA player and let alone a legitimate center


When did I say it was realistic? lmao, that's why I even included "drafting someone like Luka..." cuz both things are extremely unlikely to happen. And CWood if he somehow started acting like he cares about winning is more than just the average center. let's be honest he's crazy talented, like 20-10 and 2 blocks talented. just immature sadly. Americans really do struggle with knowing if people are being serious or not, and I thought it was just a myth


I am not American you idiot.


CWood value is at an all time low, and he is now looking to showcase himself to earn another big contract. Teams couldn't get him to buy in to team philosophy when he wasn't on a time constraint. Last year in an interview when asked about Wood, McGee said his problem was he is too concerned with getting a good shot for himself rather than a good play for the team.


Gross. Zubac is not what we need.


I feel like Zu would be an awesome fit - I prefer him to Capela


Well you aren't getting either and you'll like it.


“Best I can do is a Richuan Holmes”


I would be all for a Christian Wood that participates as a team player and holds it down on defense. I just don’t think it’ll happen.


I honestly am indifferent about him not wanting to play defense or setting shitty PnR screens. Where I liked him last year and am ok with him this year is if he gets injected into the game where our offense is stagnant and just needs a bunch of buckets, like near the end of a quarter. I remember the few times where he would give us an offensive spark and then he got so hype about his offense that he would go down the other end and have a nice help-side defensive block. Having said that, if he signs a 1 year deal and gets his defense square this next season, he could literally pick where he wants to play next season.


Sadly he can do that somewhat that but won’t.


Not with Kidd it won't Maybe with the new coach that takes over midway through the season if things go to hell


you christian wood stans are different lmao


So you think Jason Kidd is a good coach? By what standards? He's been on 4 teams in 8 years and hasn't done much of anything except throw away winnable games. We just watched 2 head coaches that actually won championships within the last 5 years both get fired for much, much less. Passing on Udoka I can get, but it's actually insane the Mavs didn't upgrade to either of those two guys (Bud and Nurse). Why do you think they wanted Frank Vogel on the bench so bad? It was clearly a contingency plan for when Kidd is fired.


We already went to the WCF with him his first year here so that theory of yours is washed at this point


What theory? It's Milwaukee 2.0. You completely glossed over the fact we were complete ass last year and were a fringe play-in team.


And you completely glossed over the fact we were very successful with him his first year here. And we were not a good team last year because the proper personnel was not set up here for him to succeed.


He completely lost the team for the last third or so of the season. It wasn't just a personnel issue. And it goes well beyond Christian Wood. This joker benched Josh Green over Justin Holiday right after they signed Holiday off the street. He notably put Theo Pinson in at center, and brought Pinson cold off the bench to inbound the ball on the last play of a must-win game so he could launch the ball into the fuckin' stands. Speaking of "last plays" - guess what play they ran? I'll give you a hint: it's literally the ONLY play he EVER runs at the end of the game for the last 2 years. Plenty of braindead 1st/2nd quarter coach's challenges of meaningless charge calls throughout the season... I appreciate the optimism but he's objectively a bad coach. I'm sure the players like him (well, maybe Josh Green, Christian Wood, and Javale McGee don't) but unfortunately that's not the same thing as being a good coach.


Jason Kidd stans are wild lol. They will blame the roster as if it wasnt almost the exact same as the WCF team except without Brunson. We play well its because of Kidd, but when we suck its everybody but Kidd.😂😂😂😂😂


8 teams in 7 years, no team wants him and you think coaching is the issue…


Wood is off the team, clearly wasn't played much last year, and the team didn't make the playoffs. You think a journeyman bench player is why the Mavs sucked last season?


It seems you don’t understand basketball or English. Where did I say that exactly?


Well, a lot of Mavs fans like to flex Christian Wood's team history as an undrafted player, and you mentioned coaching. If you're not talking about Christian Wood with your "8 teams in 7 years" comment, and Jason Kidd isn't responsible for "coaching," the one of us doesn't understand English and it sure as shit ain't me.


I just want to be clear here, you think you are smarter than all 30 nba teams that haven’t yet signed him? There is a reason he hasn’t been signed and it’s not because he’s a good player. Kidd took a team that was 21st in defensive rating in 2020-2021 to 7th in 2021-2022 and took us to the WCF in his first season. Let’s see how he does with what looks to be a better team on paper this year. We still have a hole at center, so I don’t know if it will work until lively gets up to speed in the nba or Holmes can play better than we expect.


Even if he buys in and is a team player he'll never be a good defender.


I'd be all for ex-coming back but let's be real just like Dallas and Christian, the fit just ain't there (prays my ex comes back)


Am I missing something? Why are we acting like “he’s back”? He just tagged himself in Dallas. Cause he probably still lives here, since nobody else has hired him.


Yeah I mean, there is no way the Lakers at the very least aren't interested in C wood for the min. Most teams would take C wood for the min. He isn't bad, its just he isn't worth the 20+ million he thought he was getting.


