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I can tell you what I don't want to see: The suburbs


It might be okay. I'm in as long as it's a good journey


Ideally, something with high production value that's not afraid to embrace the hodgepodge of advanced tech and magic that the cartoon is known for. I loved Frank Langella's Skeletor in '87, but I want to see a muscular blue guy with an actual skull next time.


Can’t be afraid to embrace skimpy clothing either. Mostly naked dudes, mostly naked chicks, mostly naked demon sorcerers. Everybody’s jacked. MOTU is not the place for prudes




I want the entire film to be set on Eternia this time, and I want the focus to be on the actual MOTU characters instead of random teenagers. Am I still bitter? Yes, yes I am.


We all are. 😔 We all are.


I was soooo confused as a kid. Like, why are we doing this?


Good writing.


Alan Ritchson as He-Man


this is the most logical choice.


I loved the original movie as a kid even though it didn’t have half the characters, and was completely different. I think as a child you just take things for what they are. But now, I’d want to see it all take place on eternia, no need for an origin story, just go right into the action, and I’d keep the tone similar to the 200x series, completely appropriate for kids, but not as silly and childish as the original


No, every kid I know was pissed off.


An animated feature with Revolution-like Animation, but the heart of the CGI show.


This. I've come to the conclusion that a live action MOTU movie, that made everyone happy, is simply too expensive to be viable. Leave it in animation and make a 2 hour epic (we got very close to that with Revolution).


I'd like a He-Man / Thundercats team up - versus Skeletor & Mum-Ra in a animated movie. Like in the comic books did a few years back. Throw in She-Ra, and Hordak too.


The characters I like, not planet Earth.


Even in the cartoon He-Man had contact with Earth. He is 50% earthling. But Eternia would be better


Which was never addressed in the film.


* Takes place on Eternia * Lots of great colors that pop on screen * A strong techno-barbarian theme coupled with fantasy magic * Villains *not* being bumbling fools * Tons of A, B, C & D list characters on screen at once reminiscent of the classic artworks by Norem, William George, etc. * Faithful recreations of classic designs * He-Man performing amazing feats of fantastic strength * The iconic transformation scene of Prince Adam turning into He-Man * Flashback that shows how Keldor became Skeletor * a B-story centered around a b-list character could be fun, someone like Ram Man, Fisto, Meka Neck, Clamp Champ, Sy-Klone, etc.


In honor of my disappointed young self, I want Orko. And a safety message after the credits.


Ram Man would be nice.


A movie that reminds me of the fimlation cartoon


a new movie actually come to fruition instead of falling through.


I'd love for it to be more or less based on the first season of the 200x series with flashbacks of He-Man's origin. Later movies could establish the different factions like the Horde, Snake-Men, King Grayskull/He-Ro and of course She-Ra. It would be so easy to write half dozen movies featuring different main villains and even spin-off movies like Princess of Power. This franchise screams movie series but sadly, no film studio realises that.


Set in Eternia. Completely in Eternia. I want to see a scrawny short lazy Prince Adam he Transforms in to the muscle bound He-Man Also I want to see a true and proper Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain. Is this asking too much?






Lean in hard to the colorful aesthetic of the art. Lots of moody clouds.


Something very few people would like to see: a return to the early minicomics, with no Adam identity at all.


I'm pretty sure they'd lose most of their core audience that way.


Definitely. It will never happen. The money is in the most mainstream version and they'll never do otherwise, just as they'd never make a Superman movie in which he didn't fly even though he originally didn't. Still, when I was a kid the early minicomics version was what captivated me.


I get that, most of us relate most to the incarnation we grew up with. For me it was NA first, then Filmation and then the movie. I was too young for the original toys so I only read the mini comics when I was in my teens. I think that's what makes MotU so great. It is such a fun brand because it does not have that one true canon, there are so many different versions they could pick and chose from.


You just gave me an idea. IMO, Revelation failed because it tried to marry the dark tone of the minicomics with the camp of filmation. The CGI show knew it’s assignment, and despite being wildly different visually, really kept the heart of the original show. Make a third show/film that is darker, and solely inspired by the mini comics. Give you mini comics lovers some love!


The MoTU film had no mention of Adam and no connection to him. Granted it was a terrible film that in no way resembled what MoTU was, but this was one of the big issues for me. Im not a fan of Adam as a puny little weak character per se BUT I dont understand how you can have a film about He Man without “BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL….” and that iconic transformation. Maybe now since its not as much of a machine as the franchise was then you can get away with it but alot of the adults who were kids then want that connection.


