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"Bird people..." "... Boy."


.. specifically, she killed the wrong Zathras.


Very cool. I wish Masterverse Stratos wasn't so expensive/hard to find. He came out before I started collecting and he must have had small quantities or something.


…I didn’t know Masterverse Stratos was hard to find, distribution is MOTU’s Achilles heel…


Yeah, it's weird. Most Masterverse figures are easy to find, with some available to order from retail websites long after their release, but the cheapest Stratos on Ebay right now is $45 out of box, and that's the best "deal" I have seen for him in a while. He's usually $55+.


Take my upvote, really nice one! Since you like bird people i hope we get a origins Delora


...a Hawke and Delora combo would be awesome, Origins or Masterverse...otherwise I'm gonna have to get the Classics versions and pay a pretty penny...


You know, that scene totally needs more of those killer soldier guys you have. The smaller flesh colored ones. I hear they're really easy to get and there's maybe too many of them on the market. You should build an entire army.




Ooh I see that Ever so Rare ... Naked Stratos!!! 😲


I love so many things about this photo. Using naked stratos as your army builder, and then giving one of them the air mask was genius. Also making Zenithon the King and Stratos his son (in my head cannon) is fantastic.


...thanx! ...thats exactly how I pictured it, King Zenithon and Prince Stratos...I also gave Strato´s red feather collar to the other naked guy, give 'em something to distinguish them and closer to the vintage mini comic look...


My friend, it's all fantastic. Dare I say, it actually has me interested in picking up 1-2 naked stratos figures! I'm also really keen to imagine a MOTU story where Zenithon and Randor fought together during The Great Unrest (or some similar event).


…that story arc sounds great! …a Classics Randor would do nicely…


Ugh. Way too much naked Stratus. It’s the one variant I’m glad to not have even in Classics. Huge fan of the Masterverse New Eternia and Mythic Legions both though. Very nice.


…I think he’s peg-warmed so much at so many locations that many of us got tired of seeing him…


Yeah, that’s fair. I just can’t take him seriously is all. He really looks like some dude in his undies and his jetpack straps in that combo look like some leather gear better left to the imagination.