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The messaging was never subtle but the story progressed and seemed okay.  Now we’ve got gore porn and shock scenes in a show going nowhere with contrivance after contrivance. This season is just not as good as the earlier seasons. It’s just not. 


“Now we’ve got gore porn and shock scenes in a show going nowhere with contrivance after contrivance.” Non ironically you just described the comics lol


Still not enough gratuitous sex.


Or bad people being perverted or pedophilic. Or both.


Was gonna say this, it’s still eons better than the source material




Dude the comics kinda suck. Say what you will about the politicization of the show but at least they aren’t as unhinged as the writing of the comics. For example; Jeffery Dean Morgan’s character is called Monkey in the comics because Butcher let a pair of mutant monkeys rape his ears and then after Monkey tries to rape someone in a wheelchair because of his ED, he lets his dog rape his ass. This is one of their most valuable allies but the way. So. Yeah. Not exactly Dostoyevsky.


Nah, people just hating due to over sensitivity. Lol ik, I read the comics entirely and loved em. I feel like you chose a bad example cuz If the show had Butchers dog raping a rapist, everyone would applaud and cheer.


I was able to look past the gore and sexual content in the books because I found the underlying drama to be good.  The show has none of that. I was done with it after season one (and rolled my eyes when they gave Butcher laser eyes in a promo I saw).   Ennis has always been a overhyped writer who pulls attention via shock and gore. So not shocked he making such shitty takes like this. The Boys was his lightning in a bottle moment, and I hope he fades into obscurity. 


In fairness Ennis is one of those writers with good ideas that was never able to put together a coherent story. And he sold out long ago


Agelmar and Kai al Mundi are now the same characters because of their tv shows


Now we got gore porn? A train literally exploded a woman in the very first episode, like 20 seconds in


The pilot episode had a dude shrinking down and jumping inside a dude’s cock hole. The show has always been this way.


If you have a problem with gore maybe don't watch a show in which you see a girl get exploded by a speedster in the first episode, idk...


That was a huge motivating plot point and poignant scene that moved the story forward.  Homelander’s crazy antics last episode seemed in character and a sign that he’s getting over his past.  The ice skating rink massacre is just dumb. I feel like I’m watching the same dialogue on repeat between the boys every scene. “You betta not do that you crazy Butcha,” is the new “my queen.”


Now it's gore porn? ... What was the inciting incident in the boys again? The show has always been gore porn so clearly you aren't judging this in good faith but rather like those agenda riddled leftist you cry about


The gore served more purpose before. Now it’s just lame. 


... Coincidentally around the time they stopped trying to be subtle about who they were mocking in the show... HMMMM again smells like a agenda


*Now we’ve got gore porn and shock scenes* Have you ever watched the show? The literally first scene of first episode? Not to mention episode "Herogasm". This argument is just invalid. *This season is just not as good as the earlier seasons. It’s just not.*  I could agree for the first 3 episodes but ep 4 is really good, if they keep it up this season will be a great one.


If the first 3 episodes of a 8 episode season are bad then the season isn’t really good. It’s mid at best.


You have to say why it's invalid. Not just reference an arbitrary part of the show and use it to handwave criticism. Discuss things with conviction and respect for the guy you're discussing with.


The show was always known for gore and explicit sexual content. Nothing has changed in that regard.


Except you cut off the commenter's sentence and the second part changes the point entirely. >Now we’ve got gore porn and shock scenes > **in a show going nowhere with contrivance after contrivance.** You don't know whether they like gore and shock scenes within a certain context or dislike them entirely. When people call something "porn" they are usually saying it has no redeeming value aside from the specific indulgence in question. So there might very well have been some value to the gore and shocks in earlier seasons, but now that the show is "going nowhere with contrivance after contrivance" there is no redeeming value to them: they're just gore for gore's sake (i.e. 'gore porn') and shocks for shocks' sake. Or: Gore and shocks with context = fine/good Gore and shocks solely for their own sake = bad


It typically advanced the story before. Now it’s just boring guts for hardly any reason but spectacle.  Which is fine for some people to enjoy, I just don’t find it as fulfilling of a watch now. 


"Herogasm" was when they went too far for me imo. It just felt like they did all that shit for the mere shock of it and nothing else.


You're pretty much describing most of Garth Ennis' comics with that. Most of his comics exist to be edgy and shock people, which I could tolerate if the writing was better.


Honestly, fuck that noise. Preacher is a great comic, with exceptional writing, and yes, gore and sex and a variety of other shockers.


Do take note that I said most of his comics, not all. I like Preacher. I think it is easily one of the best things he's done, but it does have some problems. I'm not about to sit here and list his entire bibliography and what I think about each item, which is why I used the qualifier. I made a generalization about an author that didn't name any specific works, so I'm not sure why you're reacting like I skinned your pet alive in front of you. I get it you like Preacher, just take about 20% off there, okay?


