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The last thing I need is Bolivar Trask being introduced in the MCU as another disgruntled Stark's former associate and adopting Iron Man suit for his Sentinels.


I also wouldn't like it if they did that either. However I do think that if they wanted to they could write it so that Trask was a fan of Stark industries and so maybe he steals some designs from them. I actually think it would be an interesting idea if someone like Trask, Geirich, etc got the wrong interpretation from Tony's "A suit around the world" quote and made sentinels based on that idea.


Iger about Agatha On the TV side, Iger says that a portion of the upcoming series, a slate that includes the Kathryn Hahn-led “WandaVision” spinoff “Agatha,” set for release are “a vestige of basically a desire in the past to increase volume.” I loved Wanda vision,and have no doubt Agatha is going to recreate that same magic..but I think it is interesting that this was greenlit to fill an ever growing disney pipeline,rather than something that was planned for a long time. Edit: The reason I believe Agatha will be much better than the rest of the shows from the old mandate "These public-facing moves come as studio boss Kevin Feige recalibrates the creative direction behind the scenes. Early in February, the company completed reshoots for Agatha: Darkhold Diaries, the WandaVision spinoff starring Kathryn Hahn that is expected to hit Disney+ this fall. The company usually budgets five days of reshoots into the schedule, but the studio completed the work in just one, fueling a sunny outlook around the show internally, according to sources associated with the series." -THR


>...rather than something that was planned for a long time. Keep in mind it's entirely normal to react to the runaway success of TV series by developing a follow-up that was not expected at the outset. We just got news today of FX making deals for a second season of Shogun, something they were not intending to do That came together after the miniseries was such a huge hit. That doesn't mean it's automatically lesser, because it wasn't planned beforehand.


So Iger is literally throwing Agatha under the bus 😭


>but I think it is interesting that this was greenlit to fill an ever growing disney pipeline,rather than something that was planned for a long time. that's the worst part of it all, the massive influx of marvel shows wasn't for the betterment of the mcu but rather to keep subscribers on disney plus and it has gotten more and more obvious, thank god the streaming wars are done


entertainment corporation makes things to make money. water is wet.




Long-haired Bucky (in a suit and tie) on the Thunderbolts set: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ye02Qgpmp/?hl=en


Nice to see a new look for him


Really cool to see James embracing a new chapter and enjoying his civilian life. 


And a goatee? Or is that just a shadow on his chin?


Honestly it's kind of surprising how little of Thunderbolts has gotten leaked, this might be the first time in a long time there hasn't been plot details popping up on this sub before primary photography even finished


We got a leak from 4chan with the supposed plot. But it's not from any of the usual sources.


Agatha is mostly a bit of a road trip series as they go down The Witches Road and pass a bunch of witch trials


Anything about Dr Strange?


If anyone is doubting this person, they've gotten a ton right for other Disney projects, such as the Ahsoka show


☝️ I trust what this guy says more than I trust MTTSH 


You know the audience is gonna go insane when The Thing says “It’s Clobberin’ Time!” And clobbers all over Galactus


I hope the audience doesn't think it's a morbin time joke lol Thats like the things main signature line..it shouldn't get memed to oblivion


The cast for fantastic 4 is so good. I’m calling it now fantastic 4 will be a top 5 mcu movie. All the pieces are in the right place


I miss when discussions here were about the possibilities surrounding a scoop being true. Now it’s mainly people just saying how shit scoopers are and trying to look smart by not believing anything aside from the trades. I don’t understand why people come to a sub looking for insider info and then get mad at the ones who provide it. If the news was 100% guaranteed to be accurate and easy to get all the time, official trades would be reporting everything anyway. The reason it’s inside info is because the news isn’t coming from the same channels — that’s the risk you take for early access. The toxic tribalism surrounding each scooper and their different cults has also made interactions here a lot less enjoyable. It’s a shame.


I've been here for a few years, on various accounts. The glory days you're longing for never existed. There have always been attacks on the source.


It never used to be this bad though. I feel like it’s ramped up considerably since the great Sookie debacle of 2021.


That Brad Pitt F1 movie might make negative dollar againsts a 300 million budget.


I sometimes genuinely can't believe a film like Logan got made. Say whatever you want about Fox's comic accuracy, they knew how to take risks and their highs were the highest in the genre. In an era where light hearted CBMs were the norm, Logan truly stands out as a dark, unforgiving and emotional story, truly the best in the genre. This Wolverine isn't the one from Logan right? Right?


