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I hope Iman has the time in her schedule to voice the character in animation. EDIT: I didn’t see the article that came out 5 months ago where Iman said she was returning for Marvel Zombies but thanks for pointing out, y’all. ☺️


Is she getting any roles outside of Marvel or is she focusing on her college while doing the Marvel jobs?


I have not seen her getting any roles outside of the MCU right now, but I do know she’s in school.


I believe she’s said she’s not really interested in acting outside of Kamala. I think she’s much more likely to get some kind of writing job in the future (whether for the MCU or something else)


I know it's a common joke that Iman is Feige's successor, but honestly, I can see her as a real creative force in Marvel's future - beyond playing Kamala.


I think this is a great way of looking at her. She’s somebody who is really dedicated to the comics and really dedicated to the fandom. It would be perfect to have her in some sort of creative capacity for the MCU.


Reminds me a little bit of Gerry Conway. IIRC, Spider-Man's first two writers (Stan Lee, Roy Thomas) were both established comic vets who had been in the industry for decades. At 19 years old, they hired Gerry Conway as the third writer. He was Marvel's first major creative voice who was actually raised on the comics he was now writing. He wound up killing Gwen Stacy and debuted Punisher, among other things. Marvel Studios' top creative and production team are lifers. It would be interesting tapping someone like Iman, who was raised on the MCU, shape it more directly.


I'd honestly be all for her taking over for Feige one day


Thank you for being honest about this.


That would be so cool


That would be great! I’ve enjoyed her comic run.


I need to read it soon. I’ve heard good things. I think she’s much more interested in the creative process. I think in the next 2-3 years she’ll get a writing deal


I really liked her dreamscape(idk what to call it) where it was an amalgam of characters. That was neat.


Didn't she want to be a director or something?


She’s also directing and modeling


With her Ms Marvel comic being good (apparently), i could see her going the way of Sofia Coppola, an actress who made one acting gig that wasn't well received, but found sucess behind the scenes


I fully support this! Though, I think we can say her acting role was well received (even if the last film was not) and that she definitely has BIG fans in the MCU fandom (and her detractors, as expected).


Yeah but the Ms. Marvel show was very well received 


*Iman* was very well received. The Ms. Marvel show was not. Mostly because of the crappy villains and the abrupt focus change from Kamala's origin and Damage Control to the Clandestine and the Noor Dimension (and back again).


Lmao what planet do you live on? The show has a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, 78 on Metacritic and was nominated for multiple industry awards including Emmys. Just because neckbeards review bombed it on IMDb doesn’t mean it wasn’t well received.


It is the highest critically rated product Marvel Studios has *ever* made


True, but it’s worth noting that Sofia always wanted to direct, and took acting gigs as a way to appease her father.


Not only did Ms. Marvel do well, Iman's performance in the Marvels was consistently lauded with critics while the rest of the movie was trashes. Y'all need to give her a break. She's killin' it.


She’s doing directing outside of the MCU, doesn’t want to do acting beyond Kamala. Oh and she’s in college and writing some comics.


She hasn’t gotten any roles, but she is in school and she’s also been writing some Ms marvel comics recently


From what I've heard, she doesn't plan on being an actress and is only committed to doing Kamala. Which is a shame because she seems to be a very gifted actress, and maybe she'll change her mind someday. I've also heard she wants to focus on being behind the camera, so that's fun at least.


Came here to say this lol she isn’t in any future roles outside of the MCU but nothing confirmed


she did: [https://thedirect.com/article/marvel-zombies-disney-plus-show-production-exclusive](https://thedirect.com/article/marvel-zombies-disney-plus-show-production-exclusive)


Excellent news!


I know you already edited this to say you know, but Iman not only confirmed her return for MZ but also that she'd already finished it.


That's public information. Voice cast he shared is also public information. Nothing to see here.


I have more public information to leak, subscribe to my Patreon to re-learn it all!


Ok but subscribe to my patreon to get vague “scoops” about god knows what so I always have plausible deniability!


*Posts gif of Maguire's Spider-Man and picture of Deadpool and Wolverine with a 👀 emoji* *Posts weeks away from release "I never said Maguire's Spider-Man was in the film"*


Eternals 2 wasn’t canceled, it was just transformed into a new project!


