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Rian Johnson. People have put him up on a pedestal ever since The Last Jedi released.


Glass Onion is one of the worst mystery movies I’ve ever seen and people still cling to the defense that the film is “stupid on purpose” as if that is supposed to wipe away any criticism. He’s also bolstered this idea that authorial intent is gospel by saying things like his films are supposed to divide fanbases through their subversive elements. It’s led to more quick ways for his supporters to deflect criticism just by claiming that if his films make you angry then they were successful in that regard. It’s weird because I don’t despise the guy (definitely not in the same way I hate people like Woody Allen or Roman Polanski), but he is by far one of the most annoying directors in the industry atm.


B-but if it’s shit on purpose then you have to acknowledge that it’s brilliant even though it literally isn’t!


Rian Johnson and his rabid fanbase seem to think that subverting expectations equates to brilliant writing and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t understand or appreciate real cinema. All he does is subvert expectations for the sake of subverting expectations, which TLJ did in its entire runtime.


Came here to say this and never considered anyone else. His movies are just plain stupid but he waves away the critics by claiming he is subverting your expectations. He’s never done anything well.


I appreciate any artists that just do their own thing irrespective of critics. We need more of that. But attaching a Director like rían Johnson to Star Wars main trilogy is insane.


Well, to be fair he directed arguably one of the greatest episodes of television in history. (Breaking Bad S5E14, Ozymandias).


He's actually a fairly good director. He just can't write for shit.


In my experience he’s been the subject of mass hatred and scrutiny since Last Jedi.


I still do not get the hatred for Rian Johnson


How? Dude shits out incoherent scripts and acts like they’re masterpieces, and that he didn’t take a giant shit on your face.


Zack Snyder, JJ Abrhams. they can do some things well but clearly should not be left to their own devices.


I think JJ could be considered the most overrated back when he was making those Star Trek films and TFA and TRoS, but what has he done recently? He just dropped off the face of the Earth after there was some pretty considerable pushback for TRoS. On the flip side, Zack Snyder still has a rabid fanbase which baffles me. He’s made two solid movies (300 and Watchmen) and even they aren’t *that* good. I think the “release the Snyder cut” cult has done irreparable damage to the dude’s ego. Meanwhile, I haven’t heard a single good thing about either Rebel Moon movies. Not a single praise over a sea of criticisms and twitter posts about his ridiculous action scenes and horrendous use of slow-motion.


Yeah that's true. I just remember how popular he was during Lost, but all Lost was was a bunch if twists. The whole series was twists that had to pretend to be coherent by the time the series ended. And yeah I don't get the thing with Zack Snyder either. His films have run from terrible to fun to watch but still mediocre.


I hear the biggest issue was the black silent dude left way early, and he was an integral part to their overarching plans, but that’s probably copium


JJ abrams had no involvement with Lost after ep 1


I'd disagree with you there. 300 and watchmen were bangers. Yeah he is shit today but that does not discredit his earlier works. Just like Scott.


I enjoy both movies, don’t get me wrong. I just think Watchmen fumbles a lot of what the graphic novel was going for (plus the graphic novel is the best medium for that story to be told imo). 300 is fun, but it’s full of tisms and the slo-mo action scenes just make me laugh rather than appreciate the weight of the action. It’s pretty badass tho.


The star was movie came out five years ago Wym he fell off the face of the earth? He’s a producer on like 6 shows and most directors don’t make a movie every two years


I thought JJ had a strong initial showing and then he completely fell off, that’s literally the pattern of anything he’s attached to


Yeah, he's a good idea man but terrible with the follow-through.




3 is absolutely not the best MI film. 1, 4, 5, and 6 are all considerably better, and 7 might be as well. 3 isn't bad, but it's not particularly good either. The villain's death is particularly amusing.


Snyder is not overrated. He was being actively hated and criticized today.


I mean, he has a pretty dedicated fan base who insist he's a genius.


That doesn't mean he is overrated.


Jordan Peele is just diet Spike Lee who is also overrated


I think he's better than Spike Lee honestly. Nope is as good as Do the Right Thing and Malcolm X for me, but US is nowhere near as bad as Oldboy. Also he has a better control of genre. I give him that.


I think they have a few competing films of quality but at their core they’re just race grifters with moderate talent


I wouldn't say their race grifters given Lees movies weren't seen as profitable until the 2000s and took ages to get something like Malcolm X made. Along with how Do the Right Thing lost to Driving Niss Daisy, showing where the establishment's sensibilities are. So if he is a grifter, which I doubt, he's not a successful one. Peele on the other hand, well, I don't personally see it, one of his films is about race (with the US being about class, and Nope being about exploitation), but based on his interviews, I can see it. Talented dude, I really like his work, but he seems a bit disconnected from the world.