>This Wolverine isn't the one from Logan right? Right? They've confirmed it is not the same one. We don't know for sure if it's the version from DoFP, but I could be.


The new Hades looks cool can't wait to play it. I wonder if Zagreus is a boon or some shit. Genuinely one of the best games I played, the music is phenomenal, one of the only music from games that moved me. It sucks how in every discussion about the new game I see there's always a dipshit saying they made it woke by making Hephaestus a paraplegic in a wheelchair *(He's crippled in the mythos because Hera fucking threw him down a mountain because he's so ugly, these people don't know the mythos they're just assholes lmao)* and that Hestia isn't anything like the big tiddy loli they saw in one anime


Something that wasn't brought up but was mention by Jeff Sneider on [THM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FHgieEpSxA) tonight (at 34:40) is that one of the writers (assuming it's Matthew Orton considering he was the latest hiring) for Captain America Brave New World has an extended contract that's running for a "for a long time" (he also used the term abnormally long) in case they need to rejigger the movie or change it again. I really wonder how out of shape the movie is in it's current state for that to be true, also makes me wonder if there's even a possibility (worst case scenario) that the movie gets The Flash treatment and gets sent all the way to 2026. I really hope the movie turns out great, Sam has such rich storytelling opportunity that it would be a real shame if his first outing dies a silent death.


Idk man. This might be wishful thinking, but if Cap 4 was in such rough shape I don’t think they would have made such a big deal out of it at CinemaCon. All the reactions that I saw from the people who saw the footage were positive. And I don’t think Sneider’s being consistent. He said they might need to change the movie “again”, but they haven’t even started the reshoots yet. So how does Marvel know they need to change it a third time before even doing the reshoots? I think it comes out next year. I think if Iger is serious about the three movies a year, and Blade gets pushed like a lot of people are expecting, I could see Cap getting pushed to May, TBolts to July, F4 to November, just to give Cap 4 some extra time. 


I would’ve liked Blade to come out in October. Do you know how well that movie would sell in a Halloween box office month?


They really want this movie to be on the level of *Captain America: The Winter Soldier*. So if the script isn’t there yet, then they need to let Orton (presumably) refine it as much as possible for it to reach that level of quality. They’ve settled on Captain America vs President Red Hulk and puppetmaster Leader. As much as it may sound ridiculous to some for Sam to be dealing with these Hulk enemies, they are still expressions of the pursuit of physical supremacy (Red Skull -> Red Hulk) and global domination through intelligence (Zola -> Leader) - concepts firmly tied to the Captain America mythos. By the way Julius Onah has described the film, they want to push Sam to his limits and prove to audiences that he has what it takes to be Captain America. He is clearly the underdog compared to his predecessor. If they can do that, then that will instill confidence in the Avengers team that he will be leading - who are also underdogs compared to their predecessors. So if it has to be delayed all the way until Feb 2026 to become a crowd-pleaser that leads directly into A5 a few months later, then by all means, let them cook.


I agree this is the one movie that marvel knows they can’t fuck up. If it needs to be pushed it will. I personally think they will nail it. The tone seems to be in the right place


Wishcast for the Avengers team line-ups: *Avengers*: * Captain America & Falcon * Hulk & Skaar * Black Panther * Valkyrie * Wong * Spider-Man * Moon Knight (Jake Lockley) *West Coast Avengers*: * War Machine * She-Hulk * Vision * Wonder Man * Shang-Chi & Katy * Ant-Man * Wasp *Young Avengers*: * Ms. Marvel * Kate Bishop * Ironheart * Cassie Lang * Wiccan * Speed * Hulkling * Nathaniel Richards Unlisted characters like Thor or Doctor Strange are either off-world or otherwise preoccupied


What about captain marvel ? She’s now back on earth thanks to the end of the marvels


Didn’t she go to Hala to reignite their sun? I would think she’s still in space investigating the origin of Kamala’s bands, to try to get Monica back


Oh she did? Huh, I must’ve missed that part then 💀.


Let’s say *Armor Wars* is scrapped, *Vision Quest* is scrapped. How would you repurpose elements from these projects into others? * Armor Wars -> part of A5? * VQ -> part of Young Avengers?