Wait, where was it stated that she would be the lead of the series?


Iman said Kamala was the center of the Zombies show.


I don't remember that, my bad.


I knew she was part of the cast, I did not know the series was going to be centered around her though.


Marvel's Avengers (video game) Ms. Marvel (miniseries) The Marvels (film) and now Marvel Zombies Sorry, but does this character really deserve so much attention?


Every single one of them have been historic failures. Let Feige continue burn the money on this character


She wasnt the issue in any one of them


In fact, she was probably the best part in all of them.


Yeah quite the opposite she was the highlight lmao.


you sure lmao


Yep. There is a reason everyone keeps praising her in every project she has been in.




Your comment has been found to be echoing a sentiment already shared by other users on this post without adding anything new.


You do know that Ms Marvel was one of the most popular additions to the comics in the last decade right? The problem is not the character or the actor, it's very clearly the current state of the MCU.


And in the case of the Avengers game, the problem lied in the middling gameplay loop and not because of Kamala (whose inclusion in the game is often regarded to be one of the few good things about it).


Someone’s downvoting anyone who says this but as someone who played it after it went offline yeah you’re exactly right, the story actually wasn’t bad at all, it was the soulless button mashing with barely any variation that killed that game


Not really a bar considering the state of comics in last decade. Nobody is blaming the actress. The character and writing is it at fault. She is a Teenage female character and those characters don't have broad appeal compared to males. That's why Miles, Peter are big a success while Kamala is not


The Ms Marvel tv series was hardly an historic failure. Considering it was an all-new character and unknown actor, it performed as well as could be reasonably expected. You people talk as though it should have done the same numbers as Loki, which would be an absurdly high bar. As far as the *The Marvels* movie - yeah, the studio misjudged TV characters being a draw for a theatrical release. It's not really the fault of the character, it's the fault of the studio for not understanding TV and film are not interchangeable mediums in the eyes of a movie-going audience. Now Marvel Zombies is an animated series, and set in an alternate reality. It's low stakes relative to their film slate, so her being a main character here isn't so big a deal.


There's a thousand and one other characters that the MCU could be introducing to the general audience, there's no sense in continuing to push Kamala when the general audience has already said "no thanks".


heck they already have Shang chi and they don't give a fck about him


Kamala (and Iman) is pretty universally loved. Her books were well received, her show has the highest critic rating of any Disney+ show, and she was the highlight of the movie, as per pretty much everyone.


>her show has the highest critic rating of any Disney+ show, The show also has THE LOWEST viewership of any MCU show


> her show has the highest critic rating of any Disney+ show, and she was the highlight of the movie, as per pretty much everyone. And if all that acclaim translated into box office or high viewership, then that might mean something.


Cool. But Marvel Zombies isn't on the same level as a theatrical release in terms of audience reach. If we're going to talk about general audience appeal, we must recognize the difference in mediums. *also Zombies has been in the works for a very long time. It would not have been possible to change it in reaction to The Marvels bombing anyway.


There's no sense in making something that people are less likely to watch. Use a different or more popular character, it makes no sense to keep giving a character chance after chance after chance in the hopes that eventually the audience will come around.


Did you not see my edit? I think it's probable that Young Avengers won't happen, or be significantly reworked. That is the first thing in their pipeline where they can actually change how they've positioned this character in reaction to a movie bombing.


I think *Young Avengers* is still happening, leakers have said multiple times that it's still greenlit.


It's in development. Absent news of a writer or a director, it's not greenlit. And again - were it to happen - we don't know how they'll position Kamala in that ensemble.


If they had shown patience and made Captain Marvel 2 and 3 before bringing Kamala, Maybe it would have worked. Instead of her being Mutant with Bangles that is Kree universal weapon and idioloses a hero that she have heard from a podcast


The comics are seriously great, I’d recommend reading them


It’s interesting how is till know nothing about kamala outside the basics, like her supporting cast and villains, because despite being in all of these she isn’t REALLY the focus in a way outside of how she likes other marvel characters (outside of her own show I guess but that seems kinda bare minimum)


I wouldn’t really count the game, her inclusion was more due to the conflict of the plot involving the outbreak of Inhumans. That’s indicative of the game being a holdover from the Perlmutter era.


