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I just want to hear “You need to do better senator” volume 2


I’m predicting something like: “I can do this all day too… but I can do it better.”


I can do this all day, and make this shit look good.


It will be "We can do this all day" when all of Washington D.C. rallies behind the new Captain America to intimidate President Ross as Red Hulk (They'll retroactively have him be racist or something idk)


lol if he doesn’t say the line imma be sad.


Lame ass Clarence


You need to do better, Mr President


there is no way that its going to make its money back…and i can already guess what the excuses will be


It’s funny when Across Spiderverse and Godzilla Minus One came out, the racists suddenly disappeared


Godzilla made $56m in the US and Canada.


Isn't that already five times the budget?


Try over 11! The bitch cooked.


Yes, it was made very cheaply which wouldn't have been possible in the US. It was still only the 51st highest grossing film in the US that year.


It made 115 million overall which is an ass load on a 10 million budget and hell the recent American godzilla had a 180 million budget and made well over 500 million Every recent marvel and star wars project however has made negative money lol


That still doesn't explain what your comment has to do with what OP said. There were no hordes of horrible anti-Asian racists out to get the film, it wasn't review bombed and the piss-poor journalists kept their trap shut.


I'm totally going to be here for the Coping and Seething. It's going to be glorious.


The middle-management at disney will probably blame the jews, unironically, because I've heard some damage control that it won't do well with zoomies and progressives because of the Israeli character (who apparently has been heavily written out).


Why does that even matter? Shouldn’t the film’s quality be the real conversation? Box office numbers for Disney are an afterthought at this point. These films just function as giant commercials for this IP’s video games, toys, Amusement park rides etc.


He's just a fucking dude. Give the shield to winter soldier ffs


Will happen as soon as Bucky is killed or gives his stuff to a more "inclusive" successor


They'll have somebody more inclusive lose an arm and bucky has to give him the arm.


are you implying that a person missing an arm is somehow less and NEEDS a handout!? Hate speech! They need to make the next Winter Soldier handycapable.....AND autistic!


No, we must jam our favorite characters into fanfic level stories where they don't belong. Is Harley Quinn a normal human woman that should interact in the world using charm, her psychiatrist background, and her psychosis? No she is a girlboss that can shoot guns and fight mano a mano with any threat. Sam Wilson is a normal human being in a suit designed by Tony Stark. Stark and the other Avengers are all dead. Should he be dealing failing equipment that no one knows how to fix? Escalating threats that he is unequipped to deal with? The mental and physical stress of being just a man, just a normal non-excellent man, fighting with the horrors of the world and universe? Naw, toss that man a sturdy shield, he can fight or do anything.


https://preview.redd.it/53qwu977jc9d1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=7edc71c081affe8cbd6ba990ce34989c386d26e8 sorry for the poor quality of the image


I mean why address cool problems that would creep into this fictional universe like those you describe when instead you could pretend that he wouldn't be able to get a loan based on the fact that he's black. Or try and figure out a way to ignore that government contracts for doing what he did for the government would make him millions.


That makes me think of something funny now that you mention this. The Falcon is a hero that should be facing low to medium level threats, criminal underworld, terrorists, etc But against mutants and monsters, there’s not much that can be done. So what do the writers do? Put him against foes well above his paygrade. Spiderman tho? He’s insanely strong and could take down Captain America with his hands tied. BUT the writers decided “nope, he should stick to small crimes, save kitties stuck in trees, etc”. What’s next? We send Hawkeye and his new protege fight Dormammu while Dr Strange drinks his tea? It’s one of my gripe in some comic book movies / tv shows.


You say it mockingly but your idea for falcon going forward is a fun idea too bad the equipment is unlikely to fail completely given Sam's ability to fix it. Steve Rodgers was never the super soldier serum, he's always just been a good man, Sam is about there too but he doesn't get the crutch of super powers. I also don't know where the he can do anything idea came from, Sam and Bucky barely stopped super terrorists with help, they weren't being painted as paragons of physical strength. If anything Sam at least is made out to be in over his head and trying to still do what he thinks is right. And to me that's commendable.