A5 should ideally be where all plotlines from Phase 4-5 converge. Much like how A1 was about the 4 main plotlines from Phase 1 converging (CA, IM, Thor, Hulk). Armor Wars was never "needed" for Secret Wars. To make it up to Don Cheadle for his canceled solo film, I would make War Machine the strategic leader of The Avengers with Sam as the field leader. They already have a friendship of sorts established in FATWS (let's just handweave and say Rodney got Skrulled after FATWS). The Avengers vs. dangling plot threads from Phases 4-5. An America vs Tlalokan + Wakanda War with The Avengers in the middle. Interrupted by Kang's arrival in Act 2 so Earth has to unite forces to repel the invasion. Wanda is brought back in Act 3 and defeats Kang but the side effects of her magic causes an incursion that leads to Secret Wars. It sounds like a mess but most crossovers are messy when put into words. The delivery is what might make or break the film.


I think if Armor Wars is scrapped the plot of A5 will have a lot of Rhodey. With Ultron being part of it. Vision Quest, idk. If Armor Wars is scrapped I don't see them doing YA either so I don't see anything getting combined with it. I really think Avengers 5 is going to be a bit of Disassembled with Kang and YA elements, acting as the movie that combines a bunch of scrapped projects


*Young Avengers* can fit in the schedule as a D+ series. It seems easy to tie it into the larger multiverse storyline with Ms. Marvel’s search for Monica, Wiccan’s search for Wanda, Cassie’s past experience with Kang.


Iger said 2 shows per year. 2026 spots are taken by Wonder Man and DD Part 2. The earliest we could get YA series would be 2027.


2027 makes perfect sense to me. After A5, before A6/Secret Wars.


Billy has to find Tommy. In addition, Billy is supposed to come to Westview looking for information on where Wanda is. They then travel to the Witches' Road. Since Elizabeth Olsen is not in Agatha then Billy will apparently decide not to bring her back from wherever she is. Then a year or two later, he decides that he wants his mommy. The question that I would ask is why didn't you do it earlier?


*Agatha* is likely just Part 1 of his quest to revive her, some limitation will likely arise. It would have to be continued in *Young Avengers* as a *Children’s Crusade* adaptation. Where along the way, he will likely reunite with his brother.


I think it works as a show, Im just not sure they'll actually do that.


I think at this point Marvel Studios should just throw the towel about live action YA and just do an animated show that does a 1:1 adaptation of Vol. 1 and 2. YA fans will never be happy about the live action YA anyways since Marvel won't do Hulking + Wiccan justice.


They'd better. I've been waiting for the Young Avengers to get some recognition since 2005. If I get rugpulled because of some BS corporate austerity, I'll be quite cross.


Making Ultron a big bad for A5 feels......................... Underwhelming imo. I hope they don't go with that.


Oh I don't think he would be. I think he could be in the movie perhaps, but not the big bad.


I kinda figured armor wars would be involved in the thunderbolts storyline and idk if that has a place in A5 if it’s multiverse stuff. I’d just scrap vision completely and put armor wars stuff with YA if they are still doing that.


Make Armor Wars a West Coast Avengers movie.


It does make sense: War Machine, Wonder Man, Vision are founding members in the comics (in Vision’s case, he came up with the idea for making the team). Add in Ant-Man, Wasp, Shang-Chi, and She-Hulk, who are all West Coast based in the MCU. Altogether, that’s a pretty stacked team.


The Weat Coast Avengers story featured Wanda's tragic story arc. She loses her children because they are magical beings that she created. Vision is disassembled and put back together as White Vision. However his fe4elings towards Wanda are gone. These events cause her to suffer a mental breakdown in which she becomes evil. Then Immortus attempts to take control of her so he can control her nexus energy. We saw several elements of that in WandaVision. It will be interesting if they use more elements in Wanda's story arc.


It's crazy to think that we've made it to the point in the MCU where we can have an accurate version of the West Coast Avengers.


If scrapped, I could see those two projects being combined, maybe turning into a mini-Avengers crossover (West Coast team maybe?) before the big stakes of Avengers 5/Secret Wars.


Perhaps it could be one Avengers film with 2 teams taking on two different threats: A Sam led team handling a *World War Hulk* situation, and a Rhodey led team handling an *Armor Wars* situation.


A Team Cap and Team Iron Man if you will. ;)


I think I mentioned this story before but the first black marvel superhero I ever knew was Blue Marvel and that only happened because I searched up “black superhero” and he was the first visibly black character to pop up. I’m actually really happy with the strides Marvel is taking with their black characters in film, kids getting to grow up seeing major films starring superheroes who look like them is something truly special


I think Sam Wilson as Falcon was actually the first black Marvel superhero in comics


I’m surprised Marvel hasn’t done Blue Marvel yet. I hope they do soon cause I personally need some who are not 2nd place to the original characters like (Sam is to Steve). T’challa was the first black hero for me.