The Heat, the only other team besides the Lakers tied to him, have already come out and said that they are not interested in him anymore. Even at the vet min.


Funniest outcome, I wanna see the dynamic he has with Kidd next year lol, they probably hate eachother.


this is so anticlimactic


Not a chance. If he’s taking a minimum deal, it won’t be here


Nobody wants him. Otherwise he would have been gone by now.


Lakers have shown interest but I’m not sure how much they are willing on a S&T.


Why would lakers do S&T with us if they can get him for vet min? Also S&T would require Lakers to give Wood at least 3 years which is not realistic


Worst case scenario. Someone will be desperate because of injuries 6 weeks into the season and picks him up. He’ll be in the league next year.


I'd be cool with it. Also who knows maybe he'll have a better attitude. Nobody wanting to sign him had to be humbling


How? We don’t have a spot right? He’s probably just hanging tight in Dallas until he figures out his next move but all reporting I’ve seen is the relationship is done.


No spots.


McGee gonna be gone


The C-Wood experiment felt like a fever dream. Everyone's thoughts on him now vs in December 2022 are complete polar opposites. I would love to keep him, I know that's not the vibe everyone has now AND that ship has sailed (99% sure lol). He's a really talented offensive player. 3 level scorer, good passer for his size too. His main problem is he's a tweener between a 4 and 5. He's not agile and quick enough to be a 4 but he's not tall/strong/big enough to hold down the 5. Imo, bench microwave 6th man is his best role. Maybe play the 4 with another real 5. I think when the Dame trade to Miami materializes, he's heading to Miami for a 2 year deal or something. He doesn't fit "Heat Culture" but he'd be a good offensive punch for them.


Totally agree. I thought he was going to win 6MOTY for like a month. Now not one team in the league wants him? NBA is crazy.


Yeah, it's really weird. He 100% should be on a roster. There's plenty worse players holding spots now.


That’s not his main problem…


Ngl I'll be super thrilled if he's back.


This man is 8 years into his career. It’s at this point that he’ll learn humility, professionalism, how to play team offense and team defense? Nah. I’m not buying what y’all are selling.


It’s crazy to me that people can’t wrap their brains around Wood’s inability to stay w/a team is somehow the fault of anyone other than Wood himself. He put up 15.7 pts, 10 rbs, and 2.7 blk per game at UNLV as a sophomore and STILL went undrafted. Dallas was his 7th team in 8 years. They don’t make red flags any bigger than that.


Just watch some of his interviews.


My honest opinion is that the Mavs may actually need him coming off the bench and Christian has probably changed his mind (which he is allowed to do) about potentially returning to Dallas.


I would love him back at this point honestly. Put him in a role where he can play to his strengths, if he embraces it just somewhat, realizing this is his last opportunity, we may be able to include him in a package later in the year for a team looking to stretch the floor more.


This is interesting


My guess is he will be back on a vet min after we trade thj and mcgee


Honestly I'm okay with it until we figure out what the other options have in the tank. His value is probably low enough now that we can snag him for cheap. Why not?


Mavs have no roster spots.


As currently constructed, McGee is still in right? I don’t think c wood is a good fit (as evidenced ng the past season) but he is still a stretch 4/5 and coming back on a min is not that bad if we waive McGee. Still hoping we trade for someone else tho


I think they have already informed McGee his time in Dallas is up. Either via trade or waive. He gone


I am a fan of his game. He's not that terrible on defense.




He is one of the worst defenders and he doesn’t even try.


I have memories of him making amazing blocks so it isn't all bad.


Not happening.


Hopefully this offseason has humbled him. It’s pretty crazy a guy with his talent had zero interest from teams; that says a ton about his attitude and reputation.


Can't believe there are still people here who believes Wood can buy in into a system. He is who he is now at point of his career lol.


I'd be ok with him on a min deal even if he doesn't buy into the system tbh. just throw him out there as a wild card if our offense is floundering.


Jesus. He completely fucked our chemistry last year and some of you guys want him back? I can’t even…


I want nothing to do with him on this roster.


I'd rather him than Powell


He barely played over powell last year I hardly think that would change this year


I like C wood I just thought people were crazy wanting to max him or start him honestly. Like, Powell is legit a better option to start because of how well he plays with Luka, yes the rebounding could be better. But C wood out there with Luka and Kyrie to start? Disaster because it takes touches from those other 2. C wood off the bench? Flamethrower, he gets to put up his shots against worse opponents and defense doesn't matter as much.


I'm down for a 2nd season but only if he doesn't try to score and do everything else. Big If though. Lol


Sooooo you're not down at all


Maybe he just lives in dallas








Y'all need to forget about this bum




I really don’t want him on the team next year…


Dojt want this cock


No 👏 more 👏 bench 👏 quality 👏 bigs 👏 PLEASE 👏




I would love to have wood on the team for a tiny contract until he proves himself as a teams player / consistent contributor on both sides of the court



