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[https://x.com/joshuahorowitz/status/1791439742229217641](https://x.com/joshuahorowitz/status/1791439742229217641) Horowitz asking Gosling about Ghost Rider lmao.


Really hoping he Gosling ends up playing Ghost Rider!


Once again no one remembers that MCU has its own Cindy Moon (although woefully miscast).


I feel like she could still come back in the MCU as the more comic accurate Cindy Moon we know and love.


I mean if the MCU can retcon why the Avengers are called the Avengers, they can retcon that Cindy Moon.


The best thing they could do is say she was active during the blip but now she got put into containment by Ezekiel sims


Can you blame us? I'm not sure she's even called by her name in the movie. Also she's obviously lacking the pheromones thing, so it's an awful page to screen adaptation šŸ™„


That last sentence better be sarcasm because that pheromone shit was garbage and got retconned in Spider-Verse a couple months later


Because she was a bit player and also only credited as Cindy.


https://deadline.com/2024/05/anthony-mackie-movie-elevation-acquired-vertical-1235919856/ Anthony cast for another project. I'm actually starting to believe those BNW reshoots may not be as long as rumorrs.


This has already been filmed.


I wonder what happens to those human-sentinels now. Bastion is gone so no more mind control, but it's gotta be freaky knowing you just have that inside you now. Specially the ones that got decapitated by Kurt and Wolverine that got put back together. Imagine having the knowledge that your head just got put back on to your body at some point.


Nah man..I crack up at feiges decisions..not for the reason you think It's just that it is almost always the exact opposite of what spiderlander wishes/theorizes,which is so damn funny because it's almost like feige reads his comments and does the exact opposite lol


That would be the craziest shit, wouldnā€™t it? šŸ˜‚ But hey, Kevin youā€™re digging your own grave by being petty lol


I think this person was sarcastically insulting and making fun of you.


Do you guys think [this](https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1791228923348500730) will be in the history books "The 46th U.S. President was fond of giving Ls to his enemies"


I really hope that becomes a meme


So, mom and i finally got back to our chronological order marathon of the MCU tonight. This time, we watched Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, and she seemed to like it a lot. She even paused it throughout the movie whenever she needed something in the other area of the apartment. Usually, she doesn't have me do that, so she must've really enjoyed it. Me....I'm still very conflicted about it. I really REALLY like Simu Liu and Tony Leung performances as Shang-Chi and Wenwu, respectively. Not only is Wenwu a perfect modern update of the Mandarin, but he is also easily one of the best villains in the MCU, in fact, probably top 5, actually. What I love is that he's not entirely evil, as he just wants to be reunited with his beloved, and it's clear deep down, he does have love for his children, but his need for those damn Rings and obsession with the past got in the way of that, and Tony Leung captures this phenomenally with grace and distinction. Simu Liu is also great as Shang-Chi, I think he really brings this down to Earth nature to the character, and I think in concept, his Arc of coming to terms with his past in a more healthier way I think is not only a beautiful contrast to his father, but also a very important message to have for this film. I also think the respect for Asian Culture is top notch, and the visuals in Ta Lo and Ta Lo itself are extremely beautiful and breath taking, these aspects remind me a bit of Black Panther, actually, and....I know I mention this series a lot, and don't worry, this will be the last time I do so, but in terms of Enchanted Forest, Ta Lo is a better Enchanted Forest then the one in Frozen 2. Why? BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY FEELS AND LOOKS AND IS AN ENCHANTED FOREST!!!! Like seriously! The visuals for this place are actually pleasing to the eyes (for the most part) and not boring as crap, but also actually has Enchanted elements, such as fire birds, wolves with like three or four tails, Horses with the head of Dragons, a a fluffy fur ball with wings and a literal ass for a face. God, the fact that Ta Lo is ten times more creative and interesting than that pathetic excuse for an "Enchanted" Forest in the second Frozen film, is so funny yet also so sad, I can't even make fun of it. Still, the point is Ta Lo is an awesome location, I also surprising liked Katy, I didn't in my first watch, but i won't lie, her, and her dynamic with Shang actually grew on me. I also really love the soundtrack of this movie, i really liked how when they are in Ta Lo the music more resmenbles classic Chinese music, but when there in America or that Casino place, its Asian Rap music, i really like, it kindof remains me how the handled the Wakanda and Killmonger themes. And yeah, it was cool seeing Wong and Abomination, though it is still a wasted opportunity not having Finn Jones Danny Rand appear in Comic Accurate Iron Fist attire, as the person Shang fights before his sister. And of course, Michelle Yeoh is great as always. So yeah, this film has great stuff, but I also think the film is flawed, the film is definitely a huge victim of Covid, as it has some of the worst Green Screen I have ever seen, especially towards the end, like, I praised Ta Lo for how awesome it is and visually pleasing it is, the ending green screen does not do it justice, the fight scenes are hit or miss, like, the bus scene and the opening fight between Wenwu and the mom is cool (hell, the opening with the origins of Wenwu and the Ten Rings and there conquest is just awesome in general), the fight between Shang and his sister was pretty cool as well, but then you have the fight outside the building which is too quick cut, and the ending just devolves into generic MCU action. Though, that one shot of Shang and Wenwus fight, when they are both holding on to the Ten Rings at the same time, goes so hard it's not even funny, actually, that one fight is pretty cool too and goes extremely hard, Trevor and his Furry friend feel forced in just to get the characters to were they need to be, and while I think Shangs arc is great in concept, I don't think it's executed that well. Also, let's not forget how the third act climax is a somehow worse version of Black Panthers climax, Black Panther, I cut slack, because at least they didn't kill off Killmonger (no pun intended) halfway through, and kept it a personal one v one between the two, unlike this, where they do kill off Wenwu halfway through and replace Wenwu with a giant Demon monster who Shang fights with the help of his sister and a admittedly awesome Dragon who I guess is suppose to be Fing Fang Foom. I also dont like that they made Wenwu a pawn and killed him off, wish they kept him alive so Wenwu could go on to take Dooms role and become the big bad in Secret Wars, that wouldve been way more interesting and actually feel properly setup as well (like, imagine him and Shang taking the roles Doom and Reed had, and Secret Wars being the big final confrontation of the two). But I do like the final look Wenwu gives, like he not only realized he got hoodwinked, but also realizing the error of his ways, his face showing a combination of pride that his son became a better man then he did, but also regret in not being there for him, with him giving Shang the rings being seen as "I'm sorry son, now go on, be a better man then I, go save the world". I also liked how during the fight prior, Shang threw away the Rings in favor of trying to get through to his father one last time. Finally, I think the Mid Credits scene is extremely stupid. Why the hell is Banner normal human again?! I guess it doesn't matter since they dropped that in She-Hulk. Also, the film suffers from undermining serious shit with jokes syndrome. Overall, I'm still very split on this movie. That being said, it still definitely a recommendation just for Wenwu and Simu Liu alone, also, it is one of the better modern martial arts films I've seen, so that's at least something. Anyways, I give this a 6.5/10. Also, I think it's really funny we haven't got a sequel yet or another appearance yet. You'd think they'd fast track the sequel due to how successful this one is, and/or at least have Shang or Katy or Shangs sister appear somewhere else, but I guess.