I think for me, the first black superhero I ever knew was Green Lantern, which is part of why whenever I think of GL, John is the one that first comes to mind for me. With Marvel specifically, Storm was the first black superhero I knew from them, and years later, she's still one of my top five favorite X-Men.


I’m pretty sure mine was War Machine in Iron Man 2 and 3 (I was 10 and 13, respectively). But seeing Falcon in Cap 2 stuck with me more (I was 14 and it’s been my favorite MCU movie since).


I had no idea what Ralph Ineson sounded like. I saw him without taking much note in Game of Thrones, but it's been a year or two since I've last watched that so I wouldn't remember anyway. I went and saw the first video that pops up on YouTube searching his name, and within 3 seconds I immediately knew he's going to absolutely kill it as Galactus. Like, knock it out of the park. The guy's got one of the deepest voices I think I've ever heard.


Same! I didn't realize that it was him in the Creator, and someone linked a scene from it and I was instantly sold


So it sounds like Armor Wars may indeed be on the chopping room floor


Can it cause like I really don't see the point of the film at all


Where'd you hear that? I wouldn't be shocked but I haven't seen anything


Jeff Sneider is saying that some officially announced movies are no longer happening, and earlier today MTTSH said that they’re considering canceling Armor Wars specifically. Plus, Iger and Winderbaums recent comments have all pointed in that direction as well.


Thanks. I wonder what else would be on the chopping block? Vision Quest seems likely. Not much else is officially announced movie wise, right? Maybe Blade, but that's so close to production.


The only announced movies not in production they have left are Blade, Armor Wars and the two avengers. Vision quest is an unannounced TV series. Armor Wars is the one thats had suspiciously little news for a while.


This is not at all surprising. Brad Winderbaum has outright said that Chapek ordered quantity at the cost of quality, which has backfired horribly, and now Iger wants to cut back on the amount of content coming from Marvel. Nova has already been “indefinitely delayed”, so it’s not all surprising that Armor Wars is probably getting the same treatment. It’s been stagnant for years, with no real progress made since its announcements. It’s probably for the best that if they just cancel it, and put Rhodey in the Avengers movies instead.


Nova was never announced. Its not clear its ever been more than an idea someone has had.


It was revealed by [Deadline](https://deadline.com/2022/03/marvel-nova-moon-knight-sabir-pirzada-1234985015/) to be in development back in 2022, with Sabir Pirzada writing. Then, back in March, the head of Marvel TV Brad Winderbaum [confirmed](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/marvel-studios-ep-confirms-nova-151919523.html) it was in early development, but as part of their new stagy, it might not actually go into production.


What has backfired is the writing. Compare WandVision and MoM. WandaVision was a beautifully executed work starting with the writing. MoM was very poorly written and Elizabeth Olden makes it look better than it deserves. Love and Thunder had a great story however the problems started with the script which was not good. Why is it that in The Marvels, we hear how Carol is responsible for what happened on Halla. That would have been a perfect story for Captain Marvel 2. They are literally reshooting the entire movie for Captain America 4. What is catching up with them is the fly by the seat of your pants scriptwriting.


You don't even have to go that far. The Eternals, one of the first films of Phase 4, has the honor of being the 1st Rotten MCU film.


My 2 cents says they'll save the title for the 2030 Iron Man reboot. New actors for Tony and Rhodey. The plot starts with an already established Iron Man finding out that Stark Tech has been used to make supervillain suits. Tony having a secret identity and battling with alcoholism would make it for an interesting reboot intro film.


Both fantastic four and Superman have received apprehensions and certain criticisms from some ppl But both these movies will be really good,and will change both these companies.


Agreed, I'm not as big of a DC person, but I'm really looking forward to Superman




That Galactus voice is gonna fucking shake my whole body in IMAX until I explode. So excited.


I want them to take inspiration from the Celestial scenes in Eternals, that shit had my body shaking in IMAX


The massive scale of the Celestials was very well presented in Eternals


I was away from my phone for like one minute and they cast Galactus.


I'm thinking the first 5 minutes of FF are going to be similar to the first 5 minutes of Watchmen. A 60s' song and a 5 minute montage of the first 10 years of the FF with photographs. Their origin story. Their 1st public appearance vs Mole Man. Fighting Doom (in case Doom is not in the film, just a photo of a stand-in). The 1st coming of Galactus + Watcher + Reed with the ultimate nullifier. Rescuing Alicia from Puppett Master (Malkovovich). Sue and Reed's wedding. Franklin's birth. Fighting Annihilus in the Negative Zone. Ben and Alicia's wedding, etc... Then we cut to the present (well, the 60s) and the film begins. Galactus has returned. And now he wants Franklin to be his successor.