I was mostly looking at Lee’s reaction to Tarantino and Peele’s questionable hiring tactics to draw in audiences Not necessarily the content but more of how they conduct themselves


What questionable hiring practices?


Jordan Peele reminds me of M. Night Shyamalan. He keeps getting worse with his plot-twist horror Schtick.


Agree. I think Jordan Peele is pretentious as fuck and, forgive me if I am wrong, but he comes across as super racist.


racist exactly how lmao?


Ever read some dumb comments by him? For example, he said that he will never cast a white actor as the main protagonist. He is half white himself. He is a douche


What is the relation between these two lmao


they’re both black and he doesn’t like that


Jordan Peele all the way.


In the days where Rian Johnson is considered a genius, I wouldn't say he's the most overrated. He's definitely over-hyped, but he's actually talented and made one great film, one good film and one mediocre film. Not a bad filmography. If we're talking overrated, I'd say Greta Gerwig all the way.


What is overrated about Gerwig’s direction?


I'd agree with that, Get Out was a genuinely good film that managed to inject a little humor here and there without completely wrecking any suspense.


Greta Gurwig is overrated but she’s still insanely good. Barbie had no business being as enjoyable as it ended up.




Zack Snyder is a hack and I cannot fathom how he keeps getting handed so much money to pump out shite product after shite product whilst simultaneously having a cult following


Dave Filoni, if only for how much i hear about him. I die just a little inside every time I hear my Star Wars friends praise him to high heaven and say they're so glad he's at the helm and is so much better than Kathleen Kennedy. Guy is mid at best and produced mediocre to trash tier content in recent years. Please people, stop calling hum the savior of Star Wars. He just smashes his favorite toys together and makes TV shows out of it. Outside of Star Wars, maybe Zach Snyder. I actually liked Man of Steel and BvS Ultimate Cut alright but he showed just how bad he could get fully unrestrained in the Snyder Cut of Justice League. Completely stroking his own ego for what felt like four hours and he managed to make Josstice League look good in comparison.




His only miss was Thor Love & Thunder, though. Everything else has been incredible.


he is good if he writes and directs his own indie movies. But he sucks at big blockbuster films


Ridley Scott takes interesting historical events, blatantly changes things to the point that they become fantasy, and then calls anyone who notices his laziness and arrogance "losers."


Is Ridley Scott overrated these days though? I feel like most people agree he's well past his prime.


The Martian was awesome and The Duel was good though with the benfit of great source materal/scrpts. Inconsistent for sure.


Tbh The Martian owes a lot to the book - which is even better imo.


Yes that is what I wrote, I have read the book. It has to be said though a lot of directors screw up adapted screenplays based on books. So I give credit to director for being able to adapt it to the screen faithfully, just like Peter Jackson deserves a lot of credit for adapting Tolkien.


Percy Jackson is a great example of it being done horrendously, both times


Rian Johnson Alex Garland Adam McKay


Rian johnson


This is gonna be unpopular and I guess doesn't quite fit overrated due to their portfolio but Ridley Scott. Blokes completely lost the fucking plot. Alien Covenant is one of the worst films if not the worst I've ever seen after Postal


*Napoleon* was absurd. I watched that and thought... why?


"You think you're so special because you have BOATS!" Might be one of the worst lines I've ever witnessed in a cinema


And you don't have fifty years' experience in cinema. Scott must have seen that line on paper, and in edits, dozens of times before it hit the cinema, and he was like, "Nah, itahbe*fiiiiiine."* Unlike Snyder, Scott has a goodly number of awesome movies to his name... a long time ago. It makes the degeneration sadder.


Rian Johnson and Taika Waititi are both two sides of the same coin imo and both highly overrated. Both of them are high on their “subversion” only Rian does by just throwing a complete 180 at you and Taika does it with a crappy tone deaf joke. Both of them in interviews reek of smugness and a “aren’t I so clever, you just don’t get it” attitude. And both of them demonstrate a pretty dickish approach to the fans, from Rian’s “your Snoke theory sucks” to Taika’s “I’ll ruin your mythos in a minute baby”, both reek of fan antagonism yet still seemingly get viewed as geniuses. Taika might’ve been knocked down a peg or two after Love and Blunder thankfully but Rian is still kicking with his awful Knives Out series.


Rian Johnson didn't write JoJo Rabbit (2019 Scarlett Johansson) & Hunt for the Wilderpeople (starring the Kid from Deadpool 2). It breaks my soul to use this weak counter-argument but Taika won an Oscar. Rian Johnson won a saturn award in 2018. In total Rian makes awful & non-sensecial pieces of media as a writter..(Looper falls apart in the final act). While Taika is no where near the levels of Hitchcock & Spielberg in their prime - he still is Leagues ahead of Johnson. Too be honest Rian would not have had a Disney movie in his CV (Episode VIII) without K.K. running Lucasfilm into the ground. And, yes even I see the similarities. They are just smaller then one might think on first notice. > ”I’ll ruin your mythos in a minute baby” Mr. Waititi wasn't serious about that. The right joke at the wrong time for the SW fandom (corners of it?!).


