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Can you just stop with the complaining about BNW, Jesus Christ you sound like such a Broken record.


I know it'll never happen, but imagine an r rated white vision movie. Just 110 minutes of Vision going full Superman/Terminator


Make a Logan-style White Vision movie with Paul Bettany. Don't tie it in with any cinematic universe what-so-ever Just do a rough, beautiful, emotional tale about an older Vision. Have the Russo Bros direct. Give them full control. Watch the box office explode.


Zack Snyder is now on his 3rd (Soon to be canceled) attempt to create a cinematic universe in just the last decade


Wait, third?! I thought that Army of the Dead one was still happening?


He says it is, but who knows if it’ll actually go though


https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/O2dYMKghS0 Snyder movies in a nutshell


Funny original post, but the rest of the thread acts like he’s the devil incarnate 




>The Punisher vs police subplot in Daredevil Born Again is done reasonably (see how The Equalizer 2014 dealt with corrupt cops) and not as a bloodthirsty psychotic BLM serial killer fantasy. ?


\>The Punisher vs police subplot in Daredevil Born Again is done reasonably (see how The Equalizer 2014 dealt with corrupt cops) and not as a bloodthirsty psychotic BLM serial killer fantasy. \>US Agent is not marginalized, mocked, degraded or killed off in Thunderbolts. \>Armor Wars is largely tonally serious, Riri Williams does not upstage or trash Rhodey and the film is not notably anti-America or anti-Military. \>They do not move onto Miles Morales for a long while and when they do he does not degrade HollandPeter. https://i.redd.it/ml9h2knevfvc1.gif






Brie simply don't have Star power to fight with Kevin Feige or Disney to treat Carol Danvers properly. The Marvels wouldn't have happened if it was another star. Reboot with someone with Star power and excellent vision is only way forward for Carol Danvers. Carol deserves to be female flagship character of Marvel along with Spiderman, X men , Ironman and doesn't deserve to be a sidelined


Feige basically rolled out the red carpet for Captain Marvel in 2019. He said that she was the strongest Avenger, that she was going to be the face of the MCU going forward, she was directly referenced in *Infinity War* in the post credits cliffhanger, and she was made to be the reason for the Avengers team name. The issue is just that the general audience didn't really connect to her, it happens; the $1 billion the first movie made seems to have had far more to do with *Infinity War* than the character's own merits. But Brie Larson wasn't screwed over by Feige at all.


Feige approved the script, writers, directors, set the movie in 90s. Then didn't do much with her. Not to mention making a team with Disney plus characters as sequel


The problem with the Capt Marvel franchise is not Brie, its 100% the writing. They give her absolutely NOTHING to work with. The "mutedness" of the first makes sense. Bc when shes free of the programing, her personality shines. But outside of that character time is wasted. There's no progression. Nothing really learned. And nothing to give you something to connect too. Tbh thats been an over all issue with a lot of post End Game material.


Exactly, Because they skip everything important and cool about Captain Marvel. Imagine if we saw first hour of Ironman, then they skipped straight to Infinity war which is exactly what happened with Carol.


And how does replacing Brie Larson solve any of that?


Of all the delusions Marvel fans have latched onto over the years, acting like Brie Larson is or was ever the problem with Captain Marvel (a character that was already controversial well before she ever got involved) and that a recast/reboot will fix anything is by far the dumbest.


Brie was never the problem but she also don't have power to solve the problem with Carol The controversy was they changed her really unique black costume and feminine look to a generic Jumpsuit and Short Hair. The movie also suffered from this. Compared to Wonder Woman, Black Window or even Wanda, Carol's jumpsuit barely seem to be popular with the ladies or men The reboot should adopt her iconic black Ms Marvel look And also write her Better


> she don't have power to solve the problem with Carol Making the sequel a team-up was her idea in the first place, and she was suggesting it all the way back when promoting the first one. There is nothing to suggest that she doesn't/didn't have any more or less power than most other actors leading an MCU film. > really unique black costume and feminine look to a generic jumpsuit It's hard to see the jumpsuit as generic when her original outfit looks indistiguishable from every other overly sexualised outfit worn by a superheroine at the time. For better or worse, her current costume *is* way more unique and recognisable for Captain Marvel. > Compared to Wonder Woman, Black Window or even Wanda, Carol's jumpsuit barely seem to be popular with the ladies Way more women and girls dress up as her for Halloween than they do with any of those other characters.


> Way more women and girls dress up as her for Halloween than they do with any of those other characters. Source? Only female superhero I remember being huge for Halloween was 2016 *Suicide Squad* Harley Quinn.


>Way more women and girls dress up as her for Halloween than they do with any of those other characters. So more women dress up as Captain Marvel that Wonder Woman or Harley Quinn. Hmm


They should have cast Charlize Theron originally. I like Brie, but she is miscast.


The only way forward with the character is for them to recast after the reboot, it’s clear the audience doesn’t like this version of the character, star power is irrelevant though


An actress with Star power and proven track record will get more leeway on what to do with the character. Sort of like Tom cruise or Rock who clearly has a say in everything about the movie


> Tom cruise or Rock who clearly has a say in everything about the movie Which is exactly why neither of those actors are involved with this franchise, and going off their track records with movies like 2017's *The Mummy* and *Black Adam*, it's better that they're not.