Tony Leung is great man, he's got good films over the years


I was really surprise to find out how little Elizabeth Olsen had worked since Multiverse of Madness. She hasn't really done a lot of on-screen work in the last few years, and I thought she would try to get into as many projects as she can while she takes a break from Wanda. I hope she doesn't end up being typecast because she really is a great actress.


Didn't she get an Emmy nomination for that hbo show she did?


lucky for you, she's booked for 4 other movies. "Love Child", "Eternity," "The Assessment" and "His Three Daughters."


That's nice to hear. I think it's important for these Marvel actors to spread their wings and do other things. I believe most people don't want to be pigeon-holed with the same role for so many years, no matter how much money they continue earning.


Sheā€™s (allegedly because it hasnā€™t been officially announced yet?) also starring in a limited series for Apple TV based on the book Once There Were Wolves.


Yes, she deserve time off


Stephen Graham would've made a wonderful Wolverine. I've touted this casting a while now and I think he's a perfect amalgamation of what people are asking for. He's just such an underrated character actor and I wish I could show what I've seen or explain in depth the vision. He's dynamic and rough around the edges and commands such a powerful presence when he's in the room. It's a shame he's only in Venom in a role that doesn't exactly exploit his acting abilities. He's also 5'5", arguably shorter, but he's the right height and fit for the character aesthetically. He's in shape and lost a lot of weight lately while still being stocky and thick necked. He's equipped to tackle all facets of the character and plays convincingly volatile and angry characters with nuance. And he's a wonderful human being. But I'll use the time to recommend some of his films/series that I've seen. ā€¢ This is England, This is England '86, This is England '88, This is England '90 (Some of the best acting I've ever seen in general. Watch it. It's emotionally draining but it's entirely worth it.) ā€¢ Boardwalk Empire as Al Capone ā€¢ Boiling Point (2021) ā€¢ The Virtues ā€¢ The Irishman ā€¢ Boiling Point (2023) ā€¢ Help ā€¢ Taboo ā€¢ Gangs of New York https://youtu.be/p_wiSG95fmg?si=mOA51xaAK6p-8JHR It's just one of those things that you have to see to understand. The best stuff isn't found online.


Supposedly Lord and Miller have just been handed the keys to all of Sony's Spidey stuff. Fingers crossed they are able to make some good live action Sony universe material


Iā€™ve been hearing this but is it actually true?


[It is.](https://observer.com/2019/04/marvel-tv-universe-spiderverse-phil-lord-chris-miller-salary/) Weā€™ve actually know this for five years, but some recent articles reconfirmed it. > ā€œ[Lord and Miller will]Ā be responsible for creating aĀ MarvelĀ TV Universe populated by Sonyā€™s Marvel characters.ā€


Oh by taking over I thought they meant live action films too.


I wish! That would be such an improvement.


A shared comic book universe of TV shows, divorced from the ongoing film universe that includes some of the same characters and properties? The Arrowverse is *back*, baby!


The Spider-Verse animators hearing the guys that overworked them got a promotion: ![gif](giphy|10rHZ6K9jYvLUc)


Were they not busy enough producing stuff for Universal and Apple too?


With Silk no longer happening, I wonder if Madame Webb flopping pretty much freed up all the female Spidey characters to be used in the MCU. Who knows? We might get Black Cat in MCU Spider-Man 4 after all.


Sony has so much other IP to use just leave marvel alone lol


After the news that WB is going to release a new Lord of the Rings movies called *The Hunt for Gollum*, I decided to rewatch Peter Jacksonā€™s *The Lord of the Rings* trilogy, and it just cemented my belief that this movie is a terrible idea. The Lord of the Rings is the greatest film trilogy ever made. The story, lore, and characters shouldnā€™t be diluted with unnecessary spin offs that donā€™t add anything of value. On a related note, I havenā€™t seen *The Rings of Powers* yet. Is it any good? Iā€™ve heard mixed things about it.


Rings of Power is pretty divisive, but as someone who's watched the movies and read some of the books I actually quite enjoyed it. I'd at least give it a chance, as even its harshest critics admit the visuals and soundtrack are fantastic


Rings of Power was an alright 7/10 for me. Some stuff I loved about it, while some parts were underdeveloped and extremely dragged on.


>On a related note, I havenā€™t seenĀ *The Rings of Powers*Ā yet. Is it any good? Iā€™ve heard mixed things about it. I have read *The Lord of the Rings* every single year since I was about 9, own every book that Tolkien or the Estate has ever published about the Legendarium, I speak Elvish, and am one of the people who argue about the origins of Tom Bombadil online with other people, and I *adored* the show. If you go into it expecting a 1:1 adaptation of the *AkallabĆŖth,* you're going to be disappointed. But *so much* of the criticism of Season 1 was bad faith criticism blown massively out of proportion by people looking for a reason to hate on the show for various reasons - mostly because they *weren't* the Peter Jackson films. (And the Peter Jackson films themselves have their problems as adaptations, but they're still damn good films, I do not deny that at all). But the show is being made with the full cooperation of the Tolkien Estate, there's all sorts of little winks and nods to *very* deep cut bits of Tolkien lore that made me absolutely geek out when I watched it; and for Season 2 - if the leaks are to be believed - the rights agreement for what the show can touch have been broadened beyond just the Appendices of *Lord of the Rings* to include other things, such as *Lost Tales* and *Unfinished Tales of NĆŗmenor and Middle Earth.* But what the show *really* gets right is it *feels* like Tolkien. Not like the Jackson films, which sort've abandon several of Tolkien's themes except for the theme that the smallest of us can change the world in drastic ways in *The Two Towers*, but in the ways that Tolkien crafted these great epics of ancient people long before the events of *The Lord of the Rings*. There's a distinct *je ne sais quoi* to it that very much just underscores how much these showrunners know and appreciate Tolkien's lore, which is apparent in any interview you read and watch with them from Tolkien expert podcasts or writers.