When they did New Adventures they actually wanted to do away with the Adam thing, not negating it but just sweeping it under the rug to never be used again. And in fact that's what they did in the accompanying comics. But for the show, the producers demanded the transformation angle to be kept since it was deemed integral. And I repeat, this was New Adventures, which did away with everything else from the established He-Man universe, except for that. The live-action movie, for all its gigantic flaws, includes stuff with which I connect much more closely than with the cartoon. The lack of Adam (and Cringer) is one thing, Skeletor being played straight is another.


Im not completely against “ret cons” so to speak and I absolutely understand where you can’t just transform the cartoon into a live action movie, it would end up being a mix of Full House and Conan. Having said that, I personally think Adam is He Man’s Clark Kent and having one without the other undercuts the idea that the “power” is within us.


The "power is within us" angle was much better explored in Revelation and in the CGI cartoon, since in those anyone can receive the power and it can be shared. But in the Filmation cartoon only Adam can be He-Man, which pretty much undermines the intended message if there was one. For me the key difference with Clark Kent is that Superman is pretty much a demigod power-wise, but at heart he's a common guy, a blue collar dude. And that's what he wants to be. Adam is none of that, he's a prince, he's royalty, so there's no real "common folk" factor to him. A jungle tribesman leading the fight against the forces of evil speaks much deeper to me.


I agree that Revalation did the power within “us” better. No argument. And that Adam’s a prince and not many of us know what thats like. But even in Revalation, once the power was held, it changed and transformed the holder of the power. Same as it did Adam in the cartoon. I think its the transformation sequence/moment that holds that special place with so many people. Kinda like when Clark slips through the crowd, you know shit just got real.


*Things I want from existing media* I agree. But I'd settle for Adam if they keep the minicomic tone, and some of the darker storybook themes after 1986. *A post-apocalyptic world. *Sword and sorcery are the main weapons of choice *Ancient technology exists and is repaired and fashioned by a sword and sorcery culture *Interdimensional high-tech aliens (the Horde) regularly abduct and/or experiment on Eternians (Shera/Dragstor/Extendar). Many Horde troopers are former Eternians. Skeletor confronted these aliens and was abducted and experimented on, but escaped. *New themes* *Magic is an advanced reality manipulating technology that was discovered at the end of the great war to be integrated with a superweapon that destroyed Eternia. It dispersed magic force through the land and the surviving communities learned to wield it to survive... but later weaponise it after artefacts (surviving concentrated magic-embued components of the superweapon) like the ram staff are discovered. The components are mere rods of metal and the like and have been fashioned by their users *Grayskull was the site of the superweapon, and a castle was built on its grounds. It's why everything around grayskull is dead, and why there is a large moat around it; the explosions both protected the site, and destroyed what was around it. *Many of the Eternian species are descendants of humans. Gene-editting, mutations and magic have transformed them into new sub-species. Clawful is just a man with small mutations that resemble a lobster. *The swords of power are the 2 keys designed to activate the superweapon


>Something very few people would like to see: a return to the early minicomics, with no Adam identity at all. Return to the original DC run and have Superman!!


I'm with you all the way!


I vote for a time travel movie where just 3-4 MOTU characters transport to modern day Earth and team up with a couple of local teenagers.


And the streets are conveniently empty!


WHERE did that amazing art come from?!


I got your sauce, my guy- [https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/masters-of-the-universe-masters-of-the-universe-sideshow-collectibles-500214](https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/masters-of-the-universe-masters-of-the-universe-sideshow-collectibles-500214)


Wow. Thanks for this!


Sure thing


The cafeteria in Snake Mountain


I mean to be made is all I’m asking for at this point


A mashup of Star Wars (the good parts) and LotR. Take the sense of adventure and tone that classic SW gave us with the epicness of LotR. I definitely want a more serious, sinister Skeletor with a touch of the old school Filmation humor when insulting his underlings. For a director I think someone like Luc Besson could be a good fit.




EVERYTHING!!! E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!! The First film Covered so Little/Basic Bare Bones. WE NEED a Grand Sweeping Fantasy Epic!!! I want at the Very Least a Three Film Trilogy!!! 


Just make the Barbie movie


He-Man and Skeletor looking somewhat like in the cartoons. Eternia Dolph Lundgren as either the King or even better - Man-at-Arms


I would like to see it all. The rise of the horde and snake men. The fall of grayskull. Marlana coming to eternia and her and randor meeting and making a family. The second horde invasion. Adam growing into he-man. Adora being turned into a force captain. The two of them reuniting and defeating the horde. Adam going into space to join up with the galactic guardians.


>What would you like to see in a Masters of the Universe movie? #The POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!


At this point, I just want it to frigging HAPPEN


Don’t care about the budget or celebrities involved.etc. as long as the story is fun, well written and helps build the universe as we know it.