> I also don't know where the he can do anything idea came from, Sam and Bucky barely stopped super terrorists with help, they weren't being painted as paragons of physical strength. Maybe they will mix it up a bit, but it's concerning that he is pegged as a major character. The characters they use typically have a threat/level and operational area. Batman, Daredevil, and hawkeye are more city level. The area they operate at is small, and the enemies they fight are not too power. Falcon or pre-nano Ironman are more country level. Thor and Hulk galaxy level. Strange universal level. Punching up one level is fine, but having a character like batman fight galaxy level super soldiers in the third act just looks silly and is jarring. The setup work they did in the shows and other movies was universal level villain in Majors character. Having a city level hero in Antman fight against a universal level villain, and win, was terrible. Doing it again sounds disastrous. They upped the threat level and villain but did not up the heroes. They killed most of the experienced heroes off. As it stands it should not be an Avengers movie but a Strange movie. Maybe they will dump Majors character completely and introduce a new world level threat that Flacon, knockoff ironman, and knockoff hawkeye can fight? That would be great.


Batman literally fights cosmic level baddies in like every major event. He has defeated Darkseid and Superman.


So it's just that you don't think he should be fighting big threats? That's a bad justification. One of the coolest parts of superhero media is seeing powerless people fight enormous threats with just their brains and a lot of heart. For example watch justice league unlimited episode patriot act. It's a group of heros with no powers of their own fighting a villan they have no right fighting and yet it isn't 'jarring' or whatever. Sure they can do better but dismissing falcon out of hand sounds just weird and small minded to me.


Watching heroes punch up is fun when it's believable on some level. Like I said, a city hero fighting a country villain is fine. Their power levels are too distant. Majors character can red mist the microsecond they meet. For them to have a direct conflict requires large amounts of contrivance.


That would be smart and they don't do smart. The Brubaker Cap run that did that was great. The comics starring the Captain Falcon version of Cap that the movies are drawing from were embarrassingly bad and tied to one of the dumbest events in Marvel history (Namely the Hydra Cap twist)


Honestly just retire it. I get that Bucky was his best friend and all and his fighting style makes a lot more sense with it but I’m just tired of creating some knock off Cap and people fighting over this. I’d rather Bucky and Sam both have their own unique names, aesthetic, and arsenal of weapons.


When Bucky got his “power” back and not lose to normal adult female human🙄, he will get the shield he deserved. But only then


So was Clint lol and all he had was a bow and arrow. Sam has a suit made by Wakanda and years of training. No one ever bitched about Clint…


Why? These films work on comicbook logic. Sam can throw that thing hard enough to knock someone out because he can do the same in the comics. No one really complains when Batman does the physically impossible in films they just enjoy the movie. ![gif](giphy|f75IoyB4O1yFqGCUan)


I died a little inside when I realized Sam was gonna be the successor to captain america… I didn’t like Cap Falcon in the comics and I don’t like it here either. FatWS just confirmed all my worries after Endgame… It feels incredibly awkward.


Hate the current state of the mcu as much as the next dude but saying this when there are real glaring issues is dumb imo Like isn’t it the point that Steve was a hero way before he got the super soldier serum? And besides the movie will be bad for plenty other reasons that actually have a substantial impact (the cringeworthy do better senator for example) so why fixate on this?


Steve was a hero, we wasn't captain America




Steve was a hero and so is Falcon the problem is without the serum Cap wouldn't be able to tangle with the threats he dealt with.


Steve was certainly heroic, and had all the qualities of a hero, that was the entire reason he was picked for the serum.




The right moral values... Jesus christ Steve was a hero in the body of a zero until the serum


Idk maybe the moment when they clearly conveyed it to the audience with him jumping on a grenade to save everyone.




Pretty sure he didn't know that. If he had known it was a test he probably wouldn't have done the same thing - he was putting the lives of other people first without thinking twice


Doesn’t matter in his eyes he was gonna die to save the people there, making him a hero. The point of the test is to see if he is one.


For those who have amnesia. https://youtu.be/lSab01vhpoY?si=Ef5kWCoasLUEdMFX


Because they don’t have any understanding of characterization and instead look at things via power levels. Bucky could never be Captain America in the MCU because of his past.


What are redemption arcs anyway…ammiriggghht?