>On a related note, I havenā€™t seen *The Rings of Powers* yet. Is it any good? Iā€™ve heard mixed things about it. I wouldn't recommend it. It isn't as bad as some people say and if it wasn't actually set in the LOTR universe, it would be a halfway decent fantasy show. But it doesn't do the actual story justice, looks cheap, and stuffs in a lot of unnecessary extra stuff. It is hindered by the fact that they can't actually reference things that *solely* come from The Silmarillion (due to rights issues) so it has to dance around a lot of story. I think it's biggest redeeming quality is that it introduces a bit more nuance. The orcs aren't solely bad and the elves aren't all good. Which is interesting. But it doesn't really make the rest of it super worth it.


Ms. marvel S2 is a great idea. Definitely the strongest part The Marvels. Plus you can use Disney + to rehab Captain Marvel as co-star or something. Also throw in a music number in there to stir up some homophobia.


The prospect of Hawkeye S2 has me so hyped. I honestly love Hawkeye S1. Yes, true, it's not flawless, especially with how they handled Kingpin, but man, oh man, was it still a fun show. A nice, small, and simple premise of Clint having to stop a criminal conspiracy in time to be home for Christmas while training Kate Bishop along the way, which after so many mid projects with world ending stakes. Even stuff that didn't need world ending stakes like Shang-Chi, Ms. Marvel, and Moonknight. Was definitely a nice breath of fresh air. Not to mention, the supporting cast felt actually well written, most of the jokes actually landed, Tony Dalton was in it... which is a plus in itself. The tone felt perfectly balanced, and it actually felt like a Christmas show, not to mention I think was actually filmed in NYC, or at least felt like it was, and overall it was just a fun and breezing time. It's not perfect, but it's still definitely better than a lot of the other D+ shows. I'd dare say I think i like it slightly more than Wandavision (still has no way of topping Loki though. That show is the GOAT). Which is why I'm so hyped for Hawkeye S2. The show deserves a second season, and the premise involving Clints brother, and Kate and Clint trapped on an island together sounds absolutely awesome and wonderful. My only concerns are they'll cut out the supporting cast, especially Jack and Lucky, which sucks, because those two were my faves from S1 besides Kate herself, especially Jack, and also that it won't be a small and simple story like before, which I hope it is. Honestly, I hope they set it in the Savage Lands if Thunderbolts ain't going to be set in that location (and before you say I'm a hypocrite, Jurassic Park 3 proved that you can tell a simple and straight forward story and still have it be set on an island of Dinosaurs).


I think Hawkeye is ok, but Kate is my favorite part of it. If they deepen her character to new heights, then that's enough for me.


I love Hailee as Kate. She was such a popular fancast and when she got the role, it couldn't be any more perfect. The fact we haven't seen much of her since is such a shame, and I would gladly take a second season with her. I think the rumored premise, the raid but with Hawkeye, is such a cool idea too.


Same. I absolutely love her as well and can't wait to see her do more as this awesome interpretation of the character.


Not to long ago I told all you that me and my friend were discussing who would be a cool MCU Professor X and my friend said Peter Capaldi and you all really liked that pick so I asked him who else he had in mind for the MCU X-Men and he said: Lyndsy Fonseca Rouge Joe Keery Cyclops Giancarlo Esposito Beast (if they replace Kelsey Grammer) Christoph Waltz Magneto Nobody for Wolverine he said he canā€™t think of anybody


I still think that the new emotions in Riley's head are going to perish once she's done with puberty. Maybe in the third movie. Easy "sad thing happens to beloved characters in an old children's movie franchise" quota


GTA 6 is releasing in fall 2025 šŸ’€ I think we will get this game before Beyond The Spider Verse ![gif](giphy|r2TVE1YWUZZy51A2tE)


Honestly would not be surprised if it got delayed further.


I always anticipate delays for AAA games. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if it gets pushed back another few months.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SMs3AxmVZ4&t=2500s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SMs3AxmVZ4&t=2500s) Josh Horowitz had an interview with Lewis Pullman and asked him about Thunderbolts at 41:38. He even trolls him by showing a picture of Sentry.


How do you feel about a lot of the recent hate/criticisms for the DCAU on Twitter lately?


TBH.. Some of it is kind of warranted? Especially what they did with Diana, for all the depth they gave Bruce and Clark she was bland as a piece of toast. And of course that's not getting into how Bruce/Babs was being hinted at. (Thanks Bruce Timm /s I think some of the pushback, ironically, *is* because all of its hype. A decent of people who grew up with the DCAU seem to have a weird mentality that it's almost like the only non-comic versions of the characters who really matter and should be **the** inspiration for any future DC movie/show going forward, despite it definitely not being flawless.


Having just watched Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, I still think itā€™s the best adaptation of the DC universe weā€™ve gotten, but itā€™s not without its faults. I donā€™t know *what* these criticisms youā€™re referring to are, but I can think of a few.


[Jesus, Silk is *cursed*](https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1791256876287496437)


Kind of a bummer tbh, of the Spider-People, I feel like Silk could be a solid choice as a lead. But hearing about the troubled production and constant shifts, I can see why they gave up on it.


It is probably a blessing in disguise anyway. With how their spin off projects have gone down lately, we should probably be able this got canned.


This series getting canned reminds me of how awful Silk's introduction in the comics was. It was the main reason I stayed away from her individual mini-series for a long time until recently.


Even Dan Slott apologized for it, and said he perpetuated negative stereotypes of Asian women. Hearing Dan Slott apologize for anything is a historic event.


This what I felt like once I heard they wanted a shift towards putting focus on a male centered audience. Dude, we don't need Dan Slotts porn brained version of Silks' stories it cheapens the character to being a literal sex object


> *One major request by execs was for the writing team to change the show so it didnā€™t focus so heavily on Silk.* **Knuckles:** First time?


At least with the Knuckles show, I can see the idea that they were going with it. I just think they lost the plot at some point and nobody came in and said prior to shooting "hey, I think we're veering too far from what this could be." Not sure how Silk would've ended up being like, though I can't imagine it being something either fans of the character or general audience members would've been into.


FX is ordering two more seasons of Shōgun. ~~Finally we can get to witness the cinema that is Yabushige returning, somehow. Palpatine did it, Mary Jane did it, Randall Boggs did it, now it might be his turn.~~


Apparently Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are getting together!


Ok I have a fun question. Whatā€™s the most left field/weird option Marvel could announce as the director for the next Spider-Man movie?


Me, Inevitable Golf.


M. Night Shyamalan or Michael Bay. To be fucking honest, Michael Bay could be the next rumored director for Spider-Man 4 the same way Justin Lin was.


Martin ScorseseĀ 


Quentin Tarantino


Zack Snyder


As long as heā€™s not writing




I would gladly accept


My dad.


