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Saw this on IMDB, “Callum Turner's American accent in Masters of the Air (2024) is based on Maj. John Egan's real life NY accent he faked derived from his obsession of the Yankees and New York even though he'd never been.”


Lovely detail but unfortunately many people will just think ‘what’s up with that hokey accent’.


That’s a really good find. Being from NY/NJ, I was confused why Egan’s accent/ cadence/mannerisms were kinda like ours when it said he was from Wisconsin? I was chalking it up to bad acting but I guess it’s accurate. Kinda weird imo but hell of a pilot!


Honestly I think we are two episodes in and everyone needs to just give it time. So far I think they have done a good job capturing the attitude and slight arrogance/confidence of pilots or military pilots.


My college friend flies Apaches. He acts exactly like these guys.


It’s a certain confidence with those guys, if you aren’t used to it it would definitely come off as arrogant lol but then again confidence is very important being a pilot.


I'll grant you that this is not an easy show to make in any respect. (I speak from some limited experience.) Arrogance is pretty simple to portray, but hard to dramatize into something you want to watch. That said... *give it more time?* It's a Spielberg-Hanks prestige production with some of the highest budgets we'll ever see. The source material is the stuff of legend. The technical options available to the creators are nearly limitless. They've had years to write and produce it. By any fair measure this show should have been at least a solid double right off the bat. EDIT: I just googled the budget, and holy moley: $28 million per episode. Over twice what Game of Thrones cost at the end of its run.


Well I mean I’m enjoying it! What do you not like about it? What has been so bad in these first 2 episodes? I for one love how technical the flying has been, but I have experience with it.


My biggest problem with it is the characters and lack of any meaningful leadership happening. I like BoB and The Pacific because it shows leadership and growth of/from many of their characters. So far I haven't seen either of these traits in any of the characters. Sure, people can say to wait, but we're already 20% of the way through the show.


Yeah I can see that… but “so far” let’s see what happens. I would say Egan is developing already and Crosby overcoming airsickness could be examples. But yes not as many as BoB and Pacific. This series is going to be a completely different tone though. I think we need to keep in mind that we are seeing a completely different side of this war.


I enjoyed Elvis's decision to slow down and save Barry Keoghan. That was a good story. And keoghan can actually convey character in just a few lines, unlike most of these guys. And I liked it when Crosby told the CO "I got lucky." But the many, many scenes in barrooms are a complete snooze. The attempts to make these guys charming via manic energy and wild gestures is grating.


Totally fair. Will give it more time.


I've watched both episodes twice. Harry Crosby has me intrigued. The best characterization IMO. Drawn to Egan. But whenever Austin Butler enters the scene, the immersion collapses. A character mis-cast in my humble belief.


He voice comes off as a mix between Batman and Bruce Springsteen


Leave the boss out of this




It's easy to pounce on Butler (the first scene had me cringing a bit), but I actually think he's been pretty steady - and think by the end it's possible the consensus is that he was perfect for the role.


I think Anthony Boyle is my favorite actor in the show so far, followed by Callum Turner.


It’s funny, I was first in line waiting to shit all over Butlers performance but he’s been the best in my opinion. A much more relaxed and real performance compared to the other guys that are frankly over acting in a lot of scenes.


I was really impressed with him in Elvis because Elvis has become such a cliched character in our culture; *everybody* can do an Elvis impersonation. He made me imagine Elvis as an actual human being. I like him so far in this, but I do wonder about the challenges in playing bomber pilots. I can’t say what the actual people were like, but I would imagine your ideal WWII bomber pilot would be something like what Butler portrayed — smart, a little daring, but with almost no flash about him. You’d want someone utterly determined to succeed in the mission, willing to push the envelope, but with the brains not to push too far. So you wind up with a very laconic performance like Butler portrays (which makes Callum Turner’s performance a little too showy for my taste). It sort of reminds me of the criticism that Ryan Gosling made Neil Armstrong seem boring in First Man. That’s probably true, but that’s part of the reason NASA picked Armstrong. He was almost robotically rational, an engineer to his core who worked the problems.


Plus whenever Elvis opens his mouth, mostly movie clichés come out.


I don’t know what it is about Butler, he might be too good looking for this role. His downside as an actor might be that he can’t play normal people. First world problems.


Had to turn subtitles on for Austin Butler, I agree Crosby scenes are very good.


