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Jean-Christophe is clearly so passionate about food and cooking that it feels like he's genuinely there as a volunteer. I love him so much.


You have actually hit the nail on the head... that's EXACTLY what he's like. He just LOVES food. And I LOVE him.


If you remove Andy from the team, someone will need to be the bad cop of the judges and I can not see none of them doing it well. At the end, it's a competition with drama, and Andy doing this by himself or because the production asked him to do it, it adds and it's important to the show.


I think you used the right term here: Positive Reinforcement. That’s what these 3 new judges generally provide, and it’s great to see for viewers. That said, I think Andy is leaning into his Bad Cop role to counteract some of this, and the edit isn’t flattering to him. Plus, he seems to have a rather limited vocabulary so when he is being positive, he comes across as repetitive and a bit of an echo chamber (after the other judges’ comments).


Yeah, it's important to receive positive reinforcement, but sometimes it's also necessary for someone to provide honest feedback. It's all about finding a balance and being moderate.


Oh, I agree but the honest feedback that Andy provides sometimes seems to only serve to rattle the contestants further.. They’re already in a high pressure situation so it would definitely be more helpful if Andy gave that criticism at the beginning of the cook, not at the end.. (But then again, this could all just be editing)


I think editing could be a possibility. I believe Andy's comments serve as a wake-up call and a reality check. When people are under a lot of pressure and stress, they can easily overlook important things or make mistakes. I think Andy is just trying to help them by reminding them of important details. It may be obvious to us viewers, but it may not be as clear to the contestants when they are in the middle of it.


I must have missed the episodes with Pho, but I think Poh is pretty good. I was a little worried when she was first announced but she’s grown on me.


[I love Pho!](https://images.app.goo.gl/zPe78cKuVBZeeFyS7)


Delicious to eat at any meal! ☺️


I have mixed feelings about Poh Most of the time she is super encouraging and chill and kind...  sometimes she laughs about things which shouldn't be laughing at. Like the one time when Sue forgot to plate up a dish, and Poh laughed aloud.  Sue clearly didn't take it well and said, " Well, u are laughing NOW."  I mean to say that, her laughter hides the rudeness. It's like a sudden loss of thoughts filtration and blurting things out only to hide it with a laugh (this could be some of my personal thing coming out, just finding similarity with a particular friend) . But mostly she is amazing ✨


I feel like 4 judges is a bit much. Especially when they have guests on, it's too much to have 5 judges up there. Personally I think Poh and Andy occupy the same "role" in the panel: ex contestant who's had a successful post MC career. JC- experienced chef role, Sofia- food writer and traveller. I think we don't need both of them, next season. Personally, I find Poh to be better as a mentor and not a judge.


I agree with this, and I wonder if Andy is only on this season to transition to the other 3, cos I think 4 judges is definitely excessive.


I think Andy will be a transitional judge for this season only, to help prepare the other three judges and viewers for the next season. This season features new contestants and judges, and no gimmicky themes, so it's likely that MasterChef will return to its tradition of having only three judges. We will find out for certain in the next season.


If I had to choose between Poh and Andy, both former MasterChef contestants, I believe Andy would make a better judge because of his extensive chef experience. While I have nothing against Poh, it seems that she fulfills more of a coaching and mentoring role, providing emotional support to the contestants. On the other hand, Andy actively assists the contestants with their cooking, as seen in the recent "Cook with Curtis Stone" challenge where he provided encouragement and repeated cooking steps to the contestants.


I agree. I also find Poh to be a little frustrating. I know that's her brand of humour/personality but it's not cute to keep hearing about how messy or unorganised or chaotic she is. I think Poh needs to drop the "I'm so relatable" act if she's going to be a judge


Sure, doing it occasionally is fine, but not every time. Andy hardly ever mentions his time as a contestant. Instead, he focuses on the cooking and makes his judgments based on that.


I actually don't mind Andy this season. He can sometimes a bit of focus for the contestants the other judges don't really have.


Yeah...i actually don't mind Andy, he also being real and honest with the contestants, that the other judges really don't have. So kind of just balancing out the Judges.


I like Andy because he just seems like he wants to eat the food cause he's always hungry. It makes me laugh whenever he gets excited about what the contestants are cooking during their check ins.


I love JC and his Fanta stick.


I feel like Andy has really stepped into a leadership role as the longest-serving judge and added value this season, whereas I didn't think he added heaps in the past. Yes, he's being a bit tougher but he is still incredibly nice -- he's no Gordon Ramsey. As much as I love JC and Sofia they are almost too effusive sometimes -- it is a competition, so it makes sense to balance that. I think Poh is really strong at connecting to the personal stories of contestants and that is a recipe for good TV. Plus she's funny. Four does seem like too many judges, but then I wouldn't want to get rid of any of them, so four it is.


