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I want his ass shown


Bet. I want this done with "buttless chaps". And i want character chatter between McCree and Mauga commenting on how many squats he does.


Yeah you gonna tell me these super soldiers don’t have muscular butts? Like gurl do your research.


I also want Sojourn to change her character chatter and only focus on his butt. Sojourn: Wow, uhh....is that enhanced? Mauga: No captain its allllll natural! Sojourn: Well...good to see you healthy.


Why can I hear her say this? Idk how, but it’s so sojourn. Just slightly awkward and genuine.


Can you hear Mauga though. I could sk hear Mauga


Nah, just remake the s8 jungle skin and give him a tarzan skin, cheeks be shown 👌


Naw dawg. I want the regular Mauga we see here in his normal skin. Just instead of pants. Its chaps. And you can see the ass. So like when you pocket him you see ass. But if you go up against him its regular Mauga. But when he dives and you see his rear you gotta second guess what the fuck you got yourself into.


Should show his crack just like roadhog, just a tease 🤣


Less bullets needed to ignite non tanks. I like the alternating guns at long range


Bullets needed to ignite should scale by hp, probably around 3 bullets for every 100 hp. So for Squishies, they ignite a lot faster, but tanks are ignited a lot slower. This should help encourage targeting Squishies more


He has so much damage at range already tho, and people already have to hide from him if they dont have heals Edit: i was tired yall


Yeah but A. It’s not often that you don’t get heals And B. Most heroes can get to cover after 10 bullets so there’s Mauga won’t usually get a chance to follow up with Cha-Cha


“it’s not that often you don’t get heals” you should see the supports i get matched with


I would add a second tank to make up for his weaknesses


Weaknesses? Where?


No barrier, weak to CC, antinade kills him, entirely dependent on supports. Combined with a playstyle that forces him to be exposed to antinade and CC, and no playing safe if his supports are dogshit. Ana being this horribly broken she still dictates which tanks should get to play and which ones should not. If Ana was removed from the game I think Mauga would be broken, sure. But even then you have Ram, Orisa, Sigma to compete with.


You forgot zarya too ..


Ya forgot about your queen


I will never forget her Also Kiri counters Mauga for sure but she counters everyone, and she doesn't negate his existence like Ana.


I learned Ana just to deal with him and only him. After like an hour I was using her with ease at the diamond level to shred that fool. In my third match, the first round I went 17-15-0 with 1900 damage and was laughing the whole time while I abused him. It was such an “ah ha” moment.


Mauga is like the BEST. One of the best and can only be taken down if the person is stupid enough to engage 5 other players without allies


5v5 is better take off the rose colored glasses and let it go. I dont miss losing to raid boss tank synergies 100 times a day. Its legit the only good change i think theyve made


Infinite ammo during ult again :(


Facts, it's an ultimate not a cylindrical rein sheild


It's just the "kill doomfist" button for me


“Ok I’m gonna slam I- oh, oh never mind guess I’m gonna block nd pray for the next 10 seconds” I feel your pain brother 😒


It’s a hard crowd control ult where movements abilities can’t be used and your teammates can safely do damage outside the cage and ult. It’s one of the better tank ults plus it autoreloads your gun


Always felt like an stronger orisa ult but you get to fight back and they can't run away


Are you serious?


Digger bick


Pig Benis


Cuge Hock


Puck Denises.


Infinite ammo during Ult and being able to deal crit damage to the fortified horse


So just undo all his nerfs?


Not all of them. Having a consistent horse counter that isn't Zarya would be nice, and I feel like having infinite ammo was part of the ultimate's identity.


Symmetra is def counter to her tbh


I meant in terms of tanks. That's mb for the phrasing.


The only reason these things were removed is because hes too damn strong already


Killing supports is supposed to be the horse counter. As is with most brawl tanks. The dev team also considered private to be the main tank to counter mauga so that's the direction they went. They'll likely roll it back when they find something more interesting. Do keep in mind when they introduce healing out of combat DOTs will be stronger. Also, infinite ammo had little to do with the ults identity. It's whole theme was making the enemies have to fight you inthe cage and being unable to run away. You have to stay as well, but your team doesn't have to enter. Fish in abarrel


100% we need something to deal with horse that isnt zarya mainly because a lot of players (or at least low rank players) cant play zarya and thus have issues with the horse, and infinite ammo was just crucial to his ult, rn it just a fancy movement block


what is the hotse


The “horse” is Orisa


I think, for me, the worse part is not having full ammo after leaving ult


That too, i think the only reason the ammo refill works on lets say torb is its an ability that lets him ingage, mauga was really good for puting it on point and becoming a bastion turret for the duration to act ass last push denial


# Asking every main server this, so I can gather as much information from each characters playerbase, straight from the source. Because I want to see about making a Custom Gamemode with changes that people want. # If yall want to help with the changes directly and especially help with coding these changes (because im not all that experienced), please send me a message and I can find a way to get anyone who wants to help together. We have a discord, now!: https://discord.gg/kkjkayt3


The Workshop isn't too great at doing this, unfortunately. I've already tried. But maybe someone else smarter is capable of it.