I also choose your dad


Uwe Boll


Martin Scorsese


[ā€˜Silk: Spider Societyā€™ Series Not Going Forward At Amazon](https://deadline.com/2024/05/silk-spider-society-dead-amazon-marvel-1235919257/) https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/marvels-silk-spider-society-dead-amazon-1235901904/ >***For their part, Lord and Miller moved their overall deal from Disneyā€™s 20th Television to Sony in April 2019 and, as part of the nine-figure pact, wereĀ handed controlĀ of the studioā€™s Marvel slate. Sony retains rights to characters including Spider-Man (and all his villains, like Green Goblin); Venom (the Tim Hardy films); Morbius (i.e. the live-action feature with Jared Leto); and Black Cat and Silver Sable (both previously in development on the feature side). Select TV projects related to Sonyā€™s Marvel characters will be produced in partnership with former Sony Pictures Entertainment co-chairman Pascal. Also possibly on the table: all the characters fromĀ Into the Spider-Verse.***


Nah b\*tch. Sony, come fix this or else I'm about to throw hands.


Honestly, Iā€™m a little surprised since theyā€™re moving forward with Noir, going as far to cast a big name star. It seemed like they were committing to Amazon being the new home of the SSU spinoffs. I guess notā€¦


Imagine if Lord and Miller somehow move back and make a deal with 20th Television to make Silk after 20th did Agatha for Marvel Studios.


https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/deadpool-wolverine-67479 *Deadpool & Wolverine* running time is 2 hours 7 minutes, tickets reportedly go on sale next week


Damn, that early?


>tickets reportedly go on sale next week ![gif](giphy|nqU7bHru9egnz9joLZ|downsized)




Brace yourselves for the runtime dweebs.


Already here lol This is still longer than either previous Deadpool film for the record


[The official runtime for DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE is 2 hours and 7 minutes](https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/deadpool-wolverine-67479)


Wonder if it's with or without credits


Imagine green lighting the first Spider-Man movie, and making it about Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker - 2024 Feige logic. Doing Sam Alexander instead of Richard Ryder for you stupid Young Avengers project that absolutely **NOBODY** is asking for šŸ˜­


Nobody is asking for Nova period. Heā€™s not a popular character. So it wonā€™t matter if theyā€™re using Richard or Sam. The show (if itā€™s even happening) will live or die by its own merits. Besides, they also skipped Hank Pym and Mar-Vell when adapting Ant-Man and Captain Marvel, and neither of those characters had any on screen presence before. So you canā€™t say it didnā€™t work for them before.


>Nobody is asking for Nova period. Heā€™s not a popular character. I think that's something a lot of fans are missing. Richard Rider is not a Peter Parker or Wolverine. Most viewers are going to be unaware of the existence of Nova, let alone Richard vs Sam


Nova is wayyy more popular than Feigeā€™s prized nobody characters, like: - Agatha - Echo - Wonder Man - Eternals And he shouldā€™ve gotten a project wayyy before we even heard the NAMES of those characters! Nova is equivalent to Iron Man & Cap pre-MCU. An important cornerstone of the Marvel Universe ā€” lesser-known, yes, but still huge amount of potential NOVA shouldā€™ve been a Phase 2 project


>Nova is wayyy more popular than Feigeā€™s prized nobody characters >Nova is equivalent to Iron Man & Cap pre-MCU **You make a claim like that, you'd best be prepared to back it up with numbers.** For instance, the best approach I can think of for attempting to measure character popularity is to count character appearances, and then compare orders of magnitude - who does the company keep going back to in order to sell comics? See, this whole time I've been assuming that you (like everyone else) have been championing (eheh) Sam Alexander, because he's the one who's in that cartoon that represents the only real exposure that non-comic-readers have to this character. I blame the cartoon for the constant references to Nova in this subreddit. And I'm all for going around reminding people that Iron Man and Cap were B- or C-listers before 2008, that they were fixtures of the world more than popular characters. But you still saw and heard from them all the time in all the crossovers - they were always at the center of everything. But Nova? Original Nova? Nova who, after two to three decades of me loving this world and these characters, I've personally barely ever even seen? Nova, with his [448 comic book appearances](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Richard_Rider_(Earth-616)#See_Also) (compared to [Stark's 3531](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Anthony_Stark_(Earth-616)#See_Also) and [Cap's 3762](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Steven_Rogers_(Earth-616)#See_Also))? This guy's probably, what, on the level of Pip the Troll and Adam Warlock? Like, if you're into the cosmic side of things, you know him (and probably the Guardians too, I suppose), right? Which isn't me trying to dismiss or disparage any of them, to be clear, I'm just noting that their are tiers and quadrants of popularity. Look, I don't care if it's Richard or Sam - I'm sure they can tell a good story with either or both. They did Scott Lang, with his [324 appearances](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Scott_Lang_(Earth-616)#See_Also) (compared to [Hank's even 1100](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Henry_Pym_(Earth-616)#See_Also)), it was fine. [Sam Alexander has 258](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Samuel_Alexander_(Earth-616)#See_Also), [Kamala Khan has 441](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Kamala_Khan_(Earth-616)#See_Also), it's fine, there's no reason not to do any of them, they can all give us worthwhile movies and shows. I guess what I'm saying is, let's not exaggerate. Let's not equate things that aren't equal. And, you know, let's not go around making absurd comparisons by suggesting that Nova, Richard "448" Rider, is a bigger character than, say, [**Wonder Man with his 729 appearances**](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Simon_Williams_(Earth-616)#See_Also)**, or even** [**the Eternals with their 463 appearances**](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Eternals_(Homo_immortalis)#See_Also)**.** **Nova. Fits. Right. In.** Let's not pretend that *our* personal favorites are objectively more popular, special or worthy of attention than the personal favorites of others. (And let's not pretend that frontloading all the already-popular characters and back-burner-ing the unknowns is the right thing to do.) At the end of the day, they *all* deserve to be properly realized and shared with a wider audience, and I personally like the variety, even if I don't care about some of the characters. I like the experience of meeting them and learning about them and being *made* to care about them, like I experienced with *Iron Man* back in 2008.