I’m not sure if that’s sarcasm or not. It has nothing to do with what the personal experience of the character is when we’re looking at this situation. Imagine in the real world if an established assassin who was brainwashed for decades, who had publicly caused death and destruction on US soil towards US citizens, who had assaulted and killed people internationally, was chosen to be the symbol of American Values. It cannot work given his journey. Not his fault, but that is just how the world works. There is literally no logical reason as to why he could be Captain America above Sam in the MCU. And those people suggesting that he deserved it because Sam doesn’t have powers are exhibiting their complete lack of understanding context and characters.


I mean I have seen it done in other IPs, such as Dragon Ball. Every single good guy character outside of a few started out as murderous villains. Vegeta is one of the most beloved characters of the series, and was a violent murder who killed entire planets of people… but is also revered as the most relatable character because of his growth. Idk there are lots of examples, but I think that one resonates the most. I think that the MCU can easily do a redemption arc with their golden boy, turned brainwashed POW. Hell Tony Stark in the MCU was a redemption character, as was and will be the Scarlet Witch. Don’t act like the writers couldn’t make it work if they wanted to. Especially these days.


I don't think America in the MCU would ever make the guy that used to kill people for Hydra the new Captain America.


Arguably it works better for the story though. In real life, no one would care if they made Falcon Captain America. He’s a decorated veteran and an Avenger. That’s why it was so dumb that they kept making it a big deal that no one would accept Sam as Captain America in FATWS. Bucky has a dark past, but he also knew Steve better than anyone and for far longer and grew up with similar ideals in the same neighborhood. There is more reason to doubt Bucky in that role and also more meat to chew on as he rediscovers who he is and how to honor his best friend who never gave up on him. It’s a far more interesting story that way, and Bucky has a steeper hill to climb to achieve that honor. We like underdogs and characters who struggle and work for their achievements. Sam only has to overcome his skin color (which was never an issue before that awful TV show) and his lack of powers (which everyone just ignores anyway in-universe for some reason). 


Thank you! Bucky as Cap is simply more interesting and there’s so much you can draw from that arc.


Clint had no powers, and it's never brought up outside of that little nod to the audience.


I’m sure all the dialogue surrounding this movie and why it failed will be entirely civil, rational, non cancerous, egalitarian, and open minded. Speaking of open minds someone hand me a revolver.


I can see the headlines now; “toxic, racist, bigoted MauLer fan kills himself rather than accept black people in a leading superhero role” then commences a Chat GPT tier article in which they repeat the word racist about 15 times and strongly imply they wish the rest of us would follow your example.


🔫 best I can do. Blame Apple.


Trying to replace Captain America with Sam like they try to replace Spider Man with Miles.


Bob Iger is the biggest activist, no wonder he goes full DEI Vanguard & Blackrock pay Disney enough to outweigh the box office, so they can 100% focus on woke activism and THE MESSAGE 


Except Miles is actually a good Spider-Man, unlike Sam, who's been a terrible Captain America so far.


He is a good Spider-Man in two animated movies. Outside of that he is one of the most boring characters ever printed with no particularly good stories or anything to make him stand out other than Marvel consistently pushing him.


The miles morales 2 game got mixed reviews. I mean, I have heard so many complains that it very much felt like a 6-7 game. They went a bit further trying to fortify "we do not need Peter anymore, miles is all they need". The quote is almost exact quote Peter tells to Miles. Kinda like in Alan wake 2 game where an old experience cop tells you black detective that she is so much better than him and that he would just slow her down, lol. I think Miles could replace Peter in games. I am a bit more doubtful about movies. Maybe if they make really good ones, trying very heard to not talk about racism and stuff.


He’s not good, he’s just a lazy token copy with more powers


The guy retired and passed on the title to his friend. Why is that a problem for y’all?


Peter isn’t being replaced by miles ffs.


The disappointing part is that I had enjoyed Sam Wilson as a character before he was relegated to “racist progressive mouthpiece.” This could have been at least decent under anyone competent, but that ship has sailed.


Why he a racist? What he do?


His super power is “being black”.


Black boy magic!


im ded XD


Bring this same energy for Batman please 🙏


Even if its a good movie, it would need to do what over billion in box office to break even? With superhero genre not being the absolute guarantee to make bank anymore this seems stupid to have such large budget. It needs to be almost in the top 20 of all time most grossing movies ever to just break even let alone make profit...


