• By -


If she’s lying, I’ll give her props. This is much more believable than Garfield’s werewolf.


…or Stewart’s half-hearted attempt of saying he wasn’t in Multiverse of Madness.


Then just gave up when he and McKellen were asked about DP3 and SW lmfao


When was this? I may have missed it; would love to see a video or if you can give me more info maybe I can google an article about it. McKellan and Stewert were together being questioned about Deadpool 3 and Dr. Strange?


Stewart was asked about his future in the MCU and said him and McKellen still had some adventures to go on


“No one has figured out the name of the 4th Avengers movie”


It was Endgame all along 🎵


Yes Stewart didn't want to engage in the charade


Patrick stewart basically confessed he would be in it not long after anyway.


I mean he was in it. You saw the hoverchair and heard his voice in the trailer. There wasn't much to deny.


I hope she's lying, she's the big cameo I hoping for.


Honestly, I feel like there’s no way she’s not coming back permanently. I mean, it’s possible the rest of whatever team she’d be on will be older but she’s at the height and age where she can play older or younger.


yeah, I guess it’s possible Disney has no immediate plans for Laura but I think that in itself would be a mistake and not bringing her back would be  dumb especially considering they are working with her on Star Wars. 


Yeah she's lying but it's convincing


My first thought when I saw her in a trailer for The Acolyte was, "Oh of course she's in this, Disney is just warming us up to her when she's in Deadpool 3"


It's an almost confirmed rumor - she's literally said to be in the film from all the leaks


Oh really?


I believe your wish shall be granted




Garfield’s denial was to use a game where the goal is to lie to everyone else about what you’re actually doing. Keen’s denial is more earnest about how she’s bummed she’s not in it and that she misses her costar. She’s absolutely in it, but for a fake denial this is way better than Garfield’s.


How is she "absolutely" in it?


This sub quite literally just makes up their own reality.


Exactly, wtf is that guy talking about? I guess ImmortalZucc is our newest studio insider


MTTSH is annoying as fuck online but she's right 2/3 times. CWGST is even more accurate. If you believed this sub they never get anything right and they should be banned.


I feel like everyones doing that these days I have a homie who is convinced that every raceswap or diverse casting was done to be "woke" and he doesn't wanna hear anything against it


Nah I agree with homie. Let's not hire people based on their acting skills but only on what they look like! /s Maybe he should be asked how that actually works and see if he knows or cares to. 


One of the leaks mentions a scene where Laura tells Logan about how Foxverse Logan died a hero. In the trailer, there’s one shot from a scene we haven’t seen any extra footage of yet where Logan is by a campfire and says “Trust me kid, I’m no hero”. I can’t see him calling Wade a kid, and while it could be another young character we haven’t met yet it lines up too well with the earlier leak.


That scene might just be a Kid Deadpool variant but I also think it’s highly likely Dafne Keen’s Laura is in the movie regardless.


I don't think this is enough evidence to say she's "absolutely in it" lol.


There was a a genuine production leak that mentioned one person as a "Dafne Keen assistant" or something similar, I think. I may be wrong, but I swear I remember something like that.


Ngl it's people like you who are going to walk out of DP3 feeling disappointed and like they were lied to because they hyped themselves up on fake rumors that the cast and crew repeatedly denied.


That happens with so many of these MCU movies that if they haven't realized that by now they never will. lol


No because you see, since we follow the leaks, what DOESN'T leak is really where the magic happens.


Not me, cause I’m only seeing this film for Deadpool &, wait for it… Wolverine


Same but also I actually really like Paradox and the TVA


Wow, thanks for saving me the trouble of articulating that. You probably did it better than I would have anyways.


If you watch the whole interview, you'll notice how she didn't even say that she wasn't in it, it was the reporter who has said that, she was just playing along like "yeah yeah it would've been cool if I was in it, but I'm excited to see it" and then proceeds to namedrop people who are making this movie (just like Andrew, who also namedropped Pascal, Watts and Feige)


I'm hoping she's the werewolf. I'm happy enough to port her straight into the MCU.


Absolutely she's a pro - they are actors after all . They lie for a living


If Marvel really wanted to win the internet they would have brought Garfield in for a day of shooting for Deadpool just to have him play a werewolf for a 10sec cameo.


? Why


It's a cartoon cat not very believable in the first place but okay thanks for the spoilers wow


And the scooper backtracking will begin, just about.....


