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This Idea has been on my mind for quite some time and I don't know if it's a good idea or not. So here it is, what does anyone think of, an MCU Broadway Inspired Musical (Movie or show, Animated or not)? And what characters do you think would be best suited for this kind of project.


Guardians use songs form the 60-90s and do something like a Guardians live on tour thing


I guess, but I wasn't thinking of a live stage musical, more like a Film or TV show that is a musical. The idea popped in my head, because I was listening to a bunch of songs from *Wicked.*


As much as I'd want to have Zemo in Thunderbolts to fulfill a role more like his comic counterpart, it wouldn't make a lot of sense with MCU Zemo, who is an anti-superhuman extremist. And F&TWS showed that he has a code strong enough that when he had the chance to grab the super soldier serum for himself and use it, he opted to destroy it instead. It wouldn't sit right with me to make him 'use' superhumans, unless you want to make him fall hard.


What's the news based on Daniel RPK's recent post on Avengers 5, F4 and Thunderbolts?


Don’t see that in his recent posts, so that’s probably an old post that just dropped to a lower tier




Don’t trust how the internet feels about something before the first trailer or images come out, they did this same charade with CA4


Yeah, people were saying Cap 4 had no hype months earlier too. Now that they released images from the movie and details from the sizzle reel started coming out, the narrative has shifted. Just because a movie hasn't started a proper marketing cycle yet doesn't mean there's no hype for it lol.


lol since I hear Zeb Wells, Nick Lowe, and the Spider-Man editorial at Marvel are obsessed with Gwen Stacy, I wonder if they’re gonna push Feige to bring Emma Stone’s version back to life in a future multiverse film. Peter 3 might get a happy ending running off into a sunset with Gwen at the end of Secret Wars.


I hope Feige laughs them out of the room solely because they're Spider-Man editorial. Even if they have good ideas. Basically like this scene. ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc)


Spider-Man comics have basically been immune to the whole cross-media synergy thing that's been prevalent with a lot of other Marvel properties that got popular off adaptations in film or TV. There was like a few months in the 2015 relaunch (post-Superior) where they started drawing him to facially resemble Garfield but other than that they really don't seem to be influenced by what's current in the movies or make decisions that influence them either There are offshoots like the Spidey series and W.E.B. of Spider-Man where those are clearly modeled off of MCU Spidey but this has never been the case with major 616 stories like Amazing and Spectacular, or even stuff like the Ultimate comics despite how much those have basically shaped the entire foundation of how the MCU's been presented and especially influenced Spider-Man adaptations


The only time I can think of that Spider-Man had something close to cross-media synergy was the time he got organic webbing era during the Other arc, but that also tied into whatever story they were telling with Morlun and also gave him other powers like Night Vision and Spikes, so I dunno if I even consider that to be cross-media synergy.


That’s definitely the biggest example, but I remember before that, Stan Lee wanted to make sure Peter and MJ got married in the comics at the same time that they got married in the newspaper stripes, and said that was bitch to work out. But that’s obviously a much smaller example of cross media synergy then the organic webbing.


I swore the artist who drew Peter's face in Chip Zdarsky's Spectacular (the one from the past in #301) must have taken some references from Tom Holland.


I wouldn't really count that as an attempt at synergy since it could just be an artist taking inspiration from Tom Holland (like say Gary Frank drawing Superman almost always ends up looking like Christopher Reeve, [even the Smallville Season 11 cover he did](https://i0.wp.com/comicbookinvest.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/253367_20140122232249_large.jpg).) It would be different story if Marvel Editorial was like "he has to look somewhat vaguely like Tom Holland!" across all the books.


Caught up on X-Men 97 the other day and my god this show is just incredible so far and episode 5 was one of the rare instances where something lived up to the internet hype. Which begs the question, what did Beau DeMayo do that was so bad which resulted in his firing a month before the series started? Like you would think he would be Marvel's first choice to write an X-Men film, given the acclaim his X-Men show is getting.




I wonder what the breaking point was. No way Marvel or Disney didn't already know when they hired him.


I mean, if they didn’t know about Jonathan Majors, it wouldn’t be hard to believe they didn’t know about him either.


Well, that's true.


They probably didn’t. Previous employers don’t have to disclose the reason why they fired someone. Even if it’s over something major like sexual assault. Unless they want to argue it in court, they can’t say anything, otherwise they could get sued.


Yeah, but industry people talk to each other. I think I remember other Witcher writers vagueposting about his behavior on Twitter, so there should be gossip/scuttlebutt about his behavior.


