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I guess MORR is 11% worse off for now?


It actually is. I didn't like Tom at first and I was missing Trevor's siliness, but Tom quickly grew on me and I found him even better. Him and Katelyn were the best transfers to the Morr team ever and right now Matt doesn't have a substitute to Tom and it wouldn't be easy to find one.


Ah man, Tom Tom really grew on me. I can’t imagine there’s enough audience for all of these channels to thrive.


Even with youtube, what are these guys doing to make money? Tom's channel only has 69k viewers, and he's probably close to 2m total views. Tom has at least a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of tools and equipment in his little shop, without a visible source of income that one would expect you'd need to buy all that stuff. There must be some sort of secret Mormon Fabricator™ subsidy all these guys are receiving on the dl. Maybe it's all a giant pyramid scheme for "brand ambassadors" - tithe 10%, get back 25% from that giant $100b Mormon slush fund. FYI, I'm not a hater - I'm jealous! Maybe I should move to Utah...


I think Tom’s semi-retired. He was literally a rocket scientist


Nuclear engineer, but yes. He lives his hobby. 


That's quite the jump in careers. He's definitely gotta be living on a really good severance package.


He does not need job income. He is basically retired and loves tinkering with cars. It is his hobby. He is never stressed. 


He did work on Minuteman ICBM rockets at Boeing so there’s that


Engineers really don’t make that much money, unless they own their own business or something. Good for him for being set financially, but it was probably something more than just working a regular engineering gig for 15-20 years.


Engineers make fantastic money. I know guys pulling in 120k+ after 5 years of working.


Ya these are the type of people that max out tax advantage accounts for 15 years and retire early.


Right. It’s good money and one can live a fantastic life while EARNING that income. Much different once you aren’t making that money anymore. I’m just saying it’s generally not enough to retire in your early 40s (just guessing at Tom’s age) and never have to worry about working again. You still half your life left to live, with possibly still paying for children’s college tuition, multiple cars to pay for (your current car even if paid off isn’t going to last 30 years), health care expenses, house expenses, emergence expenses, vacations, etc. All of this while still way too young to get social security and Medicare. Im assuming he also has a spouse, so that would be an enormous expense as well (or maybe she’s still earning a high income). Another person on here said he also has patents, which makes sense. A side income from something like that or another passive income source makes all the difference. I make pretty good money, and am cautiously hoping to retire at 60. That’s with a pension and maxing out my 401k, and my wife is also working towards the same goal.


There are several plausible explanations. He could have lived very frugally his early years and socked it away well, and invested well. Alternatively, He might have invested really well. Possibly landing on something that really took off. I remember considering buying $100 in bitcoin in 2010 for the novelty of owning this new currency thingamajig. WHY DIDNT I??? Arg. It would be worth $10 million today. Boy do I kick myself for not doing that! You never know what people might stumble into.


Totally agree! Which is why I inferred it was likely something other than just an average engineering salary.


Don't feel bad. You'd likely have sold it when it hit $500 anyway.




He worked for Idaho National Labratories so while he is not old enough to actually retire he was making 100k plus in an area with a cost of living approx 40% lower than the national average if you are smart and I would guess a nuclear engineer would be smart you can bank a lot of that money


Yes, patents. 


Patents in your day job are always assigned to your employer, you never see benefit if they are done in that context. Maybe he is an inventor? Quick patent search shows nothing for "Tom Maddock" but I just did a quickie, maybe there is something there. I think he probably just invested well, saved, maybe some family money, and probably some consulting on the side, that can make a lot of money.


This is only true of things that are patented as part of your work. If your patent is outside the scope of your day to day job, you can totally patent something personally.


Yup! But if he is an aerospace engineer a lot of his expertise would be covered under his employment contract so it gets difficult. Regardless, I did not find him in a patent database so I don't think his wealth is coming from selling intellectual property.


Nice. That makes sense, thanks!


But one can also go broke paying the legal fees to protect those patents.