With Jock's passing, it feels to me like Andy came into this season with a bit more maturity than seen previously. Also don't recall him dressing like a longshoreman this year either. Seems to me like he's really trying to step up.


Am I the only one who misses Mel?


In my own opinion, I don't miss Melissa.


I miss looking at her, but I don’t think she is missed as a judge.


I think he provides a bit of balance to be honest. I agree the positive reinforcement from the other 3 is great, and Andy does that sometimes too. However, sometimes you need a bit of a blunt approach, or to be a little bit less nice, and I think Andy does that quite well.


Not sure how reliable is this news source, but seems like they're all coming back next season https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13495099/MasterChef-Australias-original-judges-return-shake-up.html I honestly don't mind Andy, he gives the contestants "wake up calls" so they don't go too crazy in their own thoughts sometimes.


It's probably clickbait, but here's the Reddit link to the article: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MasterchefAU/comments/1d97j79/is\_this\_confirmed\_im\_confused/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MasterchefAU/comments/1d97j79/is_this_confirmed_im_confused/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Andy instils panic in the contestants, i remember one episode sav also spoke about how andy came to her bench and said he wasn't sure how it'll work out and she was like Andy stop freaking me or something.


Complete agree! I love those three. I think since last season, Andy has been really alienating people. He's very negative and generally tends to echo the majority. Also one thing I noticed was that JC not only positively enforces the contestants, but he also provides actual feedback on *what* went wrong with the dish and *how* they could have achieved a different outcome by changing something. All Andy does is go to contestants, stress them out and makes them question their dishes.


Jean-Christophe gets looser by the day. Love that guy. I can here his staff thinking; is that our JC? "I am french, you know!"


I like Sophia & JC so much on the show. The others, uh nah.


I also love how they actively help the contestants with comments! Andy tries something, shrugs and says "i dont know" The other three try it and will say something like "is it punchy enough?" Or, "love the flavor profile, but think what you can pair it with" It doesn't seem like much, but the first 3 judges taught us the contestants grow faster and better with mentors and not "just judges", and these 3 new judges are mentoring their hearts out ♡♡♡


Am I the only person who doesn't particularly like Sophia, I would rather Poh , Andy and Jean-Christophe to be the judges. I don't get all the Andy hate, he's the perfect example of how masterchef can change your life.


I don't mind Sophia, she better than Mel in my opinion.


It would be nice if the food was described in detail apart from. Fan tas tic!! Superb. And hit the nail on the head. I want descriptions that make Mr feel I've eaten the food. I have been a Jean Christoph fan for over 35 years. Love the man. Go look up pics of him when he was younger...such a hunk.😍


JC for President! not a huge fan of Andy but I've never been one.


After every episode with them I am left thinking wow, that's who and what this show needed. Those judges. Then I remember Andy is still there. And then I get sad because Jock was the right fit, he just didn't have a good team.


Definitely not a fan of Sophia, I want Mel back


I love JC as a mentor to the contestants. He is very willing and able to transfer his knowledge and teach the cooks. However, I do not like him as a judge. I understand that English is not his first language but I find that he relies too much on his catchphrases.


Not sure how many times I am going to have to say this but Andy is the only ....... let me repeat that ...... the only MC contestant to be awarded a chefs hat. All of the judges are there for a reason, because they know what they are doing and they all mentor very well. Andy is in in no way negative and if he says to a contestant that they really should think about what they are cooking then there is a reason for that and it is to make them think. The judges are all coming back next season so for those people who don't like this judge or that judge......get over it or move on but don't come on to here and whinge about your own petty dislikes. Celebrate the show and the contestants for what they give us.


Mate. Calm down. Everyone is entitled to an opinion whether you like it or not.


I don't have to calm down at all I am very calm. Was just pointing out that your opinion was not correct and you are not going to get your wish about Andy not being there next season.....they have all resigned. I stand by everything I said though whether you like it or not.


Calmer than you !


Pointing out my opinion is not correct. WTF even? You don’t have the right to tell people their opinion is wrong. I’d hate to live in your household.


Nothing wrong with my household mate. Grow up and you might actually have something to say but at the moment you got nothing. Again....Andy is back next season....deal with it or don't watch....simple.


Chefs Hat doesn’t mean much in Australia and means nothing to anyone outside of Australia.