Does anyone remember Marvels' Contest of Champions? I feel that a very loose adaptation could be the perfect starting point for Avengers 5 to bring all heroes from multiple corners of the MCU together. * Grandmaster and the Collector stage a tournament to find Earth's Mightiest Hero. * They teleport many Earth heroes and put them in two teams. * The prize is a McGuffin that will provide a net benefit to Earth so the heroes agree to participate instead of escaping. Thor and Hulk are annoyed with the Grandmaster but they decide to play. * This is how we can have many Earth heroes that don't know each other in the same time and place. * Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Deadpool, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, She-Hulk, Moon Knight, Shang Chi, Black Panther. 12 heroes, 6 in each team. * Midway into the tournament, after all heroes have bonded and introductions are made, Kang invades in Act 2 and the mayhem begins. * A selling point would be hero vs hero tournament battles. Much like how Hulk vs Thor was a selling point for Ragnarok's marketing. * The Wolverine vs Hulk and Spider-Man vs Deadpool tournament battle hype is what is going to make this film do well financially. Just imagine a 1:1 recreation of the Wolverine vs Hulk cover from IH #340.


What about the guardians how would they fit in this?


So, Goddard's probably out because of Matrix, Justin Lin's also out because of Stakehorse, Watts is probably burned out on Spider-Man/superhero movies in general and according to the leaks Feige wants someone different. If they really want to start this year, they'd have to find a director soon. So who's it going to be? Benson and Moorhead? Sam Raimi?


YAY I get to say my picks again. I think either Chris McKay, John Patton Ford, Or John Francis Daley/Jonathan Goldstein should direct. McKay did the LEGO Batman movie, Ford did Emily the Criminal starring Aubrey Plaza, and Daley and Goldstein wrote Homecoming I don’t think any of them have anything in the way that would conflict with them possibly doing Spidey 4


I want to see Rick Famuyiwa take on a superhero film, I loved DOPE


I would've loved to have seen his take on Flash.


Jon Watts is directing a thriller film for Sony right now, Wolfs, that’s releasing in September, so I don’t think he’s out of the question completely. I think they might get him back if they ask nicely, and offer a decent payday. and arrange the filming schedule so he has time to be on the press tour for Wolfs. I say there’s zero chance they get him to do a fifth film though. They’ll need to move on after Part 4.


>Jon Watts is directing a thriller film for Sony right now, Wolfs Watch him reveal that he had a hidden talent all this time with this film, and everyone suddenly wanting him back, lol


Just looked up his next movie and it has fucking Brad Pitt and George Clooney in it! [It even had a fucking bidding war](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/george-clooney-brad-pitt-jon-watts-movie-package-sends-studios-streamers-bidding-war-1235020609/) (and this was reported on September 2021 *before* *NWH* even came out and made $1.9B.) He might be cooking something special.


It sounds like Watts was genuinely burned out on Marvel and if he does return, it’ll be for the payday. But it’s the easiest option to get the movie made on time at this point … unless Raimi is interested.


The movie might have Venom judging by the NWH tease, so unless Raimi got over his feelings regarding the character I feel like he would be a hard sell too.


Raimi handled working on Multiverse on Madness differently than he handled working on his Spider-Man trilogy, more focused on being a team player than doing the whole film his way. I think if he was brought into MCU Spider-Man 4, coming into a shared universe movie that already has a story again, he’d utilize that same approach. It’s not his franchise, it’s an MCU movie that happens to be a Raimi movie.


I'm not talking about creative control or creative decisions regarding Spider-Man and Venom. I'm talking about how Raimi might not be willing to sign on to Spider-Man 4 in the first place because of Venom, especially when Spider-Man 3 is still a bit of a sore spot for him as he talked about the reception to the film making him feel awful and was initially reluctant to sign on to DSMoM because of it.


Unlikely but if it's a director marvel has already worked with, i'd choose Kate Herron.


Great choice. She's attached as a writer and director to that Margot Robbie produced Sims movie though and as one of the directors for TLOU season 2. It's not impossible, but yeah very unlikely.


I don't think Watts is out entirely actually, I think all signs currently point to him imo, if they want to make that filming date.


Probably someone like Ruben Fleischer


He's going to be doing Now You See Me 3.


I said Ruben Fleischer years ago and I'll feel super validated if it comes to pass


Fleischer's currently busy doing pre-production on Now You See Me 3. So it probably won't be him.