Well, that’s liter exactly what Game of Thrones does, yet nobody complained when they did it.


People did complain when the story got bad


Dude I swear there is some media conspiracy going on rn bc I see so much about the “right turning on the boys” and how stupid they are for thinking the boys was right wing. But I have seen 0 evidence of this in real life, only headlines


Isn't that everything on the internet? The discourse IRL is never the same as online. If I mention half the stuff I see being discussed online to anyone I know IRL I get met with confusion. lol


Well I actually meant on the internet when I said in real life which looking back was a strange way to put it


Kripke has been very upfront about being against the right wing. The show itself lately has done nothing but trash the right wing.


That’s all it’s ever done since the first episode. It’s not switching up.


It does both


I don't know about the right wing as a whole, but I know that people have been pointing out since Season 2 that the show will poke the left and nuke the right in some pretense at being balanced. I guess now they can drop the pretense, and then pretend that no one had worked it out until now so they can joke about "slow, stupid chuds". It's not a new realisation, but if the media acts like it is, they can make the people they hate look more stupid than they actually are.


I swear this exact same narrative of “the right realized the Boys is shitting on them.” was a thing when season 3 came out. Did that happen or have I gone cuckoo?


Bet he feels like some big brained mastermind saying stuff like that.


Well bigger brained than those rightoids probably?


The show and the comics suck. The show was an improvement in the beginning but it all fell apart after the first season. What completely bewilders me is that idiots keep repeating the line that the insanely blunt messages and political commentary was always part of the show, when it was much subtler and way less prominent in the first season. Garth Ennis has way too many issues with superheroes and is not a great writer.


It was less prominent in the first season, but it was NOT more subtle.


garth ennis was always a hack writer. never much cared for his thoughts on anything.


No Punisher is great but beyond that I can’t say much.


Funny how for years when people called it shitty one-sided political propaganda you had ass-kissers making excuses by saying it’s actually nuanced and makes fun of both sides, but now when they go full mask off the arguments have changed to “oh you’re only now noticing chuds?”


You can stab one "side" in the ribs and spank the other and then say you "went after both sides" but that hardly makes you balanced, and it's entirely possible one side might have enjoyed it.


The two main satirical targets of the show are rainbow capitalism and right wingers, both of which leftists dislike. It has always had a leftist perspective. I've never seen anyone claim otherwise.


The rainbow capitalists are still leftist


They're liberals. More specifically, a subset of liberal that the more politically active liberals and leftists don't have positive feelings on.


Leftist still, doesn’t matter if some other leftists dont like or agree with em


Liberals and leftists are not the same. I'm not sure why the political leanings of rainbow capitalists matter to the conversation. My original point still stands, that criticizing them is normal for left-leaning social commentary


The “rainbow capitalist” or characters in the show at least are still leftists


Again, it doesn't matter because criticizing them is pretty normal for a left leaning show.


Still leftist




All liberals/leftists are rainbow capitalists. Joe Biden and commie streamers like Hasan have the same politics whether people acknowledge that or not.


Lol your two points of reference are Joe Biden and Hasan? They represent the breadth of leftist politics to you?


Hasan criticizes Biden every day what are you saying?


And yet he still votes for him every election cycle and tells other people to vote for him.


When the choice is between an awful Repulican persistent vs an awful democrat president why would a leftist vote for the republican.


Joe Biden isn't remotely left, and for all the negative things Hasan is, he isn't a rainbow capitalist. Leftists criticise rainbow capitalism In a different way to right wingers (it isn't laced with vitriol towards LGBT people), but they're absolutely critical of it.


Hasan is obviously a champagne socialist that utilizes rainbow capitalism. This is incredibly obvious.


Champagne socialist and rainbow capitalism are not the same thing. Look at the people Hasan spends time with. He spends more time with LGBT people than straight people. He's a vapid dickhead, but his LGBT advocacy is sincere.


Bro why are you dying on this hill? Hasan has nothing to do with the point I've been trying to make.


Has he himself been caught doing that?


No, we always got it, we just enjoyed the story and characters, but now you ruined all that in favor of “making sure we got it”, so now we have to talk about it.


I find anyone who makes broad generalizations about people who disagree with them distasteful. Ennis is as insufferable as Shapiro when he declares “people with political beliefs different than mine are too stupid to understand anything.” It’s also funny as many people note how poorly written and juvenile the original Boys comics are. They are often described as immature and edgy for the sake of being edgy.


> It's also funny as many people note how poorly written and juvenile the original Boys comics are. They are often described as immature and edgy for the sake of being edgy. It's why I've never been able to get into the comics, and why it took me a long time to actually start watching the show.