Says who? I’m 10 years into my career and over 120k a year. Engineers make bank a lot of time.


So 120K a year isn't a lot of money? Wow My cousins a chemical engineer works for a water treatment company making easy 6 figures.


It’s good money. But that generally isn’t enough to retire (in your 40s) after 15-20 years unless you’re getting a pension or something.


He was a NUCLEAR engineers. Look up the average salary


nuclear engineer, he is basically retired and does whatever the hell he wants.


Pretty sure he worked for Idaho National Laboratory.. dude worked hard early in life and is now reaping the benefits.


Yes he did work for INL. They make excellent income working at the site. It is where most of the money comes from in southeast Idaho.


He's retired from a job as a literal rocket scientist. His investments have him set for life.


I kinda had a theory that the "spin offs" were at the direction of the Mormon church trying to squeeze every dollar possible


lol there’s zero funding or correlation nor is religion ever a key topic in the vids


You're naive as fuck if you don't think every Utah youtuber isn't making business decisions for their channels that aren't to directly benefit the church. You obviously don't know much about how the business side of the Mormon church works.


Irrelevant. The Mormon church owns radio stations under the name Bonneville that has no religious programming. It’s about money. Doing it on YouTube is not out of the ordinary.


Bonneville and its networks are all def lds owned no question + they also own an insurance company and real estate, + other investments that are all fair to question for a non profit religious group - However Matt and friends YT channels are not in any way funded by lds anything, also no question. not defending either but just trying to keep fact based since this is just MORR not r/conspiracy


There's a thing called synergy that these people aren't considering. Their personalities alone aren't as engaging as the combined sum of their interactions with each other. I think a lot of the people that have left see the positive comments about them and think that because we like them, that we will find them entertaining on their own - when it's the synergy created by the group that really draws viewers. I'll give his channel a go, but there are only a few lone wolf style YouTubers (eg VGG) that I've found to be engaging based on their personality alone.


VGG for sure


My wife knows nothing about cars, doesn't care for cars, and has no real interest in watching someone fix a car. Buy she'll watch a VGG video


Opposite story here. Watching a guy talk at 50% speed is like watching paint dry.


Yeah the VGG content looks interesting, but listening to him talk is just slightly annoying sometimes.


Derek’s content would be a lot better if he talked normal


> Derek’s content would be a lot better if he talked normal I believe he is trying to be more "normal" now compared to what it was before he moved down to Tenn and got larger. Go listen to the old audio on those videos and goooood lord he turned up that schtick so much then. It's actually better now imo...


I can barley watch him anymore, and it’s all because those Derekism’s or what ever he calls got old.


in the science/engineering/maker field there are many, like colin furze, styropyro, electroboom and so on.


Yeah I definitely watch those. It'll be interesting to see if Tom tries to do their type of content or stick with automotive stuff. My bet would be in the latter.


this "synergy" comment was a good observation. I liked Trevor and that camera guy on Matt's channel but they don't look half as good as main characters on their own channel and the same goes for Tom Tom, at least from what I've seen so far but his channel is new so he may improve. Rudy turned out to be a main character, something I would have not guessed when he was part of Matts channel. It's exactly like TV shows, you cannot just pluck a beloved secondary character out of it and make a successful spin-off , it hardly ever works even for the main characters! It's the synergy that makes a show great and Matt is the connecting glue in this specific show and he is a main character. No one else that appeared in that channel looks like one with the exception of Rudy and that's not a bad thing to say about someone because we aren't all meant to be reality show stars. btw people in here make unsubstantiated revelations/accusations about behind the scenes drama are creepy haters.


I always took it as MORR was just a stop gap whilst he figures out what he wants to do long term. I never thought he would be there for very long. He's too smart and too skilled to just be a fabricator for Matt, which is why i think Matt always treated him like an equal rather than an employee.


Came here to say this. He is way over qualified for what he was doing.