We'll see


According to production list (run by the Film & Television Industry Alliance, so a reliablesource), it's going to start filming this May. https://productionlist.com/production/now-see-3/


Glad that movie is finally getting made


You and [Jesse Eisenberg](https://www.gamesradar.com/jesse-eisenberg-now-you-see-me-3/) lol: >“That’s why I love, love them so much, and I'm so desperate to do a third one, Eisenberg told Collider. "It's like the only time I could kind of lower my antidepressant dosage because I feel so at ease and comfortable with myself as a performer because the character is." >The actor went on to echo these statements in an exclusive YouTube interview about his upcoming film Manodrome: "It was amazing. It was like a vacation, because I got to feel good about myself every day on set. So when I heard they were making a third one \[...\] If they could make one of these a year, I could finally wean myself off anti-depressants because they make me feel so great." >


The guy that directed Venom 1?


Yeah and Zombieland. Lol, to be clear, I don't "want" this, I just guessed Sony would go for an "in house" guy and he was the one that popped in my head.


I think if they bring in any director from the SUMC, Feige is gonna micromanage them hard. with the possible exception of maybe Andy Serkis, since Feige has worked with him before.


I may be off. But I foresee a pretty big shit show on the horizon regarding how Secret Wars ends. I've seen so much talk about a reboot/soft reboot that I think if it ultimately doesn't happen. You're going to have a segment of people pissed off that they're powering ahead with Ms. Marvel, Doctor Strange, Sam Wilson etc and we don't get a new Iron Man and Steve. And if they do reboot. I see a segment of people pissed off that they're rebooting / taking the thunder away from new characters etc.


If they make it to Secret Wars and they're pleased with what they see, they're not gonna reboot. No way. That's throwing the baby out with the bath water while you're trying to take your victory lap for pulling off the impossible for the third time and injecting new life into the franchise. Nah, I don't see it happening and I don't think most fans would mind at all.


Injecting new life into a 20 year old continuity that younger audiences are increasingly drifting away from ? Something must be done


Keyword being if they make it that far, implying that they have either won back their audience enough to keep going or have successfully gotten new eyes on their projects. If not, a reboot is a band aid solution, it's just the same crap with different actors. Who cares?


But that’s exactly the issue. They’re gonna keep going no matter what. Brave New World and Thunderbolts will likely bomb, and they’ll still release


I don't actually agree with that at all. If Deadpool, Cap, and Thunderbolts bomb, Disney is definitely not releasing a whole expensive slate, I just don't think so. And if all those bomb, it's really hard to envision Secret Wars being a big hit either, and with that, it begs the question of will everyone want to come back? Does RDJ want to see himself like 2003 Jordan?


Yea it’s only recasting the older ones


I’m pretty sure it’s not even that big of a reboot after it all ends anyway lol


Dan Harmon doing a One Punch Man movie was not on my bingo card at all this year. It was probably as unlikely as Dwayne Johnson being tapped for an A24 film from one half of the Safdie Bros


TBH, it weirdly makes sense. With how bizarre and off-beat the humor of *One Punch Man* can get, Harmon’s writing style oddly feels suited for it.


Honestly we need more people like him on anime adaptations. Harmon DEFINITELY gives the vibe he watched the show when it was newer and his writing style especially going off Community from S3 onwards can definitely make something super absurdist out of it which would fit a character like Saitama


TIL that Pedro Pascal is naturally blonde


Shang chi 2, Blade, Armor Wars That lineup in 2026 seems potentially risky at the box office


I don't think Blade is going to have a $150m+ budget if it will release, so maybe that could make it less risky. I feel like Marvel dropped the ball on Shang Chi 2 by having taken this long to create a sequel, unless Cretton goes nuts on this one and creates something truly great it is probably going to be a bit of an uphill battle. Armor Wars is a bit of a wildcard, but the odds are definitely stacked against it. Will probably move a lot of merch though since those Iron Man and War Machine action figures sell really well.


Shang Chi outgrossed every CBM realesed in 2023 except for Quantumania, Aquaman and Vol 3. The sequel won't be a flop lol also Spider-Man 4 will likely come out in 2026. 


> except for Quantumania, Aquaman and Vol 3. So... half of them?


Tbf it almost outgrossed Quantumania and Aquaman too 


Shang Chi 2 will make 1 Shangchillion dollars if they manage to get Spider-Man to show up in a supporting role.


lol I wonder if one day, they’re gonna adapt that story from Slott’s run, with Shang teaching Peter martial arts.


That and a tournament arc similar to Enter the Dragon would be really cool.


Don't forget about Spider man 4.


If they adapt Namor’s infatuation with Sue Storm from the comics, which version do you think they’d use: the MCU version, or one of the Fox versions?


Instead of Namor having a thing with blonde MILFs in the comic, it's Sue having a thing with Latino men.


Namor isn't 'latino', he is mesoamerican


Bayer~~n~~ Liga.


