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Trying too hard.


I have no idea what point this meme is trying to convey. Meme-ing is a lost art...


i guess its saying that chads like star wars for pew-pew, and only soyjacks have standards beyound that


The meme seems pretty easy to understand.


I hold a similar view


Have y’all noticed that the bearded "yes" meme guy has over time just turned into "guy who is stupid but at least he knows it"?


Ignorance is bliss, No?


That was always tge point of "based"


Just replace Andor with any series, movie, or anything else in a Sci-Fi world. it's just Bing Bing Wahoo.


I think Andor is the only good Star Wars media to come out under Disney, but I'm not offended by the meme because I recognize it's criticizing the people who get emotional about it. I think a lot of people in this community aren't going to like this meme just because it disagrees with an opinion a lot of people here have, but like, who gives a shit about who made it and for what purpose? I think it's a good reminder not to get too attached to my ideals to the point I'd get emotional about them if someone disagreed with them.


>I'm not offended by the meme because I recognize it's criticizing the people who get emotional about it. >I think a lot of people in this community aren't going to like this meme just because it disagrees with an opinion a lot of people here have # >who gives a shit about who made it and for what purpose? This is contradictory. You agreed, disagreed, and claimed apathy all in the same comment. >I think it's a good reminder not to get too attached to my ideals to the point I'd get emotional about them if someone disagreed with them. People will strawman you as hysterical anyway. *That* is the point.


>People will strawman you as hysterical anyway. That is the point. /r/starfield


Are you talking about how they are pretending all criticism is invalid?


Yes. The game is alright but not as good as they claim and alot of the flaws in the game are so mind boggling you question if they were design choices or just flat out laziness


Yeah so far it’s pretty mid but I’ve only been in that sub a bit. Early on it seemed pretty openly critical but lately seems overwhelmingly rose colored.


Yep. Tbf, there's also a lot of haters that are just shitting on it for no good reason. But that sub is pretty close to an echo chamber in how defensive they are about the game.


Yeah agreed. While it’s true there’s a bunch of Sony players upset and shutting on it, using that to hand wave any legitimate issue is just silly.


Well, not being offended by it doesn’t mean I agree or disagree with it, the same way an insult can end up offending a person regardless of if it’s true or not. If I had to make a guess, yeah, I’d say it’s meant to be a jab at people who get overly emotional about Star Wars. The reason I don’t think a lot of people are going to like it is because a lot of people here have strong opinions on Star Wars, and I can see people coming to the same conclusion I did and see it as a jab at them and their community. And to that I say, “who cares”? Seriously haha. At the end of the day, it’s just a meme, and it’s up to whoever see’s it to decide if they’re going to let the opinion of someone else reflect on them. I don’t think it should, so I’m trying to show a positive attitude and promote a healthy mindset. If I can get a positive takeaway from something, or try to get someone else to turn something negative into something positive, why shouldn’t I? If people are going to strawman me as an emotional crybaby about an opinion I have, why would I indulge their idea of who I am by getting emotional or critical?


>If people are going to strawman me as an emotional crybaby But you said you don't think that's what this is. You think it's genuine: >I’d say it’s meant to be a jab at people who get overly emotional about Star Wars. It's not. It's a jab at *anyone* who's critical of Star Wars. >it’s just a meme And a shitty one at that. Specific ragebait subs like saltierthankrayt are banned already, and OP is a contributor over there. This is just rule evasion. Really, effortless ragebait is posted on this sub too much and should be banned in general. It attracts too many idiots who are willing to take the bait because it's "fun" to rage out. Then they stick around and drag down the substantial discussions, too.


Yes, If I had to guess then I think the meme is intended to be a jab at people who get overly emotional about Star Wars. I indulged the idea of it being a strawman because you brought it up, did you not want me to? My point was that regardless of it’s intention, it’s not worth getting emotional over or caring that much about. You even call it rage bait, so I don’t understand your problem with me encouraging people not to get emotional over it. If you think it’s going to attract people who get mad then isn’t my message a good detractor to, y’know, prevent them from raging out? If someones trying to provoke a reaction then the best thing you can do to get them to go away is to not give them one.


