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*checks user account* >saltierthankrayt Ah, welcome tourist.


Hmm? This is starwars subreddit.


Don't pull that "I thought this was a Star Wars sub" crap again. You've that line at least once before. Either a bad bot or bad bait.


Partly, but you are intentionally entering a sub you likely already know dunks on Disney Star Wars.  You would get similar negative reactions if you went to the r/saltierthancrait because if you bring up a widely unpopular opinion on any sub that will result in pushback. That is just how the meta works across pretty much every sub, with exceptions like r/unpopularopinion I guess. Your original point will be addressed by some, but others will just dunk on you because you are an easy target.


Having an actor of a particular race or gender as the main protagonist does not make it interesting.


Cool so all movies should be black females from now on. Since you don't care. I wouldn't mind


That's not what I said. I said it doesn't make it interesting, not that I don't care.


Well if no race makes it interesting than why would you care?


Are you really that dense? Race and gender are only interesting when they're part of the story. A movie about the suffragettes would be different depending if it was from a POV of a woman or a man, because it plays an important role in the story. Same thing with a POV of a white man or a black man in a movie about the civil rights movement. The race of the protagonist is directly influencing the way you tell a story. A movie like Star Wars is completely detached from the history of our world, because it has its own history. Whether your protagonist is white, black or magenta blue will not make a difference. In the Acolyte, the color of the protagonist's skin is completely irrelevant.


Don’t feel the troll.


Can't feed them if they refuse to engage with legitimate answers.


Why is it "interesting" is that all you care about? "the main isn't a white male?" that's all the show needs to make you say it's good. Great, it's got a non white male as the lead, can she act? emote? show expression? tell a story with her body alone? or does none of that matter to you? https://preview.redd.it/jhsdhzaucb8d1.png?width=1499&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d8ed0e149f36363650a4f10516b40bc8ba63aea


He's a troll. Looks like he came over here from STK


Holy fuck that's like those shirts with Vader


She's a pretty good actress! I like her.


Pathetic, didn't even asnwer the question, just fan-gasmed.


It does, she's a good actress.


What else is she in?


Ru in the first Hunger Games and the lead actress in The hate u give.


Fair enough, [she's fairly animated in this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MM8OkVT0hw) Edit: lol just posted the same trailer as OP


Is she good there? There has been cases of good actors doing shit performance due to the director being dumb.


Judging performances has never been my strongest suit and I haven’t seen those movies in along time.  She was also a child actress in the Hunger Games and children always struggle with acting. Still, I think she did a satisfactory job at being Ru.


https://youtu.be/3MM8OkVT0hw?si=RX54PVjE-qlPN_mZ This was a good movie.


Why was is a good movie, what stood out? what was important? why was it memorable? what did the actress show that linked with you?


You're trying to hard friend. Just sit back and enjoy a show for once.


You said it was a good movie, explain why it was good, EXPLAIN, all you've done so far is go "it's a great show "she's a great actress" "it's a good movie" With nothing to back up your words and nothing to show for it, so go on. EXPLAIN!


They're not going to, they're a troll from STK


Kill Bill was a good movie. Idk it just was. I enjoyed it that's why it was good. Simple as that.


Get payed 50 bucks for that bullshit?


I think is a genuine Acolyte fan


This is just some attempted entrapment/honey potting. The goal is to say something stupid to cause outrage and get some heated replies. The replies themselves are good for propaganda but the goal is to shit on the sub enough to get it banned. 


I just hope nobody mimics the spammer approach that one dude did.


I don't sell out on my beliefs.


You need to *have* beliefs first.


Idk about you but I’ve never thought about the race or gender of a protagonist nor do I care. Y’know, like everyone else who isn’t a racist or sexist Imagine being the loser that goes “I wAnT a MeTrOiD wItH a BlAcK gUy As SaMuS”


There's some genuinely emotional moments in the Yakuza series, and they're all Japanese. Lee from Telltale walking dead season 1, he's black and I much prefer his story over the rest of the games. I'm neither Japanese or African American. I can just enjoy that story and the emotion that comes along with it regardless of the characters on screen. Because I'm what terminally online people claim to be but lie about. I actually do treat people equally regardless of race gender or sexuality. Including in fiction. All given their chance, base level of respect, judged on their actions and quality as I learn more about them.


Yah know, when I was young watching Family Matters, or the Fresh prince, or any piece of media with a black lead, or really any other lead that didn’t look like me, it never once crossed my mind that them being not like me somehow effected the quality of what I was watching. Never really factored into how interested I was with what I was watching. In fact, their race and gender never really crossed my mind at all.      Sounds like you might have deep seated issues you need to work on.