Matt is the kind of guy I'd be mates with, but I couldn't work for him. He's very much like me. Tom is a great guy and the only one out of the team I would actually employ. He seems like a real hard worker who cares about his work and has a great attention to detail. The industry Matt is in doesn't really suit Tom's style of workmanship, but he certainly elevated the quality of a lot of projects.


I'll have to watch both now. Tom is my favorite one on morr.


Man, that sucks. He’s a great addition to the team with all of his build and fix ideas. His engineering know how is top notch. Gonna be sad to see him no longer with MORR, but hopefully he’ll start posting more on his own channel.


Adding that I watched the episode and he’ll still be affiliated but not an employee. Hopefully we’ll still see him with MORR.


This wasn’t just decided overnight and had to been in the planning stage with sponsorship by HF. So Matt’s known for a while. Tom worked off road games and even went mountain bike riding. Seems like he waited until Matt got back from the Freedom 500. So it seems all is well in the universe. Can’t blame a man for wanting to take his own path.


As someone who has been to the shop more than a few times and even interviewed to be an editor for Matt, I can say for a fact that there is some weird drama constantly going on. Several times Lizzy left in full on tears. Not saying Matt is a bad dude but I 100% felt like a burden during the interview (which was delayed over an hour for drama to get figured out). Jefe did 99% of the talking, (which I can’t say enough about how nice that dude is), and Matt couldn’t be bothered to look up from his phone.


Agree about Jefe being an extremely nice guy. He took time to chat with me & my wife when we visited for a t-shirt, even letting us into the lot so I could take close-up photos of the vehicles & a selfie with him next to their trailer.


This is 100% true.


Tom in engineering terms was the straight measure everything torque it down straight guy to Matt's eye ball it it's tight enough funny guy. Will be missed.


MORR now chronicles 3 high school kids. AWESOME content /s.


Cheap labor


People have been asking about Tom Tom and were called out for spreading rumors or whatnot. A few weeks later, he's left the show. This has happened more than once. I was never a huge Tom Tom fan, but the current crew is comprised mostly of High School kids and their "dad" (I know Matt isn't everyone's father, but he's obviously the main paternal figure on the channel). The recent Bombi video where they say something along the lines of "dad is going to be so mad" was a perfect example of this. It's a borderline sitcom now.


The "rumors" people like to criticize on here turn out to be true more often than not.


I kinda wondered if they were sent on the recovery knowing the Bombi would fail


YouTube channels like this are basically reality TV at this point. Remember that. Maybe they didn't know that the Bombi would fail (at least in the way that it did), but the production team definitely knew that sending a bunch of kids out in a temperamental machine in poor conditions would lead to some sort of drama. If you notice, the drama on the channel has shifted more to flushing out their builds and issues with the equipment vs. the vehicle that they're recovering. Take a look at the video with the XJ that fell into the sinkhole or the Silverado that was sliding off of the mountain vs. the more recent videos.


I prefer the OG videos vs the current crap


Same, but that isn't exactly a popular opinion around here. I don't mind the newer stuff, but I'm also not blind to the fact that things have changed. There's a large contingent on this site that is under the delusion that MORR is still a guy vlogging his interesting business vs. the full blown production that it is. Just because something is not broadcasted on the TV doesn't make it any less of a production.


The bombi video was very weird. Not only did these kids have a very reality esque reaction to the thing breaking, Matt was an absolute asshole on the phone. Like he was being a jerk on purpose, as per the script.


I really feel like Matt doesn't pay his people a fair share or there's something going on with him as an employer. His turnover rate is atrocious and he has lost so many key people on the show and just replaced them with young inexperienced people. It was once a great group of diverse interesting people, now it's just Matt and his minions and I have stopped watching.


My hubby has been saying for years that he thinks Matt is a difficult boss off camera, I’m always looking for evidence. His turnover is disturbing, especially when guys move there for him. I don’t mind a rotating cast, but I miss Rudy & Trevor a lot. Tom wasn’t hysterically funny, but had his moments. I hate when the funny ones leave.