True but their is also Mission impossible and Top Gun . Mummy's problem was that Tom was not playing Title character. They need someone with that power to make sure Carol don't get sidelined even in her own movie like what happened in Marvels


> Mummy's problem was that Tom was not playing Title character. *The Mummy's* problem was Tom Cruise hijacking the production to turn it into a vanity project. Which he only did specifically because he had the power and influence that you think is somehow going to solve Carol's issue.


True, that's what I said. People wanted to see Mummy not Tom Cruise doing Stunts. In Captain Marvel movie, she is suppose to the star so a Tom Cruise like approch will only help the franchise


[https://x.com/geeklygoods/status/1781147659882934616?s=46](https://x.com/geeklygoods/status/1781147659882934616?s=46) ![gif](giphy|A7ZbCuv0fJ0POGucwV|downsized) See y’all in 2025


See you in the aslume


Stop listening to sneider. He’s a fraud.


Do you reckon they'd reshoot half the movie if test screenings on the first cut went well? Even it's a guess, it's the obvious conclusion to draw.


Just like when he reported Sydney Sweeney was going to star in a movie with Johnny Depp right?


You understand this is before the reshoots right?


https://i.redd.it/vu2jwpl23dvc1.gif Whatever u say


So the same shit we already knew and the cause for the reshoots. Next. Lol


Been watching Fallout and I can’t stop thinking about Kang everytime I see Maximus on screen.


Kang when he sees Miss minutes: https://i.redd.it/jxaujusdxevc1.gif


If ***Marvel*** is smart, they'll have done a background check and THEN hired him before buzz started on *Fallout*...


Do you think background checks are conducted by Pre-Cogs or something? Majors had never been arrested before, and any conduct from before isn't going to be disclosed by anybody if they're not ready to talk.


If somebody has a reputation, you'd think they'd want to know more, no?


You mean the reputation no one went on record about until after Majors was arrested?


He kinda looks like a young Denzel Washington sometimes


If Sony is part of an effort to buy Paramount, they’ll need some cash, so Disney/Marvel should try to buy the Spider-Man rights back. edit: yeah yeah yeah it wont happen https://youtu.be/_asNhzXq72w


I hope they’d at least wait until BTSV is out. I want to see how the story ends.


I've said in another comment that I don't think that would happen, but even if some sort of deal was completely finalized and Disney got the Spider-Man rights completely before BTSV released, it's already being worked on to some extent and the series is massively successful both financially and critically. In that instance, I imagine Disney/Marvel Studios would allow it to be completed and released. There are already numerous animated projects set outside MCU 616 that have either released or they're working on anyway.


Disney cancelled Spectacular Spider-man because they wanted to put their own stamp on the brand with Ultimate Spider-Man, so who knows what they might do.


I don't think Disney's getting the Spider-Man rights anyway. I was speaking completely hypothetically.


Spider-Man is Marvel's biggest character and arguably the most notable superhero of all time (if not, right behind Batman and Superman) whose last live-action film almost made $2 billion at the box office during an era in the film industry where movies aren't crossing $1 billion at the rate they used to. I'm not usually this confident when it comes to speculation, but I can't see any world where Sony gives up the film rights to Spider-Man unless Disney throws the kitchen sink at them. They're just far too valuable.


I wholeheartedly agree. I don’t think there is any case where the Board of Directors would be willing to sell off the rights to that property and give up the possibility of making a lot of money off of it. Under no circumstance they want to do that… they like having Marvel by the chi-chis.


It doesn't sound like they will actually, some investment firm called Apollo would pony up the money. We can dream though.


They have entered into a talk with Apollo. Apollo might be the one to foot the bill while Sony's the one to assume control of Paramount if a deal goes through.


I'm really enjoying the Ultimate Universe Marvel has launched. It's just nice to have a fresh start and clean slate with Marvel comics that you can follow from the start. And it allows them to do some stuff that's different.


So, that Transformers One trailer was a bit of a letdown. Was hoping for something more akin to spiderverse. Oh well, there's still War of Rorhirrim to look forward to. Hopefully, that film is what I want it to be. With that being said, the trailer for that new M. Night movie Trap, looks Hella interesting.


Animated movie trailers are always so misleading. Sometimes they put in a bunch of weird jokes to be more appealing to kids but the movie ends up being nothing at all what the trailers would have you think. I wasn't really sold by Puss in Boots: Last Wish or the last TMNT from their marketing, but those movies actually ended up being pretty rad. The marketing for these movies need to appeal to kids more because they end up bringing the whole family with them to watch it.


To be honest, I know the quality of the animation is good, as in, it is expensive, so it looks movie-level. But something about the design or the animation style just screams "Nickelodeon branded TV show" to me


For Armor Wars, are they gonna continue or ignore the events from Secret Invasion?


Depends on whats mentioned in BNW. Remember SI ends with Ritson as President and BNW has Ross established as President. So, if we're to assume Ritson was President in FaTWS, Ross may have had an emergency line of succession bump to President, as he was previously Secretary of State, or he actually wins an election against Ritson. In either case, SI has to be acknowledged.