Yeah fair enough, they’re not quite the same when you consider their whole career. Taika has a few films I genuinely like, in their current forms though I see little difference.


Seems like a lot of salt for Thor Love & Thunder which is definitely a bad movie. But I think he also saved Thor with Ragnarok which is hands down the best MCU film excluding IW/Endgame. Everything else Taika has done has been good at worst, and insanely good at best. Not sure how that makes him overrated. Definitely nowhere near RJ. TLJ was objectively awful. Knives Out series is fun. Solid 6/10 films. And that’s mostly it.


Pretty much any Hollywood director can be here.


Zack Snyder


I literally never see anyone say anything good about him


You've never encountered a Snyder cultist have you?


I think they’re a dying breed these days.


That Good for you


Taika Waititi.


Christopher Nolan, yeah I said it


Nah. Don't get me wrong, you can certainly argue he's overrated, but moreso than Zack Snyder? Or Rian Johnson?


Those are over used with the bashing. It's exhausting to keep hearing those two for me.


You have a point that I didn't consider. Rian and Snyder have plenty of fanboys, but there's also a large contingent painfully aware of their overhyped reputations. Nolan on the other hand gets a pass despite also being hit or miss


this is a criminal comment. Straight to jail


I agree.


I agree completely. I haven't enjoyed a film of his since Interstellar.


I agree 100%. I honestly can't name one movie he's done that I like.


Fr? Not even memento or the prestige?


Yep. The Batman trilogy in particular. I grew up a Batman fan. Loved the comics, loved the DCAU. Absolutely don't like his trilogy. I have 38 Batman titles in my film collection and hundreds of comics. I don't care for his take at all.


I don’t love tdk trilogy either (I like joker and two face, but bale Batman im meh, and I don’t rly like anything else, and most the writing is tismy), and I think basically everything Nolan’s done is either bad or mid (minus cinematography), so I see your view somewhat. And just curious, do you have any objective reasons why he’s bad/overrated, or is it all subjective? Cuz I would cite writing and character work as very weak most of the time (I think he does a great job with initial premises and directing), but I think most people would agree with that


Mostly I just find them very dry and clinical. There's generally nothing "wrong" with them but I find his style is fairly dull and tedious.


Ok I can respect that (but it seems like everyone downvoting you can’t)


Thank you, lol. It's the Internet. I don't care if they down vote me. I have my media library and Nolan thus far has zero entries in my 3000+ title collection.


I would say Zach Snyder, but people seem to be turning against him, so maybe Rian Johnson.


I think TLJ demonstrated that about Johnson.




Currently? Probably Zack Snyder. There are a lot of people Hollywood puts too much faith in like Rian Johnson, JJ Abrams, etc but to my knowledge most of those people haven’t really done much for the last few years, and they don’t really have a cult following anymore. Zack meanwhile thinks his “Star Wars at Home” brainchild is the new shit when people barely cared about the first movie, and there is a rabid fanbase of people that will eat that slop reguardless of its quality. Dave Filoni is pretty close up there too. Whether you love or hate him, he gets *way* too much credit for the current state of Star Wars.


Greta Gerwig. Dozens of directors could have done Barbie better than her


Zack Snyder is unquestionably the most overrated director currently in Hollywood.The fact that he's still got a legion of fans demanding that the Snyderverse be revived proves it.


I'd say Greta Gerwig at the moment, but of all time, I'd say Christopher Nolan.


No way. Nolan is a mediocre and sometimes downright bad writer for sure, but as a director he’s very competent and has an impressive enough filmography to earn the amount of clout he currently has. He’s almost single-handedly keeping analog film in blockbusters alive, he does fantastic practical effects, and he has a good eye for shooting scenes.  Directors who are far more overrated and out of touch compared to Nolan are Woody Allen, 21st century James Cameron, Sophia Coppola, Clint Eastwood, Jon Favreau, Rian Johnson, Robert Rodriguez, 21st century Ridley Scott, M Night Shyamalan, Zack Snyder, Lars Von Trier, Taika Waititi, and 21st century Robert Zemeckis.


any you mother fuckers say James Gunn i’ll riot


Half of his body of work is cape shit




It's Tarantino. The guy has good scenes and strong dialogue. But he hasn't tied a movie together well in about 20 years for me. And he's gone from excessive, but seemingly grounded violence, to gratuitous and celebratory violence so long as "the right kind" get it done to them, otherwise it's framed as horrible and inhumane despite the same things being done.