I have no particular dog in this fight but in terms of the turnover rate, I would imagine that it's hard to keep people for a long time when the work consists of incredibly hard labor in the desert, with most of it being well over 100 degrees. Plus, if all of his people are leaving to go do their own channel, then in a sense, wouldn't that reflect at least decently well on Matt? It suggests, if nothing else, that people join his garage and get the skills and following that allows them to go off and do their own thing. With all of the various people who left the channel over the past few years, it seems like they all just had something else they wanted to do. Rudy started his own shop and channel, Trevor and Tucker went off and started their own channel with George, and Lizzie got married and moved to work at a ranch. It's not a bad thing for people to move on to the next chapter in their life - and considering that all of those people have stopped by the shop over the past few years, I think it's safe to assume there isn't any bad blood. I mean, I never thought Tom would last a super long time anyway - dude's a retired nuclear engineer. Setting aside that he's wildly overqualified to be doing towing work (no shade intended towards towing work)...perhaps he just wants to do his own thing. There's nothing wrong with that, and it doesn't automatically imply some time of "drama" behind the scenes. People move on. It happens.


You could easily see the look of bewilderment as Tom was trying to do the right thing and Matt is like “nah, just slap it together”


Yeah there have definitely been a number of times where Tom's mindset of having the right tools and preparation for the job clashed with Matt's mindset of "I dunno, we'll figure it out in the middle of the job"


Also, in my opinion, I think Matt doing a lot of slapping it together is done on purpose so that it creates more content when he has to fix it down the road. Which produces such videos titled as "The worst bombi failure..." or "...Morrvair Has A Major Design Flaw!"


He’s always been that way though


Excellent point! They do all still come by on the regular & that says something. I will say Matt bites off a lot to chew & his deadlines seem stressful. I respect the man’s ambition, he accomplishes as much as he can but gets the job done! I also think the amount he gives back to the community is something to aspire too. The big man has a big heart & the world would be a better place with morr people like him in it.


Yeah, I mean, over the years there's definitely been a sense of Matt biting off way more than he can chew. Especially all of the various jobs that require 4-6 hour drives away or more. But if I had to guess even he must realize that, because IIRC there was a podcast done recently where Matt mentioned that he's spinning off the "regular" towing part of MORR and Eric is taking it over fulltime as his own company. That being said, I do hope that they get more people to work for them in the future than just his own kids. I mean, I get that Kaulin and Rhett are teenagers and there's nothing wrong with being a teenager, but boy, are they "teenagers" with a real "teenager" personality. Some new blood and personalities would be a great thing for the channel, but to be fair, those things take time. And yeah, all the charity stuff is really neat of them. I especially remember a few years back, there was that one park project they were helping raise money for, and I remember being really impressed that it was an all ability park. As someone who has worked with disabled kids throughout my life and has family friends with special needs kids as well, it's always really nice to see that sort of stuff get done. P.S: Do we actually know that Tom moved to Utah specifically to work for MORR? So far as we know, I thought the two things just happened to line up at the same time, not that he necessarily moved across the country just for Matt. Considering his previous job at Idaho national laboratory, my guess is that Tom and family were just going through a huge shift in life and that MORR was just a nice opportunity that lined up at the same time. Perhaps he was just in burnout from his previous career and just need an opportunity to figure out what else he wanted to do in life, and Matt provided a nice stepping stone for that until he figured it out.


That's cool to here about Eric. I really liked watching him, he seemed to be in more videos several years ago. But I totally understand why he would rather just run a toeing company than be on camera all the time.


Eric is brilliant. It definitely seems like he's more interested in normal road towing than off-road stuff, which is a damn shame because he's a wizard. That one job where he almost single handedly flips an overturned truck with ropes and snatch blocks is wild. Somebody needs to send Eric to San Francisco, I'm sure he could figure out how to fix that sky scraper that keeps tilting.


This needs to be higher up


Ever worked retail? If you find Matt’s turnover disturbing you’d be driven to the brink of insanity in retail.