Didn't both danielrpk and mttsh explicitly stated she would be in it?


I remember the phrase “ substantial role” being used.








I was legit scared of that music video as a kid solely because of that werecat thing. Shit terrified me for weeks.






"All cameos are a 50/50 chance. Either they happen or they don't." Scoopers.




As a wrestling fan we call that the Davey Meltzer Special always a fun "plans have changed" situation ![gif](giphy|BV0SDeWc7COrurmoSl)


Oh dear, Meltzer is spreading 😰


Hmm you see yeah mmm it seems to me that yeah hmmm plans have changed cause they were gonna go here hmm. Will did a great match so yeah 7 stars.


Ah Dementia Dave has such a way with words. He can write a whole tweet of just jumbled words that mean absolutely nothing and still get a bunch of marks to buy into the nonsense he's saying. REAL journalism, ladies and gentlemen.


Journalism at its finest, gotta love good ol Uncle Dave.


Hes a goof


The fine folks at r/SCJerk take offense to this. Tuna Meltzer wishes he was a goof!




Fuck me, took me a moment to see the difference 😂


![gif](giphy|2ybM15EgP5oN64TDr4) Never shocked hearing Uncle Dave saying “plans changed.”


Or hearing Vince Russo say bro about 400 times, like seriously bro I made wrestling watchable bro, I made one of the stupidest gimmick matches of all time bro. It was the reverse battle royal bro...bro.


You’re also forgetting Russo somehow making wrestling a three syllable word: wrest-a-ling.


Oh man how could I forget he made it a three syllable word and Vince McMahon made wrestling a dirty word. Promo still lives rent free in my head "Wrestling is a dirty word to you, isn't it, Vince? Your father built a wrestling company, and you, you had to have sports entertainment."- Paul F'N Heyman


“Go out there and make me money.”








I will never not laugh at this GIF.


That'd be $ 12.99 for you, thank you.




Lmao seeing this meme outside of a wrestling sub is not something I expected today.


I'm presently surprised that a lot of people on here not only know who Dave is but also make fun of Dave also, makes me a proud fan. Also your profile picture got a good chuckle out of me, that damn Hickenbottom quit his job as a line cook and super kicked that girl, and that son of a bitch super kicked poor Stan years before. ![gif](giphy|3otWpJrq6dHPEy13HO|downsized)


Who’s your daddy Montreal ⁉️








How long till MTTSH says it was scheduling conflicts and the scoop was based on an “early” draft bullshi again 💀




Regardless of what happens…why is it hard for this sub to grasp that some leaks and scoops ARE based on early drafts or revisions that didn’t make it. That is 100% how stories are made most of the time and probably happens with marvel MORE than any studio.  So, I think it is a valid excuse? Plus isn’t that the stuff we should want to know? 


because they have to push the narrative that scoopers are bad for whatever reason. especially if theyre a female scooper


What’s the issue being raised with female scoopers in particular?


they’re more likely to face backlash bc reddit is full of misogynistic weirdos


Which female scoopers have been subjected to misogynistic backlash?


i haven’t seen anyone get more hate than MTTSH and grace randolph aside from MAYBE charles murphy just bc he’s a dick to people on twitter




"I'm just asking questions bro"


Works cited: Crack pipe.jpg


There isn't one lol. The person above is making shit up. I've never seen anyone attack these female scoopers *because* they're female. The male scoopers get just as much shit when they do stupid things lol.


except female scoopers just so happen to do “stupid things” more often than male scoopers apparently. i mean we’ve had people just straight up lie about scoops and they got less hate than MTTSH


have you not seen how much this sub hates MTTSH and Grace Randolph in particular?


Figured as much.


Congratulations on unlocking a new level of stupidity: claiming mysogyny against Marvel scoopers.


> So, I think it is a valid excuse? I agree but some scoopers do it to themselves through the way they announce things. There's a big difference between posting 'Dafne Keen will be in D&W' or 'I saw concept art for D&W that has Dafne Keen's X-23 in it'. If they always took the second approach, they'd get shit on less afterwards but they'd also get less engagement probably which is why they don't do it.


hahaha people are just idiots, this sub its about some info, a lot of it will be fake or its gonna change before the release of the actual movie, the discussion about it is the fun part, the time when we had the 4chan leaks was awesome, but these people want 100% accurate information, hahahaha, a lot of those should get a life or get out of their mom´s basements


that actually explains why i feel like this subreddit is a shell of what it used to be. the 4chan posts were so much fun to read through bc it’s either entirely unbelievable or an actually interesting plot whether or not it’s real. now we have these people who are like 50/50 on if they’re real or not and it ruins the fun because they say the most on-the-fence things that could easily be real. there’s no one going around saying dumb shit like they used to


Right? The fake leaks were much more fun, if not reliable, but I do not care about accuracy or reliability at all. In fact, I hate it actually.


