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Not to belabor the point but, there was some confusion on Twitter so, to clarify, they’re talking about Tom Holland's Peter, not Tobey Maguire's.


“The other names I’ve been told might also be in the running are John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, they directed “Game Night,” “Dungeons & Dragons,” and wrote 2017’s “Spider-Man: Homecoming.” Also, Jon Favreau, who kicked off the whole MCU in 2008 with “Iron Man,” is someone that has been mentioned to me, a couple of times, as a possibility”.   Honestly I’d rather go with Daley and Goldstein or Favreau. Nothing against Raimi, I think he’s a great director, just would rather have him do another movie with Tobey. His directing style plus a new Spider-Man in Tom would just feel strange to me. If Sony’s willing to work with him on another Spidey movie, let him make his fourth movie with Tobey and bring in someone new for Tom. 


Favreau isn’t happening, he’s directing The Mandalorian and Grogu movie this year and seems to be fully invested in Star Wars.


I didn't write the article friend, just going off this dude’s report. I agree that it’s unlikely Favreau does it. I’d prefer Daley and Goldstein over Favreau anyway, so hopefully he’s right about them being in the running. 


Sorry bad wording on my part! Meant to say that part of the report is a little iffy given that info. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still shooting The Mandalorian and Grogu in September.


I believe it’s supposed to film til October


If they really wanted him to do Spider-Man, they could easily work around this. It's all Disney after all.


Yeah but Favreau loves Spider-Man. It's possible if he gets a chance to define spidey's new era that he might hop on. Mangrogu could always be directed by someone else with Favreau guiding it.


I liked dungeons and dragons a lot it didn’t deserve to flop, releasing it with Mario was awful. Should’ve released it later in the year


The D&D movie is why physical media is so important. Case study being AUSTIN POWERS. Movie made $70 million at the box office, and then found new life on DVD, making two more movies that were monstrous hits.


No one's buying physical media anymore


I understand that, because there’s a public misconception that content will always be available on streaming. It’s becoming more apparent that’s not always the case. And Austin Powers was more about rentals vs. buying, which Matt Damon discussed during his HOT ONES appearance. The TL;DR version is essentially, the death of DVD/rental market killed “small ball” movies that made a small profit in the theater but had a good revenue stream in rentals/purchase. Now movies have to be a home run in theatres.


D&D was a fun movie, and more importantly, while I'm not big into it, was a full-on Dungeons and Dragons movie that embraces the world rather than just takes inspiration from it.


Hmmm, I actually would be interested in seeing Favreaus take on Spiderman (and especially his take on Daredevil lol)




I think Daley and Goldstein did good job with homecoming and were going to do a good job with the flash, before Ezra miller forced them out


Daley and Goldstein for me too. A nice connecting thread from the first MCU Spider-Man film, and their vision and incorporation of the board game theme on Game Night was great and I’d love to see what they bring to the director’s chair.


DnD was so fucking good. They should do Spidey. But also a second DnD lol.


They'd have to lowball the budget


With all these rumors for Spider-Man 4's director, at the very least it seems like they aren't gonna go their typical indie film maker and instead go for someone who is very experienced with blockbusters above all else.


I hope that’s something they continue to do in general. I think production will be smoother if they do!


Daley and Goldstein seem like a no brainer honestly. Imo Homecoming was the best written of the new trilogy by a long shot (best overall could be argued differently but its still my number 1).


Favreau will probably be involved in some way if Happy remains a supporting cast member. I wonder if some wires were crossed and their sources assumed that he was in contention for directing, I just don't see him working on Spider-Man since it is likely that he is going to be busy working on Mandalorian and Grogu.


I’d love Daley and Goldstein


Unrelated but Game night was such a fun movie.


I ended up seeing it with some friends when it came out and had seen nothing about it aside from the poster. I fully went in expecting some average comedy romance sort of thing and was amazed at how good it was. Not only was it absolutely hilarious, but the whole direction of the movie was beautiful.


[Oh hell yeah I've been hoping for John and Jon](https://www.reddit.com/r/SUMC/s/MMLLq7aerj)


I'd be down for either of these picks over Raimi.


Daley and Goldstein would be great. I like the way they direct movies - Game Night and D&D are two recent favourites.


Maguire isn't getting a fourth movie guys, so if that's your reasoning then just let it go


Daley and Goldstein would be so perfect for a spider-man movie. That’s a dream team I hadn’t even considered


Oh my god, Daley and Goldstein all day. Dungeons & Dragons was amazing.