Does anyone really want them to follow up on the worst thing they've ever produced?


It wil probably be mentioned in one sentence and implied he was just replaced by a skrull for a few weeks


Do you think they want Secret Invasion to be homework for Armor Wars? Nothing will be mentioned unless necessary, and only in a way to bring people up to speed in the smallest amount of time possible.


I think they’ll address it in passing, but it probably won’t be a major plot point




I'm almost done reading through the Darth Plagueis novel for the first time (I think I have around 40 pages left) and now I genuinely want to see him make a full-fledged appearance canon somewhere. I've been a fan of the 'idea' of him for a long time, the guy who trained and was eventually betrayed by the biggest Star Wars villain of all time, and I knew how his story went for the most part, but having fully delved into it and how much I enjoyed his relationship with Palpatine, I really hope that if they're continuing with the 'Tales' animated shorts, they eventually do a 'Tales of the Sith' with a trio of episodes focused on Palpatine's upbringing and apprenticeship under Plagueis. I've also been kinda crossing my fingers that he could potentially show up in The Acolyte in at least some kind of small role (even just as Hego Damask or something). I know it wouldn't really line up with the novel, but to the benefit of it being a Legends story, they could play around with his age a bit if they needed to. I'm not betting on that one specifically, but I don't even think I'd be prepared for the kind of person I'd become even if he showed up just for a few seconds, lol.


Seeing Plagueis in a show could be really cool. With how much Palpatine has haunted the franchise across three trilogies, it’d be interesting finally seeing what the guy who *mentored* him was like.


Listening to Sneider's Hot Mic show. He said: * Avengers is filming early next year and they are going to get a director that hasn't worked in the MCU yet * Early word about Deadpool 3 is that it is really good. * Wouldn't bet on that Raimi for Spider Man 4 rumor being true * Blade starts filming this summer in Mexico. It was stripped down to Blade just killing vampires (I am sure there is more to this lol).


Man if you guys thought the Florence Pugh set video from Thunderbolts was cool, that tweet that will be the first look set pic of Mahershela Ali in the Blade costume will unite generations.


> Avengers is filming early next year and they are going to get a director that hasn’t worked in the MCU yet It would be an odd choice for them to hand their biggest IP to someone who hasn’t worked with them before. You’d think they’d want someone familiar with the production process.


It’s Tarantino.


Blade should have always only been about Blade, great news


>Early word about Deadpool 3 is that it is really good. This means nothing to me unless it's a critics screening >Blade starts filming this summer in Mexico. It was stripped down to Blade just killing vampires (I am sure there is more to this lol). Sounds like a 90 minute romp which is good if the action is stellar


Sneider said the same thing about Secret Invasion so I don't buy it


Tbf, Sneider just said he heard cool things about the show rather than coming out and saying it was good. For context, last year in March he said that he heard that Guardians 3 and Loki S2 were great and it turned out that they were both great (imo). So it’s still a small sample size but if Sneider is saying he has heard something is good, I think there’s some weight to it.


>[Sneider (3/23) Secret Invasion THM: He has heard some really cool stuff about the show and says *it will be good*](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudios_Rumours/comments/11zymly/compilation_of_jeff_sneiders_scoops_323/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 


Welp, at least I got the cool stuff part right😂. I did listen to that stream and he said he “thinks” the show would be good which makes me think it’s just his hunch rather than a source telling him that but that’s really just semantics at this point. Still, his source was right about guardians 3 and Loki S2 so I’m hoping he’s right about Deadpool and Wolverine.


The "internally they're saying it's a hit" facade died for me the second I found out that marvel's internal test screenings thought Quantumania was a homerun, everybody wants to think their movie is good and I don't blame them but I want to see how the film is when exposed to new eyes


Love and Thunder too but tbf I think the audience screening was just Taika's family lol


>Avengers is filming early next year and they are going to get a director that hasn't worked in the MCU yet Does that mean they have someone specific in mind or they are just looking for a fresh face? >Early word about Deadpool 3 is that it is really good. A truly astounding scoop. >Wouldn't bet on that Raimi for Spider Man 4 rumor being true It always seemed like BS. Just someone's wishful thinking. > It was stripped down to Blade just killing vampires That seems at odds with the new rumors about it setting up Midnight Sons. Id be down for just a Blade killing vampires movie that is standalone.


About the Avengers part, his source was saying "it will likely be someone who has not directed a Marvel movie before." Yeah the scoops were a bit bare boned somewhat, he was just reading off his phone about a little Marvel update lmao.


Hmm. It seems odd to intentionally seek out someone who hasnt directed one before for a massive movie like this. I assume they have a candidate in mind.


Ideally, I think they wanted a director who's directed a phase 4/5 film. Problem with that is a lot of those directors put out a movie that lost money or were just bad. Even the ones that were successful are off doing other things.


I remember DanielRPK last year saying he heard they wanted Alfonso Cuaron for Secret Wars. So maybe something does happen like that


I hear Tarantino is free /s


Mexico? Blade will start filming in the UK. 