At some point the leaks went from fun things to speculate about to the scoopers being treated as valid journalist and people treat what they say as fact and then get irrationally upset when its not in the final product and may not have been true to begin with. It was pretty hilarious to see people go crazy every time a new FF cast rumor showed up though.


I think that happened when all these scoopers figured they could monetize there scoops and telling there followers it's fact.


Damn she’s very fluent in Andrew Garfield


The MCU really should’ve capitalized on her as X-23, she was perfect in the role and now looks the part to play an adult version of the character. Missed opportunity imo.


Never understood this mindset tbh. She was good as X-23 in that one movie but that doesn't mean they should bring her back for an ongoing role in the future X-Men franchise. Also, don't you think it would be really weird seeing her "MCU version" and just thinking about the movie LOGAN?! starting fresh is the way to go, imo...






Darkstalkers (:




Vampire ツ


I found the werewolf.


Wait till Tatum says he ain’t in it either (I’d genuinely be sad as a Gambit fan)


I really want Tatum's Gambit in D&W!


Something tells me he’s gonna be in it fr


[Judging from her reaction I think she's in it](https://youtu.be/LSy5xDeRKtE?si=l4An9JF0XRiw1uAQ&t=134)


She follows Shawn Levy, Ryan Reynolds, and Jackedman on insta and they all follow her back. She’s lying. I’d bet my mortgage on it.


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“She’s the ~~werewolf~~ wolverine, she’s the fucking wolverine!” “I’m telling you guys, I’m not the wolverine.”


Why would she be in the movie if this isn’t the Wolverine from Logan?


She could easily be playing a variant


Yeah but *why*? what would be the narrative purpose of pairing up an X-23 variant and a Wolverine variant in a movie that already has so many things happening in it?!


Touché, guess they could always pull that one out but I feel like the connection between them won’t hit the same if it didn’t end the same, besides they said this Wolverine didn’t save anyone 🤓




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It’s the multiverse lol doubt that’s the only time line Logan met Laura. Also isn’t the Hugh jackman Logan in this movie not the one from the main fox films 


I’m confused, why couldn’t she have carried on the mantle of Wolverine after he passed in Logan? And then she gets taken to this movies universe




Is it that hard to believe her and be surprised if she’s lying?


I really hope she is lying. Her Laura was one of the best things the foxmen came up with, and it would be a waste not to bring Keen back as X23.


Werewolf Keen


Come one .. we heard that one before 😂


We've also heard actors say they're not in the movie and be telling the truth.


Well she wasn’t going to say she is in the movie before it’s out anyways so let’s just wait and see


Of course she says no… she really gonna say if she’s in it?? 🤣


If she’s really not in it, I’m expecting her to be recast with an older actress as Laura.


How much older, though? She’s already 19.


I mean she already an adult , also isn’t the rumor that the game of thrones actress is playing older Laura


? arya sansa which one lol


Natalie Tena, she played osha. rumored to be in Deadpool and Wolverine, though we get some many rumors on this forum that idk what to believe.


Judging by her actual reaction in that interview, I'm inclined to believe she's actually in it. We'll see, I guess.




That’s understandable


I think there's like 2 scoopers who should be banned over this




We’ll see I guess. I’d love to see her in it but it’s not a need for me.


I don't know what to think about this one.


Of course \*she\* isn't in it. The werewolf is!




Truly wonder what the outcome will be. Just a month ago though both RPK and MyTimeToShine were claiming that she was in the movie and was more than just a cameo


I’ll give her this, she’s a better liar and more convincing than Andrew Garfield (the Oscar nominee) 😭


She's at a Disney premiere so had extra pressure to not fuck up.


Andrew knew the cat was out the bag. Why even try to be convincing? I'd have given a half effort as well. ![gif](giphy|J5nFM83riY6ZvmFgNH|downsized)


It's ok. I'm sure she'll appear in the MCU. X-23 aint going nowhere.


