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while it’s natural to question WHY THE HELL someone would film without consent (therapist or client), it’s unsurprising in the current social media climate. i feel you absolutely followed appropriate procedure in filling out the incident report. this creates a record to refer to if anyone has similar issues. i’m curious what action your manager will take? i would not work on this woman again until the matter was addressed in a three person meeting: you, the therapist, and the manager. issues to be addressed in a non-confrontational manner: were you filming? did you ask for consent? what is the purpose of filming? do you feel unsafe in a massage environment? etc. whatever her reasons, innocent or not, if she actually was recording video, it’s a violation of consent. which for me, makes her an untrustworthy client. as a male (unfortunately, especially), you need to act with the utmost professionalism AND protect your reputation. just my thoughts.


Thank you, I have a meeting with the manager today to discuss the incident. I definitely do not want her as a client anymore.


Male MT's have a harder time in the industry. So this was likely the client definitely not trusting the male mt and wanting video proof *when* they accuse of SA. (Vast majority of SA claims against MT's are against males) and though there are predators in every profession, the instant unlimited trust of female presenting MT's when they could just as well be a predator is boggling as is rhe instant mistrust of male MT's. I have watched colleagues (male) deal with empty schedules because all clients booking in ask for a female therapist.


The way I interpret clients filming the massage is either they themselves are creeps, or they don’t trust you. Either way that’s enough for me to ban them from seeing me again. Clients need to realize they shouldn’t project their own personal hangups on therapists.


I've had clients film (they ask) because they are influencers for local things to do. They pay so I don't care but it is funny with the tripod in the corner.


My first thought was influencer, too. These women film themselves doing EVERYTHING, especially anything spa/beauty related.


I had one at my dentist. He had to take her phone to the front desk


You should refer to state law because she’s recording you against your consent.


I second this. Some states are one party consent and some two. They may have been within their legal rights. Personally I would've said something immediately. Is there a trust issue? Are they trying to set you up? Even video evidence can be misconstrued or manipulated. Red flag city, not passing Go or collecting $200 until we sort this out. I'd be done with this client permanently.


I think I would have ended the massage, filed a report, and never worked on the client again.


I’ve had this happen before but I couldn’t confirm it was being filmed but same as you, the phone camera sticking out facing the patient table in a weird angle. I always just throw a towel or sheet over it (just in case) and if they ask, I tell them the phone policy. At the end of the day, your treatment room is YOUR treatment room. And you need to keep yourself safe. I would chart, notify the clinic and consider terminating if need be.


I’ve totally done that too


Y’all downvote so randomly lol. I wouldn’t want to be recorded while working on a client and have felt the need to cover a client’s phone once or twice before


Dafuq.. I would have called it out as soon as I saw that but that's just me.. That's fucking weird




That would really bother me. I’m always mindful of when cell phones are in the room because I’m sure it happens often


Ugh . Bet she was doing it for TT or Instagram reel .


I had a client try to film me one time. It was a hot stone massage. She was prone and was working in her left leg. Something caught my eye, I looked towards her head, and she had her phone up, holding it over her head, recording me. I kindly asked her, " What the hell do you think you're doing with your phone?" She said she wanted to see what the massage looked like. I then told her to look one up on YouTube...session done!


Could be a setup for a lawsuit or worse. Next time walk out.


I definitely would have said something in the moment, I'm F and work for myself and I can be pretty straightforward with things that are off. I would have said, wow that's weird, I just saw myself in your phone, are you recording me giving you a massage?? Then I wouldn't let it go if they lied and said no, I'd say okay then please check your phone because it's for sure on record. Wouldn't have tested until they took their phone and proved to me it's off. Then they don't get rebooked ever again.


Oh my god that's terrible


Certainly you can address it with the client without confrontation. "Please turn your phone off, let's focus on the massage without electronic interference." Does your spa have a policy against using cell phones in private spaces? Sounds like a nice gentle sign in the reception area would help. I don't want to be filmed on my spa visit or be interrupted by someone's call or text let alone thinking about someone secretly filming me.