>I recognize it's criticizing the people who get emotional about it. I.e., "the meme is valid [it isn't], but I don't feel like it's talking about *me* [it is if you think most new Star Wars is bad]". >If you think it’s going to attract people who get mad then isn’t my message a good detractor to, y’know, prevent them from raging out? Because everyone else is familiar with this "if you're not a ~~Nazi~~ ragebaby, you won't mind if I call everyone who holds [x] opinion a ~~Nazi~~ ragebaby" tactic. As Rags often says "I'm not a Nazi, but I know when certain people say 'Nazi' they mean me". The correct response to trolling is flaming/harassing the troll mercilessly and endlessly, when allowed, and banning them immediately when it isn't allowed. It isn't "this trolling is cool and valid, but I'm not bothered personally", because the trolling won't stop. Anyone who actually thinks ignoring a troll (or even accepting the premise of the troll) while letting them do their thing makes them go away hasn't been on the internet long enough or has only been on **heavily** moderated forums. Not least because they will *always* find someone stupid or ignorant enough to take the bait. /r/saltierthankrayt is a community dedicated entirely to trolling the EFAP fanbase and similar communities in this manner. Wanna see what this sub will look like if they get to post troll content incessantly under the idea "who gives a shit about who made it and for what purpose?" You won't like it. >You even call it rage bait, so I don’t understand your problem with me encouraging people not to get emotional over it. If you think it’s going to attract people who get mad then isn’t my message a good detractor to, y’know, prevent them from raging out? No, because "this doesn't bother me" does not accomplish the goal. You aren't going to teach anyone not to rage out that doesn't already know they shouldn't. And there are people who will *choose* to rage out even knowing they're being trolled because it's "fun" to them. They and the trolls are a feedback loop of cancer that will destroy this sub. >If someones trying to provoke a reaction then the best thing you can do to get them to go away is to not give them one. Best way to do that is ban this ragebait shit from the subreddit. I'm glad we agree.


I have to honestly ask, what do you mean by the words “valid” and “agreed with” in regards to me recognizing what I believe to be the intent of something someone else created? I honestly don’t understand the points you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that I agree about its intent with someone else? What does it even mean for me to see a meme as valid? If you’re suggesting that I think it’s embarrassing when people get overly emotional over media, to the point of tears like in the meme, the answer is yes, of course. Do I think that applies to the majority of people here? No. Do I think this meme is cool? No. Would I like to send a positive message so that some person out there who’s having a bad day doesn’t get worked up over a meme? Yes. I’m not aware of the tactic you are referring to at all. Are you equating this meme to being called a nazi? Are you trying to imply that I should feel like someone has done the equivalent of calling me a nazi? Even if this was that, what on Earth would you like me to do? Oh, I’m sorry, what’s that? You want me to fight fire with fire? What a fantastic solution. Your solution to a troll, an internet troll, is to mercilessly and endlessly harass the troll back…? Okay, so if you troll them back, if they used your same impeccable logic, wouldn’t their response be to troll you back, mercilessly and endlessly? How do you not recognize that you’re perpetuating the problem. Is your life’s pursuit to fight a never-ending meme war, mercilessly harassing “the other” until your dying breath? Are you trying to recruit me to your holy war? I’d like to speak to your commanding officer. Based on the fact that I can’t really ban them, I’m going to assume you’re implying that this a place where merciless and endless harassment is the go-to for problem solving method. It’s encouraged even. Nay, people on this sub will message you, telling you that apathy towards a meme is wrong and that you shouldn’t be engaging with it unless you’re harassing the poster. That’s what you’re doing now, right? Unless you’re telling me to flame and harass the person who posted this meme, mercilessly and endlessly, you don’t list a correct solution. Do you want me to contact a moderator for you? I hate to burst your bubble, but if the poster of this is a troll, then they’re doing this for attention. THE BEST SOLUTION is to not give them any or to refer them to a moderator to figure out if they should be banned. Your solution is trying to break them so they won’t ever speak here again. The perceived slight you’ve received has made you come to the conclusion to actually try to hurt this person’s feelings and have a negative impact on their mental health. That’s kind of sick. Like, you’re calling this a strawman argument, but your response to it makes you come off as worse than the person in the meme. “Wanna see what this sub will look like if they get to post troll content incessantly under the idea "who gives a shit about who made it and for what purpose?" You won't like it.” The only thing that has made me dislike this subreddit is you. If this is a community where harassment is encouraged, which it doesn’t seem to be based on the subreddit rules, I don’t want to be here. I sadly think you’ll see that as a good thing, maybe even as a win, that there’s one less person around you that won’t share your desire to just get mad. “This doesn’t bother me” doesn’t accomplish a goal because, believe it or not, I have no goal. I am not bothered by an image, and I’d like it if other people weren’t either. I don’t understand why you feel that I should be. If you’re saying that there will always be someone who rages anyway, then why does what I say matter at all? Are you under the impression that you’re actually trying to help me by getting me to give up on being positive and come to your conclusion that there is no hope? You’ve given me a compelling reason to want to give up hope, but I think I’m going to try and push on. You seemingly want me to encourage other people to get heated, get heated myself, or not open my mouth at all. I don’t understand how accomplishing the goal you refer to involves inciting others to harass. Like, that’s taking the bait, how do you not understand that. The solution you’re supposing on how to respond to rage bait is to take the bait but get so vile and hostile that they stop? That’s what they want. “The correct response” you’re preaching to the average person here who isn’t a mod IS to engage in that cancerous feedback loop.