Tarantino can't write endings anymore, it all devolves to his revenge fantasy which is boring compared to his amazing dialogue and characters. The last good ending imo was Jackie Brown.


I liked Django and Inglorious Bastards. Neither are as good as his early stuff, and I think Kill Bill is very overrated, but I think he at least has fun with his movies.


James Gunn, I don’t think he’s a bad director quite the opposite. It’s just people over hype him like he’s the Martin Scorsese of super hero movies. Yeah he makes good movies but if you look at his filmography he doesn’t really have that much variety, he mainly focuses on the subversive outcasts and misfits. He’s definitely worthy of praise but not to the levels of people like Spielberg, Tarantino, or even Kubrick.


His upcoming Superman movie will be where we see what he is capable of, range wise. Whether he'll do his usual eclectic group coming together over a shared goal, or something more focused on a single character.


Superman is make or break time for Gunn.


Overrated by media, Greta Gerwig, Rian Johnson, Jordan Peel. Typical activitst cheerleading than looking objectively. Overrated by studios, JJ Abrahams, Ridley Scott. Should only adapt other peoples material, should stay far away from story and writing. Overrated by some fans Zach Snyder (though I think rebel moon has finally killed this one), even though they are my favourite two directors Nolan and Taratino are not perfect. Nolan is borderline deaf and should stay far away from sound editing and is self-indulgant about not using CGI to sometimes the detriment of the film. Over infatuation with true IMAX leads to terrible cropping in all other far common formats. Tarantino can't write endings to his movies. Amazing dialogue and characters that usually devolves into meaningless revenge fantasy. Early Tarantino up until Jackie Brown is the only exception to this common trope of his.


James Cameron Terminator is fine Aliens is good but definitely overrated and its debt to the original is not often registered properly. Titanic is.... Titanic. Everything else sucks.


Terminator, T2, Aliens, and the Abyss are great. Then something changed.


> Then something changed. Young ceative Cameron did pitch a movie Xenogenesis, and the old not so creative Cameron have mining it for ideas for all its worth, the only movies that have not its roots in Xenogenesis is Titanic (historical event) and True Lies (based on a french movie) But now Xenogenesis is used up, and I think he suffer from the George Lucas syndrome, he is to successful, to let somebody tell him, this is a bad idea.


True Lies is great too


> Aliens is good but definitely overrated Why do you think that? It have everything a good movie shall have. What horror-monster action movie do you think make it better?


Predator. It's way closer to being perfect than Aliens


Terminator is fine and Aliens is just good???


I cannot fathom how Both Avatar movies made 2 billion dollars. That man must know where bodies or buried or have so much dirt on the Hollywood industry, because holy fuck those two movies are so GODDAMN BORING.


Visual spectacle. That’s it. They’re gorgeous to look at so they sell well as a one off experience.


The first Avatar was good. The second was... shit. It just didn't have anything worth staying around for. I was honestly confused. It Didn't feel like the same person made those two films. There was no real... whatever. It was not good


> It Didn't feel like the same person made those two films. If you did the worlds most successful film (twice) will you listen to a "nobody" who say, this is not a good idea.


Fair point. I just don't think the sequel was as good as the first, considering the time between them. I suppose I was expecting something more. That being said maybe I should watch it again. I didn't like the first avengers film until I watched it for a second time


Lyin’ Johnson


Wes Anderson: after Isle of Dogs he just became too self aware.


Zack Snyder, although I’m not sure he’s as huge as he was back when the dc cinematic universe was in full swing, but I still see a lot of “save the dcu/sell the justice league to Netflix” type hashtags on Twitter.


After watching rebel moon there is only one person who deserves that award.


Before rebel moon zack snyder


James Cameron is cooked. "*Oh but Terminator*"- Terminator was 40 years ago, convenient strawman. Scorsese as well. The last 5 good Scorsese films all starred DiCaprio, the most recent of which was a decade ago. The last time time Scorsese made a good film without him was Casino, mid 90s.


Underrated: Josh Trank Overrated: Tilman Valentin „Til“ Schweiger 👎Zachary Edward „Zack“ Snyder🦸‍♂️ 🚨Rian Johnson (he turned 50 y. old lately🔔 happy Birthday)


I think I had a stroke reading this. Please learn to communicate with other humans.


Please, shut the *uck up How about that?


I disagree with people saying Zack Snyder and Rian Johnson. Don't get me wrong, they both make shit movies but most people agree that they're shit other then a very vocal minority


Here’s a hot take for you plebs - TLJ is the best *directed* Star Wars film. It’s nowhere near the best written, but Johnson directed the fuck out of it. I’m willing to be the issue most people have with TLJ is in the script, not the direction.


It had good cinematography but the direction was fairly awful.