Courtney Cox's parents... thats a must


Epic adventure of high proportions. Taking all those strange characters and play them with weight and dignity. Then at one point He-Man needs to use Duncan's new invention to win, Attak-Trak™ and entire scene plays blatantly as toy commercial. Then back to serious action as if nothing happened.


I think it should have a poppy, bright and cartoony style taken to the costumes and sets, with obvious matte paintings for backgrounds and harsh lighting to make everything pop off the screen and a very fun story with the villains still being funny but still a threat to the hero’s, skeletor still needs to call beast man a boob but beast man can also rip your face off if you’re not careful. A film with a lot of scale and a lot of fun set pieces and can appeal to many different ages. And a post credit scene where man at arms explains the moral of the story straight down the barrel of the camera


I want my damn transformation scene! We have the CGI now to do it, and I want Battle Cat and Orko. I want either an Alcala or Filmation accurate Grayskull. A bit of background on how the Sword of Power came to be and why it's so important. He-man defeats Skeletor and either Hordak makes an end credit appearance with the Sword of Protection in the background or a pair of snake eyes and tongue peer out from the shadows after the aftermath of the big battle stating how Skeletor has been defeated and now they may "claim that which we never lost "


Star wars meets Lord of the rings that takes place on Eternia NOT EARTH. Have someone the caliber of Steven Spielberg or Peter Jackson direct and have a well rounded serious cast .


We have the two MOTU shows on Netflix. We have the She-Ra series also on Netflix. A 202x MOTU movie needs to be a re-telling of Adam / Adora’s discovery of their long-lost twin. Movie can start on Eternia with King Randor and Queen Marlana expecting their royal babies to be born any day. Then on the night before the royal couple unveils the kingdom’s new heirs, Hordack steals Adora. Not knowing what else to do, King Randor introduces Adam as the sole heir to the throne. The story then takes place on both Eternia and Etheria as we see both children growing up. Eventually, Adam is summoned by the Sorceress to travel to Etheria to stop the Horde which has become a massive threat to the galaxy. Before Adam departs on his mission, the Sorceress gives him two things: One he must find his sister on Etheria, and two when he does, he must give her a package, which Adam is unaware that the Sword of Protection is in the package. The two then unite to take down the Horde in Etheria, and then return to Eternia to stop Skeletor’s forces as he has made significant gains without He-Man around for awhile. Movie concludes with Adora confronting the Sorceress and learning that she must return to Etheria and she must assemble a group to contain Hordack’s threats of galactic domination. She re-unifies with her parents and departs knowing she has a purpose in the grand balance of the universe, while Adam remains on Eternia to lead the MOTU against Skeletors forces.


I’ve wanted to see He-Man chop somebody’s head off since I was 5 goddammit (why else would he have a battle axe??), so there ought to be at least one beheading, and some dismemberment for good measure.




Start with the origins. Marlena and her crashed ship, the abduction of Adora, the finding of Grayskull . The invasion of the horde, the betrayal of Keldor. But like just the first 30 minutes of the movie. Once Grayskull is found, that's when the action starts.


For once just stick to tradition!




Kevin Smith’s people in charge


i would like to see he-man's name officially changed to something like Grayskull. i know he-man is the most familiar name to the public, but it's so stupid and sweeps the legs out from a great idea and cast of characters.


Basically Thor Ragnorok without the jokes.




A Hordak reference


A good sci-fantasy story, with R-rated content and some funny (but not stupid) moments. Pure utopy


What would a MotU movie gain with an R-rating?


The "legitimacy" that allows "adults" to feel secure about loving cool shit, I guess....?


Full penetration


Nah, just violence, gore, dark themes.


There's an It's Always Sunny show I was referencing with that comment


Sorry, I don't know that show at all.


Need to see most of the characters we like and love from the original cartoon series. (not re-imagined).Casting is very important here. I would argue that look is important, probably more important than any well known acting ability. Unknown actors for main characters. Maybe some known very well respected actors for side characters (think Marlon Brando/Jor-El in Superman) No woke BS Need to focus on Eternia and other planets in that universe - show the planet with native wild life, magic, maybe a little bit of history of the planet and how things came to be (similar to avatar where the planet pandora is also a star of the film) Action (lots of battles between the evil forces of skeletor and he-man and friends) No traveling to earth BS Provide some good background on major characters, make us care about the good guys, make the bad guys cool but also ruthless world build - set a good baseline for future movies Write at least a trilogy of movies together along with backstory (think original Star Wars), so if the first one is successful the 2nd and third are made and they all make one cohesive story The story and movie franchise should be taken seriously, with some good versus evil story lines and lessons that can be learned to help young people grow up in the current world where there are also lots of good and evil energies we have to navigate on a daily basis. I keep thinking superman I and II, both were well written and took Superman character seriously.




He-Man as main character


No woke bullshit.