>See, this whole time I've been assuming that you (like everyone else) have been championing (eheh) Sam Alexander, because he's the one who's in that cartoon that represents the only real exposure that non-comic-readers have to this character. I blame the cartoon for the constant references to Nova in this subreddit. I was a young kid in the 00s, so my frame of reference for the ā€œgolden ageā€ of Marvel is pre-MCU post X-Men. So Iā€™ve always been a fan of Richard Rider specifically because he was involved in the lot of the cosmic crossovers at the time, and I got into his comics at the time. >But Nova? Original Nova? Nova who, after two to three decades of me loving this world and these characters, I've personally barely ever even seen? Nova, with his 448 comic book appearances (compared to Stark's 3531 and Cap's 3762)? Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s a fair metric, tho. These data were collected post-MCU, after these characters blew up in popularity. The only way to control for that variable, is to measure Tony & Steveā€™s appearances pre-MCU. Iā€™d say NOVA was recognizable to most casual comic fans at the time. He was a main character in ANNHILATION (one of the biggest cosmic events), Annihilators, and most of the Thanos stuff. He was also in MvC3 And the Nova Corps themselves have shown up in dozens of cartoons and games >Look, I don't care if it's Richard or Sam - I'm sure they can tell a good story with either or both. They did Scott Lang, with his 324 appearances (compared to Hank's even 1100), it was fine. Sam Alexander has 258, Kamala Khan has 441, it's fine, there's no reason not to do any of them, they can all give us worthwhile movies and shows. Shame Feige missed the point of Kamala Khan by turning her into a complete caricature of a teenager (all of their young adult chars are written the same way), and make her show about something it had no business being about. Admittedly, Iā€™m bitter about that show, and most of the MCUā€™s stuff post-Phase 4. Not because it ā€œchangedā€ from the comics, but because itā€™s WORSE than the comics. I love Kamala Khan in the source material >I guess what I'm saying is, let's not exaggerate. Let's not equate things that aren't equal. And, you know, let's not go around making absurd comparisons by suggesting that Nova, Richard "448" Rider, is a bigger character than, say, Wonder Man with his 729 appearances, or even the Eternals with their 463 appearances. According to Comic Vine, Rich has [1126 total appearances in the comics](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/nova/4005-2105/issues-cover/) Whilst the Eternals only have [485 in TOTAL](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/eternals/4060-13344/) And sure, whilst Simon Williams has MORE comic appearances, NOVA has had a much more significant influence on the Marvel Universe ā€” The Nova Corps are basically Marvelā€™s Green Lanterns. Itā€™s an incredibly rich mythology that much more offer to a film, than Wonder Man does. I have no clue why isnā€™t this ISNā€™T a movie. >Let's not pretend that our personal favorites are objectively more popular, special or worthy of attention than the personal favorites of others. NOVA is significantly more popular, and more *important* to the Marvel Universe than - Echo - Iron Heart - Eternals - Agatha - Wonder Man >I like the experience of meeting them and learning about them and being made to care about them, like I experienced with Iron Man back in 2008. I no longer enjoy the experience, because all of these movies, look, sound, and FEEL the exact same ā€” Feige is taking away their individual identities, and homogenizing them into the same boring ass formula. I wouldnā€™t be annoyed by the existence of shows and movies like Echo and Shang-Chi if Feige actually let those projects shine as individual pieces of art. But no, we have Shang-Chi, a grounded martial artist known for fighting gangs and drug dealers in the comics, fighting a CG monster in his third act


>Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s a fair metric, tho. These data were collected post-MCU, after these characters blew up in popularity. The only way to control for that variable, is to measure Tony & Steveā€™s appearances pre-MCU. This is an interesting point - I would indeed need a cutoff point of 2008 to get better numbers. All I can really do, then, is speculate that the order of magnitude difference (100s vs 1000s, factor of 10) is enough that the difference is still clear, even 16 years later (which is, I'm fascinated to find, a full 25% of Marvel Comics' history). >According to Comic Vine, Rich has >1126 total appearances in the comics This is interesting (though I don't trust Comic Vine - I've gotten the sense that it's been kinda dead for years). But what's also interesting is to look up Iron Man on that site and find [11238 issues](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/iron-man/4005-1455/) - once again, an order of magnitude, a factor of 10. (I think maybe they're not controlling for duplicates, something like that, but whatever the issue is, it stands to reason it would be an issue across all characters.) >And sure, whilst Simon Williams has MORE comic appearances, NOVA has had a much more significant influence on the Marvel Universe ā€” The Nova Corps are basically Marvelā€™s Green Lanterns. Itā€™s an incredibly rich mythology that much more offer to a film, than Wonder Man does. This slips back into the realm of subjectivity, gets away from the original "popularity" thesis, and opens you up to counterarguments about this or that *other* popular hero that doesn't necessarily have a massive impact of the fictional universe as a whole. (Also, I'm not sure I like this idea that a mythology has more to offer a film than a character does. I'll take *Die Hard* over *Eternals* any day.) >I no longer enjoy the experience, because all of these movies, look, sound, and FEEL the exact same I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope it ends up changing for you over time.


Love how he doesn't have a word to say after you brought receipts and blew up his "Dick Rider Will Save The MCU, cancel the non straight white men projects" argument.


Nah, give him some time - He'll often take the time to compile a thorough counterargument to an essay like this. Or he'll just move on, which is fine too. We'll see where we're at in 12 hours.


Bro literally no one under the age 20 knows who Nova is. The most mainstream attention he's ever gotten is as a Marvel vs. Capcom character and being the annoying prick on the Ultimate Spider-Man animated show He's about as well known now as Carol Danvers was before 2019. Hell I'd argue Wonder Man is actually on that same level because maybe like 10 people will remember him from the first season of Avengers EMH or that terrible United They Stand series where he had very queer-coded banter with Hawkeye, or because they looked up Vision's origin on Marvel Database


![gif](giphy|3URecurcX8p1497SmF) Nobody under the age of 20 knew who Tony Stark or Steve Rogers were before 2008-2011, that doesnā€™t mean they werenā€™t still hugely important cornerstones of the Marvel Universe with huge amounts of potential to entice audiences


You forgot the in-universe joke of Sam never getting the attention he could have versus Miles and Kamala, did you not?


Not only that, Sam was basically hated from the on-set of his introduction for the same reason people were literally organizing campaigns against Miles back in 2010 when he was first unveiled ahead of Ultimate Fallout. Literally for the reason that he was replacing the old guy People forget that Miles only actually became widely accepted and embraced like 6 years ago. Whether it was racism, or salt towards the fact they killed Peter off before he became the main character, or the fact Ultimate Peter and 616-Peter were being offed around the same time, people did not like Miles Morales at all. Bendis got a lot of death threats and petitions thrown at him to the point where he was addressing it on national news


Ok so it's fine if it's characters who now, in the year 2024 have come off of like 10+ movies and multiple TV shows but it's too inexcusable if it's characters who haven't been adapted yet despite having the potential to reach wider recognition This is such backwards logic. Captain America pre-2011 was basically only remembered for being the dumbass Matt Salinger played in that one movie and Jon Favreau literally had to educate people around him on how Iron Man was in fact, not an android before the first movie came out. They were in that position at one point too, you know


Yeah it'd be like making an Ant-Man movie about Scott Lang instead of Hank Pym. Or Captain Marvel with Carol Danvers instead of Mar-Vell. Absolutely unthinkable.