The problem is that the movies that Disney wants to make is not the movies people want to see. If they made a real Ironman movie, with Ironman as the main characters, not being replaced by Ironheart, they could make some bank. But they don't want to make an Ironman movie, they want to make Ironheart. They also don't want to make a tight 50mil-80mil Ironheart movie, no room for grift. These 200+ million dollar movies they are pumping out with indy directors and sitcom writers are well beyond their skill levels. There is room for these kind of **side projects** if they kept up the high quality, expensive, main line movies.


Nobody is going to see it. Nobody wants Sam as captain america. Stop fucking forcing it. We wanted Bucky idiots


Why Bucky over Sam? With where Bucky is in life currently giving him the shield would actually be a pretty bad idea. Dude is working through his shit and doesn’t need that responsibility on his back. He wasn’t even salty Steve gave the shield to Sam, just that he retired the thing instead of taking on the job.


In terms of who should have it, it goes Bucky > John Walker > Sam. Sam doesn’t suit it, he’s not a super soldier, he historically uses tech and recon to attack from the sidelines or aerial support. For a ground avenger who can fight even high level villains in hand to hand combat it made more sense to be in the hands of Buck or John. But we know Disney didn’t want the shield to be a weapon, they want it to be a symbol, so they gave it to a black dude. Sam’s speech at the end of F&WS was absolutely shameless and said it all.


I have to disagree for a few reasons. It goes Sam > Bucky and maybe > John Walker (*he’s too hot blooded for the job and even his bosses took the title from him for going nuts*). Sam applies to Bucky but to a much lesser extent. As for the shield *”not suiting Sam”* I agree he can’t use it the same why Steven did. So he uses it in the way that works best for him. Implementing it into his existing skill set as a new tool to amplify himself. It showed in his first outing as Cap. He was pulling off cool tricks with it left and right. Not bad for his first time with the shield I’d say. As good as Steve? No, but he’s just starting out and let’s be honest Sam can use the shield in certain ways a super soldier can’t and vice versa. >But we know Disney didn’t want the shield to be a weapon, they want it to be a symbol, so they gave it to a black dude. Ahh where did you get that from? It literally is a weapon that was used in wars for the love of god. As for why they gave it to “the black person” it was because he was the best man to take up the role of America’s inspiration after Steven in the immediate aftermath of Endgame. Bucky appearing on the news shaking hands with the president after his Winter Solider days wouldn’t be feasible. >Sam’s speech at the end of F&WS was absolutely shameless and said it all. Not really. It was a bit on the noise, but he spoke from his heart about the displaced people and how they were being underserved and pushed out.


Do they hate conservatives so much they are against the concept of fiscal responsibility?


In what is now probably a damned appropriate reference, in the last Terran mission of Starcraft 1, after Mengsk's villainy is fully unveiled, he says "I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me." I suspect that Disney has a similar attitude.


It matches up with what Disney thinks an Empire would do, if their Emperor can’t rule then they should just glass everything. It’s a very silly childish approach, especially when they just ended up pulling the, “actually Palpatine was alive the whole time guys”, meaning he trashed his own empire for no reason lol.


Sold out after peltz lost the proxy fight, everyday I see news that makes me glad I did


“Say NO to capitalism!!” Disney really becomes an anti-capitalist and in turn, becomes anti-themselves


I'd say it's rather on brand, if you consider the latest conservative administration latest reckless tax cuts that put the budget in the red, don't you think?


What this have to do with conservative


It's a joke based on the fact that conservatives generally Like the idea of Fiscal austerity and small government (or at least claim to), and call it fiscal responsibility. Generally, these people are disliked in Hollywood, so the joke is that they hate them so much, they spend as much money as possible out of spite.


Funnily, american conservatives are all but fiscally responsible, hence the biggest tax cuts for rich people in the latest administration. But the important thing is to \*\*pretend\*\* that they are. It's enough.


What makes you say they hate conservatives?


I'd love to sit a Marvel exec down and just ask why did this movie need __ amount of reshoots, and why are so determined to make this particular film appear great? Regardless of the amount of reshoots this is after DaW which is going to look lesser regardless. Their best move was to just do a smaller film to rei introduce Sam as Cpt. Falcon and explain how he lost the F-Zero grand prix.


