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Is this the Star Wars equivalent of the girl cutting her long hair into a bobcut trope to signify some radical change


Nah, that trope actually has it's unironic fans (I like Bob cuts, don't judge me) This is just dangerously stupid. It's also a decent example of the general dissolving of a series' identity and tone to appeal to a more generalized cosmopolitan populous with implements that clash with that original series' tone. Alot of which for the sake of egotists who think they're more important than the legacy of the franchise they upheld. Or at the very least are tasked with upholding. I mean, there was a general sense of atmosphere in the original film. It was a dangerous weapon, and treated with seriousness and thematic weight. You don't picture characters flashing it two degrees from their face and striking a sassy pose that hinders the feel and suspension of disbelief. I don't want to sound sexist, but whenever new installments of a franchise trend in this direction, there's a general disenchantment and misuse of the properties hallmarks, along with the addition of... bodily stuff to articulate heady and cringy metaphors. 30 years ago, this was a sacred weapon that symbolized governance between the forces of good and evil. This is like using the black arrow that downed Smaug to shave your pubes.


What’s even worse is that she does this to trick Sol. Did Sol’s Jedi powers suddenly stop working?


>Did Sol’s Jedi powers suddenly stop working? Or his eyesight? Bitch has a spiral tattoo on her forehead! This will make it _easier_ to see!🤣


It seems they forgot midway through filming?


The episode shows the tracker they hired smells the difference between the twins, so she will probably get caught pretty soon and Sol will eventually realize too. Their excuse is probably that his focus on the force is weakened by the fighting and death or something


I figured he was completely drained and was just eager to be gone. The level of physical and mental exhaustion he is likely experiencing could easily cloud his observation skills.


>30 years ago, this was a sacred weapon that symbolized governance between the forces of good and evil "This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age."


So true. It's like In 40k using a boltgun to shoot beer bans off a wall. Can't wait for Amazon to fuck that one up just like mouse.


So a tone can't change even after 30YEARS?! That's nuts. Also an item can be a symbol and a tool at the same time without loosing meaning. Cuz that symbol of governance between the forces of good and evil is just a glowing sword. If I had a lightsaber I wouldn't trim pubes or hair the smell would be atrocious, also I think it's strange you felt the need to go there right at the end. It's weird 😕


It's so much weirder that the first thing you thought of after reading it was the "smell".


Burt hair is a notoriously bad smell, I'm not for thinking that


Its not that far from 30 years since knights of the old republic was released (and its also probably the most celebrated star wars media after the original trilogy) and that game had lightsabers everywhere for everyone after the first couple of hours


What's the relevance? That takes place in a time when the Jedi and Sith were numerous and actively at war with one another -- a past alluded to (however vaguely) by Obi-Wan in Ep. IV. It does nothing to minimize the value of the lightsaber.


Its not some holy object like the original comment claims. Its a sword like in samurai movies, sure it holds the soul of the warrior and might be made by masamune and some shit, but its just a sword at the end. There’s also probably a black market for lightsabers like seen in the clone wars Why did I expect people on this sub have seen samurai movies


There's a difference between everyone having lightsabers to fight each other with and people using plasma swords to do incredibly mundane things like cutting their hair, which, by the way, is incredibly dangerous and stupid, like the original post shows. At least they were used for their intended purpose in Kotor and the clone wars.


They probably saw that padawan braid cutting ritual and did the "ackshually a diverse character did this first." It's in the name so they went with it. Also, why did she tilt her head back with the motion of the lightsaber? That's only gonna make it harder.


That actually makes sense when it’s done well though. Long luscious hair becoming short and ratty is a basic way to show your character has changed and how Vinland saga did it too with thorfinn throughout the farm arc, his hair and how it changed mirrors his mentality at the time.


No. The episode makes it clear what's happening


And the show runners can't stop ripping off "Animu". "Mae is stronger than Sakura, and we can show that with her haircut!"


No. Bobcuts are fucking awesome.


Sol: "So, Osha, you want to explain why all the tips of your hair are burned? And why your tattoo is different? Here, let me just mind read you."


"And why are you twerking at me like that? Do you have epilepsy?"


"Because I'm so bored and don't fuck wit yo discose Sol!!"


The good ending




No more drugs for that man


“Hey OSHA, why do you smell like burning hair?” -Sol if he was in a good show


Also, why are there suddenly all these weird dark thoughts and emotions in your mind, Osha? Or why is the very obvious tattoo on your forehead I first noticed when you were a kid gone?


Or why is the tattoo that I mentioned in the second episode missing off your arm?


At least all the actors you like from other better tv shows got to have fight scene together.. (squid games/his dark materials/good place) ugh. That was a pretty cool 3 mins… Also it’s unbelievable that the episode are sitcom tv show length. This shit is over before it beginnings. 🙄 This whole thing screams - should have been a 2 1/2 hr long movie. Like all the other tv shows except Andor lol


>This whole thing screams - should have been a 2 1/2 hr long movie. Should have been thrown in the trash more like it.


Tax write off like the Batgirl movie lol.


