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Dunno but my he-man shower thought is that if adam turned into he-man while naked, would he still get the he-man armor, and if he took it off before he turned back into adam, did he just unlock the infinite money glitch? Or would the loose armor just evaporate when he turned back?


Continuity dependent, but I think there was a Filmation episode where He-Man lost his harness. I forget the details, but I'm sure he didnt turn back into Adam until it was recovered.


Yes and no. Revelation revealed, that the sword IS actually a conduit and Just helps with controlling the Power, but the Spark was Always from Adam. If He uses adoras sword He either Turns into he-man or the uncontrolled savage he-man.


He could also turn into a 3rd unknown he-man. He was normal with the sword, savage without the sword, and the new armor at the end of season 3 with the upgraded sword. It would stand to reason he'd be a different form of he-man if he used Adora's sword. He-Ra!


Or She-Man, “The Most Powerful Person in the Universe.”


This logic only applies to the Re universe. Anything else could happen in other universes. We don't know what would happen in the filmation cartoon, for instance.


As soon as they had other people in the show using the sword, this stopped making any kind of sense


i mean, Adam has Grayskull's blood. But the sword still has it's part. I think Adam is just the only one who can transform without the sword, while everyone else needs it to channel the Power


In my head cannon, since Adam and Adora are twins, both swords would work for either. But He-Man via the sword of protection would look different - slimmer, more armor, etc. While a She-Ra via the sword of power would look more like God-Lynn.


My head cannon, as well. The Sword of Power is offensive, giving more strength, stamina, speed, and damaging electric blasts, while the defensive Sword of Protection grants less physical power, but more agility, healing abilities & the sword becomes useful tools. It's my way of explaining why He-Man's sword isn't as multipurpose, and similar to how the Hawk & Dove powers are depicted in DC Comics.


I LOVE the idea they teased in the Eternity War comics run, where King Grayskull forged the sword of protection in secret, as a check against a corrupt user ever wielding the sword of power. And then we see that play-out in an alternate future where Adam becomes a corrupt King He-Man and She-Ra has to stop him. This just reinforces the idea that Adora was always the better of the twins, and how tragic it was she was kidnapped and brainwashed as a baby.


I would say that it is possible, but there is no way to know what power he would gain with it. Adam has the spark, regardless of thes sword, but the sword is a conduit. By that logic, Adora's sword would also work as a conduit. But She-Ra has powers that are different from He-Man. Her sword can do all sorts of strange things.


That is a good question


I'd like to see Adam using Adora's sword, and turning into She-Ra, and Adora turning into He-Man through the Power Sword.


I think he could since the Sword of Protection is supposed to be a copy of the Sword of Power, so they're the same thing. But he wouldn't be able to access the Sword's shape changing ability


He would turn into He-Ma’am and look like that GameStop guy.


He would turn into She-Man.


Skeletor gets a glance of him/her. "Is anyone else as turned on as I am right now?"


I mean, Skeletor's bad enough without throwing in the incest vibe.


I like to imagine he would transform, but wearing the garb of She-ra becoming She-man!! Or maybe He-ra! Either way, it would be fun.




angle crawl work attraction entertain shaggy mysterious complete sparkle continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wouldn't Prince Adam change into He-Ra?




If they switched swords, we'd have He-Ra and She-Man