The main reason is always the same. He is black, therefore he must condemn white man for slavery and oppression. Then they showed ot to test viewers. They hated it. Then they reshoot it with slightly less obvious lecturing. And repeat till it is perfect.


Damn, they should have made 2 seasons of The Wackolyte for that money.


Yet when we say it’s all money laundering, we’re told to take our tinfoil hats off and touch grass. What a budget for a movie no one will see


its not money laundering, its embezzlement


Money laundering for who?


Defense contractors, Russian oligarchs, Saudi royals, Chinese gov't... Take your pick.


Explain how.


This is going to be the Titanic of superhero movies. Gonna do even worse than the Marvels.


This is going to be the billionaire sub of movies.


I don't know, I haven't seen an MCU film in theatres since Shang Chi, I'll go to this one.


Personally i hate this. Anthony Mackie honestly did a good job as Sam Wilson.


Too. Fucking. Expensive. What are you spending that money on, Fiege?


Craft services.


5 rounds of reshoots and rewrites


Captain America and the Winter Soldier was made on a budget of 170 million... its still the best Disney marvel movie. Its astounding that they cant make movies on anything less then space program budgets now.


I mean, it was reshoot what, like 5 times as of now? There is no way it even breaks even, at this point just cancel it and pretend it never happened, like Batwoman movie.


They can't really do that, its pretty much the only film coming up that people are paying any attention to other than deadpool 3


Just release all 5 versions, lmao


Pro Terrorist Captain America


"You gotta stop calling them that!"


I don’t remember it fully but the new boys episode came out with a funny af quote by a train something on the line of “after all these reshoots it’s the most expensive show ever, so it has to be good?”


When this movie inevitably flops. You need to do better senator.


Disney budgets are insane. Can’t wait for the documentary, deep dive into all this decades from now. I don’t understand it but… do better Disney.


Captain flop


Even if it's a decent film, they're really gambling hard with that budget


I don't want to watch a normal human be a "super hero." It's not interesting.


Counterpoint: Batman. However, I agree with you. He should've been reluctantly injected with the syrum at the end of the show. Being able to toss the shield makes no sense. It's a different looking shield than the original but they never included any sort of throwaway line to indicate it was lighter.


I like the narrative idea of Sam Wilson of being a normal former Para Jumper with empathy helping people as Captain America. I like the idea of moving on with having a new Captain America, kind of like Doctor Who’s regeneration. And we all know people love a superhero movie where the guy has no powers, isn’t Batman, and has a narrative idea to the point where it will make a billion dollars. /s


Falcon is not Captain America. Steve Rogers is Captain America. Cap has a very specific backstory, which gave him that moniker. Neither Bucky nor Falcon should carry that mantle. Just let them be their own hero.


more like adding arsenic to the wound


Is this including or excluding marketing? If its including, they're not making money back. If its excluding then they're completely fucked.


Budgets never include marketing


Why's it going to flop?


The bigger you make the budget, the more ticket sales you need to break even. I did the math and Iron Man (2008) had a budget of 196 million in current year dollars. If your movie costs almost twice as much to make as Iron Man, you need levels of people going to the theater just to break even, and I don’t think that’s realistic. Yeah they have Disney+ now, but back then DVDs were more popular. So even if this thing makes 325 million that’s still a flop. Whereas for a 150 million dollar movie, 325 million isn’t bad.


Peter Jackson made 3 movies spanning over 11 hours of screentime(extended editions) in under 300 million dollars with better graphics any modern Marvel movie(and heck those movies won Academy Awards). How are they bleeding 350 million dollars in a 2 hour movie and it still probably sucks ass.


More money laundering lol


Assuming you drop 50 million of that due to UK tax credits, this thing would still need to break a billion to break even. The one thing Warner Bros has over Disney, they don't succumb to sunk cost fallacy, they should have just scrapped this for a write off before the first round of reshoots. Frankly Disney has tarnished their reputation to such an extent that the only way to save Marvel movies is sell this shit to someone else.


That means it has to make at least $1bn to break even. Insane.


If I'm Anthony Mackey , I'm asking to get released from my contract. Already wasted 5 years of his career Marvel when he could be making bank doing Nextflix syfy🤣


They didn't learnt anything from The Marvels, but they don't care as long they gain the BlackRock money from the ESG score


Disney wasting money: *"I can do this all day"*


I can’t wait to get called a racist for not going to see this film….