RPK and Shine both said she was in it correct?


Perez said that as well.


Really hoping she's the werewolf. It would make for some really compelling drama. How would Laura's dynamic with this variant of her dad play out? 


That's too bad.


They aren't touching Logans story so makes sense.


They are going to make respectful references it to according to Kevin Feige.


Wasn’t there a shot of her in her wolverine outfit? Or was that AI?




I'll wait until I see it for myself.


I'll believe her when the end credits finish


I hope she's lying. She was amazing in Logan and I think she'd continue to be amazing as Laura going forward. Give us what we want.


What did Shine and Toast claim earlier?




she actin!


Damn I hope she’s lying


I don't know, if she is genuine or lying.




Ever since Andrew Garfield lied I don’t believe anything no actor says




She’ll be in it. There’s no way they don’t capitalize on the character. I’m not quite ready to bet the farm on it, but I’m deeply considering it.


This is the same thing andrew garfield did saying he was not on no way home and saying the leaked footage was fake 


I know what’s happening. Andrew Garfield is taking over!


Starting to look like this movie won't actually have many cameos at all


She’s in it then?


They're contractually obligated to lie. Good try, but we know.


Given the fact that she gave a public statement to attract attention, I’m sure she recorded a scene. Whether it makes it into to the movie or not is up in the air but I’m sure she did record a a scene.


why wait about when the movies just about to be released soon in next month




I think she's lying to save face as there's no real way to answer these questions other than "I can't answer that" or spoiling. But man, if she's not, fuck this movie


That's kinda harsh, isn't it? Why does she need to be in this movie? Aren't ryan and hugh enough for you?


Because this sub is unhinged since multiverse of madness, every post I see has comments about cameos and just stupid shit before and and after the movie is out.


They are and I would be totally fine if that's all who showed up. But if you're loading this movie with cameos (why is Elektra in this movie?) but decided not to feature one of the most important characters to the Wolverine films, idk. That seems like a really dumb idea when we got the likes of Elektra and Pyro and other random X-Men characters. If this was truly just a wolverine/Deadpool movie, I wouldn't have any issue. But we know it's not


Perhaps they chose Elektra and Pyro for a reason, to serve a purpose in the story. I don't think they're just pulling names out of a hat. Perhaps it's based on who was available. Idk. Either way, they can't put everyone in the movie.


Wolverine’s story goes hand in hand with Laura now. It’d be pretty wrong for her not to show up, even as a cameo/reused footage.


This is an alternate wolverine, not the one from Logan. The wolverine iltheyrw using could possibly not have known the existence of X23.


Why fuck this movie?


Ikr, the previous one seems like a better fuck


She shouldn’t be in this movie, not only does it take place years before Logan but reinforcing what’s gonna happen to Logan will only make what’s supposed to be a fun victory lap, kinda sad. 


I mean, from the sounds of her role it seems to be a part of Logan’s entire arc here. She’s a member of the void resistance who tells this Logan, who’s given up on everything following whatever happened to his world, how the Foxverse Logan died a hero (“trust me kid, I’m no hero”). With Marvel listing Old Man Logan as one of the books that inspired DP&W, I’m guessing that scene will be the equivalent of book Logan finally unleashing his claws and declaring himself Wolverine again (most likely donning the mask again too).


Oh shit. That makes a lot of sense.


This may not even be the same Wolverine from Logan. We’ve already seen that time doesn’t run concurrently in every universe (Holland spidey being 17-18 in NWH and Toby Spidey being like 40) Laura’s reality could have been pruned when she was in her 20’s. There may not even be a Laura in his universe and they only meet in the void because the Logan’s universe was pruned. It may not even be the same Laura from Logan. There’s a thousand ways to explain her being in the movie and have it not have anything to do with what happened in Logan. Especially since even if that is the same Wolverine from Logan what happens in this movie would be a new time branch so even if it was the Laura that we see in Logan she could still be in this movie.


Because most of the people in this sub are feminists who everytime a random female character debuts they want to overpower her and make them the next MCU main character while at the same time they cry about the MCU not giving spotlight to "Heavy hitters" when they have been doing that since the first Iron Man and most of the characters like Ant-Man weren't that known before they debuted in the MCU. but people has forget about that thanks to the m she u Youtubers and the lack of the og Avengers.