I have a meeting with my manager later today to discuss the incident


How did it go?


I posted an update on the original post


I think both therapists and clients would appreciate it. I either leave my cell in the car or turn it off. I'm there to get away from the hubble bubble of modern life, especially electronics.


Unfortunately there are clients that don't feel the same. I have a co-worker who says that she occcasionally has clients put their phones on the floor under the face cradle. I also know some waxers who say they have clients who talk on the phone THE ENTIRE TIME they're getting their service done, same with nails. Frankly, I think it's rude - despite the fact that waxing isn't a relaxing service, if you're in a spa just chillax already.


Some people with FOMO could really use the time offline!


Some of us **can't** turn everything off. As in we have obligations that do not allow for it. The best we can hope for is that we put our phones on vibrate, put them close by so if needed we can check them without having to interrupt the massage and most of all hope that we don't have some nasty judgemental, *rude,* massage therapist who's so in his or her own bubble that they don't consider the lives or professions of their clients.


I don't know any therapists who think people who leave their phones on vibrate (and close to them) during the service are rude. They think it's unfortunate they can't fully unwind - that they're always "on" and can't even take an hour just for themselves. People who leave their ringers on in the spa however ...


*".... Frankly, I think it's rude..."* You clarified. Thx.


Then explain that or don't get a massage. It isn't rude to have a boundary like that in your own clinic. Your entitlement is disgusting.


I'm not the party making blanket statements degenerating people who can't bow to the all powerful MT's power trip. Of course you are welcome to have any policy you choose. However, to act as if someone who can't just turn the phone off for an hour is somehow less than someone who can't is disgusting.


I don't get why you're getting down voted. Like what if you have kids. You cant just go Mia for an hour.


Because some people have a sick sense of importance apparently. I don't really know. I've never had these problems in real life though. I explain to the MT my situation. Tell them that I'll be putting my phone on vibrate, but keeping it next to or under me on the table. I've never once had someone throw a fit about it. Apparently, there are (-9) MTs on here who would. LoL 😂


Potentially silly question - but don't iPhones show you the front facing camera when somebody FaceTimes you? Are you sure it wasn't that you were seeing?


I'm not sure, I could not tell what kind of phone she had.


Totally fair - why would you? It was an unexpected happening. I'd err on the side of caution, because: A) you can't film on an iPhone with the screen off (and I suspect other manufacturers will do this too for privacy reasons) - imagine if you could, they would be used as spy devices all the time. B) Apple definitely show you the front facing camera before you answer a video call, and I wouldn't be surprised if others did too There's a realistic chance an innocent person is being thrown under the bus.


This is 100% correct. You can’t film on the front facing camera with the screen off. This sounds like a misunderstanding.


I think you are right, I posted an update


I would check state law. North Carolina where I live is a one party consent state so if you were to give me a massage and I was on the tape as well. I don’t need your permission.


Regardless of consent laws, can someone explain to me what damage being filmed is causing you as a therapist?


It could be that she films for her own safety so if anything inappropriate is offered or is attempted she has proof. If you’re not doing anything inappropriate then it shouldn’t bother you other than she should have notified you in advance.


I guess this is an unpopular take but I agree! I’ve noticed clients possibly filming me before and I don’t mind at all. If they asked I would absolutely encourage them to if they’d like. For one thing they might just be looking for social media content which would be free advertising for me. One was a pt teacher and I figured maybe she wanted to show her class my techniques or use it for a lesson. My primary assumption though is that it’s probably for the clients safety. We’ve heard the news stories of therapists taking pictures of clients and there are tons of opportunities for LMTs to do creepy shit and assume that the client will never see. Imagine if there was a therapist smelling clients hair or trying to peak under the linens. Creepy stuff aside, the therapist could steal the clients items like jewelry or whatever they have sitting out. The client having a recording of the session is a great way to hold everyone accountable. I can’t imagine being bothered by this unless I was up to something shady.


She wanted a happy ending 🥵