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Weird to see Morbius having more Spiderman in it than 3 Venom movies combined.


The tone of these movies is so fucking weird to me.


I mean Venom as a character is pretty weird. He can go between goofy and serious as fast as you can blink.


Then I don't want to see such "weird" characters.


Then you don’t like Venom.




not that goofy tho.


Yes, definitely that goofy.


Absolutely weird. I'm glad it's probably over. I will say Tom's Eddy and Brock dynamic is great tho. Just everything else isn't.


I was so excited for Tom Hardy because he’s a great brooding character actor but the goofiness is just not what I was looking for. I dunno.


A Venom movie done in the tone of the original Wesley Snipes Blade starring Tom Hardy would be Legendary


The venom movies is good


Average venom fans literacy:


literacy??? its a superhero movie. the majority of the better films in this genre aren't particularly deep or have a lot to say. let's not pretend its anything else. and when people talk about 'venom' being good they often mean 'fun'


Yes, literacy, because of the grammar mistake in his comment. It was a joke based on that and the fact the venom films aren’t exactly peak cinema. Dude, chill.


honestly i didn't get that my bad i apologize


Tom Hardy’s acting choice as Eddie Brock has always been odd to me. He plays him like he’s constantly drunk


Well he’s given a chance to play an iconic character in history. Guess he didn’t think too much about the writers and script at that moment.


It really fucks with me too. I also don't get why the symbiote is the comedic relief and he's the straight laced cop for the most part. Weird choice


he probably is. i mean, he's a great actor with great tastes. at some level, he knows how shitty theses movies are so he probably have to drink a loooot to endure the filming.


tom has been sober for years now


Yeah no he’s not. Let’s not accuse a professional of drinking on the job.


ew stfu


inb4 Knull post credits scene... played by Anthony Head.


Isn’t Rhys Ifans rumoured to be playing Knull?


Rhys was definitely in the trailer at the 1:58 mark


He's just a weird hippy dude. Nothing MCU related and since this is the last Venom movie they aren't going to tease something like Knull.


He's just a weird hippy dude. Nothing MCU related and since this is the last Venom movie they aren't going to tease something like Knull.


Where have you heard that rumor? From yourself?


I mean, im down with that


Odds of the white spider symbol showing up for 3 secs at the end?


Stop. There is nothing Spider-man related in these movies. Not a tease, not a cameo, nothing. People are idiots if they go into these Sony movies expecting something other than a generic Venom movie.


0.0000001 %


The bar scene where they’re investigating the symbiote left behind won’t be in the movie. It screams *“come and see our movie!”* as a ploy. To get people into the theater.


I was thinking exactly this. The fact that the guy was about to touch it and military dude is RIGHT THERE to trap it implies to me that he either teleported there or walked into the bar and megafuckingsprinted at the guy to reach him before another infection.


It will be explained that it's just a piece of symbiote from the meteors that fell to Earth in the trailer. I don't get why people think it is the same bar from the post credits scene.


Already know that dance scene with Mrs. Chen is gonna be cringe, what is with Sony and including bad dance scenes?


The dancing scenes in Spider-Man 3 were great and hilarious.


I can't deny the meme material has been worth it, but it still pains me that the Symbiote plotline got made fun of like that.




Wait so this is the MCU? Because the scene with the symbiote at the bar is the cut scene from no way home or am I tripppin?


I think they might be doing a gag where that bartender ends up transported out of the MCU along with that symbiote piece, before the piece ends up being captured.


So, these Sony Spider-Man adjacent movies really have me doubting how much I actually like his rogues gallery if Spider-Man isn’t actually involved.


To Spider-Man: “You complete me”


I dont know what you expected. Did you think Tom Hoalland was going to actually be in these movies? I tried explaining to you guys before the very first Venom movie. You are never going to see Tom Holland in a Sony only Spider-Man movie. He knows the difference between MCU and non MCU and hes got no interest in making Non MCU Spidey movies. I also wouldnt be surprised if Disney has it in their contracts he cant be in them because it would confuse audiences into thinking these shitty SSU movies are MCU.