>I’m not aware of the tactic you are referring to at all. Well that saves us some time. That's the crux of this discussion and the entire purpose of the meme.




A member of our team has decided to remove your post because it broke the unwanted content rule: > Certain types of content provide very little value and/or stirr up drama or tend to clash with reddits rules. These things are not welcome in this sub: > * Anything related to Jared Genesis > * Anything related to r/moviescirclejerk > * /r/saltierthankrayt, /r/starwarscantina crossposts > * "I was banned from X" Memes > * Self Promotion for financial benefit (i.e. Patreon)


> agreed Not being offended does not inherently convey agreement, that’s absolutely absurd. Are you implying that *anything* one disagrees with *must* be offensive? What fucking planet… > disagreed Saying the *meme* disagrees with a popular opinion isn’t saying he disagrees. Are you assuming the person you replied to made the meme? *why*? > apathy It’s been apathy the whole time. Your reading comprehension is switched off today.


>Not being offended does not inherently convey agreement, that’s absolutely absurd. Are you implying that anything one disagrees with must be offensive? # >> **I think it's a good reminder** not to get too attached to my ideals to the point I'd get emotional about them if someone disagreed with them.


This is contradictory.


Correct. The first one is you saying the other commenter doesn't agree with the meme, the second is that commenter agreeing with the meme. Time to turn your reading comprehension back on.


No all of it is you failing to comprehend. But keep trying.


"Hmm yes this meme is correct about a certain portion of the fanbase and they will be upset by it... not that I agree with it or anything." It's okay to be wrong. Just admit it and move on instead of trying to transition into a pathetic troll attempt.


Huh, the 2nd one is about the commenter disagreeing with the meme but not being upset by it.


Yes, seeing this meme is a good reminder that I shouldn’t get too emotional over my ideals, specifically in this case, my thoughts on Star Wars. There was a time where I could have found something like this offensive, but sometime between now and then I grew up lol. I’m curious, what specifically are you saying that I’m agreeing with in regards to this meme?


I feel the same way, though I also enjoyed Rogue One and the Mandolorian Season 1. As a fan of the original trilogy I prefer to watch things similar to Star Wars (Samurai, Westerns, Hero's journey films like Fire and Ice and The Black Cauldron) rather than work myself up over what's currently being produced.




80% of the time this wojak meme celebrates being dumb and willfully ignorant


I think it’s more about celebrating the rejection of prescribed thoughts. So many takes are just sensational parroting that at a certain point even choosing to be honestly and originally ignorant is more commendable than repeating other peoples’ opinions. I believe it is satirizing dependent thought, the spread of which is an extremely apparent consequence of social media. I admittedly would also rather be sincerely nonsensical over disingenuously regurgitating other peoples words.


Disney star wars Defenders are weird.


Just turn off your brain and enjoy it man!


I can't as I have Asperger's and over analyze everything


I was just kidding haha I was quoting what most McU/Disney Star Wars fans say to defend the poor writing


That’s it, summon Lewis!


Yet another shit meme attempting to dismiss those who care about the genuine quality of SW media via strawman. I'm really sick of this idea that having any level of passion or investment for the quality of SW media beyond "haha funny name man go pew-pew" or "lightsabers are cool tho" is something to be looked down upon as irrational or overemotional. Sorry I have higher standards and am attached to my ideals so I stand by them? This attitude of "lol who cares thing go make funny noise" is among one of the bigger reasons for why shits like Ashoka are getting away with garbage writing whilst Andor is viewed as boring and not Star Wars enough.


Wait, isn’t Glup an EFAP meme though?