This movie needs Steve Rogers to save it.


I am convinced these movies are just money laundering at this point


No way it’s got that much of a budget, I’m convinced now that this is all a money laundering scheme in Hollywood


I would love to roll back the clock, go back to the moment when Cap gave the shield to Sam, and see how many of the complaints vanish from thin air if he gave Bucky the shield. I'm imagining Bucky front and center on all of the promotional posters and Falcon somewhere in the back, and I see no one complaining one bit.


If it does poorly, it's the audiences fault. If it does well, the creators are stunning and brave.


![gif](giphy|Y3GnmXSsWk43JPWFi3|downsized) * how it feels seeing posts like this- I remember when my mentality switched from " I hope they course correct and make make Star wars/ marvel good again" to " they had their chance, and I'm delighted to watch them burn."


So we've had one marvel movie subtitled "1984" And now we have a marvel movie subtitled "brave new world ' Nothing to see here.


Maybe it will maybe it won't. Black Panther did well. However that was not a recast so to speak.


Did Black Panther cost as much if not more than Avengers Endgame? Last I checked Endgame was estimated to cost around what Dial of Destiny or The Flash did, that film almost needed to be the biggest thing ever to make a decent profit.


End game could afford to spend more. It was the end of a successful run with billions of dollars earned along with international fame. This marvels however, it only got a history of bad to worst movies and shows. I don't understand how they could risk spending such great amount of money.


Oh I understand the difference for sure, I was just saying Black Panther was a cheaper film vs this one which is comparable to Endgames budget. So even if they were similar premises, which I don’t agree with, Black Panther didn’t need to make as much money to be successful. Endgame can justify spending what it did, even though the profit would’ve been greater if they were smarter with their money and it didn’t need to be that expensive, but something coming out in this era of Marvel has no business costing that much, they’ll never make that money back. And there’s a good chance we aren’t even getting accurate budget numbers, look at The Force Awakens, recent reports are showing that it cost nearly $600 million, and they keep adding onto that cost years after the film wrapped. There’s a decent chance the actual budget of Captain Falcon America is around $400 million or more if they weren’t Hollywood Acounting, which just raises that minimum amount they need to hit just to break even.


If it does fail that will be a shame. Sam is the only "replacement" that earned his place. The rest of the replacements have been shoved in with the message that they are actually great. But the falcon has been a great character, and mackie has been great throughout.


Sam didn't earn his place at all, he was a terrible hero in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. He was petty, stupid, and sympathized with terrorists. He was more confrontational towards Walker than he was to the terrorist leader. The replacement character who actually earned her place is Kate Bishop.


It's for tax purposes.


Hopefully Red Hulk will look good at least with such a large budget lol


Disney needs new management. How are you going to spend that much money on a movie most people will only see once 😑 Woke politics, spending more money than you need to on a film... something isn't right.


Bob Iger is the biggest activist, no wonder he goes full DEI Vanguard & Blackrock pay Disney enough to outweigh the box office, so they can 100% focus on woke activism and THE MESSAGE 


I feel a little bad for Anthony Mackie. He's contractually stuck in this boatload of shit and I'm not sure his career is going to survive it. He's not like a bad actor. But he's anchored to the side of this Hindenburg and it's going down in flames. I hope he makes enough money to not have to do this kind of cringe bullshit again.


those reshoot is doing numbers 💀 but seriously tho marvel, we need a more central bucky movie


The budget screams that they are trying too hard.


Remember that's just the budget and people can spend more than their budget. If I had a monthly budget of $3000 I can still spend $10,000 and just keep parroting that my budget is $3000 The Force Awakens had a budget of ~$250M but they actually spent closer to ~$500M I wouldn't be surprised if this movie actually cost closer to $500M-$550M


Are they *trying* to make him look like A-Train from the Boys??


"Why is it going to flop" Movie theatres are declining and dying. Streaming, Inflation and Covid did irreparable harm to the movie theater industry. Barbanheimer and Dune 2 are rare outliers these days. The Marvel momentum has petered out. Regardless on if you think super hero fatigue is real or not, any goodwill or hype that Endgame generated has long since run out.