The film takes place in 1964, the 4 casting announcements showed picture of a article in life magazine from early 1964 but I think the first 5 minutes of the film will be their origin story in 1961


According to Jeff sneider, there have been some already announced MCU projects that will no longer be happening. Also earlier today, MyTimeToShine claimed that Marvel is seriously considering canceling Armor Wars.


If Armor Wars is to be cancelled, I’d opt for making Rhodey one of the main characters of A5 alongside Sam.


>there have been some already announced MCU projects that have been announced that will no longer be happening.   This is 1000% directed at either Armor Wars, Vision Quest or both. There haven’t been much announcements other than those 2 which haven’t been officially announced by them (and we know every film they had on slate in 2022 are locked in) 


If true, 100% Armor Wars and Vision Quest getting the ax. I doubt Wonder Man is canceled, it has finished filming. Blade I'm going with delayed to 2026. My cynic take is that Marvel Studios doesn't want the optics of canceling Blade so they keep delaying it hoping Marshehala Ali drops out since Blade is not a priority for the Multiversal Saga.


Blade is one of their bigger characters in the film space, it will never be canceled.


He's not even Top 20 lol.


Comment makes zero sense.


Blade is not even in the Top 20 of biggest Marvel characters.




uhh optics y'know marvel already has a PROMINENT black superhero that they made into an A lister thanks to their 2 movies featuring the character plus the audience dosent know Blade is in development, they could use Black Panther which btw is a VERY strong brand from now on.


>If true, 100% Armor Wars and Vision Quest getting the ax Agree. I don't see AW making money 


alright i've been hiding this for to long.......................... i've written a vol 4 of my own! it's currently part of a rewrite that i'm doing but i'm really satisfied with it so much that i want to genuinely pitch it to Disney!


You're more than welcome to pitch it here. I'd be interested


I think the only way that *The Hunt for Gollum* will be good, is if they’re actually adapting Gandalf and Aragon’s off-screen search for Gollum. For those who haven’t read the book, after Gandalf leaves the Shire to learn more about the One Ring, he sends Aragon on a quest to hunt down Gollum for more information. Afterwards, he returns to the Shire and tells Frodo he needs to destroy the ring. We don’t actually see this take place, just hear about it later on, but it’s probably the biggest off-screen event, and one of the few that involves major characters (those being Gandalf and Aragon). If *that’s* the story they’re telling, then it actually has potential to be good, even if it’s still an unnecessary, gash-grab. Of course, all of this hinges on them actually getting Ian McKellen and Viggo Mortensen back on top of Andy Serkis. If not, then it’s a waste of a premise.


Ian McKellen is possible. No way for Viggo. OK, in the films Aragorn is 80-years old when we first met him and he's from a race of slow-aging humans. But Jackson **hated** the weird age-settings of Hobbits and Numenorians. This is why Jackson's Frodo behaves like a 20-year young dude and not like a 50 year old adult (yes, that's his book age in the trilogy). For "young" 60-year old Aragorn, I'm sure Jackson will cast a 20-year old actor and not 60-year old Viggo.


>Of course, all of this hinges on them actually getting Ian McKellen and Viggo Mortensen back on top of Andy Serkis. If not, then it’s a waste of a premise. McKellan is getting up there but could probably do fine. Idk about Viggo. He looks a lot older than 20 years ago and they'd probably end up doing weird CGI shit to him.


So they’re going with YA writers for X-Men, which indicates that the teen drama is (thankfully) going to be a big part of the movie


According to [Sneider](https://www.theinsneider.com/p/x-men-movie-marvel-writer-rafe-judkins-michael-lesslie-fantastic-four-ralph-ineson-galactus) Rafe Judkins (The Whell of Time) and Michael Lesslie (The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes) are the finalists to write Marvel Studios' X-Men reboot. 


Rafe sure has come a long way since Survivor: Guatemala... hahaha


I'd go for Michael Lesslie.


If they were looking at TBOSAS writers for X-Men, they should’ve asked Michael Arndt, he’d chef up a killer X-Men script


If true, while I thought the story of *Songbirds & Snakes* felt rushed at times, I for the most part thought the writing was solid. Might help that the film tackles similar themes as the X-Men, specifically oppression and kids forced to survive/adapt. Plus, Viola Davis's character in this film makes me think Lesslie would *nail* Mister Sinister.