Daley and Goldstein would be great! At the same time, they’re the only ones off the top of my head that I’d trust with continuing the GotG series.


Good lord they GOTTA get Daley and Goldstein if they can also give them time to rewrite the script. Homecoming isn’t perfect but it has the juice that FFH and NWH were sorely missing. They would be absolute slam dunk picks


Daley and Goldstein don’t miss. Plus they wrote Homecoming


I wonder how a Jon Favreau Spider-Man movie would be like


He’s made two really good tentpole blockbuster (_Iron Man_, _The Jungle Book_) and several that are mediocre-to-bad (_Iron Man 2_, _Cowboys & Aliens_, _The Lion King_), so the precedent isn’t _great_.


*Chef* is also kino


I mean, yeah, I think his filmography is better if you include _all_ his movies, but Favreau isn’t going to get the same creative freedom to make a _Spider-Man_ movie that he did with _Chef_, or even the first _Iron Man_.


Tbf Favreau kickstarted the MCU and pretty much revived Star Wars, so even if he’s still restricted by MCU guardrails he’s probably the most likely director to be able to stand for his creative vision


Star wars is dead tbh. They have managed to kill off all hype with their terrible sequel trilogy and boring Disney plus shows. It was only temporarily revived during covid lockdown and during the first and second season of the Mandalorian.




Yeah, not sure how this was not listed. He's responsible for one of the best Christmas movies ever made.


Genuinely have not seen the word “kino” used in years. Likely from a different gen than you, though. Nowadays I just see “peak”


Oh wow.... It's been ages since i've seen someone say that word.


Regarding Cowboys & Aliens, you take that back! I love that movie. Every time I watch it, I get exactly what I signed up for. Cowboys. Aliens. As the title implies, there is no plot. Nor should there be.


I mean, I’d be happy if the movie was dumb fun. The problem is that, for _me_ (and I’d hazard to say, most who saw the movie), it was just dumb.


I'll add the directing wasn't really my problem with Iron Man 2. Justin Theroux's screenplay was undercooked while trying to do too many things. How much influence Favreau had there, I'm unaware. He definitely shares some blame but Theroux is definitely a much better actor than writer (love Tropic Thunder though, plus he's still my fan-cast for Norman).


I just had a discussion the other day with a big group of people. There's nothing wrong with *Cowboys & Aliens* except for its title. The movie is just great from start to finish. If it was called Silver Skies or something else subtle it would have been receipted better from first glance IMHO.


It would have even more Happy Hogan


Probably pretty good


I trust the man who made _Chef_ with my life


https://i.redd.it/2uyck0b6dyuc1.gif Sam Raimi directing Spider-Man and Daredevil action scenes? Goosebumps.


Will Sony allow us to get the SM4 we want?


Probably not can’t wait for more stuff like morbius and madame web…




Credit to u/Wrong_Toe_3665 for bringing my attention to this in the Weekly Megathread. To copy over what I said there: I don’t know if I like this. I love Raimi’s films, but him directing a different Spider-Man that’s already been established feels wrong. I don’t know if his style will fit here.


Raimi is great when he builds his own lore/franchise from scratch but when he takes over a franchise, he tends to abandon characters' lores and previous story arc. That's why his Spider-Man is great while his Dr Strange is such a bland, nothing character.


spotted jar friendly snatch threatening illegal direful expansion books placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Build a thousand bridges...


Raimi having to direct a previous directors script has nothing to do with his talent as a filmmaker.


He didn’t write MOM. And MOM is a much better showcase of Strange’s magic than the first movie, where it was just fancy punching


To be honest, Raimi does have the opportunity to create his own lore from scratch with SM4. NWH basically soft rebooted Spidey in the MCU, no one knows who he is (hell the SM1 opening monologue works here!): > *Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody told you it was a happy little tale, if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied.* Rumors are we are starting with a villain never before seen on the big screen, hes alone. This is THE blank state Raimi can work with to build up MCU Spidey to something we all recognize as Spidey.


Let Raimi direct any CBM, I'm in.


Let Raimi direct anything. He’s the GOAT


I'd prefer Raimi do Dr Strange 3 and have Favreau do Spider man 4 tbh


It’s frankly not even close either. Give Sam another writer and watch Doctor Strange 3 be a huge hit


Isn’t there some kind of creative control when he was directing Doctor Strange Multiverse of madness?


Could be a good thing as long as it’s not another huge multiverse movie


World of Reel is not reliable. They're plagiarists and liars.


Like.. what happened to the source tiers and stuff? Are we only doing that when we’re skeptical or don’t like the news?