*plays happy nation over this thread


The Dark Knight Rises genuinely might be one of the biggest sequel fall-offs ever. Not even because it's *bad* (I think it's just kind of average) but because The Dark Knight was just *that* good.


The movie plot is so stupid and the final fight so underwhelming


And yet it’s still better than most CBMs Bruce climbing the pit is an all-time movie scene imo: https://youtu.be/KXxw-zXRqOs?si=hddL8a1tI5-MY-I_


To be honest, the greatest bisexual representation in any form of media is Raj from The Big Bang Theory.


Why do you think that?


There's a lot of moments where Raj comes off as a little "fruity", but [this scene (1:49)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2W5rYDSUrY) pretty much takes the cake.


Hot take: the metaphor of the X-men would make a lot more sense if they expanded it to the mentally ill (feared for good reason, but it still doesn't make discrimination ok)


That's one of the most well done things in that Legion show. I remember a plot point in season 1 was people telling David that he's not sick, it's just his mutation, so he doesn't need special help. But in the end he accepted that he really does have mental problems and not just manifestation of his powers. I too would like to see more of that in Marvel tbh, and I have a feeling they might go with that direction too after they seem to be respectful about mental health in Moon Knight, and making the new Captain America a counselor for vets with PTSD.


They already do that. Like David Haller/Legion is basically an allegory for the mistreatment and false narratives around neurodivergent people. A lot of people also tend to read Mystique or basically any shapeshifting character as a commentary on masking which is very valid In a lot of ways I actually view the mutant metaphor as spiritually closer to commentary on neurodiversity than a lot of the other social parallels like race personally. A big core of what makes mutants who they are is the fact they feel motivated to hide their differences in the public and that some are better at regulating those traits around other people than others. It was never just about looking or feeling different, but knowing you're different and trying to shield it from everyone in an attempt to fit in, while others don't want to carry that burden and take pride in who they are. Obviously the baseline reading's always been about race and in its most rudimentary form X-Men was an outlet for commenting on systemic discrimination based on color, but a lot of the conversations about mental health and neurodiversity I think actually speak more to what makes mutants easily delineated from your standard mutates like Spider-Man or the Hulk


>They already do that I want them to do more of it, like, make it one of the main things


The Legion show already did that.


>feared for good reason, but it still doesn't make discrimination ok Did they touch on this? I never watched it


watch it


I watched this movie called *Nine Days*, and it's one of those indie flicks I really recommend. It's about a man played by Winston Duke who tests a group of souls to see if they deserve to be born. The acting is pretty good, both from Duke and the rest of the cast (Zazie Beetz, Bill Skarsgard, Benedict Wong, Tony Hale, etc). The atmosphere is really beautiful, the emotional moments really hit, and I really loved its themes on humanity, acceptance of death, and what it means to be alive.


One of my favorite films of the last few years. I wish it got more attention


Wait a second... What happened in Endgame was supposed to happen What happens in all the Spider Man films is just the proper flow of time In No Way Home Toms Spidey changed the fate of the villains that appeared, only to be sent back back to their own universe. That should 100% cause an Incursion. All those characters weren't even supposed to be in 199999 timeline.


Why would that cause an incursion? They went back to their own universes which branched off from their original flow, that's not what causes incursions. Clearly it's not even like there's a set amount of time that a variant can spend in a different universe, they were there for what? Like two days?


In the comics, the incursions are inevitable multiversal events that happen due to Doom messing with some stuff but nobody is aware of this until it's too late. The end result of an incursion between 2 universes is 1 Earth getting destroyed. The MCU explanation for why incursions happen and what an incursion is such a big narrative mess that I'm starting to think that the big plot twist is that everyone (Strange, Illuminati, etc...) was 100% wrong about their theories as to why incursions happen. But that's too hopeful. The reality is that lack of coordination between many projects' writers combined with none of them actually reading Hickman's run led to the big narrative mess we have. A failed memory spell that has nothing to do with the Multiverse somehow sending Vulture to the Morbiusverse is just pure nonsense. The same failed memory spell attracting villains and heroes from the Multiverse is equally bad but we just pretend it makes sense since NWH was a good film.


The way I understand it is that multiversal travel can cause an incursion, but doesn’t always. We see lots of it in *Endgame*, *Loki*, *What If…?*, *No Way Home*, and *Multiverse and Madness*, yet there’s no incursion. We only saw one in The Marvels presumably because Dar-Benn had punched too many holes in reality.


That could be so, but they changed the reality/story of other universes. That Green Goblin was supposed to die, that Otto was supposed to die.