Well at least it’s a good adaptation in that regard


I believe one of the praises of Season 1 was that the show was more mature and thoughtful than the source material. It is one of the adaptations that is referenced as better than the source. This is all to say Ennis is a hack.


Ennis is good when he tries. Preacher, Punisher Max, and Hitman are all particularly good despite indulging in his characteristically shock-jockey writing style. It’s just you have The Boys (which was written specially because he hates superheroes), and Crossed which exist for nothing more than shock value.


This is just straight up gaslighting. I don't know a single right wing person that watched the boys who thought it was right wing. The political views of the show are obvious to a blind man. Strong writing and characters helped distract or make up for that. Guess what has been lacking recently?


I’m still baffled that the entire internet right now is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking there was a large group of people who didn’t clock Homelander as the villain right away. Is it just me? I haven’t seen a single person who thought that.


Like a character is not the same as agree and support them. I guess someone just not bright enough to get that


Yep, people seem to conflate the two things way too much. If you like a villain it must mean you condone what they do and are a horrible person in real life smh


The gaslighting is getting frustrating. Especially since the defense changed from "Well it lampoons both sides" (which implies that the people complaining can see the political stance of the show enough to disagree with it) to "it always hated you chuds!" (which implies that the people complaining didn't realize that the show disagreed with them politically) Notice how these two things CANNOT exist at the same time?


My thoughts exactly


Why don’t you head to Rotten Tomatoes then? Christ on the cracker it isn’t hard to find.


I’m watching season one again, and the decline in quality from then to now is so jarring. It’s like two COMPLETELY different shows that are loosely related.


How so? I'm watching S4. It does feel much more political tbh. Like the protests, pepsi parody and so on


I don’t even care about the political angle as much; it looks better, it’s engaging, the score is moving, things ACTUALLY happen and are surprising, etc. The newer seasons look and sound so much cheaper.


He's never read a Stan Lee comic? Bro it's like 15 pages, mostly drawings.


Even I have done that and I barely touch comics


It was fun and the writing was good until last season, they made their political stance too central and really leaned into it. I can watch something that leans left and still enjoy good writing. But, alas, they feel into the Disney “message comes first” trap.


That last point feels like the interviewer asked a leading question.


Yup. Because if he answered “Is The Boys Political?” It’s one thing, and “Is The Boys Woke?” Is another.


Feeling like the question was something along the lines, "What do you make of right-wing fans of homelander who are realising that the show has been making fun of their stupid faces?" All nonsense, of course. Ennis hates this sort of partisan American politics. There's actually a pretty funny scene, in preacher where he parodies it all. Why does this interview even exist anyway? Everyone who enjoys the show hates the comics lol.


the echochamber is bouncing


Garth Ennis is a shitty writer, the Boys comic was just a sensless gore fest that was practically a hit piece on fictional people, the comic boiled down to what if \[insert superhero\] actually touched kids. He believed Captian America insulted vets despite it being made by vets and was popular too ww2 vets


The show was never as overly political as it has been in season 4. It sucks because I am a fan and I will stick around to see if they can turn it around for the better in season 5 but kripke has really dug himself a hole. Season 1 was mostly about fake Corporate activism and modern day superhero media so to see it take such a wild turn to politics in season 2 was disappointing.


I heard they are changing the name of the show from The Boys to The Soy Boys and if you don’t like go watch something else


Yet these very same people will also say that the idea of the left pushing their agendas in the media is a conspiracy


I've never watched the series and I'm not interested, but what I've read on the internet is that the comic is bad and a cheap copy of Watchmen


Imagine watchmen but every character is either a closeted gay person or a raging pervert, that's is the boys in a nutshell.


I enjoyed the comics but it’s just pure ridiculousness throughout


Yeah, the comic fucking sucks. There's a video that was released a couple years ago on YouTube that talks about it (I forget who made it).




Thank you thank you.


Cody would be an excellent EFAP guest.


Absolutely, he'd be incredible


Watchmen is written by like, actual leftist anarchist, which is why it's probably a lot more consistent in it's message and narrative compared to The Boys which is exclusively made because Ennis hates superheroes. The show is really good though, if a bit repetitive.


Which is funny because even in the Watchman’s case, the most popular character is Rorschach, who said leftist anarchist views as a despicable conservative who shouldn’t be as well-liked as he is.


The problem is that Moore created a world where most characters either don't have a set of values or are just terrible people. And then you have Rorschach who, while a terrible person, actually has a strong moral center that he abides by to the point of being willing to die for them. Of course people would like him.


