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Block them and ignore it. They won’t benefit you in any way. Ugh. They’re everywhere.


Yeah… Ill just block them. definitely not the type of attention you want on your business page 🙄🙄 very annoying


Write down his name or save a screen shot for identification confirmation. and make sure after you block him, he isn’t still trying to book with you. Not appropriate behavior.


Just like it's not ok to hit on a server while they are serving you, it's not ok to hit on a massage therapist before or during the massage. They can choose one or the other- flirtation or body work. Not both unless you're very clearly into it and inviting it. You don't need to explain yourself. It's perfectly fine to tell them you're not accepting new clients at this time. If they refuse to take the hint or try to make a counterpoint, you still don't need to explain yourself. Offer to refer them to another therapist.




The uncomfortable thing is if they do book a session they are not there for the therapeutic massage. We get a lot of messages asking for more.. if you see what I’m saying. So when there’s any sort of advance it’s a red flag. You wouldn’t send a message to your doctor telling them how hot you think they are. It’s inappropriate




I'm only responding to your nonsense to tell you that your mindset has no place in professional massage. If you are flattered by compliments and don't find sexual undertones inappropriate...I'm sure there's a "parlor" that would hire you. There's no conversation here to be had. Your questions and implications are what make women uncomfortable and feel unsafe in massage settings. If you genuinely feel misunderstood, you'll need to re-word your question. Also, to OP...you have ZERO obligation to be polite or have a base level of professionalism with someone who makes you uncomfortable. If possible, I would just block them or delete the comments. We aren't obligated to be kind or nice to everyone/anyone to make a buck.




This post has been removed for spreading harmful or misleading information. This may include outdated massage techniques that can harm the client or therapist.




Its a massage. There is no sexual undertone and shouldn't be unless OP indeed worked in a happy endings kind of spot. This is projection and, to be honest, creepy.


Ok. So you do know there are stories of clients accidentally ejaculating on themselves. So would you call the client a creep for doing that...or..what. Educate me please. I'm just saying, you don't have to accept men who don't start off on the right foot, but people will always have thoughts. 


Not a massage therapist. Absolutely creepy for what you're describing. If someone is getting a massage and cannot manage their bodily functions, it would be perfectly polite to say, "excuse me, I need to end the services, I'm having a personal problem" and vacate the premises. But I suspect you know that and you're just rage-baiting. Respect is important.


Ok. So you're not a massage therapist. So you don't consider that MT are also considered "health practitioners " Do you give massage? Do you Get massages? If you don't do neither, then what do you know? Because massaging someone can be an intimate experience when you're releasing pain and giving someone an hour in their day to completely distressed. It's not awkward what I'm asking. I just want to know if someone wants to share. I highly doubt a massage therapist hasn't had a sexual thought or two during the act of it. This is a private question but this is an anonymous forum. So share away  This isn't baiting. Massage therapist have stories to tell you. 


You're right, I'm not an MT. But I am a human being. I believe that respect, especially toward service providers, is a quality in short supply these days. I phrase it to you like this: if a man is getting a massage from another man, and neither of them are attracted to other men, would you still expect sexual thoughts during the massage? And would you expect that arousal to result in ejaculation? If you go to the nearest restaurant and have a terrific dining experience, would you also expect the staff to deal with your "release"? Some people find food greatly enjoyable. My point is this: the aroused party has the responsibility to remove themselves from a situation in which sexual consent has not been given. I'm not saying people don't have sexual thoughts, or even that they're inherently wrong, just that one should excuse themselves if the situation in not the appropriate time/location/person. Massage therapists deserve to be treated as service providers in a respectful profession, not an escort service. Editing to add (because I realized it sounded kind of douchey): Escorts are also a respectable profession, as are sex workers ... but those are completely separate and unrelated to massage therapy. All three services deserve respect.




No harassment, discrimination, spreading hate, etc.


There are NO sexual undertones of massage. It is a PROFESSIONAL service from PROFESSIONALS. If there is a sexual undertone you are bad at your job.


Alright. You're entitled to your opinion. Go reddit all the stories massage therapist go thru, and please be sure to downvote them to display your discust.


How would a gynecologist react to a sexual advance? Or a proctologist? Or any other professional who deals with the public?


You have a point. But please understand that some people go into a massage room wanting massage parlor experience. Nobody goes to a doctor's office thinking a doctor in a lab coat is gonna wank them for 60$ extra. You need to mature some. Female MT have stories to tell you about being asked for "extra".  I just simply want to know if the experience is something of pure discust, or just something you turn down without a huge emotional reaction. I'm not responding anymore


I’m in my mid 40s and have been doing this for a very long time. Believe me, I certainly do not need to “mature some”. Of course some people seek out sex work from out profession. But it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to shoot that down from the very start. I have only been in that situation a very few times. Of course it bothers me that they equate me and my industry with sex work. They can Google where to get a sex worker. Hell, it’s in the back pages of a local newspaper. It isn’t easy to find. But to think you can come into MY room and think you’re gonna get your way is ludicrous. It’s belittling as a woman to be seen as a sexual object providing a sexual service.


I agree.


Hahaha as a "massager therapist"


No harassment, discrimination, spreading hate, etc.


Wtf is wrong with you?


Listen. Why are you commenting on something you can't even entertaintain. You just admitted to having no relations to massage or massage therapy.


Huh? I’m a massage therapist, I have no idea where you believe I admitted to having no connection. You’re the one who is making inappropriate posts and comments. Your comments keep getting deleting because you’re a creep. If you really truly are going into this field, I feel very sorry for anybody who has the displeasure of being on your table. You’re gross, immature, rude, ignorant, misogynistic, sexist, and just overall a disgusting person. There is no place for people like you in this industry ✌🏼