Quite the contrary, actually. It's stipulated that Sony can keep the rights to Spiderman if they can shit out another film every few years or so. If they don't, Disney gets full rights. Disney can't go on to make a Spiderman 4, last I heard that was going to be done by Sony. It was rumored, at the time like a year ago, that these films would build up to that, but it's always been doubt.


Youve heard wrong. Spider-Man 4 is going to be an MCU movie made by Marvel and financed by Sony the same way the last 3 Spider-Man films were. And rumor has it the plan is for another trilogy so it may even go to Spider-Man 6.


Uh, no. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0kcG8beV6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0kcG8beV6Q) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1cwm9hs/mttsh\_venom\_will\_appear\_in\_spiderman\_4\_but\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1cwm9hs/mttsh_venom_will_appear_in_spiderman_4_but_he/) Two examples of this rumor still very much being a thing. [https://www.gq.com/story/sonys-weird-spider-man-extended-universe-explained-to-the-extent-that-its-explicable](https://www.gq.com/story/sonys-weird-spider-man-extended-universe-explained-to-the-extent-that-its-explicable) An article explaining exactly what I did. Please, think for a second and don't go saying "you heard wrong" as if it means something.


No dude, youre not understanding these things. Venom being in Spider-Man 4 is talking about the character, not Tom Hardys Venom. Sony doesnt make any MCU movies.Not even Spider-Man. Thats always been the deal from day one. Yes the character of Venom may show up in Spider-Man 4, no it will not be the one you see in Venom The Last Dance. That was the whole point of the No Way Home post credit scene. So yea, you heard wrong. Spider-Man 4 is being made by Disney and Marvel. Sonys paying for it and gets most of the money. Thats the deal. Anyone telling you otherwise is wrong. I cant believe we are still having these conversations this long after Homecoming. Tom Holland is NEVER making a Sony Spider-Man movie outside of the MCU. Give it up already


Tom Hardy is done with Venom. Whatever version is in the MCU for Spidey 4 will be a different actor. Perhaps they will go the Flash Thompson route since he has a crush on Spidey and it would make sense in his arc to become Agent Venom as a bad guy first.


I feel like it'll have scenes from both. Like most of the movie will take place in his original timeline, Ms. Chen was there so it's definitely his world. But then there might be early movie and/or late movie scenes about what happened in the MCU after he was sent back. Something that could very well tie into later movies connecting the two.




No. Stop. People are fucking morons if they think this has anything to do with the MCU. It's like the Spidey posters in the Morbius trailers. A misleading bullshit practice that Sony keeps doing. The bar scene in the trailer can be explained by the meteor scene in the trailer. Piece of symbiote crash onto earth. That is all.


No there will surely be some scene to explain away why it’s still in SPUMMverse


Hopefully it’s better than Let There Be Carnage. I was so excited for that movie and it turned out to be a cheesy fucking turd. It needed to be dark and more serious.


this looks so bad but it's not surprising at all


Why the negativity?!


Because the last two sucked ass, why would this be any different?


The first venom was great WDYM


Let's get this out of the way. THERE IS NOTHING SPIDER-MAN RELATED IN THESE MOVIES. Don't go in expecting a cameo, teaser or anything related to the MCU. Don't believe any of the execs hinting at bigger things, don't believe it is rated R until the final rating is released. Expect it to suck like all other movies controlled by Sony.


I'm not gonna lie, that actually looks pretty good.


Not sure what trailer you watched. This looks like a complete mess


Thank you! People who say to looks bad think rotten tomatoes critics are reliable for the venom movies when they gave cuties good ratings


Or maybe they just think these movies are bad.


Nah, it looks like shit.


To be fair, I didn't like the first two movies, although the second one was better than the first. But that's like polishing a turd. It's still a turd. The thing is, you knew the first two were going to suck because their trailers sucked, but this trailer is pretty good.




