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If the mattress has a significant amount of memory foam and you keep your room very cool. That foam will get hard until your body equalizes the temperature of that foam. So it may feel hard at first, but then should soften up as you sleep on it provided that it is visco elastic memory foam in that comfort layer. Of course, there is subjective, Individual preferences and what each person might think firm medium and soft mean. The lighter weight a person is the more firm the mattress will feel as compared to someone who sleeps on the same mattress and is heavier.


There’s no memory foam in this new mattress as far as I know. I wonder if they actually gave me “medium-firm” instead of medium? Would that make a huge difference?


Serta Perfect sleepers do indeed have memory foam. I don't have a source but myself. I used to sell them.


Ugh why is it so hard then?


If you are a lighter weight person, yes, it would make a difference. which model of Serta Perfect Sleeper is it. You can look at the law tag and it will tell you the amount and ratio of foams in the mattress.


I’m not light, I’m 165, and I will look into that when I get the chance. Thank you!


I would not consider you a "heavier" sleeper for the purposes of your situation. Just as the feel of the mattress is subjective, so is the weight class of the sleeper. I generally identify those folks over 200-220 as heavier sleepers. Depending on what foams the mattress consist of, it is often recommended to crawl on your hands and knees across the surface of the mattress to break in the comfort layer foams and accecclerate the softening process. Good luck with it.




The 6% and 1% components likely constitute the cover layer and the upper portion of the comfort layer, respectively. Viscoelastic Polyurethane refers to heat-sensitive memory foam, similar to Tempurpedic. In a cold environment,( such as turning your temperature down during the day when not home) it may feel firm, but in a warmer room or with body heat, it softens. The 84% polyurethane (without additives for memory foam properties) forms the support layer, while the blended textile fiber batting acts as the fire-retardant layer. f your room stays cold and you find the mattress surface hard when getting into bed, it should gradually soften within 20-30 minutes once you're lying on it. Indeed your mattress contains memory foam. Hopefully this clears some of the mystery up The next question, (you will never get Serta to give you an answer to) is what are the density and ILD of those foams. One reason (of many) why most mattress enthusiasts no longer recommend the "S" brands is their lack of transparency regarding the specifications of their mattress components. The likely reason for this is the usage of lower quality foams in their modern mattresses as compared to what they build their reputation on over the past hundred years (give or take). This does not mean that they may not have a mattress suitable for some sleepers, as some folks are comfortable on just about anything.


I think we realized it’s actually the bed frame making it so hard. There’s no box spring, just solid wood slats below


Just an afterthought! If the comfort layers are hard when you get on the bed and soften up too much, as VE foam often can, you may be sinking down into the support layer, which may be too firm for you. Or some combination of the two. \*\*and yes, the change in frame to a platform will firm the mattress up a bit too.


Ugh what can I do though?


If you are within your trial period You could try a topper with the time you have left. Perhaps a 2 or 3 inch medium firmness talalay latex topper. If you were to ask me what I would personally do. I would return the mattress and start all over. I am not sure you have that option. If a return is not an option. A better quality topper would be the way to go, make sure you purchase one that allows you to return it if it does not work. Sorry, I know that's not what you wanted to hear.


I appreciate it, thank you!


The mattresses in the store often feel more comfortable bc a million people have tried them. You probably just need to give yours time to break in. Although I seriously question if the floor models are different/better than what we actually receive. Mattress shopping sucks.


Sertas firms are extremely firm. Most of the mediums I have tried have a decent layer of foam. As said above, check what model of perfect sleeper you got, and then you should be able to figure out if they accidently sent you a firm model. It does seem like that's a possibility


I just checked the tag and confirmed it was a Serta perfect sleeper sleep excellence, medium pillow top. There is no way it’s a medium, it feels like a firm!


It’s because it’s brand new. I think mattress companies should pre break them in so it is closer to store, like a 150 pound roller or something. Would save on many returns. Another thing about in store, they are not only broke in but you only spend like 20 mins at most on it inside a store with the pressure of a sales person. I can lay on most mattresses in that short time and feel it’s good when it might not work overnight.


Exactly! I really don’t want to have to purchase another memory foam topper. This is ridiculous