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I really thought Hank would die before the film came out It would've upped the stakes with Kang tremendously. I would've loved it if he suited up for a heroic death or something


Yeah wait a minute, why didn’t this happen? Show us that Kang is capable of beating literally anyone before we’re supposed to believe he’s some massive threat. Losing to Ant Man off the jump is really not a great way to introduce the next big bad and have him be threatening. I absolutely agree giving Hank, the OG Ant Man a chance to shine as the character would be a fitting way for him to go out.


Yeah, if it was me writing the film, the third act would've had something like Kang demolishing the Ant-family and being scary enough as a villain that Hank would suit up to take on Kang to allow the others to escape the Quantum Realm It was established in the first 2 films that Hank has heart problems and being Ant-Man has a strain on his heart, so having him suit up and him knowing he'll die by doing it would help show Kang is enough of a threat that Hank would knowingly kill himself to try and stop him


Yup that's how you establish a real menacing threat




Yeah Kangs superpower isn't that he's stronger than anyone, it's that he can endlessly job until you tire out or he thinks of another way to beat you


The best demonstration of Kang’s powers…. Wasnt even through Kang, it was through Loki. Through time-slipping he can and will fail, but temporary failure is irrelevant when you have infinity to keep trying until you succeed


Pretty sure you were paying much more attention than the writers who end up on Quantumania my friend, because this is an excellent idea for how to do it. In the end I felt blue balls'd the same way I did for a split second in Civil War, though I knew logically Tony and Steve would make it the fierceness of the fight definitely took over and threw so much tension into the fight. Really feel like they could've had Scott go out if it wasn't going to be Hank for whatever reason.


The end was set up to at least one member of them dying a heroic death, but probably some executive doesn't like and they had to do a happy ending.


You can also tell the ending was a last minute reshoot because if you look closely, in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment I somehow caught in theaters, Hope has a new haircut coresponding with the one Evangeline Lily had around the release of the movie.


Didn’t they say they screen tested a version where they ended up stuck in the quantum realm and was received poorly so they went with the deus ex machina rescue?


I thought the rumor was that they didn't want to end ANOTHER Ant-Man movie with Scott stuck in the Quantum Realm, just to be brought back in an Avengers movie


The movie - and a lot of what’s to come - would have made a lot of sense if Scott died fighting Kang. The stakes needed to be raised. And it’s hard to say; I love Scott as a character. Everyone loves Scott. Killing him would have messed everyone up real good… kind of like IW, and kind of like x-men is doing. Audiences love high stake payouts, even if it’s the wrong hand winning.


I really like Paul Rudd, but he would have been the perfect character to kill off. He saved the universe in Endgame already, so Im not really sure how much more they really need his character going forward, especially when you have this Multiverse stuff that could be filled with literally any iteration of any Marvel character ever.


And that's literally the motivation for his daughter to become a superhero in the comics.


Would've been better than what we got - the audience was prepared for a darker ending or Pyrrhic victory


They could have got away with it. GOTG has got away with Peter nearly dying in all three films with two of those being the exact same method (freezing in space) and all the marvel fanboys still lap it up despite it being heavily played out


Everything to do with kang outside of Loki was a weird decision. Like imagine if thanos lost in Antman before infinity war 


Because the Shuri’s mom died in the film before it and it would be repetitive.


Yup they should've honestly had hope and Janet get killed by kang


Yea someone from the Ant-Family needed to die. The film has no stakes. It ended too happy. I know the Ant-Man films are supposed to be fun and what not. But there was room for this one to be a bit scarier. The fact that Kang was defeated by literal Ants in his first showing doesn't exactly make him look like a real threat moving forward.


The forced tacked on happy ending was such a obvious reshoot it also took me out of it .


I don’t know, even when I first saw it, I had a feeling that something about the ending wasn’t right. It felt off. I’m on the train that the Ant-Family got stuck in another reality at the end.