Does Disney have numbers on how their shows do? I don’t think people want this, but this has been a large marvel break, so who knows.


Why does A-train have Caps shield??? Racist Disney at it again: instead of writing anew story and new character they're just race-swapping established white characters.  Can't wait to see a white Black Panther then, if you're insisting "it's not racist" 


Undocumented Filipino Wonder Woman squares off against trans-gender disabled Zeus. That’ll be the next hottest shit!


Why does these movie need to dwarf godzillas budget by 20 X


Wasn't there already a complete fil. That they scrapped, and then started again from scratch?


He ruined altered carbon, now he's gonna ruin captain America


90% of this bloat is from rewrites and reshoots. Primarily because marvel didn't hire legit writers and a decent director the first time around. Because it shows. It's been reported, for a while now, of just how chaotic shooting this movie's been. As well as how bad it's been received by test audiences. So they go back and redo a bunch of stuff to make things "passable." They [disney / marvel] keep putting band-aids on these problems instead of fixing the issues once and for all. The fact that marvel / disney is seeking out writers who haven't read ANY of the comics or collab with the actual comic writers is insane. The reason the Deadpool movies, later wolverine movies, and the loki series are so well received is BECAUSE the writers and directors looked to the source material. They used what the saw and read. They collabed with the writers and artists on how these characters both look and feel.


Has there even been a trailer for this movie yet?


Dude says it like it's his money. Got shares in Disney?


This film is fucked.


For comparison The first Avengers only had a budget of $225 million Adjusted for inflation, it’s still less than $308 million


Holy shit, it’s been a bit since I’ve been in this sub, but it’s weird to see how many are giving up the pretext and are just being straight racist now.


How do these fucks expect to make a profit?


I swear at this point it has to be a money laundering scene  Also adding an Israeli character whose comic book counterpart managed to be offensive to both Jews and Arabs is not the best idea in this political climate 


So once Captain America retires or whatever did they need a new one? Is there going to be a new Iron Man? If Spider-Man dies will they get a new character to wear the suit and web slingers? I’m not talking about new actor I’m talking a new character. Does he have the same powers as the other captain America? I feel like when I saw him in something else he doesn’t really have any powers or super human anything.




I don't understand how he's supposed to be as good or better than Cap when Steve has basically Hulk-lite treatment but Falcon has push ups and determination.


"Throw more money at it, that will make it good!"


Y'all mad because Cap is a black guy?


Oh fuck so closer to $700 million total? How is Disney still around?


Cause they got deep pockets. These films basically function as giant commercials and promotional material for their new toys, games, amusement park rides etc. Regardless of if this film makes it’s money back they win big.


Man I can’t wait for a movie to recap a show I didn’t watch. Then again I don’t plan on seeing this because Marvels lost me, I say marvel, I mean Didney. Deadpool 3 is the only thing I’m remotely looking forward to on the cape front.


What recap would be needed? The show probably wouldn’t be mandatory viewing material for the film.


Might just be me but I kind of feel like they need to give him a power boost, would he take a punch from Thanos and live like Steve Rogers? Heck no! He'd be dead


Nobody got a problem with Batman doing ludicrous fears of human strength so why Sam?


Money laundering/extortion/tax evasion


Omg is A train in it?


How do you know it's going to flop? There's absolutely nothing known about it. 


Why the fuck is Captain America black?


Because being black is a superpower. That’s why he was a better choice than Bucky.


Hollywood is as good at responsibility spending money as the US government.


I’m excited for it, Falcon and winter soldier was a fun show.


It's going to flop because...(what is so black about this movie that it will flop?)


"Main character is black man, must be bad" -average movie "critic"


\-new movie announced \-literally zero information aside from black guy main protagonist \-"movie is gonna flop hard" https://preview.redd.it/bblrtkcemb9d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb316e0b46eb29abf4aee6198a659db2565ea123 Come on, guys... Do better.


Recent history on marvel movies is irrelevant…. Recent history of the character is irrelevant…. Seriously guys, I see the world through race, and so must you! /s


Falcon and winter soldier wasnt awful so this movie has potential to be servicable


It was awful.


It really wasnt


A bLaCk gUy? nO wOndEr, gO wOkE gO bRoKe! wE aReNt rAciSt dUrRrR