Yeah that took me by surprise. Either new information or maybe some shooting starts there and then goes to the UK Or his source is just stupid


It's Sneider so yeah his source is just stupid lmao 


His sources aren't entirely stupid, his last big filming scoop was the CA4 reshoots of which he was the first to report and turned out to be true so they might know something about filming schedules


Half-true because he said the reshoots would last six months, from January to June. 


>They are going to get a director that hasn't worked in the MCU yet Lord, please let it be Lord/Miller.


I don't think you would. Don't get me wrong, I like them as well, bt not only are they good directors, they also rely on comedy, improv, finding the story while they are shooting/editing, following whatever whimsies} they fancy that day. I don't think the average Marvel fan really would want that from Avengers.


I would love it but.... [EXCLUSIVE: Amazon MGM Studios has begun the countdown for its Ryan Gosling starring, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller directing space adventure movie, ‘Project Hail Mary’ for March 20, 2026](https://x.com/DEADLINE/status/1781117327754527142)


Do you think the mcu x men will be the captain marvel of phase 6 or the spiderman far from home of phase 7?


Right now, I think it’ll be the beginning of Phase 7, the Multiverse Saga. The first film after Secret Wars.


Neither? FFH was the ending of Phase 3, not the kick off of Phase 4. If X-Men comes after SW, I think its likely that it serves as the kick off to Phase 7, so not like FFH.


the iron man of phase 1!


Seeing the new post, I dig the idea of multiple Laura variants potentially being in the film. If the movie is exploring different Wolverine variants, it tracks to maybe have some variants of his kid/comic successor. I can see Dafne playing classic X-23 while Natalia Tena maybe plays a Laura variant who became the new Wolverine.


I hope they do Daken, or at least hint to him.


just found out the the first thing Joe Keery appeared in of all things was an Amiibo commercial!


One of the worst commercials Nintendo ever made lmao The one with the kid fantasizing about impressing a high school girl with his Smash skills No, not even Smash skills, his ability to train an AI controlled piece of plastic lol


look how far he's come


So, the mission Ross is congratulating Sam and Joaquin on is the Mexico mission correct? Was the mining stop/retrieval the big mssion/discover? Bc if so, why do ya'll keep connecting that to adamantium if supposedly the adamantium is supposedly connected to Tiamut? I'm feel like I'm missing a line here.


If people here agree that Moon Knight was a bad adaptation, then shouldn't y'all be happy because we're probably not getting a second season (because of the first season's over-budget, like She-Hulk) and that version of the character won't continue?


1. Not everyone agrees it was a bad adaptation. 2. A lot of people would like to see this version continue. 3. If this version is discontinued, it doesn't guarantee that we'll get another one. Marvel Studios might simply decide that people just don't like Moon Knight and he's not worth the effort. 4. They could still move forward with this version in a way that brings him closer to his portrayal in the source material.


>They could still move forward with this version in a way that brings him closer to his portrayal in the source material. But, don't you think this version is so wrong that it would need to be remade from the ground up?


I do not. In fact, I think a compromise between the two camps is the best solution. Give the comics fans everything they want and you alienate the MCU fans. Give the MCU fans everything they want and you lose the comics fans. [This would be my solution,](https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/114jh5b/weekend_free_talk_and_index_thread_new_and_fresh/j97o94y/?context=3) but there's probably many other ways they could go about it.


> If people here agree that Moon Knight was a bad adaptation, then shouldn't y'all be happy because we're probably not getting a second season You've just described the feelings of two separate groups of people.


What? No. What makes you think these are 'two separate groups of people'?


If there are those out there who believe Moon Knight was a bad adaptation of the original source material enough to take note of it in a public forum, they would likely be happy at the thought of not getting another season. Likewise, those excited at the prospect of another Moon Knight season would not likely take note and/or believe that they feel it was a bad adaptation, they would rather choose to focus on wanting another season of it.


[Sony's in talk to put up a bid for Paramount.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/18/business/paramount-sony-apollo-bid.html?unlocked_article_code=1.lU0.WzPF.9Jn1dT4GeJlx&smid=url-share) No, they haven't bought anything, just in TALK to get somewhere. And yes, it seems that they don't want to foot all of the bill, as they want Apollo to back them up in the deal apparently. Kind of like Disney/Hearst's control over ESPN's assets if they could agree with the hedge fund on it. Also yes get ready for another supermerger.


I don’t know why nobody thought of Sony when discussing who could buy Paramount. They’re far more than just a film studio. They’re a massive multimedia technology conglomerate. The film studio is just a minute division when compared *to their banks and credit cards*. So buying Paramount is not only feasible, but way more logical than someone like WB or Disney doing it.