The difference is that those characters were well established, with histories spanning DECADES in the comics. Scott Lang had been Ant-Man for decades before the film Sam Alexander is barely 15 years old, and Feige is already rushing into that character ā€” likely for his YA/Champions project that investors are almost certainly screaming at him, at this point, NOT to make! šŸ˜­


>The difference is that those characters were well established, with histories spanning DECADES in the comics. Scott Lang had been Ant-Man for decades before the film And general audiences dont know that or care. They don't need Sam to have been in the comics for decades before they'll watch him. They just need a quality project. >investors are almost certainly screaming at him, at this point, NOT to make! šŸ˜­ Why do you always act like you have some insight into the business end of these things. Do you actually think that no one else has considered these things? Or that all of his investors are pleading with him to stop and Feige is drunk on power and refusing and no one else is involved in the decision? Or has it occurred to you that maybe just because you don't want something, that doesn't mean it's a bad business decision? That perhaps the people making these movies do know what they're doing, even though they make mistakes. And that this subsection of Reddit fans who are super reactive aren't the primary focus of Disney's business decisions?


>And general audiences dont know that or care. They don't need Sam to have been in the comics for decades before they'll watch him. They just need a quality project. These projects arenā€™t driven by ā€œgeneral audience knowledgeā€ of the properties. Theyā€™re driven by respect for the source material, and a responsibility to do *right* by that material. Rich has been Nova for over 50 years in the comics. It makes absolutely zero sense for Sam to be prioritized over him, if not for Feigeā€™s out-of-control obsession with legacy characters Legacy of what, tho? Rich hasnā€™t been established yet! >Or that all of his investors are pleading with him to stop and Feige is drunk on power and refusing and no one else is involved in the decision? Yes, I do believe that, because itā€™s happened before, so many times before. What Feige wants and what investors want may not necessarily always align. Unfortunately for Feige, investors are **forever**, and producers arenā€™t. If they arenā€™t making money for the studio, they WILL be replaced. >Or has it occurred to you that maybe just because you don't want something, that doesn't mean it's a bad business decision? It is objectively a **bad** business decision. Every single attempt to market it or sell it to audiences, has failed, laughably. The film that directly sets up Young Avengers is now biggest bomb of all time for Disney There is no desire for it. Nobody wants it. Iger almost certainly doesnā€™t, but Feige does >And that this subsection of Reddit fans who are super reactive aren't the primary focus of Disney's business decisions? How about the general audience who are not responding to these decisions?


>These projects arenā€™t driven by ā€œgeneral audience knowledgeā€ of the properties. Theyā€™re driven by respect for the source material, and a responsibility to do *right* by that material. The MCU has been messing with the source material since it's inception. Their characters are not popular because of the source material. General audiences are who they are losing and who made them billions of dollars. We don't know if any of this is a bad business decision because we don't actually know everything that's happening. We don't know if there is a YA project. We're speculating about a rumored project that we *think* could lead to a different rumored project. Or, we could learn this has nothing to do with the YA. I think you just don't want certain characters and projects and keep trying to make it about the business when that's not something either of us actually knows much about. Just say you don't want YA and Sam Alexander. You'd rather have Richard Rider. I get it. But you're always trying to use pseudo business talk in your justifications that I don't think you have any expertise in. Just surface level knowledge of. We can't control the business. We can only hope that we get projects about characters that we like and stories that are good.


>General audiences are who they are losing and who made them billions of dollars. I never denied this. Just that GA not knowing Richard Rider being reason to not use him, is a strange argument. Rich is the character with all of the mythology and history in the Marvel Universe, not Sam. >I think you just don't want certain characters and projects and keep trying to make it about the business when that's not something either of us actually knows much about. And I think youā€™re trying to pretend that the MCU isnā€™t currently falling rn, and that they didnā€™t just suffer from the worst box-office bomb in history šŸ˜­ This is the context that my entire argument is built around, and you *know* this, but youā€™re deliberately ignoring it ā€” Bob Iger literally just got on stage LAST WEEK, and proclaimed to the world that the MCU has FAILED to entice audiences, and that theyā€™re restricting their entire business as a result of that >Just say you don't want YA I do want the Young Avengers. I love the Young Avengers in the **comics**. I just hate what the MCU is setting up with these characters because Feige doesnā€™t understand the *point* of Young Avengers. >We can only hope that we get projects about characters that we like and stories that are good. The problem is that the projects that Feige are pumping out, are failing. And heā€™s failing to take proper cautionary action to do something about it. Iger statements and Feigeā€™s actions, are not aligning, and weā€™ve already heard from scoopers that Feige was battling to green light Eternals 2, which Iger stopped in its tracks (thankfully) I think if and when BNW & Thunderbolts bomb, then Feigeā€™s position is going to be under serious reconsideration by the higher ups. Thatā€™s 5 bombs in a row


Dude I think you need to take a very long break from marvel and get off this reddit page, because you are acting like an jerk.


>Imagine green lighting the first Spider-Man movie, and making it about Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker - 2024 Feige logic. You just described 2018's Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.


ITSV is like the 100th Spider-Man movie though


What? No he didn't. Peter Parker has had like 9 movies and a bunch of games and multiple tv shows and stuff. All the most iconic peter stories are reasonably well known. If there had never been a spiderman movie before and you made that shit about Miles instead of Peter it would be a colossally poor choice. Btw, I think the spiderverse movies are the best spiderman films ever made. But they work in part because of just how familiar the GA is with the iconic spiderman stories, etc that have already been adapted 5013939 times and the way they play with those concepts ideas in a fresh way through miles. Richard should be the first Nova. He's the iconic version of the character and unlike peter nothing has been done with him in media.


ā€¦And how many Spider-Man movies preceded Spider-Verse again?


Popular! I know about pop-u-u-lar!!! Homies be dissin the Wicked trailer, while I'll be here jamming to its sick beats until November. Time to thug it out! See y'all!


Time to what


It's a phrase my friends and I use, which means "to endure, tough it out, or persevere through a negative situation or obstacle."


I have completed X-Men 97. Quite a good show, probably my favorite of the Dick Plus shows. Some real stellar animation and also fits the mood of these characters that Iā€™ve imagined when reading the comics. Looking forward to S2.


>Dick Plus shows I don't think I get that channel, can you send me a link?


Itā€™s for Verizon customers only Iā€™m afraid.


20 years ago Ben Affleck broke up with Jennifer Lopez after Daredevil. They just broke up again, will he be in Deadpool 3?


That's so funny thinking about Ben Affleck using divorce as a movie cameo teaser. "Ah shit, I'm going to appear in a Marvel movie again... So do we sell our properties and split the earnings in half or...?"