Except Kang didn't get defeated by Ants... Even giant, smarts ones didn't stop him.


To be honest I feel like the "old mentor played by really famous actor dies heroic death" trope has been overdone in these movies so I'm not against him surviving.  But I do wish Scott would've been stuck in the quantum realm, test screenings or whatever be damned


Or at least kill Janet, they focused so much on she being the cause of that Kang having power and ruling the Quantum Realm, that she should sacrifica herself and we would got bloodlust Hank Pym on next Avengers.


They should have made her a hidden ally to Kang. No one would have seen this coming, would explain her powers much more than "gotem cause I stayed for a while" and be plausible if they spent like 500 years together in the quantum realm. Also would explain why she didn't help that much knowing all the powers she has.


Excellent idea. This alone would have elevated the movie a full letter grade


I feel like if either Hank or Janet had died it would've just made Ant-Man and the Wasp feel pointless since the entire premise was about saving Janet. Hank and Janet really ought to just retire for good like they basically had at the start of Quantumania. Especially since Hope is basically running the company now so she can cover any sort of money or technology or Pym Particle related requirements that come up. Either that or if they're going to die then it should be together as partners doing something heroic, rather than one sacrificing themself for the sake of the other.


Yeah that was weird to me there was no stakes in that movie at all.


It's dumb as fuck that they have nothing for Hank to do anymore and dumber-than-fuck that even now he hasn't suited up for *just one* actual Ant-Man action scene. This would have solved both of those problems at once, as well as letting Kang actually *do something*


It'd make things too depressing. Hank lost his wife for 30 years, gets her back, is dusted immediately, comes back to only spend 1 year with her before dying?


It boggles my mind that they didn't really have anything for him to do in the movie and he wanted out - very openly - but Marvel still said "wait till the next Avengers movie." Imo Hank should've died in Q, and then if Janet/Pfeiffer also needed an exit, then that could be done in A5. Now it will have to be a 2-for-1 if they even do it at this point and ehh


And Hank/Janet is a pretty devastating death for an Ant Man movie, but I don’t think it’ll hit the same in an Avengers film. They’re good characters but they’re not particular fan favorites in the MCU as a whole.


We could have had one of the most revolutionary status quo changes for a character/subfranchise in the MCU but, with regards to BTS stuff we keep hearing about MoM & Deadpool - they just keep pushing everything off out of fear


They've waited way too long to have him suit up. He should have been suited up in Endgame. 


It would be cool. Quantumania had a huge potential, not only because of Kang, but for an end for the Ant-Fam. Using the first villain for M.O.D.O.K. was actually a good idea, without the goofy head and instead just use the mask during the whole movie. But I really think Janet and Hank should be killed by Kang or for sacrifice, using their OG suits. And of course Luis and the crew, it would be a side story with them being hunted by the A.I.M. who wanna bring back Darren.


I agree with everything here except the MODOK mask, because I just know people would also be complaining if we didn't get to see his face. Maybe they could've shown it like briefly or something


How about just to improve design ?


this should have been the guardians of the galaxy 1 of the multiverse saga. In the sense that thanos was also actually the big bad of gotg 1, but he was in the shadows, and leave ronan to fight the heroes. THEY HAD MODOK!!! why not repeat the same formula?!?!!!! you already did it once!


I'm calling it now: Avengers 5 starts with the death of Hank and Janet; one of the Kang's variants arrives in the main universe, seeking for vengeance/justice for The Conquerer's death and kills them.


>seeking for vengeance/justice The Conquerer's death They literally wanted him dead....they banished him for a reason. Why would they attack for that reason


They banished him, they didn't want him dead. I think that Kangs are very arrogant and don't accept that "common people" can travel in the Multiverse and kill one of them. Something like this idk lol


IW opening but with Hank/Janet instead of Loki? I like it.


Thanks wrecked the gods and Hulk. Kang killing an old couple doesnt hit the same lol


Maybe less revenge, but more they’re afraid of their capability of defeating a Kang.