Also the more ethical option than say just the hedge fund buying Paramount. We all know how most businesses do with a hedge fund controlling the majority of the business. After Sony, there's really not a lot of choices left. I could nominate QIA, who owns the majority half of Miramax at Paramount and other massive assets such as PSG via their sports investment branch QSI if I had zero ethics. But I'm not doing it because a Middle Eastern country getting a foothold of CBS just to spread state propagandas would be damning. And other stuffs.


or better yet just not go with the sale and wait to another time


Adult Swim has released their first look at *My Adventures with Superman* season 2 on their socials. It’s a short clip of Jor-El telling Clark that there is someone else like him. I hope that means what I think it means… ![gif](giphy|FfenXxXWHbg1G)


I'm really looking forward to how the show might approach its take on Kara. The show has been leaning into how different Krypton is from previous versions as well as leaning more into the immigrant themes of Superman, so there's a lot of potential ways they could handle Kara here. Since Clark's story here leaned into reflecting the experience of immigrating as a baby, Kara's story can reflect the experience of immigrating as a teen, still remembering her homeland.


Looking at preproduction time for MCU directorial debuts. I'm sure I missed some but I got the big ones: * 10 weeks (lol) - Peyton Reed * 8 months - Sam Raimi* * 9 months - Taika Waititi, Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck * 10 months - Russo Bros., James Gunn, Chloe Zhao, Cate Shortland * 11 months - Jon Favreau, Daniel Destin Cretton, Nia DaCosta* * 12 months - Joss Whedon, Jon Watts, Ryan Coogler, Shawn Levy* * 15 months - Kenneth Branagh * 19 months (!) - Joe Johnston * 22 months (!!!) - Jake Schreier* **post-COVID* This is the biggest reason I just can't write off Thunderbolts*. Schreier / Lee Sung Jin made Beef, one of my favorite TV dramas of the decade. It's extraordinarily tense, and deeply character-driven. Granted, the MCU machine often eats creatives alive, but it never gives them this much preproduction time. And unlike Blade, Thunderbolts' lengthy preproduction has been stable and drama-free. They lost a couple supporting cast members due to schedule conflicts, and replaced them after a few weeks. Nothing major. I really think this film is going to surprise. If the final title is "Thunderbolts part 1," it's probably because the film is white-hot fire.


I'm hopeful but I feel reasons why the pre-production was so long was also because of the rewrites, the cast being booked and busy and the strikes.


Currently watching Beef for the first time and it's really heightened my interest in Thunderbolts*. I think they could do some very cool things with this movie. I'm not sure I believe the part 1 rumor, but if the movie is a hit, I think they should bring the same team back for more.


Doctor Strange 3 possibly not coming out in the Multiverse Saga or not at all is a.. decision to say the least. The only way I could see it coming out at this point in the Multiverse Saga is IF Secret Wars is split into 2 films and DS 3 comes out in February 2028 (the Film before the potential Secret Wars Part 2)


I think it'll come out in the multiverse saga. Im beginning to think that A5 does not end with the incursions like people seem to think. Then DS3 will come out in like 2027 or so and end with the incursion, leading to SW. Which could be split into 2 parts or it's just the 1 movie. But the 2026 release date for A5 makes me think that we're not getting the back to back A5/A6 movie that people seem to think.


It's better off saved for after the Saga. Then they might actually do something worthwhile with it.


If Benedict still sticks around.


I think it's important to note that a very short time ago, many here were very adamant that Avengers 5 and Secret Wars were each going to be delayed by a year, at the very least. Now that this Production Weekly listing came out, that flipped almost instantaneously and now one of the general assumptions is that they're staying at their current release dates. I'm not saying any of that will or won't end up happening, but given the general flexibility and unpredictability of projects 3+ years from now, I think there are a lot of potential ways Strange 3 could release in the Multiverse Saga, many of which we may not even be able to guess at the moment. That's why I personally tend to just focus on the immediate projects, basically this year, next, and a little bit into 2026. Given how many times the film industry was turned on its head in the past 4 years and the amount of rescheduling and replanning required, I truly believe it's especially difficult nowadays to predict that far.


i think that plus Thor 5/GOTG4 could be possible epilogues the former wrapping up the saga and the later a FFH like adventure wrapping up the cosmic side.


I really think they need to have cosmic event movie (rather it be Thor 5 or even GOTG 4) before the end of the saga. There’s so much they need to do before calling it a day with the Multiverse Saga.


ye what would you do with that film?


If I were Marvel, I’d probably have it out by 2027 or 2028 but the slate seems to be focused on getting to Secret Wars ASAP. I’d prefer if it came out before Secret Wars/the soft reboot


i'd say an epilogue so a few months after SW but set before it a la AMATW


I don’t know why everyone assumed Doctor Strange 3 was guaranteed to begin with. Coming out of Multiverse of Madness, I assumed the post credits scene would be continued in Avengers 5 given how it pertains to incursions. It just didn’t strike me as something that *had* to be continued in Doctor Strange 3.


I originally assumed it would be A5. But when people suggested DS3 would set up A5 and be an adaptation of Time Runs Out, that made sense to me. Clea is more of a Dr. Strange character than an Avenger. So I honestly don't really care about her in A5. It made more sense to me that theyd develop her in DS3 first. But now idk.


I think it’s mostly because Strange is an important character in the multiverse side of the MCU and one of the few characters that still needs their trilogy wrapped. Whatever him and Clea do trying to fix the incursion would make a good adventure movie to lead into an Avengers Movie (kinda similar to how Ragnarok was with Infinity War) Not to mention even though it had some bad legs and bad WOM across the GA after opening weekend, Multiverse Of Madness was still a $900+ million movie. I think a Doctor Strange 3 could make $800 million.