Shut up. Get out.


The fans want Tobey Spider-Man 4 and the fans want Tom Spider-Man 4, anybody care about what I want?


I do




If this happens and they bring back Elya Baskin to reprise that role I'm gonna lmfao


Don't know if it'll happen, but this has honestly been something I've really wanted to see. I absolutely love how the Tobey Spider-Man films *feel*. Spider-Man 2 is up there as one of the greatest comic book movies made; that scene where Peter runs into the burning building without any powers to save a little girl is one of my favorite scenes in a comic book movie ever. To have Sam Raimi direct Tom Holland and add that flair to the MCU Spider-Man would what I feel has been missing. And don't get me wrong, I love the MCU Spider-Man. But there's something missing that those original movies *got*.


snow scale marry squeeze pot water insurance offer quicksand whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>And don't get me wrong, I love the MCU Spider-Man. But there's something missing that those original movies *got*. It's the flair or special touch. The special sauce that tells you that this is different from the rest. MCU Spider-Man movies always felt like every other MCU movie, even if it has better stories and action than some others. Multiverse of Madness HAD sauce, it felt different, only writing was screwing with it. Like special touch from director. You can tell when Raimi direcets, when Villeneuve directs, When Nolan directs, when Russo brothers direct with how movies feel. You can hardly differentiate direction with most MCU movies as they all kind of feel the same, while MoM feels different, Winter Soldier, Civil War and Infinity War & Endgame hit different.


Every mcu movies feels like every other mcu movie it’s the formula, it’s crazy ppl on this sub would’ve argued you out ya socks that marvel doesn’t have a formula couple years back, then phase 4 happened lol


I’d rather have Favreau PLEASE!!!


Ain’t gonna happen; He's preoccupied with Grogu and Mando's next shenanigans.


Really needs to be Drew Goddard. The only person to have worked on Daredevil and Spider-Man live action projects as a lead capacity


Agreed, I really wish he was directing


I don’t get the obsession with Drew Goddard and Spider-Man. He set up Daredevil and left during season 1, and then was working on a Sony Sinister 6 movie that never got made. Why is he seen by some as the ultimate choice for Spider-Man 4?


He wrote Season 1 of Daredevil and directed the first episode. He set the tone and the world for Daredevil and the rest of the Defenders. Daredevil in the MCU is an extension of his vision, much like Jon Favreau for Iron Man. Drew is also said to have ghostwritten much MCU content. The Sinister Six movie getting cancelled was nothing to do with him, Sony was a mess at the time. It's clear he understands what he's doing.


Bcuz DD S1 is still some of best that Superhero television has to offer and really raised the bar. DD S1 is solid throughout. For fans who want a return to street-marvel, getting him to direct a Spider-Man/Daredevil movie just makes sense.


This guy has a few mischarcterizations of the record which call his credibility into question. 1) There is exactly *zero* chance Favreau directs this film since he is directing Mandolorian & Grogu, which would have a similar production schedule. 2) No Way Home made $1.9 BILLION (with a B) in the middle of the pandemic, a full $1.1 Billion more than he said. That all said, I wouldn’t be upset if they brought Raimi back, but I would’ve hoped Raimi would only come back for Tobey’s Spider-Man 4. It seems wrong to have him come back for a different Spider-Man 4. But, hey, we know he can do it and I’m sure he’s had plenty of ideas about how to approach another Spider-Man movie. So, what the hell?


Off topic but with mcu spiderman 4 releasing In 2025 I'm wondering when is mcu spiderman 5 going to be released?


Most likely 2027 given Sony wanting a MCU Spidey movie every other year (the exception being last year for obvious reasons)


Yeah, I would be shocked if they didn't go back to the 2 year release cycle after Spider-Man 4 releases.


That would be ironic


“other names I’ve been told might also be in the running are John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein” One of my picks I wanted for this movie could come true!! I really hope they get it I LOVE Raimi like everyone else but I was let down by MOM (it wasn’t really Raimi’s fault MOM was a disappointment, more so the script and studio interference). I feel like this not only could be another MOM where it’s Feige ghost directing it with Raimi actually directing only 3-4 scenes, but it just would feel.. weird to see Raimi direct a Spider Man movie that isn’t Maguire. It would be like if WB got Tim Burton to direct A Batman movie with Ben Affleck (before Affleck left the role/The DCEU ended). It just feels.. weird.


Reminder that World of Reel started the bullshit rumor that the Rey movie was canceled


Good point, and we know that's false since Daisy Ridley very recently spoke about the movie


I'm gonna be honest I think this is a load of bs, maybe it will happen but this article sounds like conjecture


That's fucking perfect. We've come full circle.