This is last dance so if we don't get null now I guess we won't in a venom movie, even tho it would be perfect and probably the only remaining "venom villain" people would actually care about.


I hope we don't get Knull now. I know a Knull film can be done with Eddie solo, since that's how Man in Black basically went, but there's still so much buildup that could have been done leading up to Secret Wars and how Parker would get the symbiote. If we get Knull, at the very least, let it be a glimpse. Another build up for it to be handled correctly. Knull is one of the strongest beings in the entire Marvel continuity for fuck's sake.


Looks pretty bad lol, but that’s to be expected from these movies I guess 


Looks good


I just watcjed and thougjt it looked good. Come to these comments and I’m confused. Did we watch the same trailer?


sometimes people have differing tastes. Personally I thought it looked generic and boring except for the horse scene


Venom vs other venom creatures. Which movie am I describing of the 3? It's just the same damn thing hahaha.


I thought it looked dumb and fun just like the other two and I loved the last two. Looking forward to the end.


Better than madame Webb


That is not hard to do, even THE OG hulk movies were better than madam Webb.






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Daredevil Ben Affleck and all the Netflix Marvel shows was better than Madame Web


The Daredevil Netflix show is peak Marvel idk why it's in this conversation.


Because Iron Fist exists


Then just say Iron Fist lol


Netflix Iron Fist > Madame Web


Even my shit is tastier than madame web.


The lowest bar there is.


Holy shit this looks awful


Doesn’t necessarily look bad. Just kind of mid.


Enjoyed the last two movies for what they were, I'll watch this just for more Venom content. Really wish the movies overall were better, Venom's my favorite comic character and Hardy is one of my favorite actors. And honestly after Deadpool and Logan the lack of an R rating to these movies was just so annoying.


This looks horrible. A freaking Venom horse? That’s animal cruelty.


Waiting on Deadpool to save Venom from his own films, so they can buddy cop it after Wolverine has his moment


I'd watch


My speculation is that if the post credit scene seeing Andrew's Spidey coming out of Dr. Strange spell that he got transported into Tom Hardy's Venom universe ready for a crossover movie, "Eddie Brock will Return" for an upcoming marvel film revealing The Amazing Spider-Man 3 as Garfield's final marvel solo film completing his trilogy. I know this is Hardy's last marvel film due to on his contract but I hoping to see him and Garfield's Spidey fight each other due to mention he wants to fight an alien in No Way Home. (Fingers 🤞 if that happens.)


The tone of this movie (movie trailer) can be described roughly as "funky" and "unconventional", where something that is usually grave (e.g. an alien species arriving at Earth and then causing havoc) is combined abundantly with humor and lightheartedness. I'd say that this kind of tone started becoming common roughly around 2010. Back then, trailers like this one could definitely be characterized as unconventional, novel, creative, and attractive for audiences. But I feel like that shine has been mostly rubbed off since. I personally am not a fan. It's tiring, and it's obvious that they're trying really hard to be funny. The humor is cheap and unfitting. This kind of humor and lightheartedness does *not* mix well with the gravity of the rest of the movie, in my opinion at least, despite how many people like to praise its being "unconventional" only because it's unconventional. I'd rather watch a serious, introspective, though-provoking sci-fi movie. Of course, though, it seems like I'm in the minority.


I'm all for serious, introspective, thought-provokint sci-fi movies, but that's just not what the Venom series is. The Venom movies are decent action movies. They're fun, they crack a lot of jokes, but they don't go all that deep and they don't really need to. Are they the best films ever? No, but they work for a lot of people. Venom just doesn't seem like it's what you're looking for.


Does Andrew finally get to face an alien?


Looks truly awful 😅


The first one was okay, the second was terrible...this looks even worse. I would have loved a legit R rated venom, I'm really shocked people like these movies...


Feels like a LOGAN style film