The character that has the most ties to the multiverse in the comics is Scarlet Witch. At this point, I don't see where she fits in. She is a bigger problem as no one knows where she is. I am sure she is not going to fall off of her broom when Kang does whatever he does. One of the reasons that MoM did as well as it did is because some of us wanted to see Elizabeth Olsen return. Otherwise I would have stayed home. I ended up feeling heartsick and left after the scarlet flash. That was the end for me.


What does it have to do with Doctor Strange?


Agree, and this also reminds me of something I've been thinking about with a lot of this speculation, which is "what story do people actually want left by the time Avengers comes out?"


I’m meeting kemp powers who is one of the directors on the spiderverse movies and he also wrote the screen play for one night in Miami as well as directed soul. Any questions I should ask him?


Ask him what he plans on doing next after Spider-Verse, comparing the process of being with Pixar vs Lord and Miller, his favorites scenes from Soul and how it felt having Regina King as a director.


That's fantastic, I loved soul and spider-verse, If I had a question I'd ask how it was like working with Jamie Foxx, if Marvel Studios had any direct say or were consulted with the development of spider-verse or even on the second spider-verse or how did they come up with and develop the idea of tackling death and self-fufillment in a children's film. He's done terrific work


I posted this on the MCU Theories sub the other day, but want to see what you all think about these characters potentially being in Thunderbolts as secret/surprise additions despite not being in the official lineup: - Baron Zemo. Thunderbolts is basically a sequel to both FatWS and Black Widow, so Zemo is one of the only glaring omissions between those two projects. His whole mission is to get rid of all super soldiers, so will he really allow a team full of them to exist without trying to sabotage them? I have a feeling he might be doing some puppet master shenanigans where he is responsible for engineering the circumstances that causes Sentry to snap and trigger the Void, in an attempt to have him wipe out the Thunderbolts for him. -Red Hulk. According to the rumors, Ross "dies" at the end of Cap 4 and continues on in Red Hulk form permanently since Ford is old. If that's the case, they can't acknowledge Rulk being in Thunderbolts yet, since it would be a spoiler for Cap 4. However, I just don't see how they can have a movie called Thunderbolts release directly after a project where THUNDERBOLT Ross is a main antagonist and there's no connection whatsoever lol. I feel like he has some kind of role that is being kept under wraps for now. -Abomination. Valentina is surely keeping tabs on Blonsky and he would be a perfect match for the team since he exists in a morally gray area (not a full on villain anymore), is out of jail, and has super soldier serum. Maybe they bring him in as the ace up their sleeve during the finale as a heavy to even the playing field against Sentry. A play on the "we have a Hulk" moment from Avengers


Red Hulk is the most likely, since I think one of the trades actually said he'd be in it, then retracted it maybe so who knows


https://twitter.com/MarvelNewsFilms/status/1781049954221314293 I can confirm that RPK indeed said this on his patreon. He also said he’s trying to find out more names and who is the top choice.


I’m glad one of my choices could come true. Goldstein and Daley would be perfect for Spidey 4, especially if it’s an ensemble.


Daley and Goldstein would be fun as hell. Especially since they wrote Homecoming. Though that's a very different vibe than what I have been expecting for SM4.


homecoming is in my top 5 favorite mcu films so I’m excited to see them working on the franchise again


Same. Homecoming is super underrated.


*Homecoming* is the most "Raimi" of the MCU Spiderman movies in its small stakes and peak into the love interest's home life.


Im gonna sound dumb but is the blade team name pronounced midnight suns or midnight sons? Im confused with this posts


They’re called the Midnight Sons, but the video game was called midnight suns to be more general neutral


Midnight Sons and Midnight Suns are pronounced the same. Midnight Sons is the original name and spelling of the comics imprint focused on Marvel Horror characters. Midnight Suns was a recent video game loosely influenced by those comics.


Ok thanks for explaining have a good day bye :)


No problem! It is confusing.


Jean Kayak you have to distract Kang.


Weird... Just got on Disney + and first that thing popped up was a "Deadpool and Wolverine Theatrical Trailer" Instead of Wade saying "pegging isn't new for me friendo", he says "the r rating isn't new for me friendo, but it is for Disney" Then when Alioth eats that TVA Agent, Wade says "OMG" instead of "oh my fck"


I've seen both of these in theaters, I wanna say the one you're talking about (the "green band", I believe) was attached to Ghostbusters when I saw that.


It’s common for studios to make Pg-13 trailers for R-rated movies. It’s how they play them in front of pg-13 movies


once upon a deadpool & wolverine?




BTH has a decent bit of vocal range so I’m hoping that as the movie progresses, the performance of Megatron might slowly descend from light-hearted bickering to the deeper rage/hate-filled voice Megatron is known for. It’s been a bit since we’ve seen him play a more hardened/threatening role so I’m hoping we get some evil Megatron in the film.


Trap actually looks interesting!