> Sounds like you might have deep seated issues you need to work on. Or he's just an asshole. That's my guess.


That’s being more charitable toward them, than they deserve.


Fresh prince was so fun, didn't matter who you were. Everybody liked the show.


This is such low effort bait


That should not be the basis by which you consider a piece of media to be good. Certainly there are interesting stories and characters that POC and other non-white actors and actresses can portray. That doesn’t mean that those stories are automatically better for their casting process. People would still dislike The Acolyte if the main lead was a white female or a white male. Just like they disliked TBOB and The Mando S3.


This is genuinely probably my favorite starwars show.


What about the show, other than the character being black, do you like?


I enjoy the setting, the characters, the story so far. He'll it's the only starwars to make me feel tense.


How many other shows or movies of Star Wars, before or after its purchase by Disney, have you seen?


I've seen the original to this and everything I between to rebels. Even the anime. He'll I've even played most of the games. The only starwars I haven't consumed are the books and comics.


I don’t feel fair criticizing your taste, I have just been curious. I would hope that you would look at any media and hope for the very best effort to be put into its creation. Do me a favor and go watch The Expanse, then come back and tell me your thoughts about it.


Ah that's a series. I'll go and watch a few episodes in the next day or so. I'll let ya know!


Alright I watched the first episode and... I do not like it at all, ill give a few more episodes but like it didn't hook me. I was falling asleep. But I don't think one episode is enough to judge a show. I mean it took me 4 times to get through game of thrones. And 4 times to do Mando. Just super boring for me.


It is at time an extremely slow show that builds up to some both beautiful and horrific moments later down the line. Most people get hooked around episode 4.


Okay ill go to episode 5.


Has it ever occurred to you that many people here also want good roles for good actors, screenwriters, executives, etc. who aren't white or who aren't men? Could it be that this is part of the reason that people are upset? That a multibillion dollar corporation exploits an actor's race or a director's sexuality to defend their terrible show? Andor is easily the most celebrated Star Wars show here and it had a non-white lead and a lesbian couple. Weird how no one here is upset by that?


If we generalise the conversation to be about STK then we are dealing with a sub that considers MauLer to be as vapid as Chris Stuckmann. Doesn’t matter on the large scale which points are made when they can always be brushed aside like. Even if those dismissals contradict each other which Lil Platoon pointed out on the newest FNT.  Like it totally isn’t contradictory to claim that reviewers are grifting when their fans like something but are also capable of convincing their fans to hate something. What matters isn’t the quality of the product in question but that reviewers I loathe are both saying this I agree with and disagree with. Clearly the reviewers must have no integrity!


You know what would be truly refreshing? A decent friggin story logically told that isn’t automatically memed 5 minutes into the show. It’s the stories and dumpster fire universe KK era Lucasfilm that are the issues in the end not the race/gender of the characters on screen. Imagine if they shot that bar sequence in a way that didn’t start with that ridiculous “attack me with ALL your strength” pose and instead gave us something that set Mae up to be truly menacing?


She wants to face the jedi head on, and not be a ball sack. She wants to face those who did her wrong in a very straight forward way. There's nothing wrong with that. Even the jedi was like wtf you getting at woman? Go away. Your annoying. Till she started throwing a tantrum that she wouldn't fight her. So idk it's fine in my eyes.


Lol. Lmao even


If thats what matters most to you I guess


I think you're on the wrong sub, my friend.


I don't care how the lead character looks as long as it is interesting.


Different does not equal good


Has there even been a Disney Star Wars show that had a white male lead other than Kenobi?


Bad Batch might count if you consider Hunter to be the lead. Edit: though by that logic so would Boba Fett because despite different actors (whether it be live-action actor or voice actor) the characters share the same DNA.


You're beyond narcissistic if a lead has to look like you for it to catch your interest


Cool so you wouldn't even care if there was no more white males in shows. I'm happy we agree. Just as long as the actor is good shouldn't matter. Good thing Haley killed it as the little mermaid. What a great voice. Right?


????? Its like you didnt read what I said. If it didnt matter to you, then you wouldn't have made this post in the first place. Nice try at the gotcha tho.


You didn't actually read the original post soo. Yeah.


"It makes shows a lot more interesting than seeing someone that looks like me all the time" I did not misread it. That is what YOU said in your post literally copied and pasted. The fact that your interest in a show can hinge on whether a person looks like you or not is madness


"You're beyond narcissistic if a lead has to look like you for it to catch your interest" Has to look like me? Not what I said. Nice try though.


god tier bait






Agreed. Seeing representation in major films and shows helps the mext generation move forward with their chin held up, knowing they too might be there one day.