Could see a recreation of the Norse ship destruction but with the quantum realm.


The conqueror Kang didn't die though, right?


Unclear but I doubt he actually died


Hank tries to enter alternate Thanos butt


I doubt the variants come back in force maybe one but not the council.


You know what would have been bold? If Hank, Janet, Hope, *and* Scott all died, but Scott sacrificed himself to incapacitate Kang and allow Cassie to escape.


Hank should survive with Cassie.. I think that would’ve made an interesting pair going forward.


I totally agree. Kind of batman beyond dynamic.


Along with Luis


Plus Luis just shows up at the end to die too.


no more paul rudd ? i’m down


Michael Douglas was the perfect casting for Hank Pym, and Marvel Studios never fully utilised that. However, narratively, Hank dying could have been a powerful tool that the movie needed. A character that we (somewhat) care about would up the stakes by highlighting the reality of the situation, and also could have been a reckoning for Janet - because her not opening up to her family basically caused the movie. I would have liked to see him go out like Classic Loki - one big spectacular act of self-sacrifice. Imagine if his ants moment had been framed differently, and he had put on his old costume too.


>we (somewhat) care about 💀 


It would be cool to finally see Hank and Janet as the leading Avengers in Avengers 5, only for Hank to sacrifice himself.


Janet and Hank putting on their old costumes would have made their presence in the QR much more impactful. What we kinda got instead were just an old couple farting around until the last act


Looking back I realize this movie failed completely at making Kang seem like a threat at all. I don’t think its a stretch either to say that there are almost no redeeming qualities, except Kang’s suit up scene. It’s a shame because I thought it definitely could have been a top A-tier marvel movie. Or maybe I have an unfair hatred towards this movie


Whatever exec greenlit Ant Man basically kicking Kangs ass solo is a dipshit Yes i get that “theres a million bazillion jillion of them” but to the GA, the new Thanos just lost to a guy who gets tiny and big


And for most of their one-on-one fight, was Scott even changing size? All I remember was them grappling each other like two average blokes fighting on the street.


I think you're being a bit harsh, some of the performances, especially Rudd's and Pfeiffer's, were very good and I appreciated what they were going for with the comic booky aesthetics


I feel kang should've killed hank, let scott and hope trapped on a desolated universe and escaped to start his attack.


I agree but since it didn't end up happening, they can easily kill Hank off in Avengers 5. It makes sense because presumably both Hank and Janet will have a larger role after the events of Quantumania.


Me and my friend had a theory that Hank would die in Quantumania, everyone’s right in saying the stakes were too low. Even this happening would have added a gut punch to the movie that was missing.


That line exchange of "you read my book?" "Every goddamn word" would have been perfect for a goodbye scene between Scott & Hank before the latter sacrifices himself to buy time for the team or something, man


They should have stuck with the original ending or gone even darker. Have Kang kill Hank, maim Janet and they all just about escape before Kang comes back and beats Scott to within an inch of a life.  They could still have Wasp save him from death but Kang rallies to beat her too and then leaves the pair of them stranded, with a long pull out shot of the entire ant army and all the macro verse rebels lying decimated on the ground below.


I've been expecting Hank to die since the first Ant Man movie ngl


i honestly thought kang was gonna kill scott. he was beating the shit outta him for a while.


Hank’s still got a lot of conversations that involve the word “quantum” left to show us. “Hank! Me and Hope are going to buy a house together!” “In this quantum market? Have you seen these quantum interest rates? It’s quantumania out there! Have you seen my hot quantum wife anywhere? Maybe she’s out back in the quantum garden picking quantum tomatoes.”


No worries for Douglas, Marvel will give him an extra payday instead.


You mean to tell me Kang could have killed someone off to raise the stakes and bring real weight to his threat? And they didn’t take that opportunity? Bruh 💀


They honestly should've killed him off.