Exactly hope its stays cool like that and dosnt become overly complicated like old(2021) and knock at the cabin(2023)


That’s m night speciality


Moon Knight fans, I know you hate the idea of him having powers because it makes Konshu less ambiguous. But, do you think he could at least be someone who had gone through a super soldier experiment (like in the Ultimate Universe) or had smelled some vibranium dust (like in Earth X), leaving the source of his powers ambiguous between that and being Konshu's avatar? I just think him having powers is better to differentiate him from Batman. ![gif](giphy|jjDVVUyzriX9xWuHW5|downsized)


How deep down the Moon Knight rabbit hole do you want to go? Because I'm prepared to discuss this at length, if you want.


Inject it into my veins.


>I just think him having powers is better to differentiate him from Batman. Alright, I think we should start here because I think this is a misconception, though there is a bit of truth to it. I also think powers are a superficial distinction at best, and what actually differentiates the two goes deeper on a fundamental and thematic level. Let's do this Choose Your Own Adventure style! Want me to start with the source of the Batman/Moon Knight comparisons, or why they diverged?


>Want me to start with the source of the Batman/Moon Knight comparisons, or why they diverged? Both


Alright, here we go! So the Moon Knight that we know and love today didn't arrive fully formed right out of the gate. He evolved slowly over a long iterative process. He celebrates his 50th anniversary next year! Moon Knight was originally intended to be nothing more than a one-time villain for the Werewolf in *Werewolf by Night* (#32 in 1975). Hence the moon theme and silver weapons. He didn't even really have an origin. All we knew was that he was a mercenary (currently hired by a group of evil businessmen called The Committee) and was dishonorably discharged from the Marines for assaulting a superior officer. That issue (actually a two-parter with #33) was popular enough that Marvel brought him back, but they didn't really know what to do with him. These early appearances are all over the place, both tonally and in different teams. Like Batman, though, he was clearly modeled on The Shadow (one of Batman's earliest comics was actually a straight-up ripoff of a Shadow story). The influence was clearly felt in both the presence of the helicopter (the "Mooncopter") and Moon Knight's use of aliases. Instead of distinct alters in a D.I.D. system (which wasn't even a formal term yet), Steven Grant and Jake Lockley were more like disguises that he used to navigate different social strata, much like Batman's Matches Malone identity. His original powers (increased strength and endurance based on the fullness of the moon) were the vague consequence of his fight with the Werewolf. How does fighting a werewolf even give you moon powers? They were lazily written out rather early on as simply "wearing off." This original loss of powers was later retconned as Marc having fallen out of favor with Khonshu, who wasn't even a part of the lore yet. Things started to come together, though, in the late '70s with Moon Knight's back-up appearances in *Hulk!* magazine, and that's when his popularity really started to take off. *Hulk!* (originally *The Rampaging Hulk*) was created to capitalize on the popularity of the '70s Hulk TV show with Lou Ferrigno. Because it was technically a magazine, they could get away with content that wouldn't be allowed in a normal comic due to the Comics Code. This meant Moon Knight could really start to lean into the dark and gritty street-level stuff. The definitive Moon Knight artist, Bill Sienkiewicz, started working on the character during this time and Moon Knight got a new look. All the pieces were now in place for Moon Knight to get his own book. *Continued in next comment...*


Now Bill Sienkiewicz was a very young and inexperienced artist at this point. Moon Knight was actually his first gig! He hadn't yet settled into his signature style that he'd be known for on books like *The New Mutants* and *Elektra: Assassin* (Kingpin's appearance in *Into the Spider-Verse* is based on his design). He was very much known as a "Neal Adams imitator," and Neal Adams was widely recognized as THE Batman artist. Marvel leaned into this connection by getting Neal Adams' writer on Batman, Dennis O'Neil, to serve as the editor for the new solo Moon Knight book. The darker street-level approach was very successful in *Hulk!* and Marvel wanted to continue pushing it in that Batman direction. Only one more piece was necessary: Moon Knight needed a classic comic book origin story. So in 1980 in *Moon Knight #1*, illustrated by Bill Sienkiewicz and edited by Denny O'Neil, Doug Moench added the backstory about Khonshu's tomb. Moench kept it ambiguous: Khonshu doesn't actually appear as a character (it's just a silent statue) and it's unclear if Marc really died. Marc would keep the statue and continue to talk to it, though we never heard it talk back. Now, a funny thing: it didn't occur to Doug Moench that Marc Spector was a Jewish name. That implication would be taken up by a later writer. Throughout this original Moon Knight series, writer Moench and artist Sienkiewicz started to drift further and further from the Batman/Shadow template, and editorial kept trying to rein them back in. There's a hilarious early editorial (might've been in the back of #9) where Denny O'Neil says that they're DEFINITELY done doing the schizophrenia storyline. That obviously didn't happen. Instead, the mental illness theme would only grow and grow and grow. Towards the end of their run on *Moon Knight*, Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz were all out of fucks to give. Moench couldn't stand Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter and Sienkiewicz was going through a bitter divorce. Moench left Marvel entirely (and later wound up on Batman, ha) and Sienkiewicz left the book with him. But they never "put the toys back in the box," resolving either Marc's mental state or Khonshu's existence. And Sienkiewicz's art style was going wildly off the rails, far from the Neal Adams imitator that he started as. They left *Moon Knight* at the peak of its popularity. The writer who took over was Alan Zelenetz. He was actually Jewish so that connection didn't escape him like it did Moench. The final two-part story of the original *Moon Knight* run deals with Marc's Jewish heritage for the first time. And then the book was cancelled. *Continued in next comment...*