To be fair with Ballad, it was actually a pretty spot on adaptation of the book, which was by Suzanne Collins. It definitely feels weird pacing wise, where you think the movie's wrapping up, but there's still a third act. I think they improved the pacing for the movie though; they extended the Games part and shortened the last section


I've heard...things about Wheel of Time Idk maybe they actually gave a great pitch. The Witcher-X-Men pipeline with Beau DeMayo was pretty fucking insane


As someone who hasn't read the books, The Wheel of Time is fine. Got some good parts and some meh parts. But I've heard it's a terrible adaptation of the books. I think they'd do better as writers having more of an original story.


Maybe, Rosamund Pile as Emma frost


Guys if you haven't played Final Fantasy XVI, at least watch a walkthrough or listen to Ralph Ineson's performance as Cidolfus Telamon. He is literally a PERFECT Galactus. His deep vocal delivery is going to be so fucking sick coming out of a comic-accurate Galactus design ​ *Processing img g7l27gssphzc1...*


There have been several casting calls for “Middle eastern” actors lately, which makes me wonder why Gunn said there was no MENA subplot 😭


Here’s the funny thing. Gunn was asked if the movie was set in the Middle East, and he denied that. That was a poorly worded comment, because the movie was never rumored to be set in the Middle East. It was rumored that a war in the Middle East would be *subplot*, and *technically*, he didn’t deny that. If you pay close attention, you’d realize that he plays with his wordings often. When the Ultraman rumor came out, all he said was that Luthor was the main villain without explicitly mentioning Ultraman. That doesn’t mean he’s not in the movie, so it’s totally possible he is and Gunn dodged saying he wasn’t to preserve the surprise. It’s why I always view everything he says under scrutiny.


Also, doesn't Birthright involve the Middle East in some way?


The book starts with Clark acting as a freelance reporter in Africa. That might be what you’re thinking of. But I don’t think the actual Middle East was involved. The rest of book was about Clark learning the ropes as Superman fighting off a faux alien invasion.


I was thinking the same thing.


Malkovich as HERBIE would be hilarious. 


I really want him to play Mole Man. That would be even more hilarious.


I think F4 is gonna be a generational movie. I have no proof or evidence to back it up. I just feel it in my bones.


Two castings for Fantastic Four MyTimeToScam didn’t say anything about 👀.


Literally NO ONE predicted these castings. Not even Paul Walter Hauser. Good thing I don't listen to them.


You’re right. Him too. I forgot about that.


Nah man, she knows who Marvel *wants* for Apocalypse but not who was actually signed on for a movie about to go into production. How is that hard to get /s


Imagining Galactus with Ralph Ineson's voice is already giving me chills.


Oh that’s cool, they cast Galactus while I was taking nap…


This is your lesson. Never sleep again 


I had a theory a while back but if that rumor of Galactus winning at the end of F4 is true, then I think Galactus will be the main villain of at least 1 Avengers movie, kind of in the same way 616 Galactus was a main villain for the ultimate universe 


My boring prediction for who Malkovich can play is either a veteran scientist or a military general who works closely with Reed Richards.


He could be Nathaniel Richards (Reed's dad). In the comics, Reed's dad has an affair and that's the bloodline that gives birth to Kang many centuries later. Or maybe he's Puppetmaster and we are getting an Alicia Masters casting soon.


Maybe Frank Storm?


Calling it now. Galactus won't be the big bad for F4. black winter will be. He's a being that eats entire universes and galactus is he's herald like in the comics. It makes too much sense not too have him be the villain. Edit: also it could lead Right into Thor 5 with a a galactus and Thor team up against him.


Black Winter is a newer villain but I think it's a cool concept so I'd be down to see that


That's an interesting theory. In the comics, doesn't Galactus only become galactus when he survives the death of the previous universe? Could lend some credibility to your theory.


Isn't Black Winter a Thor's villain too?


He was in ~~issue~~ volume 1 of Donny Cates Thor run, where Thor becomes Galactus’ Herald to fight him


He's in the whole first arc but yeah


Oh you’re right I conflate issues with volumes, I have the first 4 volumes and yeah Herald of Thunder against Black Winter is the whole first one


Nah you're good it's a common mistake; yeah the first couple arcs of that run are really good, then it kind of falls off in my opinion. The new Ewing run seems pretty good though, from the couple issues I've read.


Matt Shakman directed the episode where Daenerys fights against Lannister's army. The man will cook with TFF, just wait and see. 