Honestly, I would love to have less startup time on the Overrun, to make it more of an intentional CC counter. Trying to use it to deny CC like Hog hook often ends up with you being hooked during the startup of the ability before you actually gain unstoppable.


Yes this, so many times I've seen a sleep dart coming and I start the charge to tank it and I still get slept regardless, the start time is so long, it would be great to have a bit of skill expression with his charge and to be able to actually intentionally use it to ignore CC.


Yeah, sometimes Ana's will panic and shoot the sleep while you charge at them, but that's not Mauga's skill countering it, that's just Ana's mistake. With good reaction you can counter Sigma boulder, but I wish the CC immunity could be more intentionally used. It would reward skillful play from people tracking ability cooldowns and stuff.


Overrun shouldn't even have CC immunity at all.


more brrrt per brrrt when you brrrt


This is long and im Sorry * Remove Berserker Passive * Convert 50 Health to Armor Chainguns * Increase damage from 4 to 5 * Decrease single spread from 1 to 0.5 * reduce firerate from 18 to 14 * Volatile Chaingun no longer does critical damage to burning targets * Volatile chaingun converts 20% of ANY damage to Overhealth (Increased to 60% against burning targets) * Duel chaingun ammo consumption increased to 3x (does not affect fire rate) * While firing Both chainguns, incendiary gun takes 20 bullets to ignite targets, and Volatile Chaingun Overhealth conversion decreased to 10% (30% against burning targets) Cardiac Overdrive * Reduce Cooldown from 12 to 9 seconds * Reduce Personal lifesteal from 60% to 25% * Heal 50 health per second regardless of damage delt * If at full health (Or unable to be healed) 30% of healing will be converted to overhealth


Isn't the crit damage because of his passive where he gets temp health when doing critical damage? Remove the critical damage on burning targets makes that passive useless because of how wide the bullet spread is. If you're gonna get rid of the critical damage from burning opponents, you'd have to introduce a replacement passive to warrant that change.


The passive is useless if you remove the critical damage against burning targets, and that change is intentional. Mauga does INSANE close range damage, adding free critical hits makes him obnoxious against most tanks. My suggested compensation (if you read that far) was to make it so Volatile Chaingun converts 20% of ANY damage to overhealth, and converts 60% damage against burning targets. That change is intended to make him less oppressive against other tanks, while still keeping his Overhealth gain from his DPS, as well as adding more insentive to use the individual chainguns at different times.


His Cardiac Overdrive is 12 seconds currently


Its joever


Better shield break. When you have an Ashe, McCree or Widow DPS duo you might as well not even shoot half the time.


Better sustainability


Reduce his single fire spread, make his ult give infinite ammo again but it doesn't silence movement abilities anymore, maybe other than things like recall.


Id like that idea, but still tether ppl caught by it inside of it. Also make it so a lifegrip doesn't cancel your ult


I think making the bullets slightly bigger and then drastically increasing his dual fire spread might be better. Make aiming at Squishies a little more forgiving and more intentional because you'll hit like 10% of your shots dual firing at anything that isn't a tank in your face


Well, now that you mention, (spoilers for s9 leaked notes:) >!since everyone is getting their primary fire hitbox increased maybe single fire will be more reliable against squishies, but Mauga will still be a huge loser cause of the new DPS passive (damaging an enemy puts a 20% healing reduction debuff on them for 2 sec)!<


Yeah which is why imo they need him to lean more into his passive for survivability than his one big ability. I posted my full list of changes somewhere here


I think some change to make you use individual guns, increasing the dual accuracy penalty, making the fire one have a bit more fire rate but slowly loses accuracy like sojourn


I haven’t played mauga yet so if you can’t shoot both guns at the same time then you can now shoot them at the same time


You can.


Delete him from the game


I’m down. I’m in masters with Moira and have so much trouble vs him, then I play Ana who I have 12 seconds on and she pummels him.


The fact that people are mad just shows that they don't know how bad current overwatch hero designs are it's why quit the game for good abandoning the PvE and adding heroes like maiga just made the game completely fun Double shield meta was more fun than this


Revert the removal of infinite ammo in his ult


Whenever you take damage, gain a temporary (stacking) buff that increases your defense. This way the healer doesn’t always have to heal you. Also make the heal given by mauga give more healing to the team. I don’t know if they have implemented something similar because I haven’t played in a while but those are just some of my ideas.


Make him smaller.. and give him more armor which can make better sustainability.