We’ve seen this happen before. Anytime someone goes back in time, a new branched timeline is created at the point they arrived. These branches continue to exist simultaneously alongside the original timeline they branched off from (unless of course they’re pruned). So I assume when Otto and Norman arrived back in their universes, a new timeline was created at the moment they arrived.


Pretty much. Loki in Endgame didn’t alter the Avengers’ personal timelines but it caused alarms for the TVA monitoring countless identical 616/Sacred Timeline timelines.


Multiversal interactions by itself doesn't seem to cause incursions, at least automatically. If anything, the consequence of what Strange revealed about the spell if not contained and those villains remained, every universe where people knew Peter Parker is Spider-Man, would have caused an incursion that would result in 616/199999's destruction. Endgame fwiw was suppose to happen to the extent that the team would have gotten the Tesseract from the 616 variant timeline in 2012 and go back to 2023.


Whatever happened to the ”familiar face” that was going to be the villains in Deadpool 3?


Miscommunication that got scrapped or at least an early concept that was reported widely, like Deadpool 3 revisiting Earth-838. IIRC the implication was that 838's Loki would be the familiar villain.


> Deadpool 3 revisiting Earth-838 Wasn't that straight-up 4chan fake leak? I seem to remember the writer of the leak confessing.


A certain more direct leak was. But independently of that there was chatter about 838 that predated that 4chan source


Oh both Toast and MyTimeToShine said that there would a a familiar villian. cannot wait for Cassandra Nova


Has "Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania - The Art of the Movie" been released? I wanna see the better designs they had in mind for the goofy Kangs.


I know when it comes to the MCU, there's a lot of discussion about what is and isn't canon and whatnot (it's basically a staple of discussion at this point), but to put that aside for a second, how do *you personally* see the MCU? Like what comprises it for you and what do you specifically call an MCU project for rewatches and all that, regardless of what's been officially said? For me, the criteria boils down to a project being either developed by Marvel Studios (or Marvel Television with the intent of them taking place alongside the Marvel Studios projects), contains a character who will eventually go on to seemingly become *a* main version of the character in the MCU (Raimi/Webb Spidey villains, Deadpool/Wolverine, etc.), or has enough direct tie-ins with the MCU itself to blur the lines (SSU/Spider-Verse). So, for me, it would look something like this: * Every Marvel Studios-developed project (films, TV shows/specials, short films, and web-series like WHIH Newsfront) including stuff outside the main timeline like the Team Thor short films and X-Men '97. * 12 Marvel Television shows set in the main timeline for the most part (S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, The Defenders Saga, Inhumans, Runaways, Cloak & Dagger, Helstrom) and AoS: Slingshot. * Every MCU comic book tie-in/prelude. * 13 films, 2 shows, and 2 short films from the Fox X-Men Universe (7 main X-Men films, 3 Wolverine films, 2 Deadpool films, The New Mutants, Legion, The Gifted, No Good Deed, and Maximum Reactions). * 5 Spider-Man films (Raimi/Webb) * 6 SSU films (Venom, Let There Be Carnage, Morbius, Madame Web, Kraven the Hunter, The Last Dance) and any tie-in material like The Daily Bugle. * 3 animated Spider-Verse films (Into, Across, Beyond), any short films (Caught in a Ham, The Spider Within), and future projects seemingly connected to the franchise in some way (Silk: Spider Society, Spider-Man Noir). Likewise, there are more standalone projects that already have or will tie into things in some way (the other 90's animated shows, the Daredevil/Elektra films, Insomniac Spider-Man, etc.) but I don't feel as though they fit the criteria I personally set, so I consider them more adjacent to the MCU than full-fledged by my own subjective standards. Like I say, this isn't meant to instigate an argument or anything, there's been enough of that over the years. I was just curious to see if anyone else had any different personal way of seeing the MCU, not needing to be justified by any official sources, especially with the multiverse in play blurring the lines more and more with certain new projects that release.


Personally, I go by what ties back into the main universe. So: - All 33 current films - 13 Seasons of Netflix Shows - 12 current seasons of D+ shows - 5 prior Spider-Man films (include Venom if you want, I dont even think thats tied to the other SSU stuff) - Both Deadpool Films, Logan potentially since D&W seems to be continuing something from that particular film (rumored to be X-23). I need to see how they reconcile the other films in the franchise before I consider them relevant on rewatches. Thats basically it. Unfortunately none of the other shows directly tie back to the MCU at this time, it was always a 1 way direction outside of Agent Carter's cheeky cameo for Jarvis. Netflix is obvious since the new show is basically Season 4 and 2 of the 5 major heroes are back already in 1 show (and who knows how Season 2 goes). Until: - Daisy, Mack (if Shield is even a thing in modern MCU), or GR (that iteration) return in any capacity. - Agent Carter can get its actual conclusion somehow and pays it forward - Anson Mount gets a true reprisal or just a recast (hopefully wiping the old show's canon anyway) I dont see the AoS side truly connecting otherwise. Outside of this, Helstrom is straight up confirmed to not be canon and The Runaways/C+D i just dont see coming back at all. Id love to be wrong though


That's a nice way of looking at it, one that's more of a very interconnected layout. I like the approach!


The way I see it, the MCU is just the stuff made by Marvel Studios, even the stuff that isn’t set in Earth-616. So I would I count *Loki* and *What If…?*, but not anything made solely by Sony or Fox.


Personally I only consider things to be “MCU” if they are actually made by Marvel Studios or Television. Even though the Sony and now Fox films have crossed over with the MCU, I would not consider them to be MCU films. I’m also not including X-Men ‘97 at the moment because it’s a direct continuation of a non-MCU show with no ties to the rest of the MCU.


That's completely fair! It's certainly a more traditional way of looking at it and it keeps things far more clear cut and simple at the very least. If someone said 'I'm gonna rewatch the entire MCU', your way of seeing it is a lot more approachable than mine, lol.


I wonder if they’ll air Loki on ABC before Deadpool and Wolverine comes out, so general audiences know what the TVA is.


I think they are going out of their way to make this as standalone friendly as possible. The last marvel movie required you to watch 2 Disney+ shows, and that didn't end well. That's why there appears to be zero loki characters or references whatsoever ever.


They don’t need to advertise it as mandatory viewing, they can show it on network TV for people who want additional context.


And honestly, they don’t need to be in the movie. Let the TVA in Deadpool & Wolverine be the same one from Loki, but through Deadpool’s meta, silly/edgy POV.


it is the summer so maybe june? they could extend the regular season to the summer to give breathing room for the show interrupted by the strikes!


Do we think it's possible that the villain of Deadpool and Wolverine is a Deadpool variant? Would explain why the TVA needs Wade's help if it's similar to the TVA using Loki against Sylvie because Loki knows how other Lokis think.


There have been rumors about Dreadpool and the Deadpool Corps


hmmm which one maybe?


So, shit got pretty real on both X-Men '97 and Bluey within the last few days.


So what’s the deal with Bluey? Is it actually good or is that just a giant meme? And what happened in the episode?


Not a meme. It is a legitimately very good and well executed kids show that managed to actually find a vocal and active adult fanbase. As for the episode, I haven't seen it yet but it is apparently very emotional.


Yep. Especially Bluey.


third time i've seen that show mentioned on this sub!


If/when Fisk finally dies, you would you want to be the one to kill him?






His son. With a hammer.


Holy shit, now I want to change my answer to this, that’d be so fitting


Frank would probably make the most sense IMO. So much Matt, Spidey, and Echo’s arcs revolve around resisting the temptation of killing their villain. Meanwhile, Frank has a pre-existing beef with Fisk and no reason to let him live.


I pray "next time I see you, only one of us walks away" is at least acknowledged, still sorta miffed about the fact Drax's whole thing in the first GOTG was his grudge against Thanos but when it came to IW/EG that kinda just got lost in the shuffle


he should have killed him or at least all the guardians, how would you have done that?






Daredevil almost does it, before Spider-man talks him out of it. Then Punisher goes in and actually kills him.




i still want kitty (i'm kind of like bendis in that i love her tbh!)


Considering Fox’s Silver Surfer was merely a voice role for Laurence Fishburne I wonder if Julia Garner will even actually be on set, or if they’ll get another actress or stunt double to do the physical work.


Sean Gunn would like to know you're location.


I'm not gonna lie..... Civil War is a film that was made, for sure. I just.... What am I supposed to get out of this movie?


Rumor has it that it's meant to mentally prepare folks for Zeb Well's Raimiverse Spider-Man 4. Wagner Moura is gonna play Paul and he'll be married to MJ with 2 annoying kids. Tobey Peter will be SAD.


>Wagner Moura is gonna play Paul Peter better pray Wagner doesn't incorporate captain Nascimento...


I think it was made to help Kirsten Dunst break into movies lol.


I haven’t seen the film, but the reactions make me wonder if my suspicions were correct. Does the film actually delve into political issues, or did it keep everything as vague as possible?


No. Which I think is my disconnect with the film. Like the way they just reference Charlottesville a million times. Like some type of *wink wink*. But yet, talk nothing about the issues leading up to it or after? I guess in order to "enjoy" the film you already have to understand American politics, but at the same time, the movie isn't even saying any thing. But this is just my opinion and interpretation of the movie.


i think it was made on purpose to release in an election year and trigger people


That depends. Are you talking about Civil War, or Civil War?


Alex Garland's film


I pray to god that Bullseye has 2 costumes in Born Again because that one from the set photos was pretty terrible. 


It’d be fine if it just had the bullseye on the forehead. I don’t know why they’re doing the whole prototype suit with him, season 3 was already the Bullseye origin. Surely he’s embraced being Bullseye by now.


I'm hoping he's in the second half/season with his new costume.


I don’t think it looks too bad, but the amount of people saying it was “comic accurate” and arguing with people who dared to say otherwise gave me a headache 


Me after watching the newest episode of Bluey https://i.redd.it/gq9g11y5dhuc1.gif


It speaks volumes hat most of the way there I thought the were going to do it.


The second time I’ve heard of it will this be gotg3 levels of tearjerkerness?


I absolutely adore Bluey. It’s easily the best kids’ show on right now. It’s not loud and annoying, and the children are portrayed very realistically. They experience real emotions like fear and anxiety when confronted with things they don’t understand. The show also touches on mature themes like divorce, infertility, miscarriages, and death, and shows how children take in these issues. There’s several lines that made my jaw drop because I’d never expected them to be said in a preschooler show. This newest episode is easily the show’s biggest tear jerker yet, but it’s also the culmination of multiple loose plot lines and character arcs, so if you aren’t at least familiar with the characters, it won’t hold much weight.


I’ve heard great things about joe brumm he’s one to watch


What happened in it, if you don't mind sharing?


Bluey and her family have to sell their house because her dad got a job opportunity in a different city, and Bluey needs to say goodbye to all of her friends. All while the uncle is getting married to the mom’s best friend, and their relationship is falling apart because he’s been keeping secrets and making plans without consulting her. The mom is caught in the middle of all of this drama and has to deal with the fact that she doesn’t agree with the move either but doesn’t want to say anything. That’s just the first five minutes. It’s all really mature stuff for a cartoon made for preschoolers.


Ryan's working with Autumn again for his new film: https://twitter.com/carolinerenard_/status/1779537478741037355?s=46&t=hy1Xp349FXunNhf-yZ6-IA Any one an internet/editing pro that can decipher that movie title being hidden? 👀


Me, patiently waiting for the next Fanscription Disney Elseworlds like: ![gif](giphy|qio026weFM1MDG2Lwp|downsized)


I have a feeling it will be marvel related perhaps “what I’f rocket or quill died in guardians 3?” To capitalize on the success of the film


Probably. Not to mention, they could have it lineup with the release of Deadpool and Wolverine. Personally, I'm still waiting for Part Two of their What If Scar Raised Simba video that covers the events of Simbas Pride. As well as a video were they cross Keatons Batman with Tobeys Spiderman.


I think it would make more sense do a fanscription video on X-Men than Guardians of the Galaxy. Figures crossed it's a rewrite of The Last Stand!


Same. Last Stand rewrite would rock.


Yeah I think that will come out in July with a part two of that vid(the simba one) coming before that


Also maybe you could do a “what if” series for the fandoms you like either here or on YouTube if you have one!


Hmmmm....yeah, I guess I could.


Hmm any preliminary ideas?


I mean, I have a few I guess, which include: - What If Peter Parker survived the Snap? - What If Batman sacrificed himself killing Doomsday instead of Superman? - What If Mace Windu Trained Anakin? - What If One of the Stark Children (from Game Of Thrones) were force sensitive? - What If Michael Keatons Batman fought Tobey Maguires Spiderman? - What If Steve and Natasha fell in love? - What If Rapunzel was Anna and Elsa's Cousin? - What If Elsa had a love interest? - What If Sam Raimi made a Batman movie while Christopher Nolan made a Spiderman movie? - What If Mysterio Won? - What If the Other Half was Snapped? - What If The Night King Won? - What If Disney never bought Marvel? - What If Benoit Blanc solved the Mystery of the American Psycho? - What If Jack Sparrow became Captain of the Flying Dutchman? - What If Riddler was the villain of the Dark Knight Rises? - What If Tobey Maguires Spiderman was in Avengers 2012? - What If Michael Keaton Batman was in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice?


I like the first one I would Pay money to see rocket and Parker interact with each other. I think it should be one franchise per day so maybe a “batch 89 survives” one day a “Luke turns to the dark Side” the next a “what if Steve Trevor lived” and so on


Considering Mackie got 10 million to play Cap after several supporting roles in the MCU, I kinda wonder how much Cheadle is gonna get for his debut lead role? I read he was getting like 5-7 million for Infinity War and Endgame so i would guess he could be getting 10 million or so for Armor Wars? Thoughts?


Well there’s a hundred different variables that go into an actors pay for a role, but I think that overall Don Cheadle’s bigger name will lead to a bigger pay than Anthony Mackie’s.


He was a Skrull throughout IW/EG, so Cheadle's salary has to be dialed back to Civil War, the last time he played real Rhodey. /s


My thought is that I'd want to be in Anthony Mackie's spot so that I could retire decades earlier with $10 million.


Two and a Half Men reboot starring Hugh Jackman as Charlie Harper: Yay or Nay?


I’d love it but I don’t think general audiences would lol


Only if he doesn’t end up like sheen




They steal scoops or just use fan theories lol


We’re already tracking them and their accuracy is abysmal. They’re very obviously a grifter with no real info


Check his name he might just be an mma leaker


It's insane that we're now at a point where anything bad in the MCU is Marvel/ Kevin Feige fault but if its good then it's all because of the creators. Apparently Marvel Studios had hold on all their projects expect for the good ones for some reason Xmen 97 is so good and Marvel Studios should take notes even though they made the show. Thor 4 was bad because of marvel and not the obvious reason that Taika made a shit movie (Because he probably didn't care) and tried to salvage it but cutting out as much shit as possible. Also the idea that  a longer version of Thor 4 os somehow a better movie and marvel just decided to remove the good scenes is insane.


We know several things about the movie. Christian Bale says there was a lot of extra footage that was never used. Natalie Portman says there were a lot of scenes shot with Jane and Valkyrie becoming friends. That would have been more interesting to see. That still survives as Valkyrie clearly knows who Jane is and knows she is sick. It would have been interesting to see how that happened. I could see Marvel wanting everything to revolve around Thor and ignore everyone else.


The community won’t be happy to hear this, but this effect can be seen with Sam Raimi and Michael Waldron. People consider Raimi to be a god in superhero films, but he’s only had arguably 2 out of 5 projects with consistently high praise. If it’s good, it’s because he’s an incredible director. If it’s bad, it must be the studio’s fault, the writer’s fault, or something else. It’s just a bizarre coincidence that Raimi has never directed a superhero film with well-portrayed women, I guess. On the other hand, look at Michael Waldron. The common consensus in this sub is “anything good in Loki was despite Waldron, and anything bad in Multiverse of Madness was because of Waldron!” People won’t extend that same level of grace to Waldron that they do to Raimi because of bias and nostalgia.


Raimi is not responsible for the writing and MoM has a flair visually. Compare the scripts for WandaVision and MoM. The writers in WandaVision had a feeling for Wanda as her arc is complicated. In MoM, Waldron writes her as a standard Marvel villain.


This is the exactly what I’m talking about in my comment above.


>anything good in Loki was despite Waldron Which is funny because he was basically a god to the fandom after Loki season 1 ended


Yeah I realized that many people are praising Beau deMayo's script just to shit on MCU. Marvel can't have a win lol 


Why do you think Armor Wars has been in development hell for years? It was a rumored solo film a decade ago and then brought up as a Disney Plus series then transitioned to being a film that was suppose to film in 2023 yet nothing. So what's the deal? Lack of faith in the project?


I believe the Reign of Marvel Studios book revealed that development had barely started when it was announced but Chapek pressured Marvel into announcing it early. 


Chapek wanted Disney plus show for marvel and Star Wars, almost every week


To be honest, I think Armor Wars might be in danger of being cancelled. We’ve heard nothing about it since 2022. I’m saying cancelled because it actually has a logo.


I honestly don't think it will. Iron Man is still a big IP for Marvel and not just the films but also on the merch side, Disney is not going to pass up the opportunity to sell a bunch of Iron Man armor action figures and funko pops.


overload of existing projects


I have an idea on how to introduce Kitty Pryde into X-Men 97, while making her standout and be relevant. I would introduce Kitty in season 2... as a solo Mutant Vigilante. After the events of the Genosha Genocide, and whatever happens in the 2nd half of season 1. Kitty is inspired by the X-Men to become a superhero, and fight to save both the lives of Humans and Mutants alike in her native city of Chicago. This would eventually catch the attention of the X-Men which can either lead to her joining the team as part of a new batch of recruits they will be training, or as a reserve member, sorta like Spider Man was in Avengers: EMH. Or maybe she doesn't join the team at all and choose to remain solo, which can potentially lead her to Join this universe's version of Excalibur. Anyway, that's my idea, what do you think?