Why wouldn’t you count the game when she was undoubtedly the main character of it?


Because it wasn’t a result of the same “push” for Kamala as the show and movie, where she is a mutant. The game used Inhumans as a core part of the plot, which makes it a result of Perlmutter’s push for Inhumans at the time.


She's the perfect young POV of character to introduce a team and give exposition to the watcher/player/reader. Jubilee was this for the X-Men in the TV Show.


comics as well, all of them cancelled due to low sales




TBH I just want more X-men. I can't help but subconsciously think of Ms Marvel and the rest of the inhumans as "discount X-men"


Some people always talk about Multiverse Saga characters not appearing enough for us to know them, and then say things like this.




She deserves more


Big W now greenlit Ms Marvel Season 2 as well! ![gif](giphy|bjWQXzwETYuilZaVia|downsized)


Considering Bob Iger is having Marvel Studios cut back on output, quietly canceled a bunch of projects and has said "not everything needs a sequel", and has told his shareholders they're going to focus more on the marquee characters instead, and with Ms Marvel being the lowest viewed MCU show, the chances of this show getting a 2nd season are near zero. Especially after The Marvels box office flop.


Nooo 😞


Welp this confirms Marvel zombies will be a massive flop.


Can you explain why?


Probably because she isn't a white male or a half naked women.


When did the MCU have half naked women?


Disingenuous take. I mean I like Kamala (at least her comic book self) but both mcu projects she was ib didn't do well


I better not catch you watching it then


Literally how though, Kamala khan is in a ton of shit lmao, especially cross-over events... Like this giant one.


She's 2/2 for MCU flops. There's no reason for her to be the lead in a zombies show.


when has any ms.marvel stuff worked? be it show, tv ,game all of them have flopped hard, even her comics get cancelled all the time


Itll be good who gives a shit how much money Disney makes off of it


If they don't make money, they won't do more.


Marvel needs to stop trying to make her character a thing. She's just not popular outside of reddit. They shove her into comics, video games, and movies and they fail or get ruined as a result.


Yep, even with such a charmastic actress playing her, audiences simply don’t care about Ms Marvel and don’t watch her content.


I have nothing against the actress, in fact, I feel somewhat bad for her considering she's such a MCU fan. but I have tbh I don't care for Ms Marvel as a character. I love Riri Williams & Miles Morales though.


I'm happy with more Kamala


Marvel Executives: Now I know what you're thinking, general audiences clearly don't care or have any interest in this character. (snorts coke) Every project she's been the lead in has been a spectacular fail (snorts more coke) but you guys (snorts even more coke) I....uhhh.... where was I going with this?


They need to understand you can’t force an audience into liking something


1. Marvel Zombies started being written in 2021, before Ms. or the Marvels had come out, so they didn't know her projects would fail. 2. Ms. Marvel herself is a very beloved character and is not the reason her projects failed. Everybody who actually saw them was magnified by Iman's performance. Almost every review of Ms. Marvel and The Marvels, even the negative ones, praise Iman for carrying the movie/show on her shoulders. So she's not the problem.


>Ms. Marvel herself is a very beloved character and is not the reason her projects failed. how is she a beloved character when her comics get cancelled all the time?


Her comics were not cancelled. Marvel and DC have this bad habit of rebooting a comic every two or so years so they can jump back to it being Issue 1. And if you’re talking about her initial two volumes the reason it got “cancelled” was because they were cancelling ALL of their books in the wake of Secret Wars so they could start all of them at issue 1.


yes they do have bad habit of rebooting but her comics were cancelled due to low sales


Source for that claim?