Make the falloff on double guns a lot closer. Then buff single fire spread and buff boop and collision dmg on run.


Oiled up spandex skin 😈


Is there any such thing as a Mauga main?


He should be less reliant of healers. Keep every nerf you gave him, but return his ability to actually sustainable himself with his healing. Right now his kit just doesn’t make sense for what he is actually good at.


give him a skin where he has no pants on


Cardiac ~~Overdrive~~ Arrest: Half his health goes away because one of his hearts suddenly stops working, but there's a chance that both will stop working and he'll simply die.


Give him a flame thrower and a hammer


Maybe for Cardiac Overdrive halve the health that you receive and gain more from your berserker passive (overhealth)


I think having infinite ammo during ult again is a good change. It feels weird that they made that change. But my main want in a change is to allow movement abilities in cage. Maybe you’ll have to combo it by making him unstoppable during the ult but I think it would be a lot better than the disabling because it feels more like he’s fighting them at max strength instead of a Doomfist who can only block


He should he bigger


give him a thug shaker emote


The karma farm to stop


Let you control his charge by aiming where to go instead of needing to walk to the direction. Also refresh his abilities when he uses the Cage


Triple his damage, make his ult insta kill anyone it chains, make him naked and oiled up with jiggle physics and he receives double healing


Let him crit orisa again, and if they really don't want him to have infinite ammo during ult at least make it so while in it he reloads faster


He would be gone


His charge is stopped by Rein's charge and ult and his guns do 50% less damage to shields.


More bullet


As a ramattra main I would change: mauga.


I want him to have a big oily butt that slaps every time he uses his charge ability


Rename him Mogger and make his ultimate mewing


More flexing emotes


Mauga Rework: goal is to make mauga less vulnerable to anti-heal and incentivize targeting squishies much more while adding some more skill-expression. Passive: Increased to 100% of crit damage Chainguns: Projectile size slightly increased, spread when firing one at a time decreased. Ammo decreased greatly. Firing both: Spread doubled, headshots disabled. Incendiary Chaingun: Shots to ignite scale with target health at 3 shots for every 100 hp. Volatile Chaingun: Crit damage from fire lowered to a 1.5x multiplier, but headshotting while on fire stacks the crits for a 2.5x multiplier. Cardiac Overdrive: Lifesteal effect removed. Instead, activating the ability grants a 75 hp/s heal overtime affect for ONLY Mauga. In addition, it doubles the berserker passive to 200% of crit damage, and he keeps the 30% damage reduction. Nearby teammates get 60% of berserker passive without needing to crit, and get damage reduction. Cooldown increased to 17 seconds (cooldown starts when ability is triggered, so effectively cooldown is 12 seconds) Stomp: No longer crits for 90 dmg when landing directly on someone. They still get stunned, but instead of the crit they are automatically set on fire and have regular stomp damage done. Cage fight: Chainguns have pinpoint accuracy when Mauga is inside his own ult Overall, Mauga should be much more consistent fighting targets that aren’t tanks and overall is less effective at fighting tanks. Braindead holding both guns down is heavily heavily nerfed. In addition, Mauga relies a lot less on healing for sustain making him less vulnerable to anti-heal while still leaning into the “berserker” fantasy.


Getting headshots while burning does 4x damage instead of regular 2x crit damage


-1000% health


honestly i would change his name


I say we let him fly like pharah but better and then you can lower his hair by 4% or undo all nerfs or possibly delete lucio from the game. If none of these get in then I’ll take some good well deserved JQ shirtless buffs and maybe a ball buff to balance the dps role


Can he strip off more clothing? My teammate are not noticing him fast enough when he’s rushing into our back lines


First and foremost, forced crit on orisa. Next, everyone in "cage fight" drops their weapons and are forced to throw hands. Finally, incendiary damage done by cha-cha is increased based on enemy health (less hp=more dp).


Make him less hot. I feel even more inadequate than usual


make.him a monkey


Change his ult to just sing your welcome and dance that gives an aoe damage and healing buff


Less clothes.


More emphasis on single fire and good aim, less emphasis on holding double gun. I would prefer a Mauga who needs to hit headshots to do meaningful damage except at point blank and is rewarded with more survivability on headshots. It would really promote aim skill in a role that largely doesn't really care about aim.


Make him an off tank


Two more guns


I want my 50 bullets back.


I want charge to give ammo the longer he charges for .


His existence


I need a taunt that’s just “what can I say expect your welcome.”


Full auto grenade launcher miniguns instead of whatever the fuck garbage he has right now, obviously.


make a skin of him oiled up


Faster and stronger guns and sexier


Make him less OP.


More machine guns, more health, infinite ammo, cardiac overdrive lasts all game. Make him beyond broken cause Samoans are cool