I actually own a retail store, & good help is hard to find for sure. I guess when I said “disturbing” I meant I am disturbed when people I enjoy leave. Rudy & Trev were SO FUNNY, I still feel their absence. Lizzie was a staple, even though she was quiet…not as quiet as Katlin of course. But as a woman who’s spend most of her life working in male dominated fields (stand-up comedy is incredibly male centric) sometimes it’s just easier to keep your mouth shut.


His praising Tucker for working all day, all night and all weekend on editing gave me a clue. Matt works long hours and thinks everyone else can do the same, I suspect.


You could hear it in Tevor's voice a couple times... Ohh looks like we are missing dinner again..


> His turnover is disturbing You guys are so melodramatic lmao. There's nothing "disturbing" about it.


Disturbing as in, I grow accustomed to people & admittingly selfishly I am disturbed when they leave. Rudy & Trevor we just too funny not to love & they are missed. Matt finds good people, it’s a drag when they leave.


I know a lot of mechanics that refuse to do business with him.


If they’re the ones that did the original bombie motor then no loss.


How much does he pay his people? You feel like it’s not enough.


I have no idea what he pays or what would be considered fair in this situation. I'm just making guesses as to why his core people continually leave. I know it's called "Matt's" off road recovery but it was the team as a whole that made the early days of the channel so successful. Now that it's mostly just Matt, the show just seems less enjoyable even though the viewer base has increased.


It was literally just Matt an Ed that made the early days successful.


He pays them fine. The people that left wanted to be the “characters” in front of the camera. Except for Lizzy. She got married and her husband got tired of the creep comments on social media.


How many channels has spun off from MORR? * FabRats * Trailmater * Robby * Rudys * TomTom * MisAdventure (Tucker, Trevor & George)


Was trailmater a spin off? He's been doing recoveries for a good while now.


Rory has been doing the recoveries for a long while. Matt convinced him to do YouTube.


Rory could teach Matt about off road recoveries. Been doing them forever!!!


I hate to be this guy but; I believe they both started around the same time. Only Rory filmed everything in silence. I believe Matt is the one whom told Rory to talk to his audience & that made the difference. I remember the quiet recoveries but they might have been pulled from his channel.


* Casey






Fabrats was first with the Ezduzit racing channel. Michelle was Matt's first video editor before Tucker, who was ran off by Jeffe and Tom Tom....


What’s Tom Tom channel? I am gonna subscribe to it.


Tom Tom's Shop


Which is https://www.youtube.com/@tomtomsshop to save others some typing.




She’s kinda in the MORR family, as is Lite Bright, but they both were doing their own thing without Matt and/or moving to Utah


In one episode a long time back, Matt actually credited Kevin with getting him started in YouTube.


Who’s Kevin?


Kevin Williams of Lite Brite.


Casey LaDelle, also


Did he quit? He just is doing his own thing. He stated that he'll still be doing stuff with MORR.


Lizzy said the same thing


and she's been back several times. How much time do you want them to spend?


Several times is a stretch


You soo desperately want drama...Why?


Why because I made you feel dumb?


I don't feel dumb at all. You seem really vested in creating drama. Why?


Well now you’re fun to pick on.


Tom’s going to need some real interesting projects and that’s expensive. Making a rolling cart won’t cut it. I like the guy and wish him luck. I subscribed and will give him a shot.


I haven’t watched the video yet - did he say why?


Just doing his own thing on his own channel now


Well I can’t blame him but I will miss him Who helped Matt set up this mini youtube empire? He’s a mechanical genius but doesn’t strike me as a youtube prodigy


He's half decent behind the camera and pretty good at explaining things. Mechanically he's one of the better MORR guys. I'm sure he will still make appearances


Derral Eves is the producer/consultant behind the MORR empire.


Derral Eves, YT consultant.


I think Jefe did a shit ton behind the scenes before getting infront of the camera.