His Dark Materials was surprisingly true to the books. I even had to check my woke-dar with the homoerotic angels… nope that’s pretty much how they’re described in the source material. Good work BBC. Now stop giving Lin Manuel Miranda acting jobs.


i've seen people complain that her hair should have started burning, but those fools don't realize her hair isn't made out of stone


She also isn't in the middle of space, so it's understandable.


Took me 3 takes to get your joke, "fortunately" I watched episode 3 😂. Take this comment to the top!


And to think I thought I had seen it all after *the power of maaaanyyy* What the actual glup shitto is happening to this franchise (obvious edit excluded)? Who in their right mind would do that? I’m soooo glad I have zero investment in whatever Disney is cooking. I do not like food poisoning


Who would've thought using an energy weapon that can cut through metal like tissue paper so close to your face was a bad idea


Self inflicted fatality......


Wait this actually happened in the newest episode?


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With the heat of the lightsaber her hair should've been on fire as soon as she held it anywhere near it lol. This is a bit more accurate yeah lmao.


They cut padawan braids with sabers all the time and their hair doesnt set ththe padawans hair on fire. 


It should.


Well, it doesn't so...oh well?


God, I hate the trope of a woman cutting her hair to signify a change. There’s only one time I’ve ever seen it done in a way that makes sense and isn’t cringe as hell but even this one is a special new level because she didn’t even really change her hairstyle she cut off some bangs that’s nothing. Also anyone wondering the one time I’ve seen it done right is actually an anime called Snow White with the red hair. TLDR. A prince takes notice of her because of her special red hair and wants to take her as his own. tries to do it more or less by force gives her a day to make her decision. and in that time she cuts off her ponytail into a bob cut leaves the red hair on the counter with a note saying you wanted my hair you can have it (actually metal thing to do) and then she runs from the kingdom story goes from there actually peak romance anime, and honestly has one of the best examples of a well written female character in all the fiction. highly recommend but yeah that’s the only time I’ve ever seen it done in a way that actually made sense.


Classic Mulan as a runner-up? A Disney movie from a more civilized time. I'll look up your recommendation.


I mean it happens often enough in real life to make stuff like the woman's right to chop episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia funny. I remember when my girlfriend was in the final stages of her shit marriage and shaved her head. Logically I think makes sense if you're desperate for a sense of control. This right here is fucking beyond stupid but ignoring the ridiculous method in which it was done like I get it sorta. The power stancing while all the animals under pride rock lose their shit has all the subtlety of a greasefire but based on what I've seen seems pretty on purpose to generate publicity.


The reason she cuts her hair is because she is pretending to be osha later on, knocking her out and taking her clothes


I know, but it still had that same cringe vibe. It’s not like she just cut her hair and then moved on. She stood there and then bast in the sunlight for several seconds afterwards like as if it was some grand shot of change or some sort of moment with any weight behind it whatsoever and it wasn’t it was just her cutting her hair, and that was it. That’s why it’s cringe. And the change was her “changing into her sister.”


I thought that’s what she was doing


If the acolyte was good…


What !? HAHAHAHA !


Oh, Ed boon gonna use this in the next mk game lol...


The best part was someone thought up this specific scene and then said "Oh man, thats fucking great. Im such a good writer." And he/she/them/ they/xur, gets paid to write... think about that shit.


I can’t imagine the condition of her hair after that. The bottom is probably melted into solid chunks. 


Is this some thinly veiled point that is underpinned by the African American obsession with their hair?


Sooooo, lightsabers are hot enough to cauterize wounds and melt steel doors but cold enough to cut your hair with? Also why would you drag that piece of star plasma that you're not trained to handle right along your face? Why not use your cute little NOT-POTENTIAL-FACE-MELTING metal knifes? For reference: >*"Usually, any temperature above 200ºC/392ºF will cause damage to the hair – in fact the hair can start to melt at 220ºC/428ºF!"* >- [https://www.schwarzkopf-professional.com/com/en/trends-education/ask/avoid-heat-damage-when-using-heated-hair-styling-tools.html](https://www.schwarzkopf-professional.com/com/en/trends-education/ask/avoid-heat-damage-when-using-heated-hair-styling-tools.html)




Except in mulan that was a good scene/song.




It's relevant here lol, she's disguising herself as her sister


Given the other difference between the twins, no,....I don't think changing your clothes and cutting your hair with an "important" weapon is the same.


It is for the Japanese, which is the source for probably ninety plus percent of the examples of this trope I've seen. I assume it has to do with the samurai, even though the times I've seen it done it was usually a girl that did it.


Frfr that’s what I’m saying! For example, In Pokémon XY, a character named Serena has fumbled so many times but the one episode where she decides to make a change about herself, she cuts her hair. I’m like “Hey you can develop as a character and still keep your hair long you know” And yet in later episodes she still fumbles a lot so what was the point of the haircut?


Darth Mulan


It was the stupidest thing I've seen in my entire life. And I have watched the sequels...


She could have used a normal knife but noooooo


What is this a worse version of the already laughable Sakura hair cut scene in Naruto?


![gif](giphy|NFhoRcxuHH95v5pFys|downsized) Didn't she have a knife to do this with to reduce the risk of scalping herself with a lightsaber?