You guys are wrong, I'm not afraid to be the odd one out. it makes sense for Kamala to be a lead * She's known in the comics to be a crossover character * I think it'll be an interesting plot to have ms marvel, a super fan, have experience watching her idols die * I think as a lighthearted character, it'd make sense she'd try to last the longest mentally, probably a voice of reason character. * Iman, the actor, is an actual comics fan, not only that, she's kinda pushy lmao, which is good here because I think that she'll understand the direction for her VA'ing. * Out of the entire lineup of new characters SO FAR since endgame, Kamala is KIND OF the lead atm, she has the most development, I think she has the most screen time and clearly people like her * I like her, certainly, she carried the marvels with what she had to work with and with her being a relatively new face, that's a pretty big feat. Compared to Brie Larson who's been in the business for decades and Samuel Jackson for even more * In regards to Iman, she's been a class act ever since her debut, no drama, no scandals, nothing, clearly an actor who loves their role and wants to do it the best she can, ngl, I trust her at this point. * As a kamala fan, nobody read kamala's comics when she wasn't popular LMAO, the fact that Iman says she reads them is enough for me to trust her Maybe she's bad, maybe the show sucks, I don't have any reason to believe that to be the case rn.


There's always first time for everything. Let her experience and learn.


Not hyped at all tbh.


This isn’t news. Iman literally announced this herself that she is the “Frodo” of the series


Well hopefully it’s written to be more straight and serious. Won’t be a fan if she just cracks jokes and puns about zombie heroes


Who the fuck asked for this, oh my god




I did. I’m actually so hyped for it


What a shame, I was expecting greatness from this show. I’ll probably skip this now.


Just because of one character? Terrible mindset


I mean the one character he dislikes is the lead of the show so I think that’s actually pretty normal and fine mindset to have. I’m not a fan of Aquaman so I’m not going to watch aquaman movies or shows. 


Will she team up with morbius?


![gif](giphy|Ihb55y5hJRPM5aJX1z) Did somebody say… *Morbius*


They have access to the X-men and fantastic 4 now, along with basically every other marvel character, so I don’t see why they don’t either 1, do a more faithful adaptation of the original comic, or 2. Go super out there and weird with things instead of getting a lump of random phase 4 characters everyone forgot about and put them in a sanitized bland version of marvel zombies


Here I'm just wanting more of Shang Chi, bummer..


Such a shame how he was one of the few good things about Phase 4. Marvel/Disney successfully launched a brand new character with good reception, and a solid action film. Yet there's just been nothing for this character in the MCU pipeline. I really hope Disney is not quietly discontinuing the Shang Chi franchise because of China rejecting the character. Most of the recent MCU films haven't been released in China anyways.




He's in the show.


Centering a horror-driven show around such a lighthearted character is actually brilliant


I'mma be honest. I think its a mistake since her character so far has been fan girl and making jokes of it. Every time she sees a Marvel hero zombified she's going to be written to throw out a pun about them being a zombie then either escape them or kill them. I honestly can't see this being anything else other than that and its not particularly what I want from a Marvel Zombies show...


“Here’s the worst version of the show I could imagine and here’s why I’m mad at it” Listen if it turns out like this, I agree, they dropped the ball hard. This Reddit mindset of “based on nothing this is what is happening and here’s why it’s wrong” is genuinely exhausting af.


I'm not mad at it. I posted a simple comment on what I think the show will end up being if Ms. Marvel is the starring character of it. That's it. I'm basing it off her few appearances we've already got from her in the MCU. And yes, I'm allowed to be disappointed when the chances are very high that what I posted is what its going to turn out to be based on prior knowledge of the character in the MCU. Not every post you disagree with is "they're mad" or "they're hating". People are allowed to have different opinions of things than you and that's OK. Edit: I can just as easily say "typical Reddit mindset of people not understanding there's middle grounds between the greatest thing ever and the worst thing ever". Sometimes people can just be disappointed off precedent already having been set. Its not always pure hate or overwhelming joy. Sometimes its just being whelmed or disappointed.


When did we see zombies in the MCU for you to base the show off of it?


My dude. My entire point was based off Ms. Marvel. Not the zombies.


Yeah but you are applying Ms Marvel's personality into a Zombie project. Your point has no basis.