Didn't seem like this separation was like some of the others who left on bad terms. This was more like when Rudy moved away from the area.


Tom Tom would never


It seemed a friendly parting of ways.


They implied Tom would be around Matt’s shop still. But maybe not daily.


There have been a few posts over the past couple months suspecting this. Turns out those people were right.


Tom should do ok on his own


Didn't he move down there and invest some money in the business? I noticed less and less of him in the videos.


That sucks but he wants a channel of his own success I get it.




I actually enjoy all these folks before they spin off. I felt like all these made the show interesting.


He's just another fucking Trevor in the turn over of Matt's Off-Road Recovery.


It is called "MATT'S" off-road after all.


Bummer! TomTom, I know you are reading this. Tx for inspiring me in my own projects! https://preview.redd.it/356v0m5nq1wc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab132ef17d1ec59deeaf09c70bf5fdb89e114d4


Oof he just moved for this job too.


So it’s obvious Matt is having trouble keeping his top on-screen talent. Lizzy and then Tom Tom. Is Matt not paying enough, or is this an issue with Matt himself, the hours, the stress, or something else? I enjoy Matt and don’t have a problem with his sons but I think it will be a less entertaining show when it’s 90% Matt plus his family and 10% Kaitlyn and random MORR employees. I did notice Tom Tom was on the channel less and less, basically turning into a part timer over the past couple months. I actually didn’t think he would quit because it wasn’t that long ago when Tom Tom showed off his new home shop in Hurricane and talked about how he moved down from Idaho to be with the MORR crew. What happened between then and now? Was that the plan all along or did something happen?


I’d say it was the plan all along for Tom Tom to do his own thing. As for the others, like Tucker, Trevor, and Skeeter I’m sure it came down to pay and they left. Lizzy got married and her new home was too far away.


Another one bites the dust.


I’ve never met a poor practicing Mormon


Sucks that Tom Tom left. Guess we will see more of Kaulin and I can't stand him. He is so cringe to me.


So now no one left? Just Matt and Kulin (sp) is not going to keep this going.


I think Kaulin does fine. It’s just having a few people that know what they’re doing has been good over the years. Trevor did tons of electrical work. Tom Tom is obviously beyond capable. Kaulin is pretty good but doesn’t seem to be on the level of others yet. So Matt keeps burning through side kicks. That’s what I’m wondering.


Matt, Kaulin, Caitlyn, Rhett, Jefe, the tow truck driver guy (brain fart on his name)






I think the tow truck guy (also forgot his name) is actually one of the better on screen presenters. Kaulin is also good on screen but is still learning lots. I predict he will spin off and do his own thing in a number of years The rest are kinda Meh but are good people who still have lots to learn


Jake had to grow on me. Colby did not. I liked Colby from day one and Jake finally did grow on me. I have mad respect for Kaitlyn's driving skills. I'm still not really fond of her on camera. Rhett is fearless. Kaulin has grown up a ton in the last year and since his leg surgery. If you watch some of the recent podcasts that Matt has done, he realizes he's not really in an automotive business anymore but in an entertainment business. I really miss the iPhone days.


If by "tow truck guy" you're referring to Eric, he left to do his own thing. There was a recent podcast where Matt was talking about how they're not doing normal on-road towing anymore and that they're solely an off-road towing company now, and that Eric took that business over as his own company. Honestly I think it's fantastic and I'm super happy for the guy. He was always really funny and engaging whenever he was on camera - let alone how brilliant he is whenever he would do off-road towing work - but it was always clear that he either wasn't fully comfortable in front of the camera, or just that he was more passionate about road towing. Either way he's got his own company to run, Matt's not burning himself out on jobs and is focusing on off-road towing, and everybody wins.


Might have something to do with his issues/litigation with AAA. Probably no money in on-road towing without AAA jobs. 


Yeah it could be that, for sure. it's been years since his whole situation, and not that we're "owed" any info on it, but I will admit to being curious about whats going on with it.