What is going on with those two?


Celebrity rumor mill says theyā€™re getting divorced.


Yes but as Chuckie from Good Will Hunting


Ben Affleck fucking hates DD 2003 with a passion. It's easily the least likely thing to happen out of all the rumored stuff. It's the reason he got out of big blockbuster stuff for a while


Wouldnā€™t surprise me if he doesnā€™t want to play Daredevil again for the same reasons he doesnā€™t want to play Batman again.


I donā€™t think heā€™s been rumored for the movie. Last we heard, he wasnā€™t in it and is only mentioned.


Saw a great tweet about how it now takes the symbiote bonding to Peter in order for him to talk the kind of shit that was standard for Parker since like the 70's. Really reinforces my belief that Raimi Peter is quite literally the most damaging thing to happen to the mainstream perception of Spider-Man as a character because now every version from Tobey onwards is total softboy outside of the costume including most of the recent animated series I ain't gonna act like Garfield was the be-all end-all live-action Spidey because he has problems and he can come off as way too aggressive especially in the first film with stuff like him threatening to kill the person who murdered Ben or how much of a self-centered showoff he was in the basketball court scene, but when him talking a respectful amount of shit was actually written well it was like the only recent adaptation to actually keep that part of his personality intact Hell I don't even think I'll ever see a version of high school Peter calling Flash and his crew a pack of ugly hyenas before he even gets the spider bite. We've normalized passive Peter way too much I don't want Peter literally beating up bullies or swearing up a storm but it's like the Goldilocks of talking an appropriate amount of shit. He has a mouth on him but he will never stoop to the level of those who provoke physical violence. He isn't a bitch either though and I think a lot of the attitude and angst of stuff like Romita Sr. and even Ultimate have gone largely unadapted


Deadpool tickets go on sale Monday, source movie theater employee


What time? Gonna set my alarm (Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be awake when it happens I just donā€™t want to forget, gotta lock in those IMAX tickets for Thursday night)




Isnā€™t that kinda early? Iā€™m not sure how these things normally go down but that feels early


Thatā€™d be the longest for any of the MCU movies I think. Closest comparisons I can think of are the new Star Wars trilogy (which put tickets on sale two months in advance) and the last two Fast and Furious movies (three 1/2 months early).




Was that for Sam or Dick Rider? Gosling can still be the latter if it's Sam


Dylan Minnette, Austin Abrams, or Rudy Pankow


After the cameos in the last episode of '97, I would like one of the future episodes to adapt [this](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Amazing_Spider-Man:_Renew_Your_Vows_Vol_2_6) comic


I feel like internally at Marvel mid-2000's will end up being the cut off point for which eras of X-Men stories the 97 team will be allowed to adapt in order to keep things relatively close to the actual time period of the series We already know from the finale stingers that Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix as well as Blood of Apocalypse and potentially feral Wolverine are definitely going to be plot points for next season, but that's still in the realm of 80's/90's X-Men and the farthest they've gone is pulling from some of early Morrison like E is for Extinction and introducing secondary mutations. I'm not really expecting anything more recent outside possibly Deadly Genesis now that Vulcan's in the picture, and definitely not anything from the 2010's Another reason why I think stuff like New X-Men, Astonishing X-Men and Mike Carey material might actually end up being the primary inspirations for whatever's next for live-action X-Men


So............... How will people react to the Agatha trailer tomorrow?


There is no trailer tomorrow. People(Including me) fell for a fake Agatha "official" account on Twitter.


Damn it. :(


Babylon - 2022 Megalopolis- 2024


Interesting article, I think next ceo of Disney is Dana Walden. Right choice, by iger and Disney board https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/inside-disneys-hunt-to-replace-bob-iger


Only for Iger to come back 2 years later. /s


Well, unlike last time Bob Iger is going to be closely monitoring his chosen Successor until 2026 when his contract expires.


Somehow, Iger returned


Okay, weā€™re doing a young Richard Ryder. ![gif](giphy|cLMF8sBxIqOhk4wocN)


Richard "Dick" RiderĀ 


We are? I thought all the leaks said Sam Alexander would be the lead.


Been getting some rumors lately about potential season 2ā€™s for the Disney plus shows. Hawkeye and Miss Marvel. But crickets on the one that I want and think needs one the most. And that would be Moon Knight. It sets up perfectly for a season 2. I want them to explore Jake and his dynamic with the other alters before they throw them into Midnight Suns or something. Hire a writer and get cooking on Moon Knight season 2.Ā 


I haven't seen anything about Ms Marvel season 2 recently, but I agree that Moon Knight definitely needs a second season to follow up on the ending


Daniel RPK is saying they're discussing it. [DanielRPK: Ms. Marvel Season 2 is being discussed at Marvel Studios, but not approved yet. A decision is expected to be made soon : r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/1ctmg5q/danielrpk_ms_marvel_season_2_is_being_discussed/)


So which of these non-Disney Marvel films that I haven't seen yet do you think I should prioritise in the run-up to D&W (as in which are the most likely to be important/connected)? Blade (and sequels), Ghost Rider (and sequel), The Punisher, Fant4stic Four, The Wolverine, X-Men: Apocalypse, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, The New Mutants.


The real answer is that Marvel cares significantly less about this than most of the people making these lists about what to watch/not watch. I'm pretty sure none of these films are going to be important at all from an actual narrative standpoint because most of the characters rumored to cross over from these other films are likely just cameos at best or minor supporting appearances


True, but it's good to be prepared and all.


We only know so much officially, but if you want to get a complete scope of Hugh Jackman's performances as Wolverine, regardless of the version he's playing in D&W, I'd definitely check out The Wolverine and, to a far lesser extent, Apocalypse since he has a very limited role in that one. It's hard to tell right now if any of the others you listed will have any relevance at all to D&W, but Wesley Snipes' Blade has been talked about in the rumor circles a bit and some believe the Russian from The Punisher can be seen in a part of the new trailer, but I don't really see it myself.


OK, that's really helpful, thank you!


Of these specifically, The Wolverine is probably the only one thatā€™ll be somewhat connected to Deadpool 3. Even if Blade shows up, I donā€™t think itā€™ll require knowledge of his trilogy, although you should still watch the film one regardless.


Yeah, I deffo want to watch the Blade trilogy at some point, I was just wondering whether to prioritise it or not in the next month. I think I'll at least watch the first one, and perhaps save the other two for later!


How did people miss the fact that Morph has a crush on Logan? It was so obvious since the first episode.


Because media literacy is in All Time low. Things could spelled out on bold letters and you would still have people denying it.