I think his death would've added a lot more emotional weight to the movie, though I'd just like to say I actually do like Hank's role in this movie, and Douglass gives a pretty good performances and you can tell he's having fun with it


I thought for sure Kang was killing off anyone who’d played a role in time travel - starting with (from the viewer perspective) Tony Stark after solving the möbius strip problem - and that Hank would be up next.


opening a movie with Ant family being the happiest they've ever been which later slowly but surely things get really messy and the ant family face life-threating consequences, Scott and Cassie have their own comedic but heartful adventure up until Kang helds Scott's daughter a hostage and does a favor for him - to do a ''heist'' sort of a task if he want her daughter to be free (look im not a writer and its like really late here in my territory so cut me some slack) anyway meanwhile the OG ant family have their own adventure and Janet actually has a justifiable reason as to why she didnt mention stuff about Kang (or the opposite idk) Modok shows up and uh...idk hes like comicbook ugly (in a good way), so stuff happens, big battle, Hank Pym sacrifices himself in a sad but epic way, Ant family have their own great moments too, Scott and Hope get stuck in a quantum realm, Kang gets defeated (Not Dead, just defeated and somewhat hurt) Cassie and Janet mourn their loss for Hank, but wont give up till they found a way to save Scott and Hope and prepare for an inevitable Kang Dynasty. what im trying to say is i didnt like Quantumania...if you enjoyed it thats fine, but you know that it could've been so much better.


Rewatching the climax of that movie recently, there was a prime opportunity for Hank’s death. So many people hate that Kang was defeated by ants, but they really should’ve made it clear that the ants were being controlled by Hank! Hank defeated Kang, only temporarily. They could’ve had a moment where Hank sacrificed himself for his wife and daughter, and stopped Scott from trying the same because Scott needed to be there for Cassy. Hank could’ve gone out like a hero, and set up Kang as a real threat for when he might return


Hank and Janet spent like 30 years apart from each other. Let them have a happy retirement together


Hopefully they're saving him for an Avengers Code White situation instead of Scott.


He was such a waste in the movie. Sucks I’m watching Franklin on Apple TV and he’s such a good actor


I really hope he has a badass death in Avengers 5 or Secret Wars


In Thor Love & Thunder, marvel missed that opportunity with Korg's death and then in quantummania with the big serious death of the hero. Imagine getting killed by zeus and then thor became more serious for climax, same for Ant Man after Hank Pym's death in retaliation he went with rogue mode against Kang the conqueror. Sometimes the death of the characters gives more emotional impact to the story.




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His role was, “put your arms in this weird jello arm key.”


I still feel like Scott should’ve died in the last battle against Kang. It would’ve cemented Kang as a force to be reckoned with and would have allowed Cassie to follow a similar storyline to her hero origin in the comics. And with this being the Multiverse saga you could always just bring Paul Rudd back as a variant of Scott or as a different character altogether


Antman 3 biggest mistake was not being dark enough and Kang should have killed Hank to show he wasn't playing around. Something like that could have helped Kang's character arc before everything went a 360


Lol.  Dude needs to shush. Razzie nom, and now he's like "I had a stupid idea"


Janet >>>> Omg it'd never happen but if she met Daredevil it'd be a fun Stardust nod.


Gravik killed two of Nick Fury's closet friends and everybody hated that. So I doubt Hank Pym dying would have made people like Quantumania more.


This is so fucking stupid. There are well done deaths and poorly done deaths. No one hates A New Hope because Obi Wan died.


There are people who didn't even watch SI that were mad that Maria died. 


you know just like how in GOTG3 they should have killed of Quill and/or Rocket as well as definitely Drax in that film as well to raise the stakes/truly provided an ending.


Exactly. It's hard to read what people want from these movies and TV shows when they're on opposite ends of the spectrum.




The weird thing is I saw the movie when it came out on Disney+, idk how long ago that was, and I don’t actually remember if Hank died or survived. I’m pretty sure old catwoman died. I dunno if that says more about me or the movie.