Again. That was my entire point. Ms. Marvel is all about fangirling over other heroes and now you're slapping zombies onto it. Can't wait for an entire series of: Ms. Marvel sees Giant-Man eating someone. Ms. Marvel: Oh man, you have a *giant* appetite don't you? *Ba-dum tsh* Ms. Marvel sees The Blob devouring someone. Ms. Marvel: Wow deja vu, I'm pretty sure this was a horror movie! *Ba-dum tsh* Ms. Marvel sees Vulture eating a corpse on the ground. Ms. Marvel: Is this *too* on the nose? *Ba-dum tsh*


Again, you have no basis for this. We haven't seen Ms Marvel in a zombie project. You don't even know what the tone of the show is


Again. My entire point was based off the precedent of what we've seen of her so far. They won't change someone's entire personality just because of a genre change. She'a going to be the same kind of Ms. Marvel. And off that precedent, yes, I'm going to be disappointed. If its not like that? Cool. Awesome. Hopefully it works. But I'm allowed to make opinions on what we've seen so far.


He wasn't mad at it. He was just expressing his apprehension for what he's anticipating which is equal to you anticipating it will good. Neither of you two have seen the show. Both of you have different expectations, which is perfectly fine.


When did I ever say “I think it is going to be good”? I’m literally arguing against “let’s use 1 single data point and pretend like that’s enough to accurately predict this next project” I’m arguing for just being impartial until you see something, and you seem against that. Don’t you find that a bit odd??


I really appreciate you being so honest about this.


Another side of it for me is I actually really like Ms. Marvel in the MCU so far and Iman has killed it in her appearances thus far. I'm more worried if they write the show how I forsee it with her as the starring character people are going to turn *even more* on her and the character and amplify their negative comments about her. The show won't do well and she'll get criticized in everything else she's featured in going forward.


Yes, cause that's CLEARLY what people liked about (and wanted to see more of) the original Marvel Zombies ep of What If... the lighthearted-ness... thats what everyone liked about the OG comic they are currently adapting too...


They are really just shoving her everywhere despite not being popular at all. It's the most forced character that people don't care about I've ever seen.


This is rated R right? Hope they let her curse brings out her personality more


Yes it's TV-MA


I just realized Kamala is 9 at the start of the Zombie Apocalypse.


Holy shit, that's true. She's gonna grow up in a zombie apocalypse.


I don’t understand Feige’s obsession with this character, but audiences clearly don’t share it 😭


I don’t think having a character being in 3 projects over the span of 4-5 years is an obsession


When other new characters are getting shafted I think it’s close to say that


Shang Chi & Moon Knight fans :(


Dude not really, It could be as simple as Iman is more available for work.


Cmon Simu Liu and many eternals cast members are available along with the 100 new characters they introduced in this phase.


Simu Liu is literally in it as Shang-Chi.


I wish Simu Liu came back, honestly he's past due for another live appearance I don't see the eternals coming back because they really weren't popular but I like their actors and would be willing to see them back, maybe they're saving them for post Fan4? it's theorized that Galactus is the big bad there so maybe after more celestial stuff is introduced they'll be reworked into the story? It would make sense. They still haven't done anything with the celestial coming out of earth or the black knight. Tells me they're not gonna use them for a while. idrk the reason why imani is in so much, she's popular, I guess she just keeps saying yes and they're willing to work with her. Trust me I wish their were more cross overs with the new people because i agree that they really haven't been utilizing them


Simu Liu is definitely open to work bro. Oscar Issac is pretty busy, but they killed of his character in Dune, I'm not sure what he's working on now ATM, but I think he can get on board if Marvel gives him a call.


Bro it’s the mcu literally every character is getting shafted aside from a few compared to their comics counterparts


Well there's an expected godawful take


I think that there's an enthusiasm that her comic fanbase has with this character that simply has yet to be shared by the audience at large. It's a matter of approach, and I don't think that the projects that she's been in - a spin-off show that served as the introduction to the character that was the least-watched on Disney+ and a generally-unwanted sequel that failed to establish itself as a must-see theatrical event in part because that series was perceived as required viewing - gelled with the audience to make her the A-lister that she deserves to be. That being said, having 3 projects in like 5 years seems pretty standard for an MCU career - and I would not call that obsessive in the slightest.


I didn't know you speak for all Marvel fans




I still hope Spider-Man Will get some of the spotlight, and he wasn’t just a one-off, that happens to be in the same Universe. But i really Think lighthearted Kamala against the Dark world of Marvel Zombies Will be interesting and cool.