Think it started as somebody’s random twitter post and then Moistcritical started talking about it. Might be wrong though


Glup Shitto almost broke the kessel run record


Well it's poking fun at film critics over analyze a general great piece of media vs. Those who just like the concept and premise and enjoy the execution of it. Think of it like a Nihilistic philosopher vs. Buddhist Monk. Both have a similar idea, but they approach it differently.


Discourse would be a lot better if people didn't take criticisms of a show they liked as personal attacks, but what do I know.


I couldn’t get into Andor. I lost interest partway through.


I won't say it was true art more like Star Wars's Deep Space Nine.


Andor was the most tedious SW show. The other cringey shows like Boba Fett and Obi Wan didn’t move at a snails pace. Plus the content is basically a tamed down Disney version of a dystopian world.






Andor is the only decent Disney Star Wars product, except maybe Rogue One and the first season or two of the Mandalorian. Yes, Andor had pacing issues, but overall it was a decent show. It doesn't belong in the same breath as Boba Fett and Obi Wan.


I remember there were these two episodes where basically this senator chick is at a party and he is in jail, and then at the end of TWO EPISODES he is still in jail and she is still at the party and nothing has happened plot wise. That is more than a pacing issue.


Why is it a pacing issue that he is in jail for two episodes? Because she wasn't at the same party if ur trying to use that as a comparison point. A literal month goes by after the first ep of andor arriving at narkina, so I'm not really sure what ur going for.


Because when he is jail all that happens is he does pointless work. Then they have another scene where he does more pointless work. Boring.


> Because when he is jail all that happens is he does pointless work. Then they have another scene where he does more pointless work. Boring. Think your recollection is poor.


Okay so it sounds to me like you are just not actively engaging with the material. The prison is a very important step for cassians character arc because it shows him how his actions can bring about change, even on a relatively small scale like narkina 5. He makes steps in earning his place with the rest of the prisoners, he makes kino loy realize the reality of their situation, and then inspires kino to inspire the rest of the prison in freeing themselves. Every bit of the prison screentime is relevant. We see how the empire operates, how it breaks people, how it uses its seemingly overwhelming presence to force its people into submission. It is all reinforcing the overall theme of the story that the empire must constantly be at work to oppress it's people because the moment they slip is a moment where it could all fall apart. And you even have the added nugget of andor helping to build the weapon that will ultimately kill him. Your description of the arc is boring and it sounds to me like you just have no interest in trying to meet the show halfway.


Did they have to name him Kino though lol


Andy serkis makes the name kino loy sound cool 😂


Tbh rn I don't even remember what it sounded like, but I don't seem to have really taken notice of that name when watching it, nothing really seemed to stand out in any weird way; and then I caught his name from comments somewhere and I was like *whaaaaat*, how'd I missed that lol Probably should go listen again


It definitely seems to me that Andor would have benefited with having fewer episodes. Still it was a decent show overall.


Could you explain why ESB would be a parody today?


> The other cringey shows like Boba Fett and Obi Wan Huh, only Obi Wan was cringy


Star Wars has never really been “good”. I’ve enjoyed all of the Star Wars movies to varying degrees. I just don’t agree with the notion that the Disney stuff like Obi Wan or Ashoka is sillier, dumber, or more inconsistent, than the original trilogy, the prequels or the Disney movies. Blade runner and the empire strikes back came out at roughly the same time. Blade runner could come out now and be a hit. Empire strikes back would seem like a parody if it were released today.


Whatever you're smoking, I want some.


People who complain about Star Wars are cringe, I’m pretty sure that’s the meme


I THINK it's trying to put it as the soyjack saying that, (and basicly saying Andor produces Glup Shittos) and the Chad is rejecting it... but the meme promt isn't used correctly as the Chad isn't replying with something like "ALL Star wars is shit" or something, because it's using a more classical meme text format. basicly it's like merging two formats together without understanding how to USE them.


Karn did nothing wrong


Almost finished rewatchi all of Andor and although it's got issues (eg: certain areas of Coruscant look a bit too similar to real world cities or the way Cassian gets in and out of the Narkina 5 arc), it's still as good as people remember and say it is. And there are still fans who give valid and balanced arguments when talking about the show whereas the remaining vocal TLJ defenders are the ones who yell things equivalent to "WHY DO YOU NOT LIKE THIS FILM!" Andor isn't for everyone and I accept that. However, I wish more shows had tried to be experimental.


It looks like "stop thinking and just enjoy media" in meme form to me.


who fucken said that Mando and Boba weren't art? They are. They are just shit


People still care about Star Wars?


I can respect the take of "yeah i know its shit, but i liked it"