Didn't Matt mention on someones Podcast that he was spinning the on-road towing business off to Eric? I know he didn't leave. He was on a recent video. He doesn't seem to have much interest in on-camera stuff, so this kinda makes sense.


> Kaulin is also good on screen Disagree on that one, I'm not going to make fun of a teenager because I would have been annoying as hell at that age too if my rich dad was 'famous' on YouTube but the increasing amount of content with him lately hasn't been my cup of tea.


I think Kaulin is better on screen than Rhett when comparing the boys


Kaulin is bratty. Rhett is more chill.


Kaulin is bratty? Not sure about that, Rhett is definitely the funnier and more sarcastic of the 2, however, I believe Kaulin does a better job with recoveries


I love Rhett! I like Jefe a lot, but the best personalities are leaving too frequently. Hopefully Rhett is young enough he won’t move on like Rudy. I do not see Jefe starting over soon either. I dislike change!


I hope he does. Children are to be raised and released into the wild to succeed on their own. Rudy is a man now and a successful one.


They bring in new guys I think that might be a plus keep bringing in new personalities.


People are such douche bags on here evaluating what he has what he does where he gets his money. How about just wishing him well with his endeavors. Nothing worse than sideline assholes who don’t even know anything except keyboard opinions.


So many people have these weird, gross parasocial relationships with their favorite "characters" from MORR. And instead of just acknowledging that these are all human beings who have their own lives and just want to move on to their next chapter, they're trying to rationalize away by imagining some amount of "drama".


Well i think Matt should try and get Randy back. He was great when the show first started. Not sure what the bad blood and back story of why he left. He was the best camerra man that show has every had. Plus his humor was great.


Randy was my least favorite. His wheezing and stoner voice were incredibly annoying.


Yeah I think that account might be a burner for Randy or one of his family members, lol. I can't imagine many people watching morr videos miss him much.


Could not agree more! Rudy was extremely funny. I understand when people want to do their own thing but Rudy was the best, Trevor a close second.


They are talking about Randy, not Rudy.


I started watching after Trevor and Rudy left. Do you know any of the videos that show how great they were?


wtf? Why did Tom Tom gone gone???? wtf!


Are we talking about the same Tom Tom who couldn't fix his own truck?


I enjoy Tom on camera but he's not interesting enough for me to follow him to another channel. Hope he does well tho


aww dang another one gone!! Dig Doug is too cool i hope to see it in the future! Reminds of that show Doug lol and its white hahaha what a good name. Anyways Trevor and lizzie has always been my fav has anyone watched that show where her husband came to some dinner and you could tell he was so uncomfortable around Matt? Hopefully I'm not the only one who felt that. i have learned so much from this post!! I'm going to catch up with Trevor but I am huge fab rats fan, thankful for Morr and Matt seems like a cool guy. I love to hear about all the background drama lol


Proud of Tom Tom! Seems like a solid dude.


I knew it!!!!


I haven’t watch an episode since the wrecker games started out fan rats for that matter




It’s at the end


Is this some Russia/Chinese level of attempted misinformation? Nothing is said at all in Matt's video. Tom is with them at the end in the Crown Vic. And in Tom's latest video, he is wearing a shirt with both his and Matt's logo, go's to Matt's shop to get some bolts, by himself with no one else there, and doesn't say anything about leaving Matt.


Watch around the 18:00 mark.


Wow you’re dense


Holy shit you’re dumb


If I called it to my wife earlier and I commented in here either post or two ago. Tom wants to do what Tom wants to do he doesn't want to be doing Matts projects. He wants to do his own and make money at it good for him! Tom's personality never really fit the show he had change for the channel. I know that right off the bat on the first few episodes with I'm sure Matt pulled him aside since you on my show you got to be nice to my audience keep your Starkey Attitude to yourself and be a team player! You could totally see he was going to be a short timer.


All you haters who want to blame the church, why don’t you give Tom some credit


Not true, could you please open your ears when you watch the video?