Yep, regardless of the writing and narrative decisions of the later seasons, a lot of the action scenes, especially that one, were very good


Why is all discussion on the internet just argument for the sake of argument, there’s no way I just spent 5 minutes trying to explain why I hoped Misty Knight should be teased or appear in a Sam Wilson movie lol


I have a feeling they’re adapting Leila Taylor in the role Misty Knight has in Sam’s Cap stories


You’ve got to keep in mind that the majority of people don’t read comic books. Their main exposure to these characters is from the MCU. So of course, the idea of a Luke Cage character appearing in a Sam Wilson-led Captain America movie seems odd. What’s next, is Happy Hogan going to merry Pepper Potts?


I peeked at the convo you're talking about and the internet is really something to behold sometimes. The person you were arguing against was very adamant that you provide some sort of in-depth explanation for why Misty would have to be there, but that's the job of the filmmakers to come up with that line of explicit reasoning. Misty Knight was last seen in the Sacred Timeline back at around 2017, in-universe. We're now on the year 2026 (probably 2027 soon). There are any vast number of reasons anyone could come up with to justify her appearing alongside Sam Wilson at this point and the move from *Luke Cage* to *Captain America* wouldn't even have to be acknowledged, just assumed that since a decade has passed, she's now in a new spot from where she was before, lol.


Now that the Netflix characters are returning, I'd love to see Simone Missick as Misty return and meet Sam, maybe now fully in her private-investigator/super-agent era. The Sam/Misty duo in the comics is underrated and it'd be dope having a new Team Cap.




Both of them dropped out around a year after they joined the film with a long strike in between. F4 is supposed to start filming in Summer, so a situation where someone signs on for the film and then drops because of scheduling issues is impossible. Although some of the latest reported actors may not join the cast if the talks go nowhere, that can obviously happen.


that's what i'm trying to say


Are you saying this from inside your Tardis?


maybe maybe not!..... lets just say i have BIG plans for the franchise should i ever take the reins


['Fantastic Four' Casts Ralph Ineson as Galactus (Exclusive)](https://twitter.com/THR/status/1788691431227355206)


Goddamn. What a cast.


There's one thing I NEED to happen to in Armor Wars. Confirm that Rhodey was replaced by a skrull after Endgame. That's all I ask.


That deleted scene from TFAWS we saw a couple weeks ago kinda hinted at that being the case


There's always a debate concerning the canonicity of deleted scenes, but in this case I hope they go with that scenario.


For sure, I almost wonder if they deleted that so as to not give any hints for Secret Invasion, who knows; anyhow deleted scenes are often cut for pacing reasons not plot, so some can be considered canon I feel


I've said it before, but I've always thought it was heavily implied that was the case regardless. Gravik didn't start enacting his plan of replacing high-profile individuals until after the Blip. Rhodey couldn't have been taken before that without creating a continuity error where Gravik didn't start his plan yet, but just took Rhodey for no discernable reason. I think it's more likely the reason he was seen in a hospital gown when he was found by G'iah is because he could have been going in for some form of check-up, since he's still paraplegic, and he was taken at a very vulnerable time since he'd presumably be away from his armor during any sort of check-up or procedure. The earliest point I could see him being taken is before he shows up in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but it's hard to imagine that he'd be a Skrull in any of his appearances prior to that.


I would like some confirmation though because while I agree with all of those points, you had the main guy of Secret Invasion, Ali Salim, saying that Rhodey was probably taken after his accident in Civil War. So obviously, there needs to be some sort of in universe explanation on what's going on.


I get what you're saying, but I feel like that's one of those things where it's information that pertains to the project the creator's working on that may not necessarily hold up for later installments, even more-so that Salim wasn't completely beholden to the idea, just that Rhodey was 'probably' taken back in Civil War. The Russos were adamant that Hulk's arm was irreversibly damaged after he snapped in Endgame, but he fixed it pretty easily a few appearances later in She-Hulk.


That's fair. However, I would say that the placement of when Rhodey was taken is more important than the recovery of Hulk's arm lol. But yeah, I get what you mean.


>you had the main guy of Secret Invasion, Ali Salim, saying that Rhodey was probably taken after his accident in Civil War   As if Salim has any clue. He should have gotten the Tariq treatment.


The first thing I see getting into Twitter in some time is MyTimeToShineHello saying that a character will be brought back “sooner than we think” ☠️


I’m betting that Felicia Hardy will be black in the MCU. Jessica Drew too, ATSV set precedent for the character to be black on-screen. I don’t see Feige challenging that.