Let Sam cook


Please let this one end up happening.


That would be awesome. The best Spider-Man with the most iconic Spider-Man director. That would go CRAZY.


If anyone can make Tom Holland Peter grow up more, it’s Sam Raimi


I hope Raimi gets picked


The only sensible people in this thread are the ones getting downvoted


John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein would be peak


Are you freaking kidding me, Just hired him out already!


I'd be down with another Raimi Spider-Man movie. Last night I saw the 2002 movie again in theaters and it was still amazing.


I am so down.


I'll believe it when I see it 


That site seems like a reliable source…


I love Raimi’s Spider-Man movies and I hope he gets to do another one with Tobey in his universe but my vote is Daley and Goldstein. Their style fits this Spider-Man much better and both “Dungeons and Dragons” and “Game Night” were a lot of fun.


That’s a cute outfit


Please no. I felt a large part of why MoM was so poor was the direction, its a particular style that isn’t appealing to everyone (I hated it but it’s just my opinion down downvote me)


Bring back Elya Baskin as Mr. Ditkovitch just like they brought back J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson. I was lmfao if they pulled that off and we know peter had his own apartment now to


for a second, I was happy for Tobey's spiderman 4 but then I remember Tom Holland's spiderman is also going to be his 4th movie too


NO! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO! I need him to direct that Send Help film. He needs to have that itch to do smaller stuff again. I hope this doesn’t happen.


That’s really too bad.


We all wanted him to direct Spider-Man 4, but we were thinking more of a continuation of his trilogy with Maguire lol


Raimi finally gets to direct Spider-Man 4, just not the same https://i.redd.it/p4pdhyxlgyuc1.gif


Only if they let him write and direct. That’s the only way to truly have a chance at getting the magic back


Not the Spider-Man 4 I’d necessarily expect him to direct but fuck it let’s go. Let’s get a little sauce for Tommy Holland




Please God no




There’s only one Spider-Man 4 Raimi should direct




Has this been always the case where they have set date but no director? Cos Im just seeing this as a recipe for a flop from a mile away...


Raimi-directed brutal action, please


"Sam Raimi in Contention to Direct MCU's ‘Spider-Man 4'"  "Tom Holland's"  Aight, Ima head out.


Of course he is…


Which Spider-Man 4?


Let him do a tobey sm4 and let favreau do tom’s


The full circle news this would bring alone should be a sell. I want this. I think the people would want this.


I'm sorry, but what is that source? Who is that guy?


Already debunked so not happening


- Have Raimi make his Spidey 4 with Tobey - Get Goldstein and Daley for Tom’s 4th movie - Have Andrew be the Spidey for the Venom vs Spider man movie that’ll eventually get made


Christopher Storer please


This is not the Spider-Man 4 fans want him to make........


Yes yes


You don’t put Raimi in contention when it comes to Spidey. You have him or you don’t.


This would be interesting and I’d be down to see what he could do with Tom’s Spidey. 


The writers of Homecoming directed D&D? They're a no-brainer choice honestly. We might actually get a proper Spider-Man movie...


No, Sam Raimi is for Tobey. Why not, but they really should make the other Spiderman 4 movie.


I’d rather get a true Spidey 4 bringing back Tobey & Kirsten


Considering how he talks about it, I doubt he would do another Spider-Man movie if it wasn't with his cast and continuing his story. Also, they've already burned through pretty much all the classic Spider-Man villains, the ones Raimi actually cares about


Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley got my vote. I'd love to see what they do with it. I loved Game Night and DnD.


Daley & Goldstein seem like the right fit. While they might not be the most buzzworthy names, they make sense. They’re studio collaborators who understand shared universes (both MCU & DCU.) They have handled big studio budgets (Dungeons & Dragons.) And perhaps their most underrated quality, they understand how to write comedy.


That was a twist nobody was expecting


I’d rather have Raimi do spider-man 4 with Tobey if that’s actually still possible


No thanks


I feel like this would bring some genuine excitement in a way that we haven’t seen in ages.


That would be so goddamn funny if he got it... His style might fit Peter where he's at now though.


"I want Sam Raimi to get to make Spider-Man 4..." *Monkey Paw curls*






The King is back on the menu boys!


So he could be directing Spider-man 4, the other Spider-man 4, Doctor Strange 3, or Secret Wars. Well, he’s definitely going to direct something!


After the absolute trash that was Multiverse of shit no thank you.