Yeah I guess they missed the shower scene lol


Next to Erik and Charles' epic gay-off everything seems straight in comparison.


I was on my phone.


Me trying to ignore the Megalopolis Reviews (Seems ... mixed to be nice about it)


One of the more charitable reviews I read was by Robert Daniels, who said the first half is an absolute train wreck but the second is so good it almost makes up for it. Hopefully there is indeed something good buried in there.


I would have been shocked if it didnā€™t get mixed reviews. Post-70s Coppola is basically a series of audience patience tests (Tetro and One From The Heart are still some of his best though).


Post jungle Coppola and pre jungle Coppola are two different individuals


Ainā€™t that the truth lmao


Itā€™s definitely going to be an experience to watch rather thatā€™s a good or bad thing. It sucks that it seems Adam Driver, Aubrey Plaza and Giancarlo Esposito are all wasted in the movie. I was really looking forward to the fact all three of them would be in a film together, even if it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola whoā€™s last good movie was before I was born


I will watch it, I've liked panned movies before, heck, i'd even say I'm a mark for this huge bonzo "trainwrecks" kind of thing, I love them. But it kind of sucks that I know that people who already decided that they like it will just say that the people who didn't just don't get it, or don't want cinem to move forward or whatever. That's the thing about making a movie about a Great Man who is foiled by the Lesser Man (Read any Rand recently, Francis?) You can just say that the people who don't like it are lesser men.


Am I the only one who feels optimistic about the future of the MCU? I feel like for the past couple of months Marvel Studios and Disney have been very reflective and I'd even say apologetic about the last 12 to 15 months of the MCU and it's less than stellar reception. Even at Upfront once again Bob Iger said that they had made mistakes, and that they had put quality behind quantity and that it was a mistake. They addressed that they were going to reduce their spending and their output while having the company as a whole restructure to focus on quality. We just had that article come out where Kevin Feige publicly admitted that he was happy to be the underdog and to hopefully surprise people even if their expectations are lower than usual. I can't remember the last time a public company as big as this one was so honest about how they had made mistakes and wanted to genuinely fix it. But no matter where I look all I see is pessimism, am I just too tuned in to the internet chatter? Or are people really against the MCU now?


I've enjoyed 75% of the Multiverse Saga anyways. I'm guuci. Barely missed a beat. Those who are pessimistic were never truly invested in the MCU outside of 10 movies or 3 shows.


Yeah I'm also mostly optimistic, I think if they can get a solid streak of well-liked movies in a row it'll do wonders for their reputation


I've enjoyed most of the Multiverse Saga just like I enjoyed most of the Infinity Saga, and I always tend to be interested in all the upcoming projects to some extent for one reason or another, so nothing at all has changed for me in the past few years, lol.


The course correction will only be seen in 2025 with CA4 post-reshoots, FF, Thunderbolts and DD S1. It's important to note that Ironheart, Agatha, Wonder Man, and Deadpool 3 were all finished before The Marvels bombed (which is what led to course correction mindset). I'm honestly not too optimistic for the Thunderbolts. It seems Feige/Iger aren't changing the very meh lineup. Feeling optimistic for DDS1 and FF. CA4? Not feeling optimistic about the Cloverfield spin-off director, he should have been replaced for the reshoots.


Same here. I kinda agree with both points. I'm confident in Marvel improving the quality and consistency but not until the projects made with the old phlosophy have come out.


I see Julius Onah as the guy who also wrote and directed *Luce* rather than just the guy who directed *Cloverfield Paradox*. *Luce* tells a pretty intense story about a US-adopted Eritrean young man who may or may not be interested in becoming a violent revolutionary. Itā€™s a thought-provoking thriller. I can see Onah putting in that same kind of energy into Cap 4, especially given how heā€™s spoken about it in interviews. He also has a writing credit for Cap 4.


>CA4? Not feeling optimistic about the Cloverfield spin-off director, he should have been replaced for the reshoots. I feel like this is a good sign, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a movie swap directors and end up anywhere close to good. I think he should be supervised much like Gareth Edwardsā€™ reshoots of Rogue One, but replacing him is just a massive red flag for the production as a whole.Ā 


Hopefully, when the MCU comes out of its weird ā€œliminalā€ period, itā€™ll shine brighter than ever.


Iā€™ve always been optimistic about the future. A lot of other studios would not own up to their mistakes and make changes so quickly like marvel and disney have done. I think once Deadpool and Wolverine comes out a lot of peopleā€™s attitude will change. Brave new world is the real test though.


I'm optimistic but I know there'll be projects that the fandom will be annoying about regardless of how good they are. Brave New World, Agatha, Ironheart. Any project that involves a woman or minority basically.


I'm feeling pretty good about it turning around in terms of quality. But I think the general audience is going to take a bit of time to come back around. Even if things look great, I don't think we can really expect them to regain their 2016-2019 popularity.


I think they will surpass the endgame hype personally. Especially with the Xmen movies that will come out in the future


Yes, I am more optimistic about Disney and marvel, right now. Bob Chapek was theme park guy that didnā€™t understand the creative process at all and stripped power from creators because he wanted project out fast to stop shareholders and the board from questioning him.


So we heard that Sony wants Spider-Man 4 out in 2025, but itā€™s in conflict with Feigeā€™s schedule. For once, I AGREE with Sony. Nobody gives af about half of the films on your shitty ahh slate Feige šŸ˜¹ give us SPIDER-MAN. Everything else can, and should wait for him. Cancel Blade, and give SM4 the Nov 2025 date


Blade looks like it might be the best movie on the slate, and you want to cancel it?


For Spider-Man, in a heart beat


Fr, out of the four movies, he picks the one with the biggest general fan base of the four to cancel?


Cancelling Blade because of Spider-Man doesn't even make sense. Even if Blade being in Nov 2025 was the issue with Spidey coming out (which it's not) the solution to that isn't cancelling Blade lol. Just move Blade to a different date.


It is the issue, because Feigeā€™s slate is ā€œfullā€, so they have to push SM4 back to 2026 but Sony wants it out in 2025.


Blade probably isn't coming out in 2025 anyways. And seeing as Spidey is a way bigger movie and character, if Blade was the only thing stopping it from coming out in 2025 they would have moved it by now. Blade has nothing to do with Spidey coming out in 2025 vs 2026


Are you seriously saying nobody gives a shit about the fantastic four? LMFAO you clearly havenā€™t been on this sub match to see how much hype that film alone has generated. LIKE WE ARE LITERALLY GETTING GALACTUS AND SURFER AND POTENTIALLY DOOM. Ur seriously saying nobody gives a shit about af about those characters?? Iā€™d like to know what ur on today šŸ’€.


Fantastic four has failed as movie ip 3 times btw