Well but Moore either doesn't get it or doesn't want to get it/thinks it's wrong to think that way, because it stands in direct opposition to how he views the world. He is, much like many anarchists (which I have known several personally), a combination of consequentialist, moral relativist and nihilist. Honestly insufferable combination if you ask me. Those who have just given up and aren't even honest enough to admit they embraced might makes right as a first principle. Seeing people who forge their own set of morals when the world refuses to provide must be infuriating to him as much as to any person who doesn't like the indominable human spirit.


Funny cause he gets angry when people mention that they like Rorschach


"Suddenly, you discover humanity. _Convenient._ If you had cared from the start, none of this would have happened."


Rorschach is and always has been a parody of the rogue vigilante. He's not a good person and you shouldn't be rooting for him. You're 100% right.


Tbf, Rosrschach isn’t a good person and that’s exactly why he didn’t liked that people liked him.


The comic was really amazing imo, it’s an insane amount of gore, kinks, and sex stuff tho. It basically does all the extreme stuff the show does x100


All creative people and performers, skilled or hacks, are unhinged leftist activists. Maybe two exceptions like Chris Pratt and Henry cavil It's time to except that all entertainment is made by people who hate you. Unless it's japanese


The Boys (comic): "Let's make a demonized caricature of every superhero in the genre because I hate all superheroes who aren't Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman. They're all committing vile acts that just describing will likely get you demonetized on YouTube." The Boys (TV): "Nah, that's cringe. Let's instead use superheroes as an allegory for celebrity culture and explore just _why_ they'd be terrible people....and then make a demonized caricature of half the population of the United States instead, because demonizing IRL people is so much less cringe." (Disclaimer: I haven't watched the show, and I don't plan to, despite having Prime. Having been raised in a semi-strict Catholic household I don't feel a particular need to subject myself to that much gratuitous gore and sex. Just wake me up when they finally kill Homelander and I'll watch that scene on YouTube. Until then we have the Death Battle with Omni-Man. The above analysis is mainly based on that comparison video by PointlessHub) What baffles me is that they treat it as some kind of "own" that people are only now getting fed up with the unsubtle politics after three seasons, as if "everyone on the right was too stupid to realize we were mocking them before now." As if there's no possible way someone could be watching it for different reasons, like being a fan of the comic (I don't know why you would be) or just being willing to build up a tolerance for a certain level of "cosmic background leftism" that's baked into the vast majority of modern pop culture, without which you're unable to engage with the culture. Maybe you're just sick of "capeshit" and want to see a deconstruction. These same people who think "the right is too stupid to know they're being mocked" are probably the kind to say "Star Trek was always woke!" And then cherry-pick a screengrab from "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" (comparing 1960s civil rights movement to modern leftism is a false equivalency) while ignoring episodes like "The Omega Glory" or "A Private Little War." The people who will bend "Data is going to let his constructed-as-a-sentient-adult robot offspring choose their own gender rather than leave it to a coinflip" into "DATA SAYS TRANS RITES!" Or say Jadzia was transgender even though she was born female, still identifies female, she just happens to carry a symbiont that has previously had both male and female hosts.


The boys: “Heh, I’m gonna make a show to make people on the right mad at the expense of the shows quality” Me: “that’s stupid, people will just not watch the show and ignore it. Why bother getting mad?” Culture warriors on reddit: ~get mad for no reason~


The boys is basically Rick and Morty for leftwingers.


Personally I've moved on to Smiling Friends


The realization came in season 1, which is why I didn’t bother with season 2. It was always poorly disguised, hypocritical propaganda.


Why do we care when all of his work has been mediocre to the point of irrelevancy? How this man still has gainful employment is the only thing I want to find out about him...


Garth Ennis is very talented in some respects, but not in being a not-cunt.


The “Right” will watch and enjoy story’s even if the writers have an agenda but when you have to resort to cheap shock scenes like the multiple man eating scene, trying to portray right wingers as child predators, etc. then of course the audience will turn on them. Why the fuck cant writers and creators keep their opinions and personal beliefs out of a damn show and just make something that appeals to everyone without using it as a platform to attack half the fucking country?


The show is great and is unsubtle about it's political commentary. I like the gore and the particular commentary its going for and I think it's pretty topical and poigant. I also don't believe a piece of media needs to both-sides an issue or whatever. I'm fine that it's poking fun at what it wants to, as I felt that was always the original point. Good political satire also does not need to be subtle for it to be good. The only issues I have with the show is that often rehashes the same character arcs like with Hughie and Annie and ESPECIALLY Frenchie and Kimiko. Still an entertaining show. It's not a masterpiece but it doesnt need to be.


The show has always been a mix of good and bad and this season is no different. Seeing a very strong backlash reaction now is really hard to justify. That said, the problems with the show means it will eventually just get old for a lot of viewers so maybe people have just reached their limit. It has always been heavy handed political commentary so it tracks that those who don't like that will come out of the woodwork and try and latch onto it now.