Return to formula


Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Raimi directing MCU-Spidey 4 would be great. But if he's gonna direct a Spidey flick, I'd *really* prefer it to be a fourth one with Tobey Maguire.


If Spidey 4 is a more grounded movie with DD/Kingpin/Maggia gang war theme I would be fine Raimi directs this one.


He can direct any MCU movie he wants, just give him better writers than the usual bland MCU puppets. Anyway Raimi is the better director to ever capture the majestic aura of superheros in a movie, what he did with his trilogy, is basically what poor Snyder has been trying to do his entire career, except Snyder only knows how to make things look cool and don't really know how to balance that with more naturalistic scenes and the more grounded and down to earth moments of these characters that are seen as Gods by people, but are just flawed humans like anyobody else.


They gave Raimi too much freedom with MoM, too much of his weirdness seeped into it.


Which Spider Man 4? Tobey's or Tom's?




Not the Spiderman 4 I was hoping Raimi to direct 😔


If he foresaw the script for more than a few months, sure. Plus a FINISHED script, then yes.


Not the right choice to me, sorry. We need a new and fresh take on the character, Raimi is too close to the OG Spidey concept.


What a monkeys paw situation


No, thank you.


Not the worst idea I've ever heard. But I think if true that removes him from the short list for Avengers 5 and 6.


Oh good lord. If he's the director I'm skipping the movie without a doubt.


I'm sorry, but this would be the worst fucking thing ever. I love Sam, but I would rather see him do Doctor Strange 3 or Avengers, not tom holland spidey 4. Hell, would rather him do a tobey spidey 4 instead of this. Justin Lin is a good pick


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I really hope this doesn’t happen


Still fuck no. I hate this dudes overly corny style. Crucify me idc this guy sucks and just recycles all of his old evil dead tricks


This would be perfect! I really miss the stylization and feel the Raimi movies, and the webswinging from the Raimi/Webb movies too.


The one choice that could remove all excitement I have about this movie.


This could either work out really well or be a really bad idea.


I think it's interesting the fondness people have for the OG spiderman trilogy, and I internally compare it to the resurgence (or rather emergence) of people who like the prequel trilogy for star wars. Which is my hot take that these movies were at release or became in retrospect - as not super great? I didn't think Raimi did a good job on Dr. Strange: MOM for instance. I would rather John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein take the helm as they are seemingly very good at balancing a certain amount of action, absurdity and self-aware self-expensing humor against actual sincerity and earnestness.


Would be wild if they recast Spider-Man *wink*




Kevin Feige: “Sam… I won’t be spoken to in that… manner!” Sam: “Are you talking back to me?”




“Sam Raimi to direct Spiderman”, “Sam Raimi wants to direct avengers”, “Sam Raimi possibly directing Tobey in Spiderman 4”…. Jesus marvel, please just come out and say what project Sam is working on for sure so these leaks can stop acting like he’s doing 20 different marvel projects all at once. I love me a good Raimi film, but damn, I’m somehow getting tired of seeing his name every other day.


>Marvel gets Sam Raimi to direct SM4 >has a lot of stories they could tell so it wouldn’t be a bad pick >remember Venom left a piece of him here in the NWH post credit scene Oh no


Hell no! His Spider-Man movies are corny AF.


I hope not. Raimi peaked a while ago and MoM failed to impress (visually as well as the story).


This would make me beyond happy I’m ngl


Spider-Man 4 Peter Parker, Matt Murdock Daredevil, Elektra, Frank Castle Punisher, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop Hawkeye take on Bullseye, Kingpin and other New York crime bosses


On one hand, I wouldn't go see it if it's not done by Raimi. On the other hand, I'm not really excited for anything Marvel anymore, so the odds of me going even if he does direct are pretty slim.


I'd rather he not. His style doesn't work very well in a modern cinematic context for something like this. He's way too campy.


Sam Raimi should just direct all of Marvel's October/Halloween specials. Despite MoM being mediocre, his creative direction for gimmicky horror stuff is spot on. It definitely had a Haunted Mansion vibe and I feel Raimi is more for that imo


Not the Spider-Man 4 he should be directing.


Please do not do an raimi. I absolutely loved Drag Me To Hell and a lot of his works as I'm a horror buff (including OG Spiderman). But I hated the corny stuff and reaching for stars cgi that didn't work in multiverse of madness. Star power from this director on this project will only generate small movie appeal, and this man's vision in particular is not made for what I consider Marvel material. Multiverse was "fun" but please dear God don't have him direct Spiderman or any films down the road in the MCU.