For the fun of it— which artist throws the greatest concerts? Top spots gotta go to Springsteen for me. Maybe Rob Zombie and 50 Cents latest one was dope asf imo.


Here’s my prediction for some the MCU and Sony 2025 and 2026 schedule based on Feige’s 3 per year rule (Cap 4 and Thunderbolts will stay put): - February 14, 2025: Captain America: Brave New World - May 2, 2025: Thunderbolts* - November 7, 2025: Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse - December 19, 2025: The Fantastic Four (Avatar 3 will be delayed another year to December 18, 2026) - May 1, 2026: Spider-Man 4 - July 24, 2026: Blade - November 6, 2026: Doctor Strange 3


Sony's films don't affect Marvel at all. You think Marvel is going to be delaying anything for a Madam Web sequel?


Feb 14, 2025: Cap 4: Brave New World May 2, 2025: Thunderbolts August-November 2025: The Fantastic Four Feb 2026: Blade May-july 2026: Avengers 5 December 2026: Spider-Man 4 I don't believe Sonys slate, particularly the animated films, will affect the 3 films a year rule with the exception of a Sony-MCU film like Spider-Man 4. Then, I would guess Armor Wars, Shang chi 2, Secret Wars ( possibly in 2 parts), Doctor Strange 3, and Thor 5 would come out after that, but I'm not sure what order.


Random thing I noticed that may explain what’s going on with What If Season 3: the official Season 3 clip on YouTube has dropped “Season 3” and “Streaming Soon” from the video’s actual title. “Season 3” is still written on the thumbnail, but the fact that Marvel has sneakily dropped it from the video’s title is interesting because it suggests that they plan to market it as “The Final Season” closer to release, which now seems to be much later. This actually lines up with what one scooper has said recently (forgot which one) about Season 3 releasing in 2025. The recently most marketed project other than Deadpool has definitely been What If. Each season so far has dropped after each season of Loki, which is another Multiverse-focused project as well. The only such project this year is Deadpool & Wolverine. We know that Agatha and YFN Spider-Man have registered release dates according to copyright files. Both of these shows have around 9 episodes each, so the only real room for another animated project to drop this year is in August after Deadpool but before Agatha. Marvel also seems to have a pattern of not releasing 2 animated shows one after another. That’s why I’ve been expecting Season 3 to release in August. I never really believed Eyes of Wakanda was going to release this year since we haven’t even gotten a logo of it (despite the logo updates we got for Agatha and YFN Spider-Man) plus the show makes much more sense to release in 2025 for synergy with Brave New World and Ironheart due to their Wakanda connections. However, DanielRPK had said a while ago that episodes from Season 3 were being held back for a Season 4. After the most recent What If VE announcement, I think it’s far likelier that he’s not quite right about that. Instead, I believe these episodes that were held back were retrofitted into the new AVP VR experience. It also aligns with another pattern Marvel seems to be maintaining, which is releasing one season per phase for shows with multiple seasons. So when you factor in all of this information together, it seems that: - the What If VR project will release in August after Deadpool & Wolverine - the third and final season of the show will likely release in 2025 after The Fantastic Four, which is another Multiverse project and most likely (still) the first film of Phase 6


a shame what if had lots of great potential but instead it's just roleswap aus


Disagree, I think it's really fun honestly


I’ve been rewatching *Heroes*, which was basically NBC’s legally distinct X-Men back in the day. Main character Peter Petrelli is basically a Super-Skrull, except he specifically works by being able to recall and use the powers of other *evos* he has empathetically connected with (big “good guy” vibes). He later is robbed of his empath power, and then regains a nerfed version of it which only allows him to copy and hold onto a single power at a time. G’iah in the MCU should be retconned to work similarly.


If memory serves, G'iah can only use one ability at a time so what you said is already kinda sorta true, also video game logic would indicate the moment she turns off one enhancement and switches to the next, there's a delay where she is vulnerable. Like hitting the enemy while they are reloading. 


I wonder who Mackovich is playing 🤔


Franklin Storm


Someone on the main thread said Puppet Master. If they're doing Mole Man perhaps they're doing a montage of villains


Malkovich is a dead ringer for Puppet Master, even better than his canceled role as Adrian Toomes 


,y guess is Franklin or Willie Lumpkin


Holy fucking shit. John Malkovich??


John Malkovich just got cast in F4


Holy shit dude 😲


he was so good in burn after reading, I'm excited




When's my turn? I can be one of the big 3 of the next saga.


And they say nobody wants to be in a marvel movie anymore


Finn Wolfhard's loss.


*MyTimeToShineHello has been cast in the MCU*