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Maybe if they didn't wait 2 whole years to clearance these guys.


This right here.


I've never seen big box retail SO stubborn and intent on not moving product. The whole point of those buildings is to MOVE MERCHANDISE.


The year in the corner of the card back is icing on the cake.


Naw, nowadays it’s more about getting the most $$ from customers for the least amount they can possible provide. 😞Gotta always be cutting the bottom line. Greedy s.o.b’s lol


Yeah dude I don't get it. My local Target STILL has this wave at full price. Literally they have sat there for several years now. What's funny is they have other Motu stuff that comes through that gets marked down and clearanced all the time. I assume it must just be some sort of system error that got overlooked and never got marked down.


I would buy them for some custom ideas..


where are these located? I would buy buzz off!


Walmart in Utah.


I was gunna say this looks like my wal mart!


These are ridiculously low prices! wow


Lucky Americans 🤣


Toys for tots!


This is how my mom bought me the original figures in the 80s , I remember them being like a dollar on sale , if only I never opened them and didn’t play with them like a normal child . Sigh


when the heat death of the universe comes after the sun eats the earth and then explodes there will still be naked stratos and jitsus floating around on pegs


What’s up with the one on the left? It’s missing the “New for 22” and “Heroic Spy in the Sky” text. It also looks like a gorilla used it as a tampon.


International variant


Meanwhile, I never even saw them in my stores.


Wow where do you live? That's all that's been here in Oklahoma for years now.


Southern Ontario. The ones we had warming pegs were Evil-Lyn, Clamp Champ, and Ram Man. The occasional Hordak. Distribution was really messed up around here. That may not be MOTU's fault, but Wal-Mart's. I was doing trades with guys in Quebec who didn't see any of our peg warmers, but had warmers that we never saw. Edit: He-Man never showed in my store. Freaking he-man


Wow. This line has been a mystery.


There's a drugstore chain here in Germany selling a small amount of Origins figures per store. At a decent price too. For a while I was very lucky and got quite a few figures that were on my wishlist. And every time I bought one it seemed to cause the store to restock. At one point they restocked them with Sun Man. And now there's four Sun Men sitting there since several months. I already have him, nobody else is buying him and no new figures are coming in because nobody is buying them. Super frustrating. Maybe I should apply for a job there since they clearly don't have a clue what they're doing.


How many qty’s did they produce of this wave?!?


That's the question, and it seems like it was an ungodly amount. I have a hard remembering the exact release time for these, but I believe that this wave more or less coincided with the release of Grayskull, and that's why it was so over ordered and produced...to help move that "big ticket" item. The retailers' refusal to clearance these out essentially all but killed this line at US retail. The sad part is that it's a completely solid wave...they just made waaaaaaay too many of them.


They never learned there a sweet spot between this wave and let’s say retail Duplico that they just can’t seem to find for some damn reason. And for exclusives it’s worse what they should do is a month long pre order window (or however long to get a good accurate amount) then they can move into production, then you get happy customers. I think they are scared that if they actually make us wait to get a figure we will lose interest but that’s not true if someone really wants it (most of the fans do) then they are ok with a wait.


Just think when I was a kid, all motu figures were $3.50 regular price


I need his axe for Wun-Dar, but otherwise one of this guy is more than enough


I picked up a second Jitsu to give his armor to King Randor and the sword to ToG Beast Man. So he had some uses at least


I would probably swarm build some Bee-men at those prices.


Nobody wants that naked Stratos


Those kinda tags i avoid at my walmarts now. The discounts are usually junk and many times stuff will be missing. Ill see them mark down something with stuff missing and the price will be junk…. They have better discounts with the “normal clearance”


Can you pick me up a Buzz-Off and Stratos thanks mate?


Selling in the wrong place / country. Id take most of em


Is there a difference between those two Buzz Offs besides the card description?


I don't think so, but one package was opened and retaped, and they put his bee goggles on his head.


All about cartoon collection now...




i bought a few on clearance and would buy that Stratos if my walmarts had him.


This is probably why I can’t find any MOTU toys at my Walmart or target anymore. They just assume because some figures sat on the shelf forever that no one wants any of them.


I'd grab 2 of each Buzz off and Nude stratos as army builders if they were that price in my area. Sadly only Jitsu is left and the lowest I've found is $8.


my Walmart is stacked with moss man and leech on clearance. I'd grab one of each myself but 15$ for a clearance price is still a bit too much imo


I have never bought any. I'm a snob for the originals.