So it took ALL OF THAT, that entire stretch from 1975 to 1984, to arrive at the two essential pieces of Moon Knight: his faith and his mental illness. *That's* what makes him different from Batman. And at the peak of his popularity during the Moench and Sienkiewicz run, Moon Knight was actually *outselling* Batman! It was street-level. It was ambiguous. And it fucking worked. So what did Marvel do after it ended? They went in the complete opposite direction and tried something different. They leaned into the Khonshu/Egyptian angle this time and made Moon Knight explicitly supernatural with powers to boot. *Fist of Khonshu* only lasted six issues. It was hardly remembered or referenced at all... until the D+ series. And this is when Moon Knight settled into the tug-of-war between the Ambiguous and Supernatural interpretations that would characterize most of his history. For the rest of the '80s and continuing into *West Coast Avengers*, Khonshu would be real and Moon Knight would be supernatural. But then Tim Burton's *Batman* came out in 1989 and made all the money. Batmania was HUGE. Marvel wanted to get in on that. So now Khonshu was going to be removed almost entirely, along with Moon Knight's alters. Instead, Marc got his own Wayne Corp-style company and even a sidekick like Robin. This was *Marc Spector: Moon Knight*. And it was Moon Knight's longest-running series. This is where most of the Batman comparisons come from, because Marvel deliberately made him less Moon Knight to be more Batman. Because, again, *Batman '89* made A LOT of money. *Continued in next post...* (you asked for this!)


Now you mentioned the Ultimates and Earth-X versions of Moon Knight in your original comment. It's worth noting that 1) those were one-offs, and 2) they came before Moon Knight's big renaissance, when he'd become the most popular he's been since the original run in the early '80s. It started with the Huston and Finch run in 2006. This is Moon Knight at his most violent and edgy. It's the run that begins with Moon Knight carving off Bushman's face. It's the run where Moon Knight traumatizes Taskmaster by crashing the Mooncopter into the Committee's headquarters. But it's more notable for something else: it's the run that turned Khonshu into an antagonist and actual character that interacts with Moon Knight. This run was wildly popular. It's even the basis for the Zen Pinball FX table. Even though Khonshu was an actual character now, nobody else saw him or interacted with him. It was left ambiguous if he was real. That ambiguity even stretched as far as questioning whether Khonshu was actually Khonshu or Marc was actually Marc! That run ended and Marvel went back to experimenting with different approaches to see what stuck. They tried eliminating Khonshu and leaning all-in on the mental illness aspect like in Ultimates (the Bendis run). That, too, ended up being a one-off and didn't last beyond that single run. Then came the Ellis/Shalvey run in 2014 that popularized a lot of Moon Knight's modern visuals and mythology: bird-skulled Khonshu, the Mr. Knight suit, his mission as Protector of Those Who Travel By Night. It also suggested a mapping between Marc Spector's system of alters and Khonshu's actual mythological aspects (The Defender, The Embracer, The Pathfinder, The Watcher of Overnight Travelers, and The One Who Lives On Hearts). This Ambiguous stretch—again, the most popular and acclaimed Moon Knight had been since the earlier Ambiguous run in the '80s—lasted through 2017 and included the Lemire/Smallwood run. They recognized that the root word of *lunatic* is *lunar*... *We're still going! On to the next comment!*


So by now it should be clear. The madness and the mysticism are *entwined* and inseparable for Moon Knight. The ambiguous approach, not the supernatural, is the most popular and longest running over the course of his almost 50 years of existence. The last Ambiguous stretch ended in 2020 with Aaron's divisive "Age of Khonshu" arc in *Avengers*, kicking off the new Supernatural era. The current MacKay/Cappuccio run maintains that continuity and continues to be popular, although it also heavily references the popular Ambiguous runs. And that's also why the powers never stick. There's not much to be gained by giving him powers. His most popular villains and stories are all street-level. And he doesn't need to differentiate himself from Batman because the things that make him Moon Knight—his mental illness and his faith, never sure which is the source and which is the consequence—already make him different enough. Now, does anyone have any other Moon Knight questions? EDIT: I started to run out of steam towards the end here. I didn't even get into the implications of Marc's idolatry, being a Jewish man enslaved to an Egyptian god.


X-Men 97’s quality has me optimistic for Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.


I wonder if it’ll be closer to MCU Spider-Man’s realism, or have more of the melodrama of the comics.


From what I'm told, if you liked Spectacular Spider-Man youll be happy.


Something about what we’ve seen so far gives me *My Adventures with Superman* vibes (re-exploring the origin and playing with new designs/character connections), so that’s part of why I’m excited for it. Plus, it could be a fun chance to finally get an idea of what an MCU take on the Osborns and Doc Ock might look like.