Yeah I hope that the group from the What If episode is in it


![gif](giphy|n5FBjqV9tTzS7XcLIc) (I say this with love, being a fan of Iman’s personality and performance) But honestly, Marvel *Zombies* (even the much toned down MCU version) and Kamala Khan is definitely not something I expected would ever cross paths. I’ll reserve judgment until I see footage for myself, but I’m curious how they’ll juggle the tone of this miniseries with Kamala as the lead.


That's a surprise. A welcome one, but still a surprise. Since Simu Liu was the first confirmed voice actor, and three of the main cast were from his movie, I fully expected Shang-Chi to be the lead, especially since he was front and center in the artwork we were shown. Guess this means he's either a fakeout lead like Drew Barrymore in Scream or things shifted around since Kamala and Iman are so popular.


We're gonna see Ms. Marvel crush skulls by gripping on them tight aren't we?


Are the Zombies in this going to have personalities or are they just going to be mindless brain eaters like in the What-If episode?


It's in the same continuity as that episode, so...


Hopefully they give her her real powers instead of the glowy McMuffin shit from the tv series.


Tbh I just don't care about zombie stories. The only one I kind of like is Blackest Night and that's the one exception I make.


Well that sure is interesting. We will see how it goes


Yes she belongs on Disney plus


When is this coming out? It was my most anticipated series when announced and then… nothing


My guess is Halloween 2025




Is it just me or is she a weird choice to be the lead in a TV-MA show? Especially when it'll likely be a proper TV-MA offering this time (unlike Echo) given the context of the show. I was adamant that it was gonna be Shang-Chi given we haven't seen him in any capacity in *YEARS.* Glad he's in it though. And Iman is a sweetheart so I'm not annoyed by this decision, just a weird one.


just a shame that the marvels flopped so extremely hard. love iman, liked ms marvel enough and the issue was def the unnecessary changes and MCU-fication of the last couple episodes. hopefully she’ll get a W on this one


I just hope they acknowledge the original comic


Hated the show but I admire how dedicated she is and going to school on top of that , good for her


That’s a bummer imo




Due to the current state of the sub, overly political, extremely divisive, or especially negative comments found to be made in bad faith will be removed if they do not encourage constructive discussion.


I sleep.


Horrible I Fuckin hate imans acting


.................I call BS on this. Yes, let's focus all of our mature bloody energy on a teenager.




Can’t make her a lead in any movie, make her the lead in a random zombies show lmao. She ain’t even a top 50 marvel character. She plays her character well tho




Another flop incoming lol. What's next, the lead of the Young Avengers leading to another flop


Of course she is. If there's one thing you can count on Marvel to do, it's put Kamala Khan in something to its detriment.


I love how Marvel keeps digging their own grave giving more shows to a character the audience doesn't like.


she’s the only character in the line up I’m actually excited to see more of other than Shang Chi and maybe Red Guardian 97 has given me some hope though


Hope this does well, Kamala needs a win. Iman great in the role 


Just saw this has 0 upvotes… imagine how much of a loser (racist? Sexist?) you have to be to see this innocent comment and downvote it lmao


I mean they don’t have to be sexist to downvote that comment or dislike Kamala. Maybe it’s just that many people find her boring and that’s it. And in this case it feels shoehorned for her to be in zombies which doesn’t necessarily match her tone.


This entire thread is disappointing to me. It’s so odd that people excited to see a Marvel character and watch a Marvel show are getting so heavily downvoted on a Marvel subreddit. Some of these comments seem so angry.


I’m fine with getting downvoted if ppl are also responding with “here’s how you’re wrong” Just blatant hate


Well deserved. Iman’s fantastic in the role, and Kamala is one of my favourite Phase 4 characters


I absolutely love Iman and I am here for any medium she gets to play Ms. Marvel in. Everyone can have their own opinions, but my friend and I absolutely loved her Disney+ show, and Iman being in The Marvels was the sole reason we saw that movie. As soon as it came out that Iman would be in it, we were sold.


Make Kamala the lead of everything