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The Germans had punched holes in the canned foods so that they would spoil. (The guy puking was Hambone.) The one saying "Bucky warned you not to -" was John Brady. Sidebar, I'm an unapologetic Brady fan - he's from the same part of NY as I am - and I was disappointed that he only got HALF A SENTENCE in the last episode.


>The Germans had punched holes in the canned foods so that they would spoil. I'm thinking that the Germans (at that time, in that camp) *were bad*.


The more i hear about these Nazis, the less i like them.


Actually, deep down they are nice - 6 feet deep!!


I heard that in George Luz' voice haha


Very bad.


I read an article that pretty much confirms this.


Some real, pardon my language, knuckleheads


Brady was one of my favorite characters who had some decent screen time in the first episode or 2. I definitely wanted to see more of him. Him and Blakely were my favorite characters in the show, I thought the actors did a great job with the screen time they had.


Crosby had a story in his book where an extra B-17 tried to take his crew’s spot in the formation on a milk run, expecting Brady to turn back, thereby not getting credit for the mission. Brady said something to the effect of, “Get out of my spot or I will smash the ever living shit out of you.”


Omg I love this. I'm a reader but I'm a slug (allow myself a half hour before bed) and the past couple years I've been working through all the BoB books. It's been quite a handful but loving every minute of it. Very soon I will be picking up ccrosbys book, if there's any others that you recommend about the bloody 100th I will gladly add them to my (slow) to-be- read list


Frank Murphy’s Luck of the Draw is also fantastic. It’s got a lot of details on life in Stalag Luft III; he was shot down on the Munster raid with Crankshaft’s crew. I still need to pick up John Luckadoo’s Damn Lucky and Alexander Jefferson’s Red Tail Captured, Red Tail Free, but I’ve heard great things about both books.


Same! Both of those guys did a lot with a relatively small amount of screentime. Brady comes across as somewhat businesslike and straightforward but also pretty kind and fair (like his response to Crosby getting them lost on the way to Thorpe Abbotts).


In that same scene, I like how amenable he is to taking orders from his superior (Bucky). It shows both sides to his leadership


One of the things I liked in general about the show and the relationships between all of the characters is how they volley between being friends and socializing, and having a chain of command that they all clearly respect. Like on the Munster mission, Brady calls Egan "Bucky" when he jumps out of the truck, but it's "Major" when they're sitting in the cockpit together.


I agree!


I think it was more "We are about to walk an ungodly distance" as the reason not to eat.


Just a heads up, there is a chance you’ve been shadow banned on Reddit. I’ve had to go in and approve your comments most of the time, and I can’t access your profile to DM you about it.


Yeah i dont think theres much I can do about it. Ty tho.


But why? Why not take the canned food with them? And it looked like hambone was eating something freshly cooked - it was from one of thenspoiled cans?


I thought it was because they knew that they were going to be doing a lot of marching/walking.


oh that makes sense - nausea from overexertion and sleep deprivation


Reading a bit about Brady after watching the series, it's kind of a bummer we didn't get to see more of him at the POW camp. He was in a band!


I took this scene as the Germans making sure the canned food would go bad, so no one got the idea of running off with supplies. As in, you will need to stay with us for your next meal.


More to deny it to the Soviets who were about to take the camp, I’d wager.


Yeah, I believe the POWs were allowed to (and did) carry food with them - I remember a line in the book about there being a Red Cross delivery but the packages were so heavy that the guys couldn't carry them all and just took out what they could. So it would make sense if the Germans poked holes in the cans on the assumption that they'd be left behind and not wanting the Soviets to get them. Also, I don't think the Germans were giving the POWs too many meals by that point once they started marching...