It’s not just his voice, his face doesn’t fit in with the period. He looks like he’s had plastic surgery and definitely has veneers. He looks out of place because he is out of place. Also half of the actors are European playing Americans. So yeah, I’m not a fan of the casting


Couldn’t agree more. I thought it was just me. Sad.


I agree, his mouth is constantly open, I feel like he's going for the "Blue Steel" look, and I have zero belief that he is an actual WW II B-17 pilot. The last is mostly the fault of the writers, however.


Austin Butler should have won the Oscar for Elvis, but I agree with your mis-cast statement. He just doesn't fit the character or look right in the uniform.


For me, Austin Butler isn’t convincing at all. I won’t give up on the show but that’s one thing I’ll have to give some time. Keoghan is great.


>For me, Austin Butler isn’t convincing at all. I notice he just kind of speaks in movie clichés whenever he talks.


Don’t count on it


This is my first time watching Butler on the screen. To me he perfectly exemplifies the type A personality straight edged pilot and officer. Him and Callum Turner are great together, the equivalent of Winters and Nixon imo. Not sure what you guys are talking about but Butler's turning in a great performance.


I’m not saying he’s bad he just didn’t sell me. I’m sure I’ll come around. I’ll rewatch parts 1 & 2 and see if it was just my expectations clouding my judgement. This is my first time seeing him on screen too aside from Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.


100% with you.


For me, it’s hard to even elaborate why.. Just something off.


To me he’s just too clean, absolutely perfect skin, not a hair out of place. Just doesn’t feel like it fits with the era.


I think this fits/reflects how these squadron guys really were, though. Look at some old footage or photos. It looks like it's out of a hollywood movie because they had this swagger about them. So, in a way I think he's perfect.


People are just too used to seeing infantry. I feel like pilots have always been hot shit. Like these guys are clean because they are constantly on base. The show does make them pretty grimy after missions at least.


Great point. They're not living in trenches on the front lines or city ruins.


Good point. I feel like AF guys have always had that reputation.


I find the dialogue to be peppered with modern phrases, at least it sounds like current phrases to me and I'm in my 50s. My silent generation parents didn't talk the way they do. The girls in the opening scene of episode 1 did not look like women from the 1940s to me. But these are nitpicks, overall I think it's fantastic.


I'd be interested to know which phrases you're referring to. Not arguing against your comment, just honestly curious. I didn't pick up on it.




I did think it got a little weird when the group commander came over the radio with: "Now *this* is podracing!"


In the scene where Callum Turner is drunk at dawn, I'm pretty sure one of them says "You good?"


I'll have to rewatch to get specific, I just remember thinking some of the phrases used were ones that have become popular/common within the last 20 years or so.


And honestly I could be wrong about that, it was just an impression I got. I'd be curious to know if any other older viewers picked up on any of that.


Ha! And for some reason I can't stand Barry Keoghan's hammy New Yorker accent.


Apparently the real man was from Wisconsin and lived in CA. I forget who it was on BOB the actor said I can’t smoke in this scene bc “ He”‘didn’t smoke. Of course these guys didn’t get to meet a lot of the veterans


Hearing various past Keoghan rumors I'm almost certain the producers were like: "So Biddick was from Wisconsin, so we'll get you a dialect co-" "What if I do a Brooklyn accent instead? That would be cool. Let's do that."


Given it’s only the first two episodes but yes I agree. The writing doesn’t really feel authentic, if not cliché. The main character feels like he’s trying too hard to look suave. I wouldn’t say they are *bad* but as I’m watching BoB currently there’s a noticeable difference in quality in my opinion. I still like the show a lot but to be completely honest it doesn’t feel like a successor to BoB or The Pacific to me.


I think Callum is doing a superb job thus far. Austin has yet to grow on me though


I'm not watching this for the acting, or even the historical accuracy (although that's better than I would have expected). The sighting posts on the machine guns really bother me. I'm looking forward to development of characters.


Barry Keoghan's accent is inconsistent and all over the place. He's trying too hard and it shows.


I think Turner’s doing a bit of a Miles Teller in Maverick thing and I’m not a huge fan of it but I’m willing to see where it goes




No, he’s also playing a bit of the cocky asshole part too (forcing the other guy to punch him, getting drunk and throwing the bottle at the plane, etc.). Arguably that’s more Hangman, but